protected override void DrawVisualThumbnail(DrawingContext drawingContext, out string title, ref BitmapSource icon)
            var aeroColor = (Color) Application.Current.Resources["AeroColor"];
            var aeroBrush = new SolidColorBrush(aeroColor);
            var aeroPen = new Pen(aeroBrush, 7);

            var largeIcon = (BitmapSource) Application.Current.Resources["TextClipboardItemIcon"];

            var fontFamily = (FontFamily) Application.Current.Resources["CuprumFont"];
            var typeface = new Typeface(fontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Light, FontStretches.Normal);

            const int textOffset = VisualThumbnailMargin + 51 + VisualThumbnailMargin / 2;

            var text = new FormattedText(Text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                         typeface, 15, aeroBrush);
            text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;
            text.MaxTextWidth = VisualThumbnailWidth - textOffset - VisualThumbnailMargin;
            text.MaxTextHeight = VisualThumbnailHeight - VisualThumbnailMargin * 2;

            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, aeroPen, new Rect(-1, -1, VisualThumbnailWidth + 2, VisualThumbnailHeight + 2));
            drawingContext.DrawImage(largeIcon, new Rect(VisualThumbnailMargin, VisualThumbnailMargin, 51, 66));
            drawingContext.DrawText(text, new Point(textOffset, VisualThumbnailMargin));

            title = Text;
      private void CalculateLuminanceRGB(BitmapSource bitmap)
         var width = bitmap.PixelWidth;
         var height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
         var stepX = (bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
         var bufferSize = width * stepX;
         var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
         var rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, 1);
         var luminanceIndex = 0;

         luminances = new byte[width * height];

         for (var curY = 0; curY < height; curY++)
            bitmap.CopyPixels(rect, buffer, bufferSize, 0);
            for (var curX = 0; curX < bufferSize; curX += stepX)
               var r = buffer[curX];
               var g = buffer[curX + 1];
               var b = buffer[curX + 2];
               luminances[luminanceIndex] = (byte)
                  (0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b + 0.01);
        protected override void DrawVisualThumbnail(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext, out string title, ref BitmapSource icon)
            var aeroColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["AeroColor"];
            var aeroBrush = new SolidColorBrush(aeroColor);
            var aeroPen = new Pen(aeroBrush, 7);

            var grayBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x70, 255, 255, 255));
            var transparencyOverlayBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x22, 0, 0, 0));

            var fontFamily = (FontFamily)Application.Current.Resources["CuprumFont"];
            var typeface = new Typeface(fontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Light, FontStretches.Normal);

            const int sourceTextOffset = VisualThumbnailMargin + 16 + VisualThumbnailMargin / 2;

            var sourceText = new FormattedText(Source.ApplicationName ?? "Unknown application", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                         typeface, 14, grayBrush);
            sourceText.MaxTextWidth = VisualThumbnailWidth - sourceTextOffset - VisualThumbnailMargin;
            sourceText.MaxTextHeight = 32;

            var imageRectangle = new Rect(-1, -1, VisualThumbnailWidth + 1 * 2, VisualThumbnailHeight + 1 * 2);

            drawingContext.DrawImage(Image, imageRectangle);
            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(transparencyOverlayBrush, aeroPen, imageRectangle);

            drawingContext.DrawImage(Source.Icon, new Rect(VisualThumbnailMargin, VisualThumbnailHeight - VisualThumbnailMargin - 16, 16, 16));
            drawingContext.DrawText(sourceText, new Point(sourceTextOffset, VisualThumbnailHeight - VisualThumbnailMargin - 16));

            title = "Image from " + Source.ApplicationName;
        protected override void DrawVisualThumbnail(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext, out string title, ref BitmapSource icon)
            var aeroColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["AeroColor"];
            var aeroBrush = new SolidColorBrush(aeroColor);
            var aeroPen = new Pen(aeroBrush, 7);

            var grayBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf));

            var fontFamily = (FontFamily)Application.Current.Resources["CuprumFont"];
            var typeface = new Typeface(fontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Light, FontStretches.Normal);

            const int sourceTextOffset = VisualThumbnailMargin;

            var sourceText = new FormattedText(Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                         typeface, 14, grayBrush);
            sourceText.MaxTextWidth = VisualThumbnailWidth - sourceTextOffset - VisualThumbnailMargin;
            sourceText.MaxTextHeight = 32;

            var imageRectangle = new Rect(VisualThumbnailWidth / 2 - 64 / 2, VisualThumbnailHeight / 2 - 64 / 2, 64, 64);

            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, aeroPen, new Rect(-1, -1, VisualThumbnailWidth + 2, VisualThumbnailHeight + 2));
            drawingContext.DrawImage(Icon, imageRectangle);

            drawingContext.DrawText(sourceText, new Point(sourceTextOffset, VisualThumbnailHeight - VisualThumbnailMargin - 16));

            title = Name + " from " + Source.ApplicationName;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BitmapSourceLuminanceSource"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap.</param>
 public BitmapSourceLuminanceSource(BitmapSource bitmap)
    : base(bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight)
    switch (bitmap.Format.ToString())
       case "Bgr24":
       case "Bgr32":
       case "Bgra32":
       case "Rgb24":
       case "Bgr565":
          // there is no special conversion routine to luminance values
          // we have to convert the image to a supported format
          bitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(bitmap, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0);
        private void AddDownloadEventHandlers(BitmapSource bitmap)
            var bitmapImage = bitmap as BitmapImage;

            if (bitmapImage != null)
                bitmapImage.ImageOpened += BitmapImageOpened;
                bitmapImage.ImageFailed += BitmapImageFailed;
        private void ImageUpdated(BitmapSource bitmap)
            var bitmapImage = bitmap as BitmapImage;

            if (bitmapImage != null)
                bitmapImage.ImageOpened += BitmapImageOpened;
                bitmapImage.ImageFailed += BitmapImageFailed;
      /// <summary>
      /// Converts the input BitmapSource to the Pbgra32 format WriteableBitmap which is internally used by the WriteableBitmapEx.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="source">The source bitmap.</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public static WriteableBitmap ConvertToPbgra32Format(BitmapSource source)
         // Convert to Pbgra32 if it's a different format
         if (source.Format == PixelFormats.Pbgra32)
            return new WriteableBitmap(source);

         var formatedBitmapSource = new FormatConvertedBitmap();
         formatedBitmapSource.Source = source;
         formatedBitmapSource.DestinationFormat = PixelFormats.Pbgra32;
         return new WriteableBitmap(formatedBitmapSource);
    /// <summary>
    /// Executes this drop shadow 
    /// filter on the input image and returns the result
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputImage">input image</param>
    /// <returns>Shadow Dropped Image</returns>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// Image transformed;
    /// DropShadowFilter dropShadow = new DropShadowFilter();
    /// transformed = dropShadow.ExecuteFilter(myImg);
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public override BitmapSource ExecuteFilter(BitmapSource inputImage)
      int rightMargin = 4;
      int bottomMargin = 4;
      //Get the shadow image
      Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
      ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Genetibase.UI.NuGenImageWorks.ExtraFilters.Images", asm);
      Bitmap shadow = (Bitmap)rm.GetObject("img");

      Bitmap fullImage = new Bitmap(inputImage.Width + 6, inputImage.Height + 6);
      Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(fullImage);
      g.DrawImage(inputImage, 0, 0, inputImage.Width, inputImage.Height);
      GraphicsUnit units = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;

      //Draw the shadow's right lower corner
      Point ulCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width - 6, fullImage.Height - 6);
      Point urCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width, fullImage.Height - 6);
      Point llCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width - 6, fullImage.Height);
      Point[] destPara = { ulCorner, urCorner, llCorner };
      Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(shadow.Width - 6, shadow.Height - 6, 6, 6);
      g.DrawImage(shadow, destPara, srcRect, units);

      //Draw the shadow's right hand side
      ulCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width - 6, bottomMargin);
      urCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width, bottomMargin);
      llCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width - 6, fullImage.Height - 6);
      destPara = new Point[] { ulCorner, urCorner, llCorner };
      srcRect = new Rectangle(shadow.Width - 6, 0, 6, shadow.Height - 6);
      g.DrawImage(shadow, destPara, srcRect, units);

      //Draw the shadow's bottom hand side
      ulCorner = new Point(rightMargin, fullImage.Height - 6);
      urCorner = new Point(fullImage.Width - 6, fullImage.Height - 6);
      llCorner = new Point(rightMargin, fullImage.Height);
      destPara = new Point[] { ulCorner, urCorner, llCorner };
      srcRect = new Rectangle(0, shadow.Height - 6, shadow.Width - 6, 6);
      g.DrawImage(shadow, destPara, srcRect, units);

      return fullImage;
 public static Texture2D CreateTexture2DFromBitmap(Device device, BitmapSource bitmapSource)
     // Allocate DataStream to receive the WIC image pixels
     int stride = bitmapSource.Size.Width * 4;
     using (var buffer = new SharpDX.DataStream(bitmapSource.Size.Height * stride, true, true))
         // Copy the content of the WIC to the buffer
         bitmapSource.CopyPixels(stride, buffer);
         return new SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D(device, new SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2DDescription()
             Width = bitmapSource.Size.Width,
             Height = bitmapSource.Size.Height,
             ArraySize = 1,
             BindFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.BindFlags.ShaderResource,
             Usage = SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Immutable,
             CpuAccessFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.CpuAccessFlags.None,
             Format = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm,
             MipLevels = 1,
             OptionFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceOptionFlags.None,
             SampleDescription = new SharpDX.DXGI.SampleDescription(1, 0),
         }, new SharpDX.DataRectangle(buffer.DataPointer, stride));
        private static BitmapDecoder GetDecoder(BitmapSource image, out GifFile gifFile)
            gifFile = null;
            BitmapDecoder       decoder       = null;
            Stream              stream        = null;
            Uri                 uri           = null;
            BitmapCreateOptions createOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;

            var bmp = image as BitmapImage;

            if (bmp != null)
                createOptions = bmp.CreateOptions;
                if (bmp.StreamSource != null)
                    stream = bmp.StreamSource;
                else if (bmp.UriSource != null)
                    uri = bmp.UriSource;
                    if (bmp.BaseUri != null && !uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                        uri = new Uri(bmp.BaseUri, uri);
                BitmapFrame frame = image as BitmapFrame;
                if (frame != null)
                    decoder = frame.Decoder;
                    Uri.TryCreate(frame.BaseUri, frame.ToString(), out uri);

            if (decoder == null)
                if (stream != null)
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    decoder         = BitmapDecoder.Create(stream, createOptions, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);
                else if (uri != null && uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                    decoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(uri, createOptions, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);

            if (decoder is GifBitmapDecoder && !CanReadNativeMetadata(decoder))
                if (stream != null)
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    gifFile         = GifFile.ReadGifFile(stream, true);
                else if (uri != null)
                    gifFile = DecodeGifFile(uri);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't get URI or Stream from the source. AnimatedSource should be either a BitmapImage, or a BitmapFrame constructed from a URI.");
            if (decoder == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't get a decoder from the source. AnimatedSource should be either a BitmapImage or a BitmapFrame.");
Exemple #12
        private static BitmapSource Capture3()
            //IntPtr hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screenDC, (int)SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth, (int)SystemParameters.VirtualScreenHeight);
            GetClientRect(GetForegroundWindow(), out RECT clientRect);//アクティブウィンドウのクライアント領域Rect取得
            int clientWidth = clientRect.Right - clientRect.Left;//実際はtopとleftは必ず0なので、rightとbottomだけでいい
            int clientHeight = clientRect.Bottom - clientRect.Top;
            ClientToScreen(GetForegroundWindow(), out POINT ClientLocate);//クライアント領域の左上座標

            IntPtr screenDC = GetDC(IntPtr.Zero);//画面全体のDC
            IntPtr memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(screenDC);//目的のウィンドウ用DC
            IntPtr hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screenDC, clientWidth, clientHeight);
            SelectObject(memDC, hBitmap);

            BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight, screenDC, ClientLocate.X, ClientLocate.Y, SRCCOPY);

            GetCursorPos(out POINT cursorScreenPoint);//画面上でのカーソル位置
            int cursorClientX = cursorScreenPoint.X - ClientLocate.X;
            int cursorClientY = cursorScreenPoint.Y - ClientLocate.Y;

            IntPtr cursor = GetCursor();
            //DrawIcon(memDC, mpX, cursorClientY, cursor);
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, mpX, cursorClientY, cursor, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_DEFAULTSIZE);
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, mpX, cursorClientY, cursor, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_NORMAL);//NORMAL以外は表示されなかったり枠がついたりする
            //VB現在のマウスポインタの種類を取得したいのですが、いくら調べても方法が... - Yahoo!知恵袋

            GetIconInfo(cursor, out ICONINFO iCONINFO);
            //BitmapSource ibmp = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(iCONINFO.hbmColor, new Int32Rect(), BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());//カーソルハンドルが無効エラー
            var icolor = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(iCONINFO.hbmColor, IntPtr.Zero, new Int32Rect(), BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
            var imask = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(iCONINFO.hbmMask, IntPtr.Zero, new Int32Rect(), BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());

            CURSORINFO curInfo = new CURSORINFO();
            curInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CURSORINFO));
            GetCursorInfo(out curInfo);
            //DrawIcon(memDC, mpX, cursorClientY, curInfo.hCursor);//かなり良くなったけど、I型アイコンのとき真っ白になる
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, mpX, cursorClientY, curInfo.hCursor, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_NORMAL);//これでも変わらず

            //            c# - C#-マウスカーソルイメージのキャプチャ
            //カーソルインフォ → コピーアイコン → アイコンインフォのビットマップマスク画像でI型アイコンの元?の画像取得できた
            IntPtr hicon = CopyIcon(curInfo.hCursor);
            GetIconInfo(hicon, out ICONINFO icInfo);
            BitmapSource imask2 = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(icInfo.hbmMask, IntPtr.Zero, new Int32Rect(), BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
            //var icolor2 = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(icInfo.hbmColor, IntPtr.Zero, new Int32Rect(), BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
            IntPtr maskHdc = CreateCompatibleDC(screenDC);
            //SelectObject(memDC, hBitmap);
            //IntPtr iconDC = GetDC(icInfo.hbmMask);
            IntPtr iconDC = GetDC(hicon);
            //BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight, maskHdc, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);
            //BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight, maskHdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
            //BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, 32, 32, maskHdc, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);
            //BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, 32, 32, maskHdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
            //BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight, iconDC, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);
            BitBlt(memDC, clientWidth, clientHeight, 32, 32, iconDC, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);

            //DrawIconEx(memDC, cursorClientX, cursorClientY, hicon, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_NORMAL);//カーソル位置に白四角
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, 0, 0, hicon, 0, 0, 0, hicon, DI_NORMAL);//左上に白四角
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, cursorClientX, cursorClientY, hicon, 32, 32, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_NORMAL);//カーソル位置に白四角
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, 0, 0, icInfo.hbmMask, 32, 32, 0, hicon, DI_NORMAL);

            //DrawIconEx(memDC, cursorClientX, cursorClientY, hicon, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_COMPAT);//描画なし
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, cursorClientX, cursorClientY, hicon, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_MASK);//カーソル位置に白四角
            //DrawIconEx(memDC, cursorClientX, cursorClientY, hicon, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_IMAGE);//カーソル位置に白四角

            BitmapSource source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
            ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, screenDC);
            ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, memDC);
            ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, maskHdc);
            ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, iconDC);

            return source;
Exemple #13
 public WriteableBitmap(BitmapSource @source)
     _pixels = new int[0];
        private static void InitAnimationOrImage(Image imageControl)
            var controller = GetAnimationController(imageControl);

            if (controller != null)
            SetAnimationController(imageControl, null);
            SetIsAnimationLoaded(imageControl, false);

            BitmapSource source              = GetAnimatedSource(imageControl) as BitmapSource;
            bool         isInDesignMode      = DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(imageControl);
            bool         animateInDesignMode = GetAnimateInDesignMode(imageControl);
            bool         shouldAnimate       = !isInDesignMode || animateInDesignMode;

            // For a BitmapImage with a relative UriSource, the loading is deferred until
            // BaseUri is set. This method will be called again when BaseUri is set.
            bool isLoadingDeferred = IsLoadingDeferred(source);

            if (source != null && shouldAnimate && !isLoadingDeferred)
                // Case of image being downloaded: retry after download is complete
                if (source.IsDownloading)
                    EventHandler handler = null;
                    handler = (sender, args) =>
                        source.DownloadCompleted -= handler;
                    source.DownloadCompleted += handler;
                    imageControl.Source       = source;

                var animation = GetAnimation(imageControl, source);
                if (animation != null)
                    if (animation.KeyFrames.Count > 0)
                        // For some reason, it sometimes throws an exception the first time... the second time it works.
                        TryTwice(() => imageControl.Source = (ImageSource)animation.KeyFrames[0].Value);
                        imageControl.Source = source;

                    controller = new ImageAnimationController(imageControl, animation, GetAutoStart(imageControl));
                    SetAnimationController(imageControl, controller);
                    SetIsAnimationLoaded(imageControl, true);
                    imageControl.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(AnimationLoadedEvent, imageControl));
            imageControl.Source = source;
            if (source != null)
                SetIsAnimationLoaded(imageControl, true);
                imageControl.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(AnimationLoadedEvent, imageControl));
        protected void UpdateImage(double west, double east, double south, double north, BitmapSource bitmap)
            currentImageIndex = (currentImageIndex + 1) % 2;
            var mapImage = (MapImage)Children[currentImageIndex];

            mapImage.SetBoundingBox(west, east, south, north);
            mapImage.Source = bitmap;

Exemple #16
        private void ComputeSinogramValues()
            Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;

            SquarePaddedImage pi        = new SquarePaddedImage(fileName);
            BitmapSource      padImgBmp = pi.SquareImage;

            List <byte> pixels8Red   = pi.Pixels8PaddedRed;
            List <byte> pixels8Green = pi.Pixels8PaddedGreen;
            List <byte> pixels8Blue  = pi.Pixels8PaddedBlue;

            SquareWidth  = pi.PaddedWidth;
            SquareHeight = pi.PaddedHeight;

            int sinogramValuesSize = numberOfAngles * SquareWidth;

            sinogramWidth  = numberOfAngles;
            sinogramHeight = SquareWidth;

            // Initialize the sinogram buffer

            for (int i = 0; i < sinogramValuesSize; ++i)

            byte   red, green, blue;
            double gray;
            double sum    = 0;
            double maxsum = sum;
            double angleDegrees;

            // Compute the maximum value
            maxsum = SquareWidth * 256;

            ImageRotation ir = new ImageRotation();

            ir.Pixels8OriginalRed   = pixels8Red;
            ir.Pixels8OriginalGreen = pixels8Green;
            ir.Pixels8OriginalBlue  = pixels8Blue;
            ir.SquareWidth          = pi.PaddedWidth;
            ir.SquareHeight         = pi.PaddedHeight;

            List <byte> pixels8RotatedRed   = new List <byte>();
            List <byte> pixels8RotatedGreen = new List <byte>();
            List <byte> pixels8RotatedBlue  = new List <byte>();

            int index1, index2;

            // Populate the sinogram buffer
            for (int k = 0; k < numberOfAngles; ++k)
                angleDegrees = -k;
                // Just watch the console for large images.
                // It should go on until 180.
                Console.Write(k + " ");
                pixels8RotatedRed   = ir.Pixels8RotatedRed;
                pixels8RotatedGreen = ir.Pixels8RotatedGreen;
                pixels8RotatedBlue  = ir.Pixels8RotatedBlue;

                for (int i = 0; i < SquareWidth; ++i)
                    sum    = 0;
                    index1 = i * numberOfAngles + k;
                    for (int j = 0; j < SquareHeight; ++j)
                        index2 = j * SquareWidth + i;
                        red    = pixels8RotatedRed[index2];
                        green  = pixels8RotatedGreen[index2];
                        blue   = pixels8RotatedBlue[index2];
                        gray   = red * 0.3 + green * 0.59 + blue * 0.11;
                        gray  /= maxsum;
                        sum   += gray;
                    sinogramValues[index1] = Math.Exp(-sum);
            Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void event_其他程式啟動_選單(List <data_開啟程式> ar)
            M.but_用外部程式開啟.Click += (sender, e) => {

            u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu("檔案右鍵選單", null, () => {

            u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu("開啟檔案位置", null, () => {

            u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu("列印", null, () => {
                try {
                    var pr = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                    pr.StartInfo.FileName       = M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置];//文件全稱-包括文件後綴
                    pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                    pr.StartInfo.WindowStyle    = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    pr.StartInfo.Verb           = "Print";
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    MessageBox.Show("找不到對應開啟的程式:\n" + e2.ToString(), "列印失敗");

            u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu("設成桌布", null, () => {
                if (File.Exists(M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置]))   //判別檔案是否存在於對應的路徑
                    try {
                        SystemParametersInfo(20, 1, M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置], 0x1 | 0x2);  //存在成立,修改桌布  (uActuin 20 參數為修改wallpaper
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                        MessageBox.Show("設定桌布失敗:\n" + e2.ToString(), "失敗");

            u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu("選擇其他程式", null, () => {
                if (File.Exists(M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置]))   //判別檔案是否存在於對應的路徑
                    try {
                        String _path = M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置];
                        Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("rundll32.exe")
                            Arguments        = $"shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL {_path}",
                            WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(_path)
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                        MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString(), "Error");


            if (C_window_AERO.IsWindows10())
                // 3D小畫家
                String s_Paint3D = M.fun_執行檔路徑() + "/data/imgs/icon-Paint3D.png";
                u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu_imgPath("3D小畫家", s_Paint3D, () => {
                    if (File.Exists(M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置]))   //判別檔案是否存在於對應的路徑
                        try {
                            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mspaint", '"' + M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置] + '"' + " /ForceBootstrapPaint3D");
                        } catch (Exception e2) {
                            MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString(), "失敗");

                // win10相片 APP
                String s_photos = M.fun_執行檔路徑() + "/data/imgs/icon-photos.png";
                u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu_imgPath("相片 APP", s_photos, () => {
                    if (File.Exists(M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置]))   //判別檔案是否存在於對應的路徑
                        try {
                            String url_path = Uri.EscapeDataString(M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置]);
                            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("ms-photos:viewer?fileName=" + url_path);
                        } catch (Exception e2) {
                            MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString(), "失敗");

            for (int i = 0; i < ar.Count; i++)
                int          xx  = i;
                BitmapSource img = null;
                try {
                    img = M.c_影像.BitmapToBitmapSource(ar[i].img);
                } catch { }

                u_menu_用外部程式開啟.func_add_menu(ar[i].name, img, () => {
                    try {
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ar[xx].path, "\"" + M.ar_path[M.int_目前圖片位置] + "\"");
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
 public PrintBase(BitmapSource photo, PrintType printtype, int quantity)
     Photo     = photo;
     PrintType = printtype;
     Quantity  = quantity;
Exemple #19
        static public ICaptureProcessor createCaptureProcessor(string a_FilePath)
            if (MainWindow.mCaptureManager == null)

            string lPresentationDescriptor = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
                                             "<PresentationDescriptor StreamCount='1'>" +
                                             "<PresentationDescriptor.Attributes Title='Attributes of Presentation'>" +
                                             "<Attribute Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK' GUID='{58F0AAD8-22BF-4F8A-BB3D-D2C4978C6E2F}' Title='The symbolic link for a video capture driver.' Description='Contains the unique symbolic link for a video capture driver.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='ImageCaptureProcessor' />" +
                                             "</Attribute>" +
                                             "<Attribute Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_FRIENDLY_NAME' GUID='{60D0E559-52F8-4FA2-BBCE-ACDB34A8EC01}' Title='The display name for a device.' Description='The display name is a human-readable string, suitable for display in a user interface.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='Image Capture Processor' />" +
                                             "</Attribute>" +
                                             "</PresentationDescriptor.Attributes>" +
                                             "<StreamDescriptor Index='0' MajorType='MFMediaType_Video' MajorTypeGUID='{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}'>" +
                                             "<MediaTypes TypeCount='1'>" +
                                             "<MediaType Index='0'>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE' GUID='{1652C33D-D6B2-4012-B834-72030849A37D}' Title='Width and height of the video frame.' Description='Width and height of a video frame, in pixels.'>" +
                                             "<Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Width' Value='Temp_Width' />" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Height' Value='Temp_Height' />" +
                                             "</Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE' GUID='{20332624-FB0D-4D9E-BD0D-CBF6786C102E}' Title='Approximate data rate of the video stream.' Description='Approximate data rate of the video stream, in bits per second, for a video media type.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue  Value='33570816' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE' GUID='{48EBA18E-F8C9-4687-BF11-0A74C9F96A8F}' Title='Major type GUID for a media type.' Description='The major type defines the overall category of the media data.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='MFMediaType_Video' GUID='{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_DEFAULT_STRIDE' GUID='{644B4E48-1E02-4516-B0EB-C01CA9D49AC6}' Title='Default surface stride.' Description='Default surface stride, for an uncompressed video media type. Stride is the number of bytes needed to go from one row of pixels to the next.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='Temp_Stride' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FIXED_SIZE_SAMPLES' GUID='{B8EBEFAF-B718-4E04-B0A9-116775E3321B}' Title='The fixed size of samples in stream.' Description='Specifies for a media type whether the samples have a fixed size.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='True' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FRAME_RATE' GUID='{C459A2E8-3D2C-4E44-B132-FEE5156C7BB0}' Title='Frame rate.' Description='Frame rate of a video media type, in frames per second.'>" +
                                             "<RatioValue Value='10.0'>" +
                                             "<Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Numerator'  Value='10' />" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Denominator'  Value='1' />" +
                                             "</Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "</RatioValue>" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO' GUID='{C6376A1E-8D0A-4027-BE45-6D9A0AD39BB6}' Title='Pixel aspect ratio.' Description='Pixel aspect ratio for a video media type.'>" +
                                             "<RatioValue  Value='1'>" +
                                             "<Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Numerator'  Value='1' />" +
                                             "<ValuePart Title='Denominator'  Value='1' />" +
                                             "</Value.ValueParts>" +
                                             "</RatioValue>" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT' GUID='{C9173739-5E56-461C-B713-46FB995CB95F}' Title='Independent of samples.' Description='Specifies for a media type whether each sample is independent of the other samples in the stream.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='True' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_SAMPLE_SIZE' GUID='{DAD3AB78-1990-408B-BCE2-EBA673DACC10}' Title='The fixed size of each sample in stream.' Description='Specifies the size of each sample, in bytes, in a media type.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='Temp_SampleSize' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE' GUID='{E2724BB8-E676-4806-B4B2-A8D6EFB44CCD}' Title='Describes how the frames are interlaced.' Description='Describes how the frames in a video media type are interlaced.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue Value='MFVideoInterlace_Progressive' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_SUBTYPE' GUID='{F7E34C9A-42E8-4714-B74B-CB29D72C35E5}' Title='Subtype GUID for a media type.' Description='The subtype GUID defines a specific media format type within a major type.'>" +
                                             "<SingleValue GUID='{Temp_SubTypeGUID}' />" +
                                             "</MediaTypeItem>" +
                                             "</MediaType>" +
                                             "</MediaTypes>" +
                                             "</StreamDescriptor>" +

            ImageCaptureProcessor lICaptureProcessor = new ImageCaptureProcessor();

            using (var lImageStream = File.Open(a_FilePath, FileMode.Open))
                if (lImageStream == null)

                var lBitmap = BitmapDecoder.Create(lImageStream, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.None);

                if (lBitmap == null)

                if (lBitmap.Frames == null || lBitmap.Frames.Count == 0)

                BitmapSource bitmapSource = lBitmap.Frames[0];

                int lStride = 0;

                Guid lMFVideoFormat_RGBFormat = MFVideoFormat_ARGB32;

                MainWindow.mCaptureManager.getStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(lMFVideoFormat_RGBFormat, (uint)bitmapSource.PixelWidth, out lStride);

                int width  = bitmapSource.PixelWidth;
                int height = bitmapSource.PixelHeight;
                int stride = (int)Math.Abs(lStride);

                lPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor.Replace("Temp_Width", ((uint)bitmapSource.PixelWidth).ToString());

                lPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor.Replace("Temp_Height", ((uint)bitmapSource.PixelHeight).ToString());

                lPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor.Replace("Temp_Stride", lStride.ToString());

                lPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor.Replace("Temp_SampleSize", ((uint)(Math.Abs(lStride) * bitmapSource.PixelHeight * 3)).ToString());

                lPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor.Replace("Temp_SubTypeGUID", lMFVideoFormat_RGBFormat.ToString());

                lICaptureProcessor.mPresentationDescriptor = lPresentationDescriptor;

                foreach (var litem in lBitmap.Frames)
                    bitmapSource = litem;

                    if (bitmapSource.Format != System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32)
                        FormatConvertedBitmap newFormatedBitmapSource = new FormatConvertedBitmap();


                        newFormatedBitmapSource.Source = litem;

                        newFormatedBitmapSource.DestinationFormat = System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32;


                        bitmapSource = newFormatedBitmapSource;

                    byte[] lPixels = new byte[height * stride];

                    bitmapSource.CopyPixels(lPixels, stride, 0);

                    lICaptureProcessor.mRawDataFrames.Add(new RawDataFrame(lPixels));

Exemple #20
 public ImageCapture(BitmapSource img)
     : this()
     Source = img;
 public ImageCaptureEventArgs(BitmapSource image)
     Image = image;
Exemple #22
        void PasteImage_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
            if (sender == this)
                if (Clipboard.ContainsImage())
                    BitmapSource src = Clipboard.GetImage();

                    if (src != null)
                            // find and/or create the folder

                            string folder    = Kaxaml.Properties.Settings.Default.PasteImageFolder;
                            string absfolder = "";

                            if (!folder.Contains(":"))
                                absfolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(DocumentsView.SelectedDocument.Folder, folder);
                                absfolder = folder;

                            // create the folder if it doesn't exist

                            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(absfolder))

                            // create a unique filename

                            string filename = Kaxaml.Properties.Settings.Default.PasteImageFile;
                            string tempfile = System.IO.Path.Combine(absfolder, filename);
                            int    number   = 1;

                            string absfilename = tempfile.Replace("$number$", number.ToString());
                            while (System.IO.File.Exists(absfilename))
                                absfilename = tempfile.Replace("$number$", number.ToString());

                            // save the image from the clipboard

                            using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(absfilename, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                                JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
                                encoder.QualityLevel = 100;

                                //PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                                //encoder.Interlace = PngInterlaceOption.Off;

                            // get a relative version of the file name

                            string rfilename = absfilename.Replace(DocumentsView.SelectedDocument.Folder + "\\", "");

                            // create and insert the xaml

                            string xaml = Kaxaml.Properties.Settings.Default.PasteImageXaml;
                            xaml = xaml.Replace("$source$", rfilename);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (ex.IsCriticalException())
 public PrintBase(BitmapSource photo, string description, double cost)
     Photo     = photo;
     PrintType = new PrintType(description, cost);
     Quantity  = 0;
Exemple #24
 private static DataStream GetPixels(BitmapSource source, int stride)
     var pixels = new DataStream(source.Size.Height * stride, true, true);
     source.CopyPixels(stride, pixels);
     return pixels;
Exemple #25
        private void DrawCanvas4()
            int width  = (int)_canvas4.ActualWidth;
            int height = (int)_canvas4.ActualHeight;

            using (var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))
                using (var graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                    // GDI Bitmap にポリゴンを描画
                    foreach (var area in _areas)
                        var points  = area.Points;
                        var polygon = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            var point = points[i];
                            polygon[i] = new System.Drawing.Point((int)point.X, (int)point.Y);
                        graphics.FillPolygon(area.FillGdiBrush, polygon);

                    // GDI Bitmap → ByteArray
                    var rect       = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
                    var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(
                    var byteArray = new byte[width * height];
                        var pSrc = (byte *)bitmapData.Scan0.ToPointer();
                        fixed(byte *pDst = byteArray)
                            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                                int srcLine = bitmapData.Stride * i;
                                int dstLine = width * i;
                                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                                    int src = srcLine + (j * 4);
                                    int b   = pSrc[src];
                                    int g   = pSrc[src + 1];
                                    int r   = pSrc[src + 2];
                                    //int a = pSrc[src + 3];

                                    int color;
                                    if (b != 0)
                                        color = (1 << 6) | 0x3F;
                                    else if (g != 0)
                                        color = (2 << 6) | 0x3F;
                                    else if (r != 0)
                                        color = (3 << 6) | 0x3F;
                                        color = 0;
                                    int dst = dstLine + j;
                                    pDst[dst] = (byte)color;

                    // ByteArray → WPF Gray8
                    var bitmapSource = BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null, byteArray, width);
                    _image4.Source = bitmapSource;
Exemple #26
 private static FormatConverter Convert(ImagingFactory factory, BitmapSource source)
     var formatConverter = new FormatConverter(factory);
     formatConverter.Initialize(source, PixelFormat.Format32bppPRGBA, BitmapDitherType.None, null,
         0.0, BitmapPaletteType.Custom);
     return formatConverter;
Exemple #27
        public void GenerateBitmapSources(System.Drawing.Bitmap b)
            BitmapSource bsource = Helper.BitmapHelper.GetBitmapSource(b);

Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Conversion from BitmapSource to XImage.
 /// </summary>
 public static XImage FromBitmapSource(BitmapSource image)
     return new XImage(image);
        private void WebClient_DownloadDataCompleted(object sender, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs e)
            BitmapSource image = Handlers.ByteToBitmapSource(e.Result);

            MainWindow.image1.Source = image;
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an image to ASCII art
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The original image as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource.</param>
 /// <param name="progress">Provider for progress updates.</param>
 /// <returns>A System.Threading.Tasks.Task that represents the conversion operation. The Task's result holds the converted image.</returns>
 public Task <T> ConvertAsync(BitmapSource source, IProgress <double> progress)
     return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Convert(source, progress)));
        public static BitmapSource DrawFaces(BitmapSource baseImage, FaceAPI.Models.DetectedFace[] faces, string[] celebName)
            if (faces == null)

            Action <DrawingContext, double> drawAction = (drawingContext, annotationScale) =>
                for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
                    var face = faces[i];
                    if (face.FaceRectangle == null)

                    Rect faceRect = new Rect(
                        face.FaceRectangle.Left, face.FaceRectangle.Top,
                        face.FaceRectangle.Width, face.FaceRectangle.Height);

                    var summary = new StringBuilder();

                    if (face.FaceAttributes != null)

                        if (face.FaceAttributes.Emotion != null)

                    if (celebName?[i] != null)

                    faceRect.Inflate(6 * annotationScale, 6 * annotationScale);

                    double lineThickness = 4 * annotationScale;

                        new Pen(s_lineBrush, lineThickness),

                    if (summary.Length > 0)
                        FormattedText ft = new FormattedText(summary.ToString(),
                                                             CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, s_typeface,
                                                             16 * annotationScale, Brushes.Black);

                        var pad = 3 * annotationScale;

                        var ypad   = pad;
                        var xpad   = pad + 4 * annotationScale;
                        var origin = new System.Windows.Point(
                            faceRect.Left + xpad - lineThickness / 2,
                            faceRect.Top - ft.Height - ypad + lineThickness / 2);
                        var rect = ft.BuildHighlightGeometry(origin).GetRenderBounds(null);
                        rect.Inflate(xpad, ypad);

                        drawingContext.DrawRectangle(s_lineBrush, null, rect);
                        drawingContext.DrawText(ft, origin);

            return(DrawOverlay(baseImage, drawAction));
Exemple #32
 public ImageProcessing(BitmapSource source)
     _img = ConvertToBitmap(source);
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// k平均法を使ってパレットを作成して減色
        /// 色の距離はRGB各色の差の2乗を足したのを√
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">PixelFormatPbgra32のBitmapSource</param>
        /// <param name="colorCount">パレットの色数</param>
        /// <param name="colorDiff">新旧パレットの色差がこの値を下回ったらパレット完成とする値
        /// 小さいほど時間がかかる、0から255、1から5が適度</param>
        /// <returns>PixelFormatPbgra32のBitmapSource</returns>
        private BitmapSource ReduceColor減色(BitmapSource source, int colorCount, double colorDiff = 5)
            string neko   = "start" + "\n";//色と色差の変化の確認用
            var    wb     = new WriteableBitmap(source);
            int    h      = wb.PixelHeight;
            int    w      = wb.PixelWidth;
            int    stride = wb.BackBufferStride;

            byte[] pixles = new byte[h * stride];
            wb.CopyPixels(pixles, stride, 0);
            long   p = 0;
            Color  myColor;
            int    pIndex;                  //パレットのインデックス
            double distance, min, diff = 0; //色の距離、最小値、新旧色の距離

            Color[] palette = GetRandomColorPalette(colorCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; ++i)
                neko += palette[i].ToString() + "\n";
            //List<Color>[] colorList = new List<Color>[palette.Length];
            List <Color>[] colorList = new List <Color> [palette.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < colorList.Length; ++i)
                colorList[i] = new List <Color>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
                for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; ++i)
                    //colorList[i] = new List<Color>();

                if (h * w < 50000)
                    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
                        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                            p       = y * stride + (x * 4);
                            myColor = Color.FromRgb(pixles[p + 2], pixles[p + 1], pixles[p]);
                            ColorGrouping(palette, myColor, colorList);
                    Random random = new Random();
                    for (int k = 0; k < 50000; ++k)
                        p       = (random.Next(h) * stride) + (random.Next(w) * 4);
                        myColor = Color.FromRgb(pixles[p + 2], pixles[p + 1], pixles[p]);
                        ColorGrouping(palette, myColor, colorList);

                Color[] newPalette = new Color[palette.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < newPalette.Length; ++i)
                    myColor    = GetAverageGolor(colorList[i]);//平均色取得(新しい色)
                    neko      += myColor.ToString() + "\n";
                    diff      += GetColorDistance(palette[i], myColor);
                    palette[i] = myColor;//新しい色で上書き

                TextBlockLoopCount.Text = "ループ回数 = " + j.ToString();
                diff /= palette.Length;
                neko += diff.ToString() + "\n";
                if (diff < colorDiff)
                diff = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; ++i)
                MyPalette[i].Background = new SolidColorBrush(palette[i]);

            for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                    p       = y * stride + (x * 4);
                    myColor = Color.FromRgb(pixles[p + 2], pixles[p + 1], pixles[p]);
                    min     = GetColorDistance(myColor, palette[0]);
                    pIndex  = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; ++i)
                        distance = GetColorDistance(myColor, palette[i]);
                        if (min > distance)
                            min    = distance;
                            pIndex = i;
                    myColor       = palette[pIndex];
                    pixles[p + 2] = myColor.R;
                    pixles[p + 1] = myColor.G;
                    pixles[p]     = myColor.B;
            wb.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, w, h), pixles, stride, 0);
            PixelFormat pixelFormat;

            if (colorCount <= 2)
                pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Indexed1;
            else if (colorCount <= 4)
                pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Indexed2;
            else if (colorCount <= 16)
                pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Indexed4;
            else if (colorCount <= 256)
                pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Indexed8;
                pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Bgr24;
            return(new FormatConvertedBitmap(wb, pixelFormat, null, 0));
 public static void Save(this BitmapSource bmp, string path) => BitmapSourceConverter.ToMat(bmp).Save(path);
Exemple #35
 public SceneRenderProgress(int percentComplete, BitmapSource renderedBitmap)
     PercentComplete = percentComplete;
     RenderedBitmap  = renderedBitmap;
        private static ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames GetAnimation(Image imageControl, BitmapSource source)
            var animation = AnimationCache.GetAnimation(source, GetRepeatBehavior(imageControl));

            if (animation != null)
            GifFile gifMetadata;
            var     decoder = GetDecoder(source, out gifMetadata) as GifBitmapDecoder;

            if (decoder != null && decoder.Frames.Count > 1)
                var fullSize = GetFullSize(decoder, gifMetadata);
                int index    = 0;
                animation = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
                var          totalDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
                BitmapSource baseFrame     = null;
                foreach (var rawFrame in decoder.Frames)
                    var metadata = GetFrameMetadata(decoder, gifMetadata, index);

                    var frame    = MakeFrame(fullSize, rawFrame, metadata, baseFrame);
                    var keyFrame = new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(frame, totalDuration);

                    totalDuration += metadata.Delay;

                    switch (metadata.DisposalMethod)
                    case FrameDisposalMethod.None:
                    case FrameDisposalMethod.DoNotDispose:
                        baseFrame = frame;

                    case FrameDisposalMethod.RestoreBackground:
                        if (IsFullFrame(metadata, fullSize))
                            baseFrame = null;
                            baseFrame = ClearArea(frame, metadata);

                    case FrameDisposalMethod.RestorePrevious:
                        // Reuse same base frame

                animation.Duration = totalDuration;

                animation.RepeatBehavior = GetActualRepeatBehavior(imageControl, decoder, gifMetadata);

                AnimationCache.AddAnimation(source, GetRepeatBehavior(imageControl), animation);
                AnimationCache.IncrementReferenceCount(source, GetRepeatBehavior(imageControl));
 public void StoreImage()
     defaultImg = (BitmapSource)capturedImg.Source;
Exemple #38
 /// <param name="baseUrl">Atskaņojamās plūsmas adreses sākumdaļa (ar slīpsvītru galā).</param>
 public SegmentedChannel(string url, BitmapSource logo, TimeZoneInfo timezone, bool hasGuide, Brand brand, Menu <Channel> menu = null)
     : base(new SegmentedStream(url), logo, timezone, hasGuide, brand, menu)
Exemple #39
        unsafe void InitializeFont(GDIFont font)
            IntPtr hdc = myTempGraphics.GetHdc();
            IntPtr hfont = font.ToHfont();
            SelectObject(hdc, hfont);

            if (!GetCharWidth32(hdc, 0, 255, CharacterWidths))
                throw new SystemException("Unable to measure character widths.");

            tagTEXTMETRIC metrics = new tagTEXTMETRIC();
            GetTextMetrics(hdc, ref metrics);
            myLeadingSpace = metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            myTrailingSpace = metrics.tmExternalLeading;


            int width = 0;
            for (int i = myFirstCharacterOfInterest; i <= myLastCharacterOfInterest; i++)
                CharacterWidths[i] += myLeadingSpace + myTrailingSpace;
                width += CharacterWidths[i];
            myHeight = (int)Math.Round(myTempGraphics.MeasureString(myCharactersOfInterest, font).Height);

            int squareDim = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(width * myHeight));
            squareDim = BitmapSource.GetValidTextureDimensionFromSize(squareDim);
            int squareWidth = squareDim;
            int squareHeight = squareDim;
            float fSquareWidth = squareWidth;
            float fSquareHeight = squareHeight;
            Bitmap bitmap;

            bool fit;
                bitmap = new Bitmap(squareWidth, squareHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                    int x = 0;
                    int y = 0;

                    for (char i = myFirstCharacterOfInterest; i <= myLastCharacterOfInterest; i++)
                        if (x + CharacterWidths[i] >= fSquareWidth)
                            y += myHeight;
                            x = 0;
                        CharacterLocations[i] = new Point(x, y);

                        float uStart = x / fSquareWidth;
                        float uEnd = (x + CharacterWidths[i]) / fSquareWidth;
                        float vStart = y / fSquareHeight;
                        float vEnd = (y + myHeight) / fSquareHeight;

                        int offset = i * 4;
                        TextureCoordinates[offset] = new TextureCoordinate(uStart, vEnd);
                        TextureCoordinates[offset+ 1] = new TextureCoordinate(uStart, vStart);
                        TextureCoordinates[offset + 2] = new TextureCoordinate(uEnd, vEnd);
                        TextureCoordinates[offset + 3] = new TextureCoordinate(uEnd, vStart);

                        g.DrawString(i.ToString(), font, myWhiteBrush, x, y);
                        // adding a 1 pixel extra margin on the left seems to clear up some artifacting
                        // that occurs as a result of glyphs being too close together.
                        x += CharacterWidths[i] + 1;

                    fit = y + myHeight < fSquareHeight;
                    if (!fit)
                        squareWidth <<= 1;
                        fSquareWidth = squareWidth;
            while (!fit);

            byte[] alphaBytes = new byte[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height];
            BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);

            int pixCount = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                short* yp = (short*)((int)data.Scan0 + data.Stride * y);
                for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++, pixCount++)
                    short* p = (short*)(yp + x);
                    short pixel = *p;
                    byte b = (byte)((pixel & 0x1F) << 3);
                    byte g = (byte)(((pixel >> 5) & 0x3F) << 2);
                    byte r = (byte)(((pixel >> 11) & 0x1F) << 3);
                    byte totalAlpha = (byte)((r + g + b) / 3);
                    alphaBytes[pixCount] = totalAlpha;

            uint tex = 0;
            gl.GenTextures(1, &tex);
            gl.BindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);

            fixed (byte* alphaBytesPointer = alphaBytes)
                gl.TexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_ALPHA, squareWidth, squareHeight, 0, gl.GL_ALPHA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (IntPtr)alphaBytesPointer);

            gl.TexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR);
            gl.TexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR);
            gl.TexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            gl.TexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

            mySource = new BitmapSource();
            mySource.myWidth = squareWidth;
            mySource.myHeight = squareHeight;
            mySource.myName = tex;
            mySource.myIsTransparent = true;
Exemple #40

        private BitmapSource MixBitmap(BitmapSource source, BitmapSource cursor, POINT cursorLocate, int xOffset, int yOffset)
            BitmapSource resultBmp = null;
            int sideLenght = cursor.PixelWidth;//32、横一辺の長さ
            int maskHeight = cursor.PixelHeight;//64、縦は横の2倍のはず
            if (sideLenght * 2 != maskHeight) return resultBmp;//2倍じゃなければnullを返して終了

            BitmapSource maskBmp1 = new CroppedBitmap(cursor, new Int32Rect(0, 0, sideLenght, sideLenght));
            FormatConvertedBitmap m1 = new FormatConvertedBitmap(maskBmp1, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0);
            //var m11 = new FormatConvertedBitmap(maskBmp1, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null, 0);
            int maskStride = (m1.PixelWidth * 32 + 7) / 8;
            byte[] mask1Pixels = new byte[m1.PixelHeight * maskStride];
            m1.CopyPixels(mask1Pixels, maskStride, 0);

            BitmapSource maskBmp2 = new CroppedBitmap(cursor, new Int32Rect(0, sideLenght, sideLenght, sideLenght));
            var m2 = new FormatConvertedBitmap(maskBmp2, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0);
            byte[] mask2Pixels = new byte[m2.PixelHeight * maskStride];
            m2.CopyPixels(mask2Pixels, maskStride, 0);

            int w = source.PixelWidth;
            int h = source.PixelHeight;
            int bpp = source.Format.BitsPerPixel;//1ビクセルあたりのbit数、bgra32は4になるはず
            int stride = (w * bpp + 7) / 8;
            byte[] pixels = new byte[h * stride];
            source.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);

            int beginX = cursorLocate.X - xOffset;
            int beginY = cursorLocate.Y - yOffset;
            int endX = beginX + sideLenght;
            int endY = beginY + sideLenght;
            if (endX > w) endX = w;
            if (endY > h) endY = h;

            int yCount = 0;
            int xCount = 0;
            int nekocount = 0;
            for (int y = beginY; y < endY; y++)
                for (int x = beginX; x < endX; x++)
                    var p = y * stride + x * 4;
                    var pp = yCount * maskStride + xCount * 4;
                    //pixels[p] = 0;
                    //pixels[p+1] = 0;
                    //pixels[p+2] = 0;

                    if (mask1Pixels[pp] == 0)
                        pixels[p] = 0;
                        pixels[p + 1] = 0;
                        pixels[p + 2] = 0;

                    if (mask2Pixels[pp] == 255)
                        pixels[p] = (byte)(255 - pixels[p]);
                        pixels[p + 1] = (byte)(255 - pixels[p + 1]);
                        pixels[p + 2] = (byte)(255 - pixels[p + 2]);
                xCount = 0;

            return BitmapSource.Create(w, h, source.DpiX, source.DpiY, source.Format, source.Palette, pixels, stride);

      private void CalculateLuminanceBGR565(BitmapSource bitmap)
         var width = bitmap.PixelWidth;
         var height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
         var stepX = (bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
         var bufferSize = width * stepX;
         var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
         var rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, 1);
         var luminanceIndex = 0;

         for (var curY = 0; curY < height; curY++)
            bitmap.CopyPixels(rect, buffer, bufferSize, 0);
            for (var curX = 0; curX < bufferSize; curX += stepX)
               var byte1 = buffer[curX];
               var byte2 = buffer[curX + 1];

               var b5 = byte1 & 0x1F;
               var g5 = (((byte1 & 0xE0) >> 5) | ((byte2 & 0x03) << 3)) & 0x1F;
               var r5 = (byte2 >> 2) & 0x1F;
               var r8 = (r5 * 527 + 23) >> 6;
               var g8 = (g5 * 527 + 23) >> 6;
               var b8 = (b5 * 527 + 23) >> 6;

               // cheap, not fully accurate conversion
               //var pixel = (byte2 << 8) | byte1;
               //b8 = (((pixel) & 0x001F) << 3);
               //g8 = (((pixel) & 0x07E0) >> 2) & 0xFF;
               //r8 = (((pixel) & 0xF800) >> 8);

               luminances[luminanceIndex] = (byte)((RChannelWeight * r8 + GChannelWeight * g8 + BChannelWeight * b8) >> ChannelWeight);
Exemple #42
 private Texture2D CreateDirectXTexture(BitmapSource source)
     var stride = source.Size.Width * 4;
     using (var buffer = GetPixels(source, stride))
         return new Texture2D(device.NativeDevice, CreateTextureDescription(source.Size),
             new DataRectangle(buffer.DataPointer, stride));
 public WicBitmapSource(ImagingFactory factory, BitmapSource wicImpl)
     this.factory = factory;
     this.WicImpl = wicImpl;
      private void CalculateLuminanceBGR(BitmapSource bitmap)
         var width = bitmap.PixelWidth;
         var height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
         var stepX = (bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
         var bufferSize = width * stepX;
         var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
         var rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, 1);
         var luminanceIndex = 0;

         for (var curY = 0; curY < height; curY++)
            bitmap.CopyPixels(rect, buffer, bufferSize, 0);
            for (var curX = 0; curX < bufferSize; curX += stepX)
               var b = buffer[curX];
               var g = buffer[curX + 1];
               var r = buffer[curX + 2];
               luminances[luminanceIndex] = (byte)((RChannelWeight * r + GChannelWeight * g + BChannelWeight * b) >> ChannelWeight);
Exemple #45
 private static Texture2D CreateTexture2DFromBitmapSource(Device device, BitmapSource bitmapSource, TextureLoadOptions options) {
     // Allocate DataStream to receive the WIC image pixels
     var stride = bitmapSource.Size.Width * 4;
     using (var buffer = new DataStream(bitmapSource.Size.Height * stride, true, true)) {
         // Copy the content of the WIC to the buffer
         bitmapSource.CopyPixels(stride, buffer);
         var texture2DDescription = new Texture2DDescription() {
             Width = bitmapSource.Size.Width,
             Height = bitmapSource.Size.Height,
             ArraySize = 1,
             BindFlags = options.BindFlags,
             Usage = options.ResourceUsage,
             CpuAccessFlags = options.CpuAccessFlags,
             Format = options.Format,
             MipLevels = options.MipLevels,
             OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
             SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
         var dataRectangle = new DataRectangle(buffer.DataPointer, stride);
         return new Texture2D(device, texture2DDescription, dataRectangle);
        private void UpdateImage(double west, double east, double south, double north, BitmapSource image)
            currentImageIndex = (currentImageIndex + 1) % 2;
            var mapImage = (MapImage)Children[currentImageIndex];

            mapImage.Source = null;
            mapImage.North = double.NaN; // avoid frequent MapRectangle.UpdateData() calls
            mapImage.West = west;
            mapImage.East = east;
            mapImage.South = south;
            mapImage.North = north;

            if (image != null)
                mapImage.Source = image;
Exemple #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XImage"/> class from a WinRT image.
 /// </summary>
 XImage(BitmapSource image)
     _wrtImage = image;
 public BitmapSource doOperation(BitmapSource image)
     return(new FormatConvertedBitmap(image, PixelFormats.Gray8, BitmapPalettes.Gray256, 0.0));
Exemple #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the image filename.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bitmapSource">The bitmap source.</param>
 internal static string GetImageFilename(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
     string filename = bitmapSource.ToString();
     filename = UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(filename);
     if (filename.StartsWith("file:///"))
         filename = filename.Substring(8); // Remove all 3 slashes!
     else if (filename.StartsWith("file://"))
         filename = filename.Substring(5); // Keep 2 slashes (UNC path)
     return filename;
Exemple #50
        public static GifBitmapCoder ConvertStciIndexedToGif(
            StciIndexed aStci, UInt16 aDelay, bool aUseTransparent, int aForeshotingNumber)
            var _stciPalette = aStci.Palette;
            var _colors      = new List <Color>(StciIndexed.NUMBER_OF_COLORS);

            for (int i = 0; i < StciIndexed.NUMBER_OF_COLORS; i++)
                _colors.Add(Color.FromRgb(_stciPalette[i * 3], _stciPalette[i * 3 + 1], _stciPalette[i * 3 + 2]));
            var _palette = new BitmapPalette(_colors);

            var _gifCoder = new GifBitmapCoder(_palette);

            _gifCoder.Extensions.Add(new GifCommentExtension("Egorov A. V. for"));

            Int16 _minOffsetX = Int16.MaxValue;
            Int16 _minOffsetY = Int16.MaxValue;

            int foreshotingCount = 0;

            foreach (var _subImage in aStci.Images)
                if (_subImage.AuxData != null && _subImage.AuxData.NumberOfFrames > 0)

                if (aForeshotingNumber > 0 && aForeshotingNumber != foreshotingCount)

                var _header = _subImage.Header;

                _minOffsetX = Math.Min(_minOffsetX, _header.OffsetX);
                _minOffsetY = Math.Min(_minOffsetY, _header.OffsetY);

            if (_minOffsetX < 0 || _minOffsetY < 0)
                var _shiftData = new List <byte>(4);
                var _shiftExtension = new GifApplicationExtension(ApplicationId, _shiftData.ToArray());

            foreshotingCount = 0;

            foreach (var _subImage in aStci.Images)
                if (_subImage.AuxData != null && _subImage.AuxData.NumberOfFrames > 0)

                if (aForeshotingNumber > 0 && aForeshotingNumber != foreshotingCount)

                var _header = _subImage.Header;

                var _imageSource = BitmapSource.Create(
                    96, 96,

                var _frame   = BitmapFrame.Create(_imageSource);
                var _offsetX = _header.OffsetX;
                var _offsetY = _header.OffsetY;
                if (_minOffsetX < 0 || _minOffsetY < 0)
                    // GIF format suports only positive offsets
                    _offsetX = (short)(_offsetX - _minOffsetX);
                    _offsetY = (short)(_offsetY - _minOffsetY);
                var _bf = new GifBitmapFrame(_frame, (ushort)_offsetX, (ushort)_offsetY);

                if (_subImage.AuxData != null)
                    var _auxData = new byte[AuxObjectData.SIZE];
                    _subImage.AuxData.Save(new MemoryStream(_auxData));
                    _bf.Extensions.Add(new GifApplicationExtension(ApplicationId, _auxData));

                _bf.DisposalMethod   = GifFrameDisposalMethod.RestoreToBackgroundColor;
                _bf.UseGlobalPalette = true;
                _bf.UseTransparency  = aUseTransparent;
                _bf.Delay            = aDelay;
                if (aUseTransparent)
                    _bf.TransparentColorIndex = (byte)aStci.Header.TransparentColorIndex;

Exemple #51
        private void ProcessVideo(string fileName)
            VideoFileReader reader = new VideoFileReader();


            System.Drawing.Color[] samples = new System.Drawing.Color[_captureRect.Width * _captureRect.Height];

            FrameCaptureCollection frameSamples = new FrameCaptureCollection();

            bool indeterminate = reader.FrameCount <= 0;

            if (!indeterminate)
                frameSamples.TotalFramesInVideo  = (int)reader.FrameCount;
                frameSamples.DurationNumerator   = reader.FrameCount * reader.FrameRate.Denominator;
                frameSamples.DurationDenominator = reader.FrameRate.Numerator;

            //List<byte> allAudio = new List<byte>();

            frameSamples.VideoFile   = _videoFile;
            frameSamples.CaptureRect = _captureRect;

            long frame = 0;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            int preview = 0;

            Dictionary <long, BitmapSource> thumbnails = new Dictionary <long, BitmapSource>();

                //List<byte> audio = new List<byte>();
                var current = reader.ReadVideoFrame();
                if (current == null)


                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                    samples[i] = current.GetPixel(_captureRect.X + i % _captureRect.Width,
                                                  _captureRect.Y + i / _captureRect.Width);

                frameSamples.Add(new FrameCapture(frame, samples));

                if (frame % 25 == 0)

                    var hBitmap = current.GetHbitmap();

                    var capture = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
                        BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(current.Width, current.Height));


                    if (preview % 10 == 0)
                        BitmapSource thumbnail = Resize(capture, 200, 130);
                        thumbnails.Add(frame, thumbnail);


                    double progressValue;
                    string progressText;

                    if (!indeterminate)
                        progressValue = (double)frame / reader.FrameCount;
                        progressText  = $"{frame} / {reader.FrameCount} ({progressValue:P})";

                        TimeSpan elapsed         = DateTime.Now - start;
                        TimeSpan averagePerFrame = elapsed.Divide(frame);
                        long     left            = Math.Max(0, reader.FrameCount - frame - 1);
                        TimeSpan timeLeft        = averagePerFrame.Multiply(left);

                        progressText += $" ETA {timeLeft:mm\\:ss}";
                        progressValue = 0.0;
                        progressText  = $"{frame} / Unknown";

                    Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        if (_isClosing)

                        Image            = capture;
                        txtProgress.Text = progressText;
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = progressValue;
                        proTotal.Value = progressValue;

                        if (indeterminate)
                            TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Indeterminate;
                            proTotal.IsIndeterminate      = true;

            } while (_running);

            //byte[] a = allAudio.ToArray();

            //Signal s = new Signal(a, 1, a.Length, reader.SampleRate, SampleFormat.Format8BitUnsigned);

            //for (int index = 0; index < frameSamples.Count; index++)
            //    var frameSample = frameSamples[index];
            //    frameSample.AudioLevel = s.GetSample(0, (int) frameSample.FrameIndex);

            long framesSampled  = frame;
            long expectedFrames = frameSamples.TotalFramesInVideo;
            long sampledFrames  = frameSamples.Count;

            if (frameSamples.TotalFramesInVideo == 0)
                frameSamples.TotalFramesInVideo  = (int)frame;
                frameSamples.DurationNumerator   = frame * reader.FrameRate.Denominator;
                frameSamples.DurationDenominator = reader.FrameRate.Numerator;

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                if (_isClosing)

                Thumbnails   = thumbnails;
                Result       = frameSamples;
                DialogResult = true;
        protected override void DrawVisualThumbnail(DrawingContext drawingContext, out string title, ref BitmapSource icon)
            var aeroColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["AeroColor"];
            var aeroBrush = new SolidColorBrush(aeroColor);
            var aeroPen = new Pen(aeroBrush, 7);

            var grayBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf));

            var fileIcon = Icon;
            var parentLocationIcon = (BitmapSource) Application.Current.Resources["FileClipboardItemParentLocationIcon"];

            var fontFamily = (FontFamily)Application.Current.Resources["CuprumFont"];
            var typeface = new Typeface(fontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Light, FontStretches.Normal);

            const int fileNameTextOffset = VisualThumbnailMargin + 32 + VisualThumbnailMargin / 2;
            const int parentLocationTextOffset = VisualThumbnailMargin + 16 + VisualThumbnailMargin/2;

            var fileNameText = new FormattedText(Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                         typeface, 18, aeroBrush);
            fileNameText.MaxTextWidth = VisualThumbnailWidth - fileNameTextOffset - VisualThumbnailMargin;
            fileNameText.MaxTextHeight = 32;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentLocation))
                var parentLocationText = new FormattedText(ParentLocation, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                                           typeface, 14, grayBrush);
                parentLocationText.MaxTextWidth = VisualThumbnailWidth - parentLocationTextOffset -
                parentLocationText.MaxTextHeight = 32;

                drawingContext.DrawImage(parentLocationIcon, new Rect(VisualThumbnailMargin, VisualThumbnailMargin + 32 + VisualThumbnailMargin, 16, 16));
                drawingContext.DrawText(parentLocationText, new Point(parentLocationTextOffset, VisualThumbnailMargin + 32 + VisualThumbnailMargin));

            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, aeroPen, new Rect(-1, -1, VisualThumbnailWidth + 2, VisualThumbnailHeight + 2));
            drawingContext.DrawImage(fileIcon, new Rect(VisualThumbnailMargin, VisualThumbnailMargin, 32, 32));
            drawingContext.DrawText(fileNameText, new Point(fileNameTextOffset, VisualThumbnailMargin + fileNameText.MaxTextHeight / 2 - fileNameText.Height / 2));

            title = Name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Add another frame
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nextFrame">The next frame</param>
 public void Add(BitmapSource nextFrame)
     var jbe = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
     jbe.QualityLevel = 100;
 //TODO: factory?
 protected abstract void DrawVisualThumbnail(DrawingContext drawingContext, out string title, ref BitmapSource icon);
        internal BitmapSource CreateIconBitmapSource()
            var stride = PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel / 8 * 16;

            return(BitmapSource.Create(16, 16, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, new byte[16 * stride], stride));
Exemple #56
        /// <summary>
        ///     Requests pixels from the ChainedCustomBitmapSource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRect">
        ///     The rectangle of pixels being requested.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="stride">
        ///     The stride of the destination buffer.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">
        ///     The size of the destination buffer.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buffer">
        ///     The destination buffer.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     The default implementation simply calls CopyPixels on the
        ///     source.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void CopyPixelsCore(Int32Rect sourceRect, int stride, int bufferSize, IntPtr buffer)
            BitmapSource source = Source;

            if (source != null)
                // First defer to the base implementation, which will fill in
                // the buffer from the source and convert the pixel format as
                // needed.
                base.CopyPixelsCore(sourceRect, stride, bufferSize, buffer);

                // Also fetch the color of the upper-left corner (0,0) if the
                // transparent color has not been specified.
                Color transparentColor;
                if (TransparentColor == null)
                    uint[] firstPixel = new uint[1];

                        fixed(uint *pFirstPixel = firstPixel)
                            base.CopyPixelsCore(new Int32Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 4, 4, new IntPtr(pFirstPixel));

                            Bgra32Pixel *pBgraPixel = (Bgra32Pixel *)pFirstPixel;

                            transparentColor = Color.FromRgb(pBgraPixel->Red,
                    transparentColor = TransparentColor.Value;

                // The buffer has been filled with Bgr32 or Bgra32 pixels.
                // Now process these pixels and set the alpha channel to 0 for
                // pixels that match the color key.  Leave the other pixels
                // alone.
                // Note: if this buffer pointer came from a managed array, the
                // array has already been pinned.
                    byte *pBytes = (byte *)buffer.ToPointer();
                    for (int y = 0; y < sourceRect.Height; y++)
                        Bgra32Pixel *pPixel = (Bgra32Pixel *)pBytes;

                        for (int x = 0; x < sourceRect.Width; x++)
                            if (pPixel->Red == transparentColor.R &&
                                pPixel->Green == transparentColor.G &&
                                pPixel->Blue == transparentColor.B)
                                pPixel->Alpha = 0x00;


                        pBytes += stride;
Exemple #57
 public void DrawImage(BitmapSource imageSource, Rect rect)
     RectangleGeometry geo = new RectangleGeometry(rect);
     ImageBrush brush = new ImageBrush();
     brush.ImageSource = imageSource;
     brush.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
     DrawGeometry(brush, null, geo);