Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Diese Methode färbt falls er bei der Klassifizierung fehelrhaft interpretiert worden ist ein.
    /// </summary>
    public void colorError(CSVDataSource dataSource)
        int columnindex = 0;

        int j = 0;

        foreach (var column in dataSource)
            if (column.Identifier.Equals(dataSource.categoryColumn))
                columnindex = j;
            // dann möchte ich den index und befülle diesen index dann unten

        if (!(dataSource.results[index].Equals(dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[columnindex].Data[index], dataSource[columnindex].Identifier).ToString())))
            Renderer renderer = this.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            if (dataSource.resultColor != null)
                color = Utilities.HexToColor(dataSource.resultColor);
                renderer.material.color = color;
                color = Color.red;
                renderer.material.color = color;
    private void PropagateSetText(int[] indices, int viewID)
        // Get the visualisation again
        Visualisation visualisation = PhotonView.Find(viewID).GetComponentInChildren <Visualisation>();

        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>{0} (x):</b> {1}\n", visualisation.xDimension.Attribute, dataSource.getOriginalValue(indices[0], visualisation.xDimension.Attribute));
        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>{0} (y):</b> {1}\n", visualisation.yDimension.Attribute, dataSource.getOriginalValue(indices[0], visualisation.yDimension.Attribute));
        if (visualisation.zDimension.Attribute != "Undefined")
            stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>{0} (z):</b> {1}\n", visualisation.zDimension.Attribute, dataSource.getOriginalValue(indices[0], visualisation.zDimension.Attribute));


        if (indices.Length > 1)
            stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<i>{0} stacked points</i>", indices.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.DimensionCount; i++)
                string dimension = dataSource[i].Identifier;
                object value     = dataSource.getOriginalValue(indices[0], dimension);
                if (dataSource[dimension].MetaData.type == DataType.Float && value.ToString().Length > 4)
                    stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>{0}:</b> {1}\n", dimension, ((float)value).ToString("#,##0.00"));
                    stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>{0}:</b> {1}\n", dimension, value);

        frontText.text = stringBuilder.ToString();

        // Resize the panel based on the text
        Vector2 scale = frontText.GetRenderedValues();

        scale.x = scale.x / 2 + 0.01f;
        scale.y = scale.y / 2 + 0.01f;
        panel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, 0.01f);

        panel.transform.localPosition     = new Vector3(scale.x / 2 + 0.01f, scale.y / 2 + 0.01f, 0);
        frontText.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.01f, scale.y + 0.01f, -0.008f);

        // Set the text and position the back
        backText.text = stringBuilder.ToString();
        backText.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(scale.x + 0.01f, scale.y + 0.01f, 0.008f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the data from the CSV-File which this DataPoint represents.
    /// The first dimension holds the three columns.
    /// The second dimension holds the columns identifier in index 0 and the value in index 1.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public string[,] GetData()
        CSVDataSource dataSource = scatterplot.dataSource;
        int           xDim       = scatterplot.xDim;
        int           yDim       = scatterplot.yDim;
        int           zDim       = scatterplot.zDim;

        string[,] data = new string[3, 2];

        data[0, 0] = dataSource[xDim].Identifier;
        data[0, 1] = dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[xDim].Data[index], dataSource[xDim].Identifier).ToString();

        data[1, 0] = dataSource[yDim].Identifier;
        data[1, 1] = dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[yDim].Data[index], dataSource[yDim].Identifier).ToString();

        data[2, 0] = dataSource[zDim].Identifier;
        data[2, 1] = dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[zDim].Data[index], dataSource[zDim].Identifier).ToString();

Exemple #4
    void FacetBy(string attribute)
        // categories
        // "B02598";
        // "B02512"

        float[] uniqueValues = csvdata[attribute].MetaData.categories;
        accordion = new View [uniqueValues.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < uniqueValues.Length; i++)
            View view = Facet(csvdata,
                              csvdata.getOriginalValue(uniqueValues[i], attribute).ToString(), "Base", Random.ColorHSV());
            view.transform.position = new Vector3(i, 0, 0);
            accordion[i]            = view;

        //View v1 = Faceting(csvdata, "B02598");
        //v1.transform.position = Vector3.zero;

        //View v2 = Faceting(csvdata, "B02512");
        //v2.transform.position = Vector3.right;
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Methode färbt die Datenpunkte.
    /// Bei Auto nach Zylinderanzahl.
    /// Bei Iris nach Spezies.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataSource"></param>
    public void colorPoint(CSVDataSource dataSource)
        int irisColumn    = 4;  //3 verschiedene Farben
        int autoMpgColumn = 1;  //5 verschiedene Farben
        int test          = 3;
        int columnindex   = 0;

        int j = 0;

        foreach (var column in dataSource)
            if (column.Identifier.Equals(dataSource.categoryColumn))
                columnindex = j;
            // dann möchte ich den index und befülle diesen index dann unten

        Renderer renderer = this.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //dynamic color marking
        List <List <string> > categorieColors = dataSource.categoryColors;

        if (categorieColors != null)
            foreach (List <string> categorie in categorieColors)
                for (int i = 0; i < categorie.Count; i += 2)
                    if (categorie[i].Equals(dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[columnindex].Data[index], dataSource[columnindex].Identifier).ToString()))
                        renderer.material.color = Utilities.HexToColor(categorie[++i]);

        if (dataSource.data.name.Equals("auto-mpg.csv"))
            //index == Zeilennummer
            //autoMpgNumber == Spaltennummer
            switch (dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[autoMpgColumn].Data[index], dataSource[autoMpgColumn].Identifier).ToString())
            case "8":
                color = Color.red;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "6":
                color = Color.yellow;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "5":
                color = Color.blue;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "4":
                color = Color.cyan;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "3":
                color = Color.green;
                renderer.material.color = color;
        else if (dataSource.data.name.Equals("Iris.csv"))
            switch (dataSource.getOriginalValue(dataSource[irisColumn].Data[index], dataSource[irisColumn].Identifier).ToString())
            case "Iris-setosa":
                color = Color.red;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "Iris-versicolor":
                color = Color.yellow;
                renderer.material.color = color;

            case "Iris-virginica":
                color = Color.green;
                renderer.material.color = color;