Exemple #1
        public async Task FinishBestellingLowersVoorraad()
            _magazijnCalled = 0;

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var bestelling = new Bestelling
                    KlantId           = "1",
                    AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                    Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                    Postcode          = "1234FG",
                    BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                        new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                        new BestellingItem(2, 5)
                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await datamapper.Insert(bestelling);

            var commandPublisher = new CommandPublisher(_context);
            var result           = await commandPublisher.Publish <int>(new BestellingAfrondenCommand { Id = 1 },


            Assert.AreEqual(2, _magazijnCalled);
Exemple #2
        public async Task GetKlantWithBestellingIdReturnsKlant()
            var klant = new Klant {
                Voornaam = "Hans", Achternaam = "Van Huizen", Id = "1"

            var bestelling = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats           = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode         = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new KlantDatamapper(context);

                var bestellingmapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await bestellingmapper.Insert(bestelling);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper      = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                var resultKlant = await mapper.GetKlantWithBestellingId(1);

                Assert.AreEqual("1", resultKlant.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual("Van Huizen", resultKlant.Achternaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("Hans", resultKlant.Voornaam);
Exemple #3
        public async Task GetUnfinishedBestellingenOfKlant()
            var klant = new Klant {
                Voornaam = "Hans", Achternaam = "Van Huizen", Id = "1"

            var bestelling1 = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats           = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode         = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,

            var bestelling2 = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats           = "Middenhoven",
                Postcode         = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,

            var bestelling3 = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats           = "Hooghoven",
                Postcode         = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.InBehandelingDoorMagazijn,

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new KlantDatamapper(context);

                var bestellingmapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await bestellingmapper.Insert(bestelling1);

                await bestellingmapper.Insert(bestelling2);

                await bestellingmapper.Insert(bestelling3);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper       = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                var bestellingen = await mapper.GetUnFinishedBestellingenOfKlant("1");

                Assert.AreEqual(2, bestellingen.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestellingen.Any(b => b.Plaats == "Laaghoven"));
                Assert.IsTrue(bestellingen.Any(b => b.Plaats == "Middenhoven"));

                Assert.IsFalse(bestellingen.Any(b => b.Plaats == "Hooghoven"));
        public async Task InsertBestellingIntoDatabaseAndUpdate()
            var bestelling = new Bestelling
                Id                = 1,
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 3)
                        Id = 1
                    new BestellingItem(2, 5)
                        Id = 2

            using (var context = new WebshopContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Insert(bestelling);

            using (var context = new WebshopContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.Get(1);

                Assert.AreEqual("1", result.KlantId);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laagstraat 11", result.AdresRegel1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laaghoven", result.Plaats);
                Assert.AreEqual("1234FG", result.Postcode);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, result.BesteldeArtikelen.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.BesteldeArtikelen.Any(b => b.Artikel.Naam == "Fiets" && b.Aantal == 3));

                result.BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling;
                using (var context2 = new WebshopContext(_options))
                    var mapper2 = new BestellingDatamapper(context2);
                    await mapper2.Update(result);

            using (var context = new WebshopContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.Get(1);

                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling, result.BestellingStatus);
Exemple #5
        public async Task GetFirstUndoneReturnsNullWhenNoBestelling()
            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.GetFirstUndone();

                Assert.AreEqual(0, result);
Exemple #6
        public async Task GetVolgendeBestellingGivesNextBestelling()
            var bestelling = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats           = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode         = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling
            var bestelling2Finished = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Middenland 34",
                Plaats           = "Middenhoven",
                Postcode         = "4535FF",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.Verzonden
            var bestelling3 = new Bestelling
                KlantId          = "1",
                AdresRegel1      = "Hoogstraat 27",
                Plaats           = "Hooghoven",
                Postcode         = "4321PD",
                BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Insert(bestelling);

                await mapper.Insert(bestelling2Finished);

                await mapper.Insert(bestelling3);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.GetFirstUndone();

                Assert.AreEqual(1, result);

                //Should skip the second one
                var result2 = await mapper.GetFirstUndone();

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result2);
Exemple #7
        public async Task WhenDeBestellingIsGeplaatst()
            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                BestellingDatamapper bestellingDatamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                KlantDatamapper      klantDatamapper      = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                TestBusContext       testBusContext       = new TestBusContext();
                CommandPublisher     commandPublisher     = new CommandPublisher(testBusContext);
                EventPublisher       eventPublisher       = new EventPublisher(testBusContext);

                bestellingListener = new BestellingListener(bestellingDatamapper, klantDatamapper, commandPublisher, eventPublisher);

                id = await bestellingListener.PlaatsBestelling(bestelling);
Exemple #8
        public async Task ThenDeBestellingNaarSalesWordtDoorgestuurd(string toestand)
            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                BestellingDatamapper bestellingDatamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var bestaandeBestelling = await bestellingDatamapper.GetBestelling(id);

                if (toestand == "wel")
                    Assert.IsTrue(bestaandeBestelling.BestellingStatus == BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales);
                    Assert.IsTrue(bestaandeBestelling.BestellingStatus == BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling);
Exemple #9
        public async Task KeurBestellingGoedChangesBestellingToGereedVoorBehandeling()
            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var bestelling = new Bestelling
                    Id                = 1,
                    KlantId           = "1",
                    AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                    Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                    Postcode          = "1234FG",
                    BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,
                    BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                        new BestellingItem(1, 3)
                            Id = 1
                        new BestellingItem(2, 5)
                            Id = 2
                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await datamapper.Insert(bestelling);

            var commandPublisher = new CommandPublisher(_context);
            await commandPublisher.Publish <int>(new BestellingGoedkeurenCommand { Id = 1 },


            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result     = await datamapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling, result.BestellingStatus);

                var klantmapper = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                var klant       = await klantmapper.GetKlant("1");
Exemple #10
        public async Task NieuweBestellingThatGoesAboveKredietLimitGoesToSale()
            var bestelling = new NieuweBestellingCommand
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                    new BestellingItem(2, 3)

            var commandPublisher = new CommandPublisher(_context);
            await commandPublisher.Publish <bool>(bestelling, NameConstants.NieuweBestellingCommandQueue);


            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result     = await datamapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual("Hans", result.Klant.Voornaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("Van Huizen", result.Klant.Achternaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("1", result.KlantId);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laagstraat 11", result.AdresRegel1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laaghoven", result.Plaats);
                Assert.AreEqual("1234FG", result.Postcode);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, result.BesteldeArtikelen.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales, result.BestellingStatus);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.BesteldeArtikelen.Any(b => b.Artikel.Naam == "Fiets" && b.Aantal == 3));

                var klantMapper = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                var klant       = await klantMapper.GetKlant("1");

                //Krediet should not be added yet
                Assert.AreEqual(508.2m, klant.KredietMetSales);
Exemple #11
        public async Task InsertNieuweBestellingUnder500EuroFromEventSetsStatusToGereed()
            var bestelling = new NieuweBestellingCommand
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 1),
                    new BestellingItem(2, 1)

            var commandPublisher = new CommandPublisher(_context);
            await commandPublisher.Publish <bool>(bestelling, NameConstants.NieuweBestellingCommandQueue);


            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result     = await datamapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual("Hans", result.Klant.Voornaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("Van Huizen", result.Klant.Achternaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("1", result.KlantId);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laagstraat 11", result.AdresRegel1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laaghoven", result.Plaats);
                Assert.AreEqual("1234FG", result.Postcode);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, result.BesteldeArtikelen.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling, result.BestellingStatus);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.BesteldeArtikelen.Any(b => b.Artikel.Naam == "Fiets" && b.Aantal == 1));

                var klantMapper = new KlantDatamapper(context);
                var klant       = await klantMapper.GetKlant("1");

                Assert.AreEqual(169.4m, klant.KredietMetSales);
Exemple #12
        public async Task UpdateBestellingUpdatesIntoDatabase()
            var bestelling = new Bestelling
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                    new BestellingItem(2, 5)

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Insert(bestelling);

            bestelling.BestellingStatus = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling;

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Update(bestelling);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling, result.BestellingStatus);
Exemple #13
        public async Task InsertBestellingIntoDatabase()
            var bestelling = new Bestelling
                BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling,
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                    new BestellingItem(2, 5)

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Insert(bestelling);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual("Hans", result.Klant.Voornaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("Van Huizen", result.Klant.Achternaam);
                Assert.AreEqual("1", result.KlantId);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laagstraat 11", result.AdresRegel1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Laaghoven", result.Plaats);
                Assert.AreEqual("1234FG", result.Postcode);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, result.BesteldeArtikelen.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling, result.BestellingStatus);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.BesteldeArtikelen.Any(b => b.Artikel.Naam == "Fiets" && b.Aantal == 3));
Exemple #14
        public async Task VolgendeBestellingInpakkenGivesVolgendeBestellingSetsStatusToInbehandeling()
            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var bestelling = new Bestelling
                    BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling,
                    KlantId           = "1",
                    AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                    Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                    Postcode          = "1234FG",
                    BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                        new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                        new BestellingItem(2, 5)
                var bestelling2 = new Bestelling
                    BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling,
                    KlantId           = "1",
                    AdresRegel1       = "Hoogstraat 77",
                    Plaats            = "Hooghoven",
                    Postcode          = "4321FE",
                    BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                        new BestellingItem(1, 3),
                        new BestellingItem(2, 5)

                var datamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await datamapper.Insert(bestelling);

                await datamapper.Insert(bestelling2);

            var commandPublisher = new CommandPublisher(_context);
            var result           = await commandPublisher.Publish <int>(new VolgendeBestellingCommand(),

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result);

            var result2 = await commandPublisher.Publish <int>(new VolgendeBestellingCommand(),

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result2);

            var resultShouldbeZero = await commandPublisher.Publish <int>(new VolgendeBestellingCommand(),

            Assert.AreEqual(0, resultShouldbeZero);

            using (var context = new BeheerContext(options))
                var bestellingDatamapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var bestelling           = await bestellingDatamapper.GetBestelling(1);

                Assert.AreEqual(BestellingStatus.InBehandelingDoorMagazijn, bestelling.BestellingStatus);
        public async Task GetBestellingenAbove500EurAndNotAcceptedBySalesOnlyReturnsThose()
            var bestellingBoven500 = new Bestelling
                Id                = 1,
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.TerControleVoorSales,
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(2, 1)
                        Id = 1

            var bestellingOnder500 = new Bestelling
                Id                = 2,
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling,
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(1, 1)
                        Id = 2

            var bestellingBoven500GereedVoorBehandeling = new Bestelling
                Id                = 3,
                KlantId           = "1",
                AdresRegel1       = "Laagstraat 11",
                Plaats            = "Laaghoven",
                Postcode          = "1234FG",
                BestellingStatus  = BestellingStatus.GereedVoorBehandeling,
                BesteldeArtikelen = new List <BestellingItem>
                    new BestellingItem(2, 1)
                        Id = 3

            using (var context = new WebshopContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                await mapper.Insert(bestellingBoven500);

                await mapper.Insert(bestellingOnder500);

                await mapper.Insert(bestellingBoven500GereedVoorBehandeling);

            using (var context = new WebshopContext(_options))
                var mapper = new BestellingDatamapper(context);
                var result = await mapper.GetBestellingenBoven500() as List <Bestelling>;

                Assert.IsTrue(result.Any(b => b.Id == bestellingBoven500.Id));
                Assert.IsFalse(result.Any(b => b.Id == bestellingOnder500.Id));
                Assert.IsFalse(result.Any(b => b.Id == bestellingBoven500GereedVoorBehandeling.Id));