Exemple #1
        protected override bool OnCast(Entity source)
            var proj = BombProjectile.Fire(source.GameObject);

            Effects.SpellCastEffect.Display(proj.Position, proj.Rotation, true);

    public override void AnimationHit()
        BomberView     v    = (BomberView)view;
        BombProjectile bomb = pool.Spawn(curTarget.gameObject, 60, 5, this.gameObject);

        bomb.transform.position = v.bombPosition.position;
        bomb.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
    //Function called externally to perform the main fire
    public override void FireWeapon(bool pressed_, bool held_, bool released_)
        //If we're not pressing the fire button, nothing happens
        if (!pressed_)

        //If our current cooldown time is above 0 or there's no ammo, we can't fire
        if (this.ourBomb == null)
            if (this.currentCooldown > 0 || (this.currentAmmo <= 0 && !this.unlimitedAmmo))

        //If we don't already have a bomb launched, we fire one
        if (this.ourBomb == null)
            //Otherwise we create an instance of the fired projectile at our muzzle location
            GameObject projectile = GameObject.Instantiate(this.firedProjectile.gameObject, this.muzzleAudio.transform.position, this.muzzleAudio.transform.rotation);

            //Setting the projectile's fire data
            projectile.GetComponent <WeaponProjectile>().SetProjectileInfo(this.objectIDType);

            //If the projectile we fire is a bomb, we save the component reference
            if (projectile.GetComponent <BombProjectile>())
                this.ourBomb = projectile.GetComponent <BombProjectile>();

            //Setting our weapon cooldown
            this.currentCooldown = this.weaponCooldown;

            //Playing the muzzle's audio source

            //Subtracting from our current ammo supply (if it's not unlimited)
            if (!this.unlimitedAmmo)
                this.currentAmmo -= 1;
        //If we already have a bomb launched, we detonate it
            this.ourBomb = null;