internal override void SetUp(BindableObject bindable)
     if (Binding != null)
         bindable.SetBinding(_boundProperty, Binding.Clone());                  //CLONE
Exemple #2
        public void Do()
            BindableObject bindableObject = globalDataList.GatheredInstances[instanceIndex] as BindableObject;
            var            property       = globalDataList.GatheredBindableProperties[bindablePropertyIndex];
            var            value          = globalDataList.GatheredInstances[valueIndex] as BindingBase;

            bindableObject?.SetBinding(property, value);
        public Binding ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StringFormat) && Converter == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"{nameof(MultiBinding)} requires a {nameof(Converter)} or {nameof(StringFormat)}");

            //Get the object that the markup extension is being applied to
            var provideValueTarget = (IProvideValueTarget)serviceProvider?.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget));

            _target = provideValueTarget?.TargetObject as BindableObject;

            if (_target == null)

            foreach (var b in Bindings)
                if (b is Binding binding)
                    var property = BindableProperty.Create($"Property-{Guid.NewGuid():N}", typeof(object),
                                                           typeof(MultiBinding), default(object), propertyChanged: (_, o, n) => SetValue());
                    _target.SetBinding(property, binding);
                else if (b is string str)
                    var property = BindableProperty.Create($"Property-{Guid.NewGuid():N}", typeof(string),
                                                           typeof(MultiBinding), default(string), propertyChanged: (_, o, n) => SetValue());
                    _target.SetValue(property, str);
                    throw new ArgumentException("MultiBinding can only accept string or Binding arguments \\n" +
                                                $"Impossible to accept a value of type {b.GetType().Name}");


            var multibinding = new Binding
                Path               = nameof(InternalValue.Value),
                Converter          = new MultiValueConverterWrapper(Converter, StringFormat),
                ConverterParameter = ConverterParameter,
                Source             = _internalValue

Exemple #4
        public static T BindTo <T>(this T source, BindableObject target,
                                   BindableProperty sourceProperty, BindableProperty targetProperty,
                                   BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default, IValueConverter converter = null, string stringFormat = null)
            where T : BindableObject
            if (target.BindingContext != null && target?.BindingContext != source)
                Console.WriteLine($"Incompatible binding source!(from source {source} to target {target.BindingContext})");

            target.BindingContext = source;
            target.SetBinding(targetProperty, sourceProperty.PropertyName, mode, converter, stringFormat);
Exemple #5
 public static void SetUpBinding
     this BindableObject view,
     BindableProperty bindableProperty,
     string viewModelPropertyName,
     BindingMode bindingMode   = BindingMode.OneWay,
     IValueConverter converter = null,
     object converterParameter = null,
     string stringFormat       = null,
     object source             = null
                     new Binding(viewModelPropertyName, bindingMode, converter, converterParameter, stringFormat, source));
Exemple #6
        bool GetVariable(string argument, BindingBase argumentBinding, BindableObject targetElement)
            if (argument == null || argumentBinding == null)
            var variableId = $"{argument}{variableCount++}";

            VariableProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Variable", typeof(string), typeof(GraphQLExtension), default(string), propertyChanged: OnVariablePropertyChanged);
            targetElement.SetBinding(VariableProperty, argumentBinding);
            variableChangedHandler = new VariableChangeHandler {
                VariableId    = variableId,
                VariableValue = (string)targetElement.GetValue(VariableProperty),
Exemple #7
        static void SetValue(BindableObject bindable, Setter setter)
            var binding = setter.Value as Binding;

            if (binding != null)
                var prop = (BindableProperty)bindable.GetType()
                           .GetField(setter.Property + "Property", BindablePropertyFlags)
                bindable.SetBinding(prop, new Binding(binding.Path, binding.Mode, binding.Converter, binding.ConverterParameter, binding.StringFormat));

            var pInfo = bindable.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetRuntimeProperty(setter.Property);

            pInfo.SetMethod.Invoke(bindable, new[] { ConvertValue(pInfo, (string)setter.Value) });
Exemple #8
        public Binding ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StringFormat) && Converter == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(MultiBinding)} requires a {nameof(Converter)} or {nameof(StringFormat)}");

                //Get the object that the markup extension is being applied to
                var provideValueTarget = (IProvideValueTarget)serviceProvider?.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget));
                _target = provideValueTarget?.TargetObject as BindableObject;

                if (_target == null)

                foreach (Binding b in Bindings)
                    var property = BindableProperty.Create($"Property-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")}", typeof(object),
                                                           typeof(MultiBinding), default(object), propertyChanged: (_, o, n) => SetValue());
                    _target.SetBinding(property, b);

                var binding = new Binding
                    Path               = nameof(InternalValue.Value),
                    Converter          = new MultiValueConverterWrapper(Converter, StringFormat),
                    ConverterParameter = ConverterParameter,
                    Source             = _internalValue,
                    Mode               = BindingMode.OneWay

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public static Binding BindProperty(BindableProperty p, BindableObject view, IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> modelProperties)
            var pName = p.PropertyName;
            var pType = p.ReturnType;
            //var pBindingMode = p.DefaultBindingMode;

            var matchProp = modelProperties.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Name == pName && pType.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(mp.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo()));

            if (matchProp == null)

            var binding = new Binding(pName, BindingMode.TwoWay);

            view.SetBinding(p, binding);

    public static void SetCurrentValue(this BindableObject self, BindableProperty property, object value)
        if (self == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(self));
        if (property == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(property));
        var backupBinding   = self.GetBinding(property); //backup binding
        var backupConverter = backupBinding.Converter;   //backup orig. converter

        self.SetValue(property, value);                  //removes the binding.
        backupBinding.Converter = new DefaultValueConverter {
            DefaultValue = value
        };                                               //change the converter
        self.SetBinding(property, backupBinding);        //target should be updated to the default value
        var converterField = backupBinding.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField("_converter");

        converterField.SetValue(backupBinding, backupConverter);        //restore the converter
        internal void Apply(BindableObject target, bool fromStyle = false)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            if (PropertyName == null)

            if (TargetReference != null)
                target = TargetReference;

            object originalValue = target.GetValue(Property);

            if (!Equals(originalValue, Property.DefaultValue))
                _originalValues.Add(target, originalValue);

            var dynamicResource = Value as DynamicResource;
            var binding         = Value as BindingBase;

            if (binding != null)
                target.SetBinding(Property, binding.Clone());                 //clone
            //else if (dynamicResource != null)
            //target.SetDynamicResource(Property, dynamicResource.Key, fromStyle);
                target.SetValue(Property, Value);
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience helper, which enables you to bind any property
 /// of your View Model to an object you pass in.
 /// </summary>
 protected void BindToViewModel(BindableObject self, BindableProperty targetProperty,
                                Expression <Func <TViewModel, object> > sourceProperty, BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default,
                                IValueConverter converter = null, string stringFormat = null)
     self.SetBinding(targetProperty, sourceProperty, mode, converter, stringFormat);
		internal override void SetUp(BindableObject bindable)
			if (Binding != null)
				bindable.SetBinding(_boundProperty, Binding.Clone());
Exemple #14
 public static void SetBinding <TModel, TProp, TDest>(this BindableObject self, BindableProperty targetProperty, Expression <Func <TModel, object> > sourceProperty, Func <TProp, TDest> converter)
     self.SetBinding <TModel>(targetProperty, sourceProperty, BindingMode.OneWay, new FuncValueConverter <TProp, TDest>(converter));
 public static void BindValue <TContext, TProperty>(this TContext context, BindableObject obj, BindableProperty property, Expression <Func <TContext, TProperty> > propertyAccessor)
     obj.SetBinding(property, propertyAccessor.ToPropertyPathName());
Exemple #16
 public static BindableObject Binding(this BindableObject bindableObject, BindableProperty targetProperty, BindingBase binding)
     bindableObject.SetBinding(targetProperty, binding);