public ActionResult ChangeHeadImage() { string username = Session["username"] as string; HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["picture"]; if (file != null) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string[] names = filename.Split('.'); string type = names[1]; string newfilename = username + "." + type; OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string updateStr = "update fake_user " + " set headimg = '" + newfilename + "' where username = '******'"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(updateStr, conn); int insertedLines = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Session.Add("headimg", newfilename); conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); return Upload(0, newfilename, file); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return RedirectToAction("UserPage", "Account"); } } else { Debug.WriteLine("上传失败"); return RedirectToAction("UserPage", "Account"); } }
//GET: \PhotoComment\PhotoShow //点击照片后跳到这张照片的展示页面,下面是所有评论的展示 public ActionResult ReadComment() { string photoId; OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); conn.Open(); if (Request.Form["photoid"] != null) { photoId = Request.Form["photoid"]; Session.Add("currentPhotoId", photoId); } else { photoId = Session["currentPhotoId"] as string; } if (Request.Form["state"] != null) { string userName = Session["username"] as string; //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(userName); string photoComment_date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(photoComment_date); photoId = Session["currentPhotoId"] as string; //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(photoId); string content = Request.Form["state"]; //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(content); try { string selectStr = "select photoCommentId from photoComment"; //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine("lalala+4"); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr2 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine("lalala+5"); int temp = 0; while (dr2.Read()) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dr2[0]) > temp) { temp = Convert.ToInt32(dr2[0]); } } temp++; string photoCommentId = temp.ToString(); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(photoCommentId); string insertStr = "insert into photoComment(photoCommentId, photoId, content, photoComment_date, userName) values('" + photoCommentId + "','" + photoId + "','" + content + "','" + photoComment_date + "','" + userName + "')"; //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine("lalala+7"); OracleCommand cmd2 = new OracleCommand(insertStr, conn); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine("lalala+8"); int insertedLines = cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine("lalala+9"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("向数据库写入数据出错!"); } } try { string selectStr = "select * from photoComment where photoId = "+ photoId ; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List<photoComment> pc = new List<photoComment>(); while (dr.Read()) //逐行读取数据库中的记录 { photoComment pcItem = new photoComment(); pcItem.photoCommentId = dr.GetString(0); pcItem.photoId = dr.GetString(1); pcItem.content = dr.GetString(2); pcItem.photoComment_date = dr.GetString(3); pcItem.userName = dr.GetString(4); pc.Add(pcItem); } ViewData["photoId"] = photoId; ViewData["comment"] = pc; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取相册评论出错!"); } string selectStr1 = "select * from photo where photoid=" + photoId; OracleCommand cmd1 = new OracleCommand(selectStr1, conn); OracleDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); dr1.Read(); ViewData["photoAddress"] = dr1["photoaddress"].ToString(); //@@@@ Debug.WriteLine(Request.Form["state"]); conn.Close(); return View(); }
public ActionResult test() { OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string insertStr = "insert into photoComment(photoCommentId, photoId, content, photoComment_date, userName) values('2', '1', '么么哒', '2015-07-16', 'lalala')"; OracleCommand cmd1 = new OracleCommand(insertStr, conn); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("向数据库写入数据出错!"); } try { string selectStr = "select * from photoComment where photoId = '1'"; OracleCommand cmd2 = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); List<photoComment> pc = new List<photoComment>(); while (dr.Read()) //逐行读取数据库中的记录 { photoComment pcItem = new photoComment(); pcItem.photoCommentId = dr.GetString(0); pcItem.photoId = dr.GetString(1); pcItem.content = dr.GetString(2); pcItem.photoComment_date = dr.GetString(3); pcItem.userName = dr.GetString(4); pc.Add(pcItem); } ViewData["photoId"] = 1; ViewData["comment"] = pc; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取相册评论出错!"); } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); return View(); }
//发表新的评论同时也要更新话题的最新时间 public ActionResult SaveComment(string comment) { Debug.WriteLine("new commend is " + comment); string username = Session["username"] as string; OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string selectStr = "select count (topicid) from topiccomment"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //Debug.WriteLine("获取数据成功!"); dr.Read(); int num = dr.GetInt32(0); string day = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Replace("-", ""); string hour = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss").Replace(":", ""); long time = Int64.Parse(day + hour); //获得当前的时间 int viewnum = 0; Debug.WriteLine("count is " + num + " time is " + time); //string insertStr = "insert into test(id) values(500)"; selectStr = "insert into topiccomment (topiccommentid,topicid,content,topiccomment_date,username) values(" + num + "," + topicid + ",'" + comment + "'," + time + ",'" + username + "')"; OracleCommand c = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); int insertedLines = c.ExecuteNonQuery(); selectStr = "update topic set topic_date="+time+"where topicid="+topicid; OracleCommand u = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); insertedLines = u.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取出错!"); } finally { conn.Close(); } Response.Redirect("/Topic/selecttopic"); return View(); }
// GET: Topic列表 public ActionResult Index(string change) { Debug.WriteLine("change to "+change); int page=0; if (change == null) { page = 1; }else { page = Int32.Parse(change); } OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string selectStr = "select * from Topic order by topic_date desc "; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Debug.WriteLine("获取数据成功!"); List<Topic> topics = new List<Topic>(); int count=0;//用于记录当前的条目 while (dr.Read())//获得数据库的topic然后传回给view { if (count >= pagecount * (page - 1)&& count < pagecount * page)//用于分页,每页十个条目 { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.Topic_id = dr.GetString(0); topic.Topic_name = dr.GetString(5); topic.Topic_Content = dr.GetString(2); topic.Topic_view = dr.GetInt32(4); topic.username = dr.GetString(1); topic.showdate = getrealtime(dr.GetInt64(3)); topics.Add(topic); // Debug.WriteLine(dr.GetString(0) + "," + dr.GetString(1) + "," + dr.GetString(2)); } count++; } int allpages = 0; if (count == 0) { allpages = 1; } else if (count % pagecount == 0) { allpages = count / pagecount; } else { allpages = count / pagecount + 1; } ViewData["topics"] = topics; ViewData["current"] = page; ViewData["pages"] = allpages; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取出错!"); } finally { conn.Close(); } return View(); }
//进入一个话题 public ActionResult selecttopic(string id,string change) { Debug.WriteLine("change to " + change); OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); conn.Open(); int page = 0; if (change == null) { page = 1; } else { page = Int32.Parse(change); } //如果是id=null的话,那么就属于发布评论,view数不加1 if (id == null) { id = topicid; } else//属于新的view,要更新viewnum { string updateStr = "update topic set viewnum=viewnum+1 where topicid="+id+""; OracleCommand c = new OracleCommand(updateStr, conn); int insertedLines = c.ExecuteNonQuery(); topicid = id; } try { //获得当前的话题 string selectStr = "select * from Topic where topicid= '"+topicid+"'"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Debug.WriteLine("获取数据成功!"); while (dr.Read())//获得数据库的topic然后传回给view { ViewData["topicname"] = dr.GetString(1); ViewData["topiccontent"] = dr.GetString(2); ViewData["topicdate"] = getrealtime(dr.GetInt64(3)); } //获得当前的话题评论 selectStr = "select TopicComment.content,topiccomment_date,TopicComment.username,headimg from TopicComment,fake_user where topicid='" + topicid + "'and fake_user.username=topiccomment.username order by topiccomment_date desc"; OracleCommand oc = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); dr = oc.ExecuteReader(); Debug.WriteLine("获取数据成功!"); List<TopicComment> tcs = new List<TopicComment>(); int count = 0;//用于记录当前的条目 while (dr.Read())//获得数据库的topic然后传回给view { if (count >= pagecount * (page - 1) && count < pagecount * page)//用于分页,每页十个条目 { TopicComment tc = new TopicComment(); tc.content = dr.GetString(0); //转化成为正常的时间格式 long t= dr.GetInt64(1); tc.showdate = getrealtime(t); tc.username = dr.GetString(2); tc.userimg = dr.GetString(3); tcs.Add(tc); //Debug.WriteLine(dr.GetString(2) + "," + dr.GetInt64(3) + "," + dr.GetString(4)); } count++; } ViewData["topicscommend"] = tcs; int allpages = 0; if (count==0) { allpages = 1; } else if (count % pagecount == 0) { allpages = count / pagecount; }else { allpages = count / pagecount + 1; } ViewData["current"] = page; ViewData["pages"] = allpages; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取出错!"); } finally { conn.Close(); } return View(); }
//发表新的评论同时也要更新话题的最新时间 public ActionResult SaveMessage(string comment) { Debug.WriteLine("new commend is " + comment); //usrname session获得 string username = Session["username"] as string; OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string day = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Replace("-", ""); string hour = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss").Replace(":", ""); long time = Int64.Parse(day + hour); //获得当前的时间 //string insertStr = "insert into test(id) values(500)"; string selectStr = "insert into leavemessage (touser,fromuser,message,message_date) values('" + touser + "','" + username + "','" + comment + "'," + time + ")"; OracleCommand c = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); int insertedLines = c.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取出错!"); } finally { conn.Close(); } Response.Redirect("/LeaveMessage/Index"); return View(); }
// GET: LeaveMessage public ActionResult Index(string change) { //session for current friend string username = "******"; touser = username; Debug.WriteLine("change to " + change); int page = 0; if (change == null) { page = 1; } else { page = Int32.Parse(change); } OracleConnection conn = new ConnectTheDB().getDb(); try { conn.Open(); string selectStr = "select fromuser,message,message_date,headimg from leavemessage,fake_user where username=fromuser and touser='******' order by message_date desc "; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectStr, conn); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Debug.WriteLine("获取数据成功!"); List<LeaveM> Messages = new List<LeaveM>(); int count = 0;//用于记录当前的条目 while (dr.Read())//获得数据库的topic然后传回给view { if (count >= pagecount * (page - 1) && count < pagecount * page)//用于分页,每页十个条目 { LeaveM Message = new LeaveM(); Message.fromU = dr.GetString(0); Message.message = dr.GetString(1); Message.showdate = getrealtime(dr.GetInt64(2)); Message.userimg = dr.GetString(3); Messages.Add(Message); Debug.WriteLine("image is "+Message.userimg); } count++; } int allpages = 0; if (count == 0) { allpages = 1; } else if (count % pagecount == 0) { allpages = count / pagecount; } else { allpages = count / pagecount + 1; } ViewData["Messages"] = Messages; ViewData["current"] = page; ViewData["pages"] = allpages; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("读取出错!"); } finally { conn.Close(); } return View(); }