Exemple #1
        public static PredictorAndArgs NnBinInline(string netDefinition)
            var quoted = new StringBuilder();

            CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(netDefinition, quoted);
            return(new PredictorAndArgs
                Trainer = new SubComponent("BinaryNeuralNetwork", "net=" + quoted + " accel=sse"),
                Tag = "Inline",
Exemple #2
        public static List <Sweep> GenerateCandidates(IHostEnvironment env, string dataFile, string schemaDefinitionFile)
            var    patterns = new List <Sweep>();
            string loaderSettings;
            Type   predictorType;

            TransformInference.InferenceResult inferenceResult;

            // Get the initial recipes for this data.
            RecipeInference.SuggestedRecipe[] recipes = RecipeInference.InferRecipesFromData(env, dataFile, schemaDefinitionFile, out predictorType, out loaderSettings, out inferenceResult);

            //get all the trainers for this task, and generate the initial set of candidates.
            // Exclude the hidden learners, and the metalinear learners.
            var trainers = env.ComponentCatalog.GetAllDerivedClasses(typeof(ITrainer), predictorType).Where(cls => !cls.IsHidden);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loaderSettings))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(loaderSettings, sb, true);
                loaderSettings = sb.ToString();

            string loader = $" loader=TextLoader{loaderSettings}";

            // REVIEW: there are more learners than recipes atm.
            // Flip looping through recipes, then through learners if the cardinality changes.
            foreach (ComponentCatalog.LoadableClassInfo cl in trainers)
                string         learnerSettings;
                TrainerSweeper trainerSweeper = new TrainerSweeper();
                trainerSweeper.Parameters.AddRange(RecipeInference.GetLearnerSettingsAndSweepParams(env, cl, out learnerSettings));

                foreach (var recipe in recipes)
                    RecipeInference.SuggestedRecipe.SuggestedLearner learner = new RecipeInference.SuggestedRecipe.SuggestedLearner
                        LoadableClassInfo = cl,
                        Settings          = learnerSettings

                    Pattern pattern = new Pattern(recipe.Transforms, learner, loader);
                    Sweep   sweep   = new Sweep(pattern, trainerSweeper);

Exemple #3
        public override string ToString()
            if (IsEmpty)

            if (_settings.Length == 0)

            string        str = CmdParser.CombineSettings(_settings);
            StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();

            CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(str, sb, true);
            return(_kind + sb.ToString());
Exemple #4
        private string CreateLoaderArguments(ISchema schema, ValueWriter[] pipes, bool hasHeader, IChannel ch)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (hasHeader)
                sb.Append("header+ ");
            sb.AppendFormat("sep={0}", SeparatorCharToString(_sepChar));

            // This variable indicates the start index of each column.
            // If null, it means the index cannot be determined.
            int?index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                int    src  = pipes[i].Source;
                string name = schema.GetColumnName(src);
                var    type = schema.GetColumnType(src);

                var column = GetColumn(name, type, index);
                sb.Append(" col=");
                if (!column.TryUnparse(sb))
                    var settings = CmdParser.GetSettings(ch, column, new TextLoader.Column());
                    CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(settings, sb, true);
                if (type.IsVector && !type.IsKnownSizeVector && i != pipes.Length - 1)
                    ch.Warning("Column '{0}' is variable length, so it must be the last, or the file will be unreadable. Consider switching to binary format or use xf=Choose to make '{0}' the last column.", name);
                    index = null;

                index += type.ValueCount;

Exemple #5
        // Returns true if a normalizer was added.
        public static bool AddNormalizerIfNeeded(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ITrainer trainer, ref IDataView view, string featureColumn, NormalizeOption autoNorm)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(trainer, nameof(trainer));
            ch.CheckValue(view, nameof(view));
            ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NormalizeOption), autoNorm), nameof(TrainCommand.Arguments.NormalizeFeatures),
                            "Normalize option is invalid. Specify one of 'norm=No', 'norm=Warn', 'norm=Auto', or 'norm=Yes'.");

            if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.No)
                ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureColumn))

            int featCol;
            var schema = view.Schema;

            if (schema.TryGetColumnIndex(featureColumn, out featCol))
                if (autoNorm != NormalizeOption.Yes)
                    var    nn           = trainer as ITrainerEx;
                    DvBool isNormalized = DvBool.False;
                    if (nn == null || !nn.NeedNormalization ||
                        (schema.TryGetMetadata(BoolType.Instance, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, featCol, ref isNormalized) &&
                        ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");
                    if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.Warn)
                        ch.Warning("A normalizer is needed for this trainer. Either add a normalizing transform or use the 'norm=Auto', 'norm=Yes' or 'norm=No' options.");
                ch.Info("Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.");
                // Quote the feature column name
                string        quotedFeatureColumnName = featureColumn;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(quotedFeatureColumnName, sb))
                    quotedFeatureColumnName = sb.ToString();
                var component = new SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform>("MinMax", string.Format("col={{ name={0} source={0} }}", quotedFeatureColumnName));
                var loader    = view as IDataLoader;
                if (loader != null)
                    view = CompositeDataLoader.Create(env, loader,
                                                      new KeyValuePair <string, SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform> >(null, component));
                    view = component.CreateInstance(env, view);