/// <summary> Callback to parse the command line options. </summary>
        public override void Load()
            var args     = CmdLineHelper.FilterArguments(Args);
            var switches = CmdLineHelper.FilterSwitches(Args);

            // with the above we split up all the switches and arguments into separate variables
            // switches - contains anything starting with a / - --
            // args - contains everything else

            Data = SplitLoadFunc(args, switches);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Determine if someone has specified an alternative configuration file. </summary>
        /// <param name="opts"> Command line options. </param>
        /// <returns> The configuration file path. </returns>
        private static string GetCfgFilePath(IEnumerable <string> opts)
            // Default path for configuration file
            var cfgfile = "Settings1.json";
            // search the switches for a cfgfile setting i.e. --cfgfile="Settings2.json"
            var switches = CmdLineHelper.FilterSwitches(opts);

            if (switches.ContainsKey("cfgfile"))
                cfgfile = switches["cfgfile"];
                // If the user has specified one then warn if it doesn't exist
                if (!File.Exists(cfgfile))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Warning unable to locate configuration file: {cfgfile}");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary> Callback to parse the command line options. </summary>
        public override void Load()
            var splitindex = Array.IndexOf(Args, "--");
            var arr1       = Args.Take(splitindex).ToList();
            var arr2       = Args.Skip(splitindex).ToList();

            var args1     = CmdLineHelper.FilterArguments(arr1);
            var switches1 = CmdLineHelper.FilterSwitches(arr1);

            var args2     = CmdLineHelper.FilterArguments(arr2);
            var switches2 = CmdLineHelper.FilterSwitches(arr2);

            // This is the same as the split provider
            // However we split the arguments and switches into two groups
            // seperated by wherever -- shows up on the command line
            // This is often used by apps that launch / act as a proxy for other apps and need to pass options across to them

            Data = DoubleSplitLoadFunc(args1, switches1, args2, switches2);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary> Loads the given options into key value pairs. </summary>
        /// <param name="opts"> The Options to load. </param>
        /// <returns> The options in key / value pairs </returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, string> Load(string[] opts)
            var data = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Get the arguments / switches
            var args_noswitches = CmdLineHelper.FilterArguments(opts);
            var switches        = CmdLineHelper.FilterSwitches(opts);

            // Make a note of the configuration file path if there is one
            if (switches.ContainsKey("cfgfile"))
                data["cmdline:cfgfile"] = switches["cfgfile"];

            // If --help is asked for
            if (switches.ContainsKey("help"))
                data["cmdline:showhelp"] = "true";
