Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates random size in random location
        /// TODO: Look at existing sizes more carefully to see what size to create
        /// TODO: Don't create something near the player - take a list of spheres to avoid (or maybe cubes)
        /// TODO: Have certain features of the map be sources - maybe a couple hidden moving sources that slowly move around the edge of the map
        /// TODO: When creating asteroids, create a small stream of them
        /// </summary>
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineAsteroids_Add1(int count, Boundry boundry)
            ChangeInstruction[] retVal = new ChangeInstruction[count];

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < count; cntr++)
                //asteroidSize = 4 + (rand.NextDouble() * 6);       // medium
                //asteroidSize = 9 + (rand.NextDouble() * 10);      // large
                double asteroidSize = 4 + StaticRandom.NextDouble(16);

                Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(boundry.Outer_Min, boundry.Outer_Max, boundry.Inner_Min, boundry.Inner_Max).ToPoint();

                Vector3D velocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Circular(6d);
                Vector3D angVel   = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(1d);

                AsteroidDNA asteroid = new AsteroidDNA()
                    PartType        = Asteroid.PARTTYPE,
                    Radius          = asteroidSize,
                    Position        = position, //NOTE: These are duplication and aren't used, but storing them anyway
                    Velocity        = velocity,
                    AngularVelocity = angVel,

                retVal[cntr] = new ChangeInstruction(position, velocity, angVel, asteroid);

 public void AddRow(Boundry row)
     this.Size = new Size
         Height = Rows.Max(x => x.Index + x.Length),
         Width  = Size.Width
 public void AddColumn(Boundry column)
     this.Size = new Size
         Height = Size.Height,
         Width  = Columns.Max(x => x.Index + x.Length)
Exemple #4
    protected virtual void Start()
        boundryPosition = GameMaster.instance.boundry;                // set boundry form GameMaster
        rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();                        // get reference to health bar
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

        if (visualWeapons.Count > 0)                                  // get Reference to all Weapons
            for (int i = 0; i < visualWeapons.Count; i++)
                visualWeapons[i].weaponScripts = WeaponCreator(ref visualWeapons[i].weapon, ref visualWeapons[i].weaponSpawn);
Exemple #5
    private float objectsTimeLeft, asteroidsTimeLeft, nebulasTimeLeft, spaceRocketsTimeLeft; // how many times left to spawn objects

    void Start()
        if (!spawnObjects)
            return;                              // if there is no spawnObjets, do nothing
        boundryMap = GameMaster.instance.boundry;
        CreateObjectOnStart(2);                  // create objets that will appeare on screen from begining
        StartCoroutine(SpawnObjectUpdate());     // start loop that create objects on background
Exemple #6
 IEnumerator RandomObjectSpawner(GameObject objectToSpawn, Boundry objectsPosition, float objectSpawnTime)                                   // method for only one gameobject
     while (IsPlayerAlive)                                                                                                                   // spawn objects all the time
         yield return new WaitForSeconds(objectSpawnTime);
         Vector3 randPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-objectsPosition.left, objectsPosition.right), 0, objectsPosition.up);              // choose random object position
         GameObject newObject = Instantiate(objectToSpawn, randPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;                                 // create new object
         objectsList.Add(newObject.transform);                                                                                               // add object to list
         newObject.transform.SetParent(hierarchyGuard);                                                                                      // parent Enemy to  hierarchyGuard
Exemple #7
    IEnumerator RandomEnemiesSpawner(GameObject[] objectsToSpawn, Boundry objectsPosition, float objectSpawnTime)
        while (IsPlayerAlive)                                                                                                                   // spawn objects all the time
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(objectSpawnTime);
            GameObject randObject = objectsToSpawn[Random.Range(0, objectsToSpawn.Length)];                                                     // choose random object
            Vector3 randPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(objectsPosition.left, objectsPosition.right), 0, objectsPosition.up);              // choose random object position
            GameObject newObject = Instantiate(randObject, randPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;                                    // create new object
            objectsList.Add(newObject.transform);                                                                                               // add object to list
            newObject.transform.SetParent(hierarchyGuard);                                                                                      // parent Enemy to  hierarchyGuard

            if (!isEnemyShooting)                                                                                                               // if flag means that enemy shouldn't shoot
                newObject.GetComponent<EnemyController>().SetShooting(false);                                                                   // enemy after spawn won't be eable to shoot
        public void Start(bool?opulsate, bool?ocenter, TouchPoint point, Boundry boundry)
            var pulsate = opulsate ?? false;
            var center  = ocenter ?? (Center || pulsate);

            double rippleX, rippleY, rippleSize;

            double?clientX = point.ClientX;
            double?clientY = point.ClientY;

            if (center || (clientX is null || clientX.Value == 0) || !point.IsTouch)
                rippleX = boundry.Width / 2;
                rippleY = boundry.Height / 2;
Exemple #9
            internal Cell(
                IReadOnlyCollection <int> allowedValues,
                Boundry row,
                Boundry column,
                Boundry subGrid,
                int value)
                _allowedValues = allowedValues;
                if (value != 0 && !_allowedValues.Contains(value))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid value {value}", nameof(value));

                _boundries = new[] { row, column, subGrid };
                foreach (var boundry in _boundries)

                Value = value;
Exemple #10
        public MapPopulationManager(Map map, World world, Point3D boundryMin, Point3D boundryMax, int material_Asteroid, int material_Mineral, Func <double, ITriangleIndexed[], double> getAsteroidMassByRadius, Func <double, MineralDNA[]> getMineralsByDestroyedMass, double minChildAsteroidRadius)
            _map   = map;
            _world = world;

            _boundry = new Boundry(boundryMin, boundryMax);

            _material_Asteroid = material_Asteroid;
            _material_Mineral  = material_Mineral;

            _getAsteroidMassByRadius    = getAsteroidMassByRadius;
            _getMineralsByDestroyedMass = getMineralsByDestroyedMass;

            _minChildAsteroidRadius = minChildAsteroidRadius;

            _mineralTypesByValue = ((MineralType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MineralType))).
                                   Select(o => new { Type = o, Value = ItemOptionsAstMin2D.GetCredits_Mineral(o) }).
                                   OrderBy(o => o.Value).
                                   Select(o => o.Type).
Exemple #11
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineMinerals(IEnumerable <MapObjectInfo> allItems, Boundry boundry, MineralType[] mineralTypesByValue)
            var minerals = allItems.
                           Where(o => o.MapObject is Mineral).

            //TODO: Add minerals if too few

            if (minerals.Length > MAX_MINERALS)
                #region Remove

                // Figure out how many to remove
                int count = minerals.Length - MAX_MINERALS;
                if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                return(ExamineMinerals_Remove1(minerals, count));

        /// <summary>
        /// This creates random size in random location
        /// TODO: Look at existing sizes more carefully to see what size to create
        /// TODO: Don't create something near the player - take a list of spheres to avoid (or maybe cubes)
        /// TODO: Have certain features of the map be sources - maybe a couple hidden moving sources that slowly move around the edge of the map
        /// TODO: When creating asteroids, create a small stream of them
        /// </summary>
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineAsteroids_Add1(int count, Boundry boundry)
            ChangeInstruction[] retVal = new ChangeInstruction[count];

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < count; cntr++)
                //asteroidSize = 4 + (rand.NextDouble() * 6);       // medium
                //asteroidSize = 9 + (rand.NextDouble() * 10);      // large
                double asteroidSize = 4 + StaticRandom.NextDouble(16);

                Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(boundry.Outer_Min, boundry.Outer_Max, boundry.Inner_Min, boundry.Inner_Max).ToPoint();

                Vector3D velocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Circular(6d);
                Vector3D angVel = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(1d);

                AsteroidDNA asteroid = new AsteroidDNA()
                    PartType = Asteroid.PARTTYPE,
                    Radius = asteroidSize,
                    Position = position,        //NOTE: These are duplication and aren't used, but storing them anyway
                    Velocity = velocity,
                    AngularVelocity = angVel,

                retVal[cntr] = new ChangeInstruction(position, velocity, angVel, asteroid);

            return retVal;
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineMinerals(IEnumerable<MapObjectInfo> allItems, Boundry boundry, MineralType[] mineralTypesByValue)
            var minerals = allItems.
                Where(o => o.MapObject is Mineral).

            //TODO: Add minerals if too few

            if (minerals.Length > MAX_MINERALS)
                #region Remove

                // Figure out how many to remove
                int count = minerals.Length - MAX_MINERALS;
                if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                return ExamineMinerals_Remove1(minerals, count);

                return null;
 // method for only one gameobject
 IEnumerator RandomObjectSpawner(GameObject objectToSpawn, Boundry objectsPosition, float objectSpawnTime)
     while (IsPlayerAlive)                                                                                                                   // spawn objects all the time
         yield return new WaitForSeconds(objectSpawnTime);
         Vector3 randPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-objectsPosition.left, objectsPosition.right), 0, objectsPosition.up);              // choose random object position
         GameObject newObject = Instantiate(objectToSpawn, randPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;                                 // create new object
         objectsList.Add(newObject.transform);                                                                                               // add object to list
         newObject.transform.SetParent(hierarchyGuard);                                                                                      // parent Enemy to  hierarchyGuard
    IEnumerator RandomEnemiesSpawner(GameObject[] objectsToSpawn, Boundry objectsPosition, float objectSpawnTime)
        while (IsPlayerAlive)                                                                                                                   // spawn objects all the time
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(objectSpawnTime);
            GameObject randObject = objectsToSpawn[Random.Range(0, objectsToSpawn.Length)];                                                     // choose random object
            Vector3 randPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-objectsPosition.left, objectsPosition.right), 0, objectsPosition.up);              // choose random object position
            GameObject newObject = Instantiate(randObject, randPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;                                    // create new object
            objectsList.Add(newObject.transform);                                                                                               // add object to list
            newObject.transform.SetParent(hierarchyGuard);                                                                                      // parent Enemy to  hierarchyGuard

            if (!isEnemyShooting)                                                                                                               // if flag means that enemy shouldn't shoot
                newObject.GetComponent<EnemyController>().SetShooting(false);                                                                   // enemy after spawn won't be eable to shoot
    void Start()
        if (!spawnObjects) return;               // if there is no spawnObjets, do nothing

        boundryMap = GameMaster.instance.boundry;
        CreateObjectOnStart(2);                  // create objets that will appeare on screen from begining
        StartCoroutine(SpawnObjectUpdate());     // start loop that create objects on background
    protected virtual void Start()
        boundryPosition = GameMaster.instance.boundry;                // set boundry form GameMaster
        rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();                        // get reference to health bar
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

        if (visualWeapons.Count > 0)                                  // get Reference to all Weapons
            for (int i = 0; i < visualWeapons.Count; i++)
                visualWeapons[i].weaponScripts = WeaponCreator(ref visualWeapons[i].weapon, ref visualWeapons[i].weaponSpawn);
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineAsteroids(IEnumerable<MapObjectInfo> allItems, Boundry boundry)
            var asteroids = allItems.
                Where(o => o.MapObject is Asteroid).

            if (asteroids.Length < MIN_ASTEROIDS)
                #region Add

                // Figure out how many to add
                int count = MIN_ASTEROIDS - asteroids.Length;
                if (count < MAXCHANGES)
                    count = StaticRandom.Next(count, MAXCHANGES + 1);
                else if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                // Define new asteroids
                return ExamineAsteroids_Add1(count, boundry);

            else if (asteroids.Length > MAX_ASTEROIDS)
                #region Remove

                // Figure out how many to remove
                int count = asteroids.Length - MAX_ASTEROIDS;
                if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                return ExamineAsteroids_Remove1(asteroids, count);

                return null;
 public void Pulsate(TouchPoint point, Boundry boundry)
     Start(true, null, point, boundry);
Exemple #20
        private static ChangeInstruction[] ExamineAsteroids(IEnumerable <MapObjectInfo> allItems, Boundry boundry)
            var asteroids = allItems.
                            Where(o => o.MapObject is Asteroid).

            if (asteroids.Length < MIN_ASTEROIDS)
                #region Add

                // Figure out how many to add
                int count = MIN_ASTEROIDS - asteroids.Length;
                if (count < MAXCHANGES)
                    count = StaticRandom.Next(count, MAXCHANGES + 1);
                else if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                // Define new asteroids
                return(ExamineAsteroids_Add1(count, boundry));

            else if (asteroids.Length > MAX_ASTEROIDS)
                #region Remove

                // Figure out how many to remove
                int count = asteroids.Length - MAX_ASTEROIDS;
                if (count > MAXCHANGES)
                    count = MAXCHANGES;

                return(ExamineAsteroids_Remove1(asteroids, count));

Exemple #21
        private void filterVar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue == null)
                DataHelper.FilterSelectedBoundry = -1;

            object        tag    = ((ComboBox)sender).Tag;
            List <string> values = new List <string>();

            string variableColumnName = "";

            if (((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue is string)
                if (((string)((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue) == "")
                    if (((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag).ContainsKey("combine"))
                        ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["combine"]).SelectedItem = null;
                    ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["op"]).SelectedItem  = null;
                    ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["val"]).SelectedItem = null;


                variableColumnName = (string)((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue;
                int boundryAggregate;
                if (int.TryParse(variableColumnName, out boundryAggregate))
                    Boundry boundry = null;
                    if (DataHelper.BoundaryAggregation.TryGetValue(boundryAggregate, out boundry))
                        variableColumnName = boundry.ColumnName;
                    Dictionary <string, string> objectColumnName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    objectColumnName.Add("ContactVM.Team", "Team");
                    objectColumnName.Add("ContactVM.HCWFacility", "ContactHCWFacility");
                    variableColumnName = objectColumnName[variableColumnName];

            values = DataHelper.ColumnValues(variableColumnName);

            if (tag is Dictionary <string, ComboBox> )
                ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["val"]).ItemsSource = null;
                ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["val"]).ItemsSource = values;

                if (((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag).ContainsKey("op"))
                    if (((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["op"]).SelectedItem == null)
                        ComboBox op = ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["op"]);
                        op.SelectedIndex = 1;

                if (((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag).ContainsKey("combine"))
                    if (((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["combine"]).SelectedItem == null)
                        ComboBox combine = ((ComboBox)((Dictionary <string, ComboBox>)((ComboBox)sender).Tag)["combine"]);
                        combine.SelectedIndex = 1;
        public MapPopulationManager(Map map, World world, Point3D boundryMin, Point3D boundryMax, int material_Asteroid, int material_Mineral, Func<double, ITriangleIndexed[], double> getAsteroidMassByRadius, Func<double, MineralDNA[]> getMineralsByDestroyedMass, double minChildAsteroidRadius)
            _map = map;
            _world = world;

            _boundry = new Boundry(boundryMin, boundryMax);

            _material_Asteroid = material_Asteroid;
            _material_Mineral = material_Mineral;

            _getAsteroidMassByRadius = getAsteroidMassByRadius;
            _getMineralsByDestroyedMass = getMineralsByDestroyedMass;

            _minChildAsteroidRadius = minChildAsteroidRadius;

            _mineralTypesByValue = ((MineralType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MineralType))).
                Select(o => new { Type = o, Value = ItemOptionsAstMin2D.GetCredits_Mineral(o) }).
                OrderBy(o => o.Value).
                Select(o => o.Type).