Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Print the diagnostics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">Target to write to</param>
        /// <returns>Asynchronous task</returns>
        private static async Task Diagnostics(CodeResult result)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine("=== Duet Control Server ===");
            builder.AppendLine($"Duet Control Server v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}");
            await SPI.Interface.Diagnostics(builder);

            await Print.Diagnostics(builder);

            result.Add(MessageType.Success, builder.ToString().TrimEnd());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Print the diagnostics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">Target to write to</param>
        /// <returns>Asynchronous task</returns>
        private static async Task Diagnostics(CodeResult result)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine("=== Duet Control Server ===");
            builder.AppendLine($"Duet Control Server v{Program.Version}");

            await SPI.Interface.Diagnostics(builder);

            await FileExecution.Job.Diagnostics(builder);

            result.Add(MessageType.Success, builder.ToString().TrimEnd());
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts simple G/M/T-codes to a regular Code instances, executes them and returns the result as text
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Code result as text</returns>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">Code has been cancelled</exception>
        public override async Task <string> Execute()
            CodeResult result = new CodeResult();

                List <Code> codes = Commands.Code.ParseMultiple(Code);
                foreach (Code code in codes)
                    // M112, M122, and M999 always go to the Daemon channel so we (hopefully) get a low-latency response
                    if (code.Type == CodeType.MCode && (code.MajorNumber == 112 || code.MajorNumber == 122 || code.MajorNumber == 999))
                        code.Channel = DuetAPI.CodeChannel.Daemon;
                        code.Flags  |= CodeFlags.IsPrioritized;
                        code.Channel = Channel;

                    // Execute the code and append the result
                    CodeResult codeResult = await code.Execute();

            catch (CodeParserException e)
                // Report parsing errors as an error message
                result = new CodeResult(DuetAPI.MessageType.Error, e.Message);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // Report this code as cancelled
                result.Add(DuetAPI.MessageType.Error, "Code has been cancelled");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// React to an executed G-code before its result is returend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">Code processed by RepRapFirmware</param>
        /// <param name="result">Result that it generated</param>
        /// <returns>Result to output</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method shall be used only to update values that are time-critical. Others are supposed to be updated via the object model</remarks>
        public static async Task <CodeResult> CodeExecuted(Code code, CodeResult result)
            if (!result.IsSuccessful)

            switch (code.MajorNumber)
            // Rapid/Regular positioning
            case 0:
            case 1:
                CodeParameter feedrate = code.Parameter('F');
                if (feedrate != null)
                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                        if (Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].UsingInches)
                            Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].Feedrate = feedrate / 25.4F;
                            Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].Feedrate = feedrate;

            // Use inches
            case 20:
                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].UsingInches = true;

            // Use millimetres
            case 21:
                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].UsingInches = false;

            // Save heightmap
            case 29:
                if (code.Parameter('S', 0) == 0)
                    string file = code.Parameter('P', "heightmap.csv");

                        Heightmap map = await SPI.Interface.GetHeightmap();

                        await map.Save(await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, "sys"));

                        result.Add(DuetAPI.MessageType.Success, $"Height map saved to file {file}");
                    catch (AggregateException ae)
                        result.Add(DuetAPI.MessageType.Error, $"Failed to save height map to file {file}: {ae.InnerException.Message}");

            // Absolute positioning
            case 90:
                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].RelativePositioning = false;

            // Relative positioning
            case 91:
                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.Channels[code.Channel].RelativePositioning = true;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts simple G/M/T-codes to a regular Code instances, executes them and returns the result as text
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Code result as text</returns>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">Code has been cancelled</exception>
        public override async Task <string> Execute()
            // Check if the corresponding code channel has been disabled
            using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                if (Model.Provider.Get.Inputs[Channel] == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Requested code channel has been disabled");

            // Parse the input string
            List <Code> codes = new List <Code>(), priorityCodes = new List <Code>();

                await foreach (Code code in ParseAsync())
                    // M108, M112, M122, and M999 always go to an idle channel so we (hopefully) get a low-latency response
                    if (code.Type == CodeType.MCode && (code.MajorNumber == 108 || code.MajorNumber == 112 || code.MajorNumber == 122 || code.MajorNumber == 999))
                        code.Channel = await SPI.Interface.GetIdleChannel();

                        code.Flags |= CodeFlags.IsPrioritized;
                    else if (IPC.Processors.CodeInterception.IsInterceptingConnection(Connection))
                        // Need to bypass the code order lock for codes being inserted...
            catch (CodeParserException e)
                // Report parsing errors as an error message
                return((new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, e.Message)).ToString());

            CodeResult result = new CodeResult();

                // Execute priority codes first
                foreach (Code priorityCode in priorityCodes)
                    CodeResult codeResult = await priorityCode.Execute();

                        if (codeResult != null)
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        // not logged

                // Execute normal codes next. Use a lock here because multiple codes may be queued for the same channel
                if (codes.Count > 0)
                    Task <CodeResult>[] codeTasks = new Task <CodeResult> [codes.Count];
                    using (await _channelLocks[(int)Channel].LockAsync(Program.CancellationToken))
                        for (int i = 0; i < codes.Count; i++)
                            codeTasks[i] = codes[i].Execute();

                    foreach (Task <CodeResult> codeTask in codeTasks)
                            CodeResult codeResult = await codeTask;
                            if (codeResult != null)
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            // not logged
            catch (CodeParserException cpe)
                result.Add(MessageType.Error, cpe.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts simple G/M/T-codes to a regular Code instances, executes them and returns the result as text
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Code result as text</returns>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">Code has been cancelled</exception>
        public override async Task <string> Execute()
            // Parse the input string
            List <Code> codes = new List <Code>(), priorityCodes = new List <Code>();

                foreach (Code code in Parse())
                    // M108, M112, M122, and M999 always go to an idle channel so we (hopefully) get a low-latency response
                    if (code.Type == CodeType.MCode && (code.MajorNumber == 108 || code.MajorNumber == 112 || code.MajorNumber == 122 || code.MajorNumber == 999))
                        code.Channel = await SPI.Interface.GetIdleChannel();

                        code.Flags |= CodeFlags.IsPrioritized;
                    else if (IPC.Processors.Interception.IsInterceptingConnection(SourceConnection))
            catch (CodeParserException e)
                // Report parsing errors as an error message
                return((new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, e.Message)).ToString());

            CodeResult result = new CodeResult();

                // Execute priority codes first
                foreach (Code priorityCode in priorityCodes)
                    CodeResult codeResult = await priorityCode.Execute();

                    if (codeResult != null)

                // Execute normal codes next. Use a lock here because multiple codes may be queued for the same channel
                if (codes.Count > 0)
                    using (await _channelLocks[(int)Channel].LockAsync())
                        foreach (Code code in codes)
                            CodeResult codeResult = await code.Execute();

                            if (codeResult != null)
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // Report when a code is cancelled
                result.Add(MessageType.Error, "Code has been cancelled");
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a G-code that should be interpreted by the control server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">Code to process</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the code if the code completed, else null</returns>
        public static async Task <CodeResult> Process(Commands.Code code)
            if (code.Channel == CodeChannel.File && FileExecution.Job.IsSimulating)
                // Ignore M-codes from files in simulation mode...

            switch (code.MajorNumber)
            // Save or load heightmap
            case 29:
                CodeParameter cp = code.Parameter('S', 0);
                if (cp == 1 || cp == 3)
                    if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                        string file         = code.Parameter('P', FilePath.DefaultHeightmapFile);
                        string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.System);

                            Heightmap map = null;
                            if (cp == 1)
                                map = new Heightmap();
                                await map.Load(physicalFile);
                            if (await SPI.Interface.LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(code.Channel))
                                if (cp == 1)
                                        await SPI.Interface.SetHeightmap(map);
                                        await SPI.Interface.UnlockAll(code.Channel);

                                    string virtualFile = await FilePath.ToVirtualAsync(physicalFile);

                                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                                        Model.Provider.Get.Move.Compensation.File = virtualFile;

                                    CodeResult result = new CodeResult();
                                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                                        if (Model.Provider.Get.Move.Axes.Any(axis => axis.Letter == 'Z' && !axis.Homed))
                                            result.Add(MessageType.Warning, "The height map was loaded when the current Z=0 datum was not determined. This may result in a height offset.");
                                    result.Add(MessageType.Success, $"Height map loaded from file {file}");
                                        map = await SPI.Interface.GetHeightmap();
                                        await SPI.Interface.UnlockAll(code.Channel);

                                    if (map.NumX * map.NumY > 0)
                                        await map.Save(physicalFile);

                                        string virtualFile = await FilePath.ToVirtualAsync(physicalFile);

                                        using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                                            Model.Provider.Get.Move.Compensation.File = virtualFile;
                                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Height map saved to file {file}"));
                                    return(new CodeResult());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to access height map file");
                            if (e is AggregateException ae)
                                e = ae.InnerException;
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to {(cp == 1 ? "load" : "save")} height map {(cp == 1 ? "from" : "to")} file {file}: {e.Message}"));
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Process an M-code that should be interpreted by the control server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">Code to process</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the code if the code completed, else null</returns>
        public static async Task <CodeResult> Process(Commands.Code code)
            if (code.Channel == CodeChannel.File && FileExecution.Job.IsSimulating)
                // Ignore M-codes from files in simulation mode...

            switch (code.MajorNumber)
            // Stop or Unconditional stop
            // Sleep or Conditional stop
            case 0:
            case 1:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                        if (FileExecution.Job.IsFileSelected)
                            // M0/M1 may be used in a print file to terminate it
                            if (code.Channel != CodeChannel.File && !FileExecution.Job.IsPaused)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Pause the print before attempting to cancel it"));
                            code.CancellingPrint = true;
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // List SD card
            case 20:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    // Resolve the directory
                    string virtualDirectory = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (virtualDirectory == null)
                        using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                            virtualDirectory = Model.Provider.Get.Directories.GCodes;
                    string physicalDirectory = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(virtualDirectory);

                    // Make sure to stay within limits if it is a request from the firmware
                    int maxSize = -1;
                    if (code.Flags.HasFlag(CodeFlags.IsFromFirmware))
                        maxSize = SPI.Communication.Consts.MaxMessageLength;

                    // Check if JSON file lists were requested
                    int           startAt = Math.Max(code.Parameter('R') ?? 0, 0);
                    CodeParameter sParam  = code.Parameter('S', 0);
                    if (sParam == 2)
                        string json = FileLists.GetFiles(virtualDirectory, physicalDirectory, startAt, true, maxSize);
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, json));
                    if (sParam == 3)
                        string json = FileLists.GetFileList(virtualDirectory, physicalDirectory, startAt, maxSize);
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, json));

                    // Print standard G-code response
                    Compatibility compatibility;
                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                        compatibility = Model.Provider.Get.Inputs[code.Channel].Compatibility;

                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                    if (compatibility == Compatibility.Default || compatibility == Compatibility.RepRapFirmware)
                        result.AppendLine("GCode files:");
                    else if (compatibility == Compatibility.Marlin || compatibility == Compatibility.NanoDLP)
                        result.AppendLine("Begin file list:");

                    int  numItems  = 0;
                    bool itemFound = false;
                    foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(physicalDirectory))
                        if (numItems++ >= startAt)
                            string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
                            if (compatibility == Compatibility.Marlin || compatibility == Compatibility.NanoDLP)
                                if (itemFound)
                            itemFound = true;

                    if (compatibility == Compatibility.Marlin || compatibility == Compatibility.NanoDLP)
                        if (!itemFound)
                        result.Append("End file list");

                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, result.ToString()));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Initialize SD card
            case 21:
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Release SD card
            case 22:
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Select a file to print
            case 23:
            case 32:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string file = code.GetUnprecedentedString();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Filename expected"));

                    string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.GCodes);

                    if (!File.Exists(physicalFile))
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Could not find file {file}"));

                    using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                        if (code.Channel != CodeChannel.File && FileExecution.Job.IsProcessing)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Cannot set file to print, because a file is already being printed"));
                        await FileExecution.Job.SelectFile(physicalFile);

                    if (await code.EmulatingMarlin())
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "File opened\nFile selected"));
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"File {file} selected for printing"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Resume a file print
            case 24:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                        if (!FileExecution.Job.IsFileSelected)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Cannot print, because no file is selected!"));

                    // Let RepRapFirmware process this request so it can invoke resume.g. When M24 completes, the file is resumed
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Set SD position
            case 26:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                        if (!FileExecution.Job.IsFileSelected)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Not printing a file"));

                        CodeParameter sParam = code.Parameter('S');
                        if (sParam != null)
                            if (sParam < 0L || sParam > FileExecution.Job.FileLength)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Position is out of range"));
                            await FileExecution.Job.SetFilePosition(sParam);

                    // P is not supported yet

                    return(new CodeResult());
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Report SD print status
            case 27:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                        if (FileExecution.Job.IsFileSelected)
                            long filePosition = await FileExecution.Job.GetFilePosition();

                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"SD printing byte {filePosition}/{FileExecution.Job.FileLength}"));
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "Not SD printing."));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Begin write to SD card
            case 28:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    int numChannel = (int)code.Channel;
                    using (await Commands.Code.FileLocks[numChannel].LockAsync(code.CancellationToken))
                        if (Commands.Code.FilesBeingWritten[numChannel] != null)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Another file is already being written to"));

                        string file = code.GetUnprecedentedString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Filename expected"));

                        string prefix       = (await code.EmulatingMarlin()) ? "ok\n" : string.Empty;
                        string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.GCodes);

                            FileStream   fileStream = new FileStream(physicalFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                            StreamWriter writer     = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
                            Commands.Code.FilesBeingWritten[numChannel] = writer;
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, prefix + $"Writing to file: {file}"));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to open file for writing");
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, prefix + $"Can't open file {file} for writing."));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // End write to SD card
            case 29:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    int numChannel = (int)code.Channel;
                    using (await Commands.Code.FileLocks[numChannel].LockAsync(code.CancellationToken))
                        if (Commands.Code.FilesBeingWritten[numChannel] != null)
                            Stream stream = Commands.Code.FilesBeingWritten[numChannel].BaseStream;
                            Commands.Code.FilesBeingWritten[numChannel] = null;

                            if (await code.EmulatingMarlin())
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "Done saving file."));
                            return(new CodeResult());
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Delete a file on the SD card
            case 30:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string file         = code.GetUnprecedentedString();
                    string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to delete file");
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to delete file {file}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // For case 32, see case 23

            // Return file information
            case 36:
                if (code.Parameters.Count > 0)
                    if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                        string file = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(code.GetUnprecedentedString(), FileDirectory.GCodes);

                            ParsedFileInfo info = await InfoParser.Parse(file);

                            string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(info, JsonHelper.DefaultJsonOptions);
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "{\"err\":0," + json.Substring(1)));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to return file information");
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "{\"err\":1}"));
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Simulate file
            case 37:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    CodeParameter pParam = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (pParam != null)
                        string file = pParam;
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Filename expected"));

                        string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.GCodes);

                        if (!File.Exists(physicalFile))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"GCode file \"{file}\" not found\n"));

                        using (await FileExecution.Job.LockAsync())
                            if (code.Channel != CodeChannel.File && FileExecution.Job.IsProcessing)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Cannot set file to simulate, because a file is already being printed"));

                            await FileExecution.Job.SelectFile(physicalFile, true);

                            // Simulation is started when M37 has been processed by the firmware
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Compute SHA1 hash of target file
            case 38:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string file         = code.GetUnprecedentedString();
                    string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file);

                        using FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                        byte[] hash;
                        using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 sha1 = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create();
                        hash = await Task.Run(() => sha1.ComputeHash(stream), code.CancellationToken);

                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", string.Empty)));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to compute SHA1 checksum");
                        if (e is AggregateException ae)
                            e = ae.InnerException;
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Could not compute SHA1 checksum for file {file}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Report SD card information
            case 39:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                        int index = code.Parameter('P', 0);
                        if (code.Parameter('S', 0) == 2)
                            if (index < 0 || index >= Model.Provider.Get.Volumes.Count)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"{{\"SDinfo\":{{\"slot\":{index},present:0}}}}"));

                            Volume storage = Model.Provider.Get.Volumes[index];
                            var    output  = new
                                SDinfo = new
                                    slot     = index,
                                    present  = 1,
                                    capacity = storage.Capacity,
                                    free     = storage.FreeSpace,
                                    speed    = storage.Speed
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, JsonSerializer.Serialize(output, JsonHelper.DefaultJsonOptions)));
                            if (index < 0 || index >= Model.Provider.Get.Volumes.Count)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Bad SD slot number: {index}"));

                            Volume storage = Model.Provider.Get.Volumes[index];
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"SD card in slot {index}: capacity {storage.Capacity / (1000 * 1000 * 1000):F2}Gb, free space {storage.FreeSpace / (1000 * 1000 * 1000):F2}Gb, speed {storage.Speed / (1000 * 1000):F2}MBytes/sec"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Emergency Stop - unconditional and interpreteted immediately when read
            case 112:
                await SPI.Interface.EmergencyStop();

                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.State.Status = MachineStatus.Halted;
                return(new CodeResult());

            // Immediate DSF diagnostics
            case 122:
                if (code.Parameter('B', 0) == 0 && code.GetUnprecedentedString() == "DSF")
                    CodeResult result = new CodeResult();
                    await Diagnostics(result);


            // Save heightmap
            case 374:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string file         = code.Parameter('P', FilePath.DefaultHeightmapFile);
                    string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.System);

                        if (await SPI.Interface.LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(code.Channel))
                            Heightmap map;
                                map = await SPI.Interface.GetHeightmap();
                                await SPI.Interface.UnlockAll(code.Channel);

                            if (map.NumX * map.NumY > 0)
                                await map.Save(physicalFile);

                                string virtualFile = await FilePath.ToVirtualAsync(physicalFile);

                                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                                    Model.Provider.Get.Move.Compensation.File = virtualFile;
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Height map saved to file {file}"));
                            return(new CodeResult());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to save height map");
                        if (e is AggregateException ae)
                            e = ae.InnerException;
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to save height map to file {file}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Load heightmap
            case 375:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string file         = code.Parameter('P', FilePath.DefaultHeightmapFile);
                    string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.System);

                        Heightmap map = new Heightmap();
                        await map.Load(physicalFile);

                        if (await SPI.Interface.LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(code.Channel))
                                await SPI.Interface.SetHeightmap(map);
                                await SPI.Interface.UnlockAll(code.Channel);

                            string virtualFile = await FilePath.ToVirtualAsync(physicalFile);

                            using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                                Model.Provider.Get.Move.Compensation.File = virtualFile;

                            CodeResult result = new CodeResult();
                            using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                                if (Model.Provider.Get.Move.Axes.Any(axis => axis.Letter == 'Z' && !axis.Homed))
                                    result.Add(MessageType.Warning, "The height map was loaded when the current Z=0 datum was not determined. This may result in a height offset.");
                            result.Add(MessageType.Success, $"Height map loaded from file {file}");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to load height map");
                        if (e is AggregateException ae)
                            e = ae.InnerException;
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to load height map from file {file}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Create Directory on SD-Card
            case 470:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string path = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (path == null)
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Missing directory name"));
                    string physicalPath = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(path);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to create directory");
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to create directory {path}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Rename File/Directory on SD-Card
            case 471:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string from = code.Parameter('S');
                    string to   = code.Parameter('T');

                        string source = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(from);

                        string destination = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(to);

                        if (File.Exists(source))
                            if (File.Exists(destination) && code.Parameter('D', false))
                            File.Move(source, destination);
                        else if (Directory.Exists(source))
                            if (Directory.Exists(destination) && code.Parameter('D', false))
                                // This could be recursive but at the moment we mimic RRF's behaviour
                            Directory.Move(source, destination);
                        throw new FileNotFoundException();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Debug(e, "Failed to rename file or directory");
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to rename file or directory {from} to {to}: {e.Message}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Store parameters
            case 500:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    await ConfigOverride.Save(code);

                    return(new CodeResult());
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Print settings
            case 503:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string configFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(FilePath.ConfigFile, FileDirectory.System);

                    if (File.Exists(configFile))
                        string content = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(configFile);

                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, content));

                    string configFileFallback = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(FilePath.ConfigFileFallback, FileDirectory.System);

                    if (File.Exists(configFileFallback))
                        string content = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(configFileFallback);

                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, content));
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Configuration file not found"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Set configuration file folder
            case 505:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    string directory = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory))
                        string physicalDirectory = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(directory, "sys");

                        if (Directory.Exists(physicalDirectory))
                            string virtualDirectory = await FilePath.ToVirtualAsync(physicalDirectory);

                            using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                                Model.Provider.Get.Directories.System = virtualDirectory;
                            return(new CodeResult());
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Directory not found"));

                    using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Sys file path is {Model.Provider.Get.Directories.System}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Set Name
            case 550:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    // Verify the P parameter
                    string pParam = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pParam))
                        if (pParam.Length > 40)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Machine name is too long"));

                        // Strip letters and digits from the machine name
                        string machineName = string.Empty;
                        foreach (char c in Environment.MachineName)
                            if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))
                                machineName += c;

                        // Strip letters and digits from the desired name
                        string desiredName = string.Empty;
                        foreach (char c in pParam)
                            if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))
                                desiredName += c;

                        // Make sure the subset of letters and digits is equal
                        if (!machineName.Equals(desiredName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Machine name must consist of the same letters and digits as configured by the Linux hostname"));

                        // Hostname is legit - pretend we didn't see this code so RRF can interpret it
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Configure filament
            case 703:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    await Model.Updater.WaitForFullUpdate(Program.CancellationToken);

                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Set current RTC date and time
            case 905:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    bool seen = false;

                    CodeParameter pParam = code.Parameter('P');
                    if (pParam != null)
                        if (DateTime.TryParseExact(pParam, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime date))
                            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("timedatectl", $"set-time {date:yyyy-MM-dd}").WaitForExit();
                            seen = true;
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Invalid date format"));

                    CodeParameter sParam = code.Parameter('S');
                    if (sParam != null)
                        if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sParam, "HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime time))
                            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("timedatectl", $"set-time {time:HH:mm:ss}").WaitForExit();
                            seen = true;
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Invalid time format"));

                    if (!seen)
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Current date and time: {DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"));
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Start/stop event logging to SD card
            case 929:
                if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                    CodeParameter sParam = code.Parameter('S');
                    if (sParam == null)
                        using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Event logging is {(Model.Provider.Get.State.LogFile != null ? "enabled" : "disabled")}"));

                    if (sParam > 0)
                        string file = code.Parameter('P', Utility.Logger.DefaultLogFile);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Missing filename in M929 command"));

                        string physicalFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(file, FileDirectory.System);

                        await Utility.Logger.Start(physicalFile);
                        await Utility.Logger.Stop();

                    return(new CodeResult());
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Update the firmware
            case 997:
                if (((int[])code.Parameter('S', new int[] { 0 })).Contains(0) && code.Parameter('B', 0) == 0)
                    if (await SPI.Interface.Flush(code))
                        string iapFile, firmwareFile;
                        using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                            if (Model.Provider.Get.Boards.Count == 0)
                                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "No boards have been detected"));

                            // There are now two different IAP binaries, check which one to use
                            iapFile      = Model.Provider.Get.Boards[0].IapFileNameSBC;
                            firmwareFile = Model.Provider.Get.Boards[0].FirmwareFileName;

                        iapFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(iapFile, FileDirectory.Firmware);

                        if (!File.Exists(iapFile))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to find IAP file {iapFile}"));

                        firmwareFile = await FilePath.ToPhysicalAsync(firmwareFile, FileDirectory.Firmware);

                        if (!File.Exists(firmwareFile))
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to find firmware file {firmwareFile}"));

                        using FileStream iapStream      = new FileStream(iapFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        using FileStream firmwareStream = new FileStream(firmwareFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        await SPI.Interface.UpdateFirmware(iapStream, firmwareStream);

                        return(new CodeResult());
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // Request resend of line
            case 998:
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Reset controller - unconditional and interpreteted immediately when read
            case 999:
                if (code.Parameters.Count == 0)
                    await SPI.Interface.Reset();

                    return(new CodeResult());