private void OnEnable()
        _template = (BoardTemplate)target;
        List <ElementPair> pairs = _template.Tiles;

        tilesList = CreateList(serializedObject, serializedObject.FindProperty("_tiles"), "tiles", "element", 5);
        // Assigs placed words to LetterCell multidimensional array and sets formatting
        public void AssignCrosswordDisplayBoard(BoardTemplate <char> board, BoardTemplate <PlacedWordGroup> placedWordBoard)
            for (var i = 0; i < board.Height; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < board.Width; j++)
                    DisplayBoard[i][j].LetterOut          = board.Layout[i, j];
                    DisplayBoard[i][j].LetterIn           = '\0';
                    DisplayBoard[i][j].DefinitionLocation = String.Empty;
                    DisplayBoard[i][j].FontWeight         = FontAttributes.None;
                    DisplayBoard[i][j].FontColour         = Colours.Font;

                    DisplayBoard[i][j].PlacedWordGroup = placedWordBoard.Layout[i, j];

                    if (board.Layout[i, j] == board.EmptyChar)
                        DisplayBoard[i][j].BackgroundCellColour = Colours.BackgroundCell;
                        DisplayBoard[i][j].IsEnabled            = false;
                        DisplayBoard[i][j].BackgroundCellColour = Colours.Forground;
                        DisplayBoard[i][j].IsEnabled            = true;
Exemple #3
        public BoardTemplate SetupBoard(SynthData data)
            var board = new BoardTemplate();




            var env1 = new Envelope(30, 240, 0.6f, 40, 3);

            var o1 = new OscillatorModule(new SawOscillator(), 1);

            var o2 = new OscillatorModule(new SawOscillator(), 1, 0.08f);

            var o3 = new OscillatorModule(new SawOscillator(), 1, 11.92f);

            var d1 = new Distributer(new float[] { 1, 0.7f, 0.0f }, new float[] { 1 });

            //var sf1 = new EffectModule(new SimpleFilter(5));
            var sf1 = new EffectModule(new Filter(Filter.GenerateSincKernel((float)FilterCutoff.Value, 64, data.SampleRate)));

            var g1 = new EffectModule(new Boost(0.2f));

            var lfo2 = new ConstantOscillatorModule(new SineOscillator(), 1, 0.5f);

            var p1 = new Pan();

            var endLeft  = new EndModule(false);
            var endRight = new EndModule(true);

            board.Add(endLeft, endRight, sf1, d1, o3, o2, o1, env1, g1, lfo2, p1);

            //board.AddConnections(glideIn, glideTranslate, glideOut);

            //board.AddConnection(pitchWheel, pitchShift);

            //board.AddConnections(volumeControl, volumeTranslate, boardGain);

            board.AddConnection(env1, o1, destIndex: 0);
            board.AddConnection(env1, o2, destIndex: 0);
            board.AddConnection(env1, o3, destIndex: 0);

            board.AddConnection(o1, d1);
            board.AddConnection(o2, d1);
            board.AddConnection(o3, d1);

            board.AddConnections(d1, g1, sf1, p1);

            board.AddConnection(p1, endLeft);
            board.AddConnection(p1, endRight);

Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Shows the board and starts the game.
    /// </summary>
    public void StartGame()
        List <SnakeProfile> snakes   = Player.Instance.Snakes.Take(Mathf.Min(Player.Instance.Snakes.Count, 5)).ToList();
        BoardTemplate       template = DefaultResources.GetRandomTemplate(snakes.Count);

        Restart(snakes, template);
Exemple #5
        public SynthData(string settingsPath = "Assets/Settings")
            settings = SettingsLoader.LoadSettings(settingsPath);

            Root = settings.GetString("paths", "root");
            if (!File.GetAttributes(Root).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                throw new SettingsException("paths", "key", "root path must be a directory");

            Log = new Logger(new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "log"), Root).Root);

            SampleRate      = settings.GetInt("main", "sampleRate");
            DesiredLatency  = settings.GetInt("main", "desiredLatency");
            PitchWheelRange = settings.GetFloat("main", "pitchWheelChange");

            SavedBoardsPaths   = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "savedBoards"), Root);
            DefaultBoardsPaths = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "defaultBoards"), Root);
            MidiPaths          = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "midi"), Root);
            WavPaths           = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "wav"), Root);

            ModuleTypePaths = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "moduleTypes"), Root);
            OscillatorPaths = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "oscillatorTypes"), Root);
            EffectPaths     = new PathList(settings.GetStrings("paths", "effectTypes"), Root);

            ModuleTypes     = new LoaderTypes <Module>(ModuleTypePaths, "moduleType", "SynthLib");
            OscillatorTypes = new LoaderTypes <Oscillator>(OscillatorPaths, "oscillatorType", "SynthLib");
            EffectTypes     = new LoaderTypes <Effect>(EffectPaths, "effectType", "SynthLib");

            var subBoards = new Dictionary <string, BoardTemplate>();

            foreach (var f in DefaultBoardsPaths.Files())
                var element  = XDocument.Load(f).Root;
                var subBoard = new BoardTemplate(element, this);
                subBoards[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f)] = subBoard;
            SubBoards = subBoards;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets board to original conditions.
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset(BoardTemplate template)
     _template = template;
     Columns   = template.Cells.Count;
     Rows      = template.Cells[0].raw.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < Rows; j++)
             if (template.Cells[i].raw[j].element == LogicElement.LogicElementType.MyHead || template.Cells[i].raw[j].element == LogicElement.LogicElementType.MyBody)
                 this[i, j].Init(template.CellsBack[i].raw[j], template.CellsBack[i].raw[j]);
                 this[i, j].Init(template.Cells[i].raw[j], template.CellsBack[i].raw[j]);
Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns game to initial conditions.
    /// </summary>
    private void Restart(List <SnakeProfile> snakeProfiles, BoardTemplate template)
        snakes = new List <Snake>();


        foreach (SnakeProfile sp in snakeProfiles)
            Snake snake = new Snake(Board, sp);

        for (int i = 0; i < snakes.Count; i++)
            snakes[i].Reset(template.GetSnakeBasePositions(i, snakes[i].Profile.Length));

        time = 0;
Exemple #8
        // Calculates updated array position based on previous board and recenelty updated char
        public Tuple <int, int> GetUpdatePosition(ObservableCollection <ObservableCollection <LetterCell> > displayBoardIn, BoardTemplate <char> compareBoard)
            var updatePos = new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0);

            for (var i = 0; i < displayBoardIn.Count; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < displayBoardIn[i].Count; j++)
                    if (displayBoardIn[i][j].LetterIn != compareBoard.Layout[i, j])
                        updatePos = new Tuple <int, int>(j, i);
                        compareBoard.Layout[i, j] = displayBoardIn[i][j].LetterIn;

Exemple #9
        public Board GetRandomBoard(Game game)
            _game = game;

            var template = new BoardTemplate(game.RuleSet.BoardSize);
            var fleet    = game.RuleSet.GetFleet().OrderByDescending(t => t.Size);
            List <List <Point> > mapped = new List <List <Point> >();
            int          shipId = 0;
            int          x, y;
            List <Point> fallback;
            int          fallbackIndex;

            foreach (var ship in fleet)
                for (int i = 0; i < ship.Count; i++)
                    List <Point> placed = new List <Point>();
                    IEnumerable <CellTemplate> tmp;
                    int toPlace = ship.Size;
                    int it      = 0;
                        randomxy(out x, out y);
                        if (++it > 1000000)
                    } while (template.Cells[x, y].State != CellTemplateState.EMPTY || template.GetZone(x, y).Count(t => t.State == CellTemplateState.EMPTY) < toPlace);

                    template.PlaceCore(x, y, shipId);
                    placed.Add(new Point(x, y));

                    while (toPlace > 0)
                        fallback = new List <Point>(placed);
                            fallbackIndex = _random.Next(0, fallback.Count);
                            Point item = fallback[fallbackIndex];
                            tmp = template.GetSides((int)item.X, (int)item.Y).Where(t => t.State == CellTemplateState.EMPTY || (t.State == CellTemplateState.ZONE && t.ShipID == shipId));//.Where(t => template.GetZone(t.X, t.Y).All(t2 => t2.IsNotColliding(shipId)));
                        }while ((tmp == null || tmp.Count() == 0) && fallback.Count > 0);
                        if (tmp.Count() == 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                        CellTemplate target = tmp.ElementAt(_random.Next(0, tmp.Count()));
                        template.PlaceCore(target.X, target.Y, shipId);
                        placed.Add(new Point(target.X, target.Y));


            Board board = new Board(game.RuleSet.BoardSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < mapped.Count; i++)
                var ship = new Ship(mapped[i].Count);
                foreach (var pt in mapped[i])
                    ship.AddCell(new SeaCell((int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y));
            //var ship1 = new Ship(5);
            //ship1.AddCells(new SeaCell[] { new SeaCell(0, 0), new SeaCell(0, 1), new SeaCell(0, 2), new SeaCell(0, 3), new SeaCell(0, 4) });
            //var ship2 = new Ship(4);
            //ship2.AddCells(new SeaCell[] { new SeaCell(2, 0), new SeaCell(2, 1), new SeaCell(2, 2), new SeaCell(2, 3) });
            //var ship3 = new Ship(3);
            //ship3.AddCells(new SeaCell[] { new SeaCell(4, 0), new SeaCell(4, 1), new SeaCell(4, 2) });
            //var ship4 = new Ship(2);
            //ship4.AddCells(new SeaCell[] { new SeaCell(6, 0), new SeaCell(6, 1) });
            //var ship5 = new Ship(1);
            //ship5.AddCells(new SeaCell[] { new SeaCell(8, 0) });
