Exemple #1
        public CategorySingleViewModel LoadBlogsByCategory(String category)
            var catModel = new CategorySingleViewModel();

            category = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(category);

            catModel.AllBlogsInCategory = _context.Blogs.Where(x => x.Category.CategoryNameFormatted == category && x.IsActive)
                                          .OrderByDescending(blog => blog.Date)

            catModel.BlogRoll = catModel.AllBlogsInCategory

            catModel.TheCategory = _context.BlogCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CategoryNameFormatted == category);
            var model = new BlogListModel(_context);

            catModel.MaxBlogCount = model.GetBlogSettings().MaxBlogsOnHomepageBeforeLoad;
            catModel.SkipBlogs    = catModel.MaxBlogCount;
            catModel.BlogTitle    = model.GetBlogSettings().BlogTitle;

            catModel.BlogsByCat = catModel.AllBlogsInCategory

        public CategorySingleViewModel(string category, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            _server = server;

            category = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(category);

            AllBlogsInCategory = Context.Blogs.Where(x => x.Category.CategoryNameFormatted == category && x.IsActive)
                                 .OrderByDescending(blog => blog.Date)

            BlogRoll = AllBlogsInCategory

            TheCategory = Context.BlogCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CategoryNameFormatted == category);
            var model = new BlogListModel(Context);

            MaxBlogCount = model.GetBlogSettings().MaxBlogsOnHomepageBeforeLoad;
            SkipBlogs    = MaxBlogCount;
            BlogTitle    = model.GetBlogSettings().BlogTitle;

            BlogsByCat = AllBlogsInCategory
Exemple #3
        public static void SetAutomapperMappings()
            Mapper.CreateMap <PageDetails, ContentPage>()
            .ForAllMembers(p => p.Condition(c => !c.IsSourceValueNull));

            Mapper.CreateMap <ContentPage, PageDetails>();

            Mapper.CreateMap <ContentPageComplete, ContentPageExtension>()
            .ForAllMembers(p => p.Condition(c => !c.IsSourceValueNull));

            Mapper.CreateMap <ContentPageExtension, ContentPageComplete>()
            .ForAllMembers(p => p.Condition(c => !c.IsSourceValueNull));

            Mapper.CreateMap <Module, ContentModule>().ReverseMap();
            Mapper.CreateMap <Settings, SiteSettings>();
            Mapper.CreateMap <BlogController.EditBlogModel, Blog>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Category,
                       opts => opts.Ignore())
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Tags,
                       opts => opts.Ignore())
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Title,
                       opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ContentUtils.ScrubInput(src.Title)))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.ImageUrl,
                       opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ContentUtils.ScrubInput(src.ImageUrl)))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.PermaLink,
                       opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(src.PermaLink)));
        public EditBlogViewModel(string blogId)
            var utils = new BlogUtils(Context);

            BlogId   = Int32.Parse(blogId);
            _memUser = Membership.GetUser(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
            SiteUrl  = HTTPUtils.GetFullyQualifiedApplicationPath() + "blog/";

            ThisBlog = Context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BlogId == BlogId);

            if (ThisBlog == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException();

            if (ThisBlog.Category == null)
                ThisBlog.Category = utils.GetUncategorizedCategory();

            // Make sure we have a permalink set
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ThisBlog.PermaLink))
                ThisBlog.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(ThisBlog.Title);

            // Get the list of Authors for the drop down select
            BlogUsers = Context.BlogUsers.Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderBy(x => x.DisplayName).ToList();

            Categories = Context.BlogCategories.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList();

            UsersSelectedCategories = new List <string>();

            _thisUser = Context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == _memUser.UserName);

            // Get and parse tags for unqiue count
            var tagList = Context.Blogs.Select(x => x.Tags).ToList();
            var tagStr  = String.Join(",", tagList);
            var tags    = tagStr.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();

            TagCounts = new List <TagMetric>();

            TagCounts = Context.BlogTags.Select(t => new TagMetric()
                Tag   = t.BlogTagName,
                Count = t.Blogs.Count()

            BookmarkTitle = ThisBlog.Title;

            // Get the admin modules that will be displayed to the user in each column
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// If no title or category, could be just listing page.
        /// If no title, but category is set, probably a category listing page
        /// If title and category are set, individual blog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <param name="date"></param>
        /// <returns>View</returns>
        public ActionResult Index(string title, string category, string date)
            // Blog Listing Homepage
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                var model = new BlogHomeViewModel(date);
                return(View("~/Views/Home/Blog.cshtml", model));
            // Category

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                // Category
                var cats = Context.BlogCategories.ToList().Select(x => ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(x.CategoryName));

                if (cats.Contains(category))
                    var model = new CategorySingleViewModel(category, Server);
                    return(View("~/Views/Blog/CategoriesSingle.cshtml", model));

                // Not a blog category or tags page
                HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            // Tag
            if (category == "tags" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                var model = new TagSingleViewModel(title);
                return(View("~/Views/Blog/TagSingle.cshtml", model));

            // Blog User
            if (category == "user" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                var model = new BlogsByUserViewModel(title);
                return(View("~/Views/Blog/BlogsByUser.cshtml", model));

            // Category is set and we are trying to view an individual blog
            var blog = Context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PermaLink == title);

            if (blog != null)
                var theModel = new BlogSingleHomeViewModel(title);
                return(View("~/Views/Home/BlogSingle.cshtml", theModel));

            // Not a blog category or a blog
            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;
Exemple #6
        public BlogSingleHomeViewModel LoadSingleBlog(String title)
            var model = new BlogSingleHomeViewModel
                TheBlog = _context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PermaLink == title)

            // If no go then try title as a final back up
            if (model.TheBlog == null)
                title         = title.Replace(ContentGlobals.BLOGDELIMMETER, " ");
                model.TheBlog = _context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == title);

                if (model.TheBlog == null)

                // Go ahead and set the permalink for future reference
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TheBlog.PermaLink))
                    model.TheBlog.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(model.TheBlog.Title);

            model.RelatedPosts           = new BlogRelatedViewModel(model.TheBlog.Title);
            model.TheBlogUser            = _context.BlogUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == model.TheBlog.AuthorId);
            model.BlogAuthorModel        = new BlogAuthorViewModel(model.TheBlog.BlogAuthor.Username);
            model.ShowFacebookLikeButton = _settingsUtils.ShowFbLikeButton();
            model.ShowFacebookComments   = _settingsUtils.ShowFbComments();
            model.BlogAbsoluteUrl        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            model.UseDisqusComments      = _settingsUtils.UseDisqusComments();

            if (model.UseDisqusComments)
                model.DisqusShortName = _settingsUtils.DisqusShortName();

            model.Categories = GetActiveBlogCategories();

Exemple #7
        public EventSingleHomeViewModel(string title)
            // Try permalink first
            TheEvent = Context.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PermaLink == title);

            // If no go then try title as a final back up
            if (TheEvent == null)
                title    = title.Replace(ContentGlobals.BLOGDELIMMETER, " ");
                TheEvent = Context.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == title);

                // Go ahead and set the permalink for future reference
                TheEvent.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(TheEvent.Title);

            // Absolute Url for FB Like Button
            EventAbsoluteUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
Exemple #8
        protected void SetContentPageData(ref ContentPage editedContent, ContentPage entity, bool isRevision, bool isBasic, DateTime?publishDate)
            if (isRevision)
                editedContent.IsRevision          = true;
                editedContent.ParentContentPageId = entity.ContentPageId;
                editedContent.IsRevision = false;

            if (!isBasic)
                editedContent.JSContent  = entity.JSContent;
                editedContent.CSSContent = entity.CSSContent;

            editedContent.DraftAuthorName   = UserUtils.CurrentMembershipUsername();
            editedContent.DisplayName       = ContentUtils.ScrubInput(entity.DisplayName);
            editedContent.Permalink         = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(entity.Permalink);
            editedContent.HTMLContent       = entity.HTMLContent;
            editedContent.HTMLUnparsed      = entity.HTMLUnparsed;
            editedContent.SchemaId          = entity.SchemaId;
            editedContent.SchemaEntryValues = entity.SchemaEntryValues;
            editedContent.Template          = entity.Template;
            editedContent.Title             = entity.Title;
            editedContent.WasPublished      = publishDate.HasValue;
            editedContent.PublishDate       = publishDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow;

            // SEO Related Info
            editedContent.MetaDescription = entity.MetaDescription;
            editedContent.OGTitle         = entity.OGTitle;
            editedContent.OGImage         = entity.OGImage;
            editedContent.OGType          = entity.OGType;
            editedContent.OGUrl           = entity.OGUrl;
            editedContent.Canonical       = entity.Canonical;
            editedContent.NoIndex         = entity.NoIndex;
            editedContent.NoFollow        = entity.NoFollow;

            editedContent.ParentNavigationItemId = entity.ParentNavigationItemId;
Exemple #9
        public JsonResult AddCategory(string name)
            var result = new JsonResult()
                Data = new
                    success = false,
                    message = "There was an error processing your request."

            var success = 0;
            int theId   = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                var newCategory = new BlogCategory
                    CategoryName          = name,
                    CreateDate            = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    IsActive              = true,
                    CategoryNameFormatted = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(name)

                success = Context.SaveChanges();
                theId   = newCategory.CategoryId;
            if (success > 0)
                result.Data = new
                    success = true,
                    message = "Category added successfully.",
                    id      = theId
        public EditEventViewModel(string eventId)
            EventId  = Int32.Parse(eventId);
            _memUser = Membership.GetUser(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
            SiteUrl  = HTTPUtils.GetFullyQualifiedApplicationPath() + "event/";

            ThisEvent = Context.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventId == EventId);

            // Make sure we have a permalink set
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ThisEvent.PermaLink))
                ThisEvent.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(ThisEvent.Title);

            EventCategories = Context.EventCategories.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).ToList();

            UsersSelectedCategories = new List <string>();

            _thisUser = Context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == _memUser.UserName);

            // Get the admin modules that will be displayed to the user in each column
Exemple #11
        public BlogSingleHomeViewModel(string title)
            // Try permalink first
            TheBlog = Context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PermaLink == title);

            // If no go then try title as a final back up
            if (TheBlog == null)
                title   = title.Replace(ContentGlobals.BLOGDELIMMETER, " ");
                TheBlog = Context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == title);

                // Go ahead and set the permalink for future reference
                TheBlog.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(TheBlog.Title);

            // Set up the Related Posts Module
            RelatedPosts = new BlogRelatedViewModel(TheBlog.Title);

            // Get User based on authorid
            TheBlogUser = Context.BlogUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == TheBlog.AuthorId);

            BlogAuthorModel = new BlogAuthorViewModel(TheBlog.BlogAuthor.Username);

            // Facebook Like button
            ShowFacebookLikeButton = SettingsUtils.ShowFbLikeButton();

            // Facebook Comments
            ShowFacebookComments = SettingsUtils.ShowFbComments();

            // Absolute Url for FB Like Button
            BlogAbsoluteUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            // Disqus Comments
            UseDisqusComments = SettingsUtils.UseDisqusComments();
            if (UseDisqusComments)
                DisqusShortName = SettingsUtils.DisqusShortName();

            // Tag Listing

            Tags = new List <string>();
            foreach (var tag in TheBlog.Tags)

            // Full Category Listing
            Categories = new List <BlogsCategoriesViewModel.BlogCatExtraData>();

            var cats = Context.BlogCategories.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList();

            foreach (var cat in cats)
                int count = Context.Blogs.Count(x => x.Category.CategoryId == cat.CategoryId);
                Categories.Add(new BlogsCategoriesViewModel.BlogCatExtraData()
                    TheCategory = cat, BlogCount = count
        public JsonResult ModifyBlog(EditBlogModel entity)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Title))
                return(new JsonResult
                    Data = new
                        success = false,
                        message = "Your post must have a title"

            var editedBlog = Context.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BlogId == entity.BlogId);

            if (editedBlog == null)

            // Straight copies from the model
            editedBlog.AuthorId    = entity.AuthorId;
            editedBlog.HtmlContent = entity.HtmlContent;
            editedBlog.IsActive    = entity.IsActive;
            editedBlog.IsFeatured  = entity.IsFeatured;
            editedBlog.ShortDesc   = entity.ShortDesc;
            editedBlog.Date        = entity.Date;
            // Meta
            editedBlog.Canonical       = entity.Canonical;
            editedBlog.OGImage         = entity.OGImage;
            editedBlog.OGTitle         = entity.OGTitle;
            editedBlog.OGType          = entity.OGType;
            editedBlog.OGUrl           = entity.OGUrl;
            editedBlog.MetaDescription = entity.MetaDescription;

            // Cleaned inpuit
            editedBlog.Title     = ContentUtils.ScrubInput(entity.Title);
            editedBlog.ImageUrl  = ContentUtils.ScrubInput(entity.ImageUrl);
            editedBlog.PermaLink = ContentUtils.GetFormattedUrl(entity.PermaLink);

            // Database Nav property mappings
            editedBlog.Category   = utils.GetCategoryOrUncategorized(entity.Category);
            editedBlog.BlogAuthor = Context.BlogUsers.First(usr => usr.UserId == entity.AuthorId);

            if (editedBlog.Tags == null)
                editedBlog.Tags = new List <BlogTag>();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Tags))
                foreach (var tag in entity.Tags.Split(','))

            var success = Context.SaveChanges();

            BookmarkUtil.UpdateTitle("/admin/pages/editblog/" + editedBlog.BlogId + "/", entity.Title);

            if (success > 0)
                return(new JsonResult
                    Data = new
                        success = true,
                        message = "Blog saved successfully.",
                        id = entity.BlogId
