Exemple #1
    //  // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
    //  public override void _Process(float delta)
    //  {
    //  }

    private void _on_Button_pressed()
        AutoBattleState result = _battle.Battle();

        _battleLabel.Text   = result.ToString();
        _playerLabel.Text   = $"{_player.Name} ({_player.Health})";
        _opponentLabel.Text = $"{_battle.Opponent.Name} ({_battle.Opponent.Health})";
        Console.WriteLine($"Battle Result: \n\t{result}\n");
        Console.WriteLine($"Player: \n\t{_player}\n");
        Console.WriteLine($"Opponent: \n\t{_battle.Opponent}\n");
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ConsoleCyan($"It was another long day at the office. You finally get home, and check your personal email(since your so called office friends are always looking over your screens, making sure everything is nice and productive for your Boss).\n\n A name you hadn't seen in weeks appears in your emails. The recruiter for the interview you had to call out for...?\n\n YOU GOT THE JOB! \n\nCongratulations! You can't wait to accept this and jump out of this gig before it finally wears you down. You hurridly write your two weeks and print it out. \n\n Tomorrow is a big day. \n\nPRESS ENTER TO START");

            Hero player = PlayerSetup();

            ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

            while (key != ConsoleKey.Enter)
                key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;
            Console.WriteLine("BEGIN YOUR ADVENTURE HERE!!!");

            //write a method that will create other team mates.

            // make a game(while) loop to run your game
            //not sure how to do this yet - Tom

            ConsoleCyan("Your direct superdvisor eyes you in horror as you tell her that you're going to accept a new position. \n\n 'Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to do this? We've taken such good care of you here!");

            string choice1 = "0";

            while (choice1 != "1" && choice1 != "2")
                Console.WriteLine("Have they really taken good care of you? You've spent a good amount of nights in a sleeping bag in this office. The coffee machine is always on the fritz, and you've given up on bringing lunch since it always 'disappears.' \n\n What do you want to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("How do you answer? 1 for Yes and 2 for No");
                choice1 = Console.ReadLine();
            switch (choice1)
            case ("1"):
                ConsoleRed("'You must be crazy to even THINK of leaving a job like this.'\n\n The passive aggression coming from her mouth burns in your mind, as the two of you begin to furiously debate.");
                EvilLawyers Stacy = new EvilLawyers("Stacy");
                BattleInstance.Battle(player, Stacy);
                player.Health = player.MaxHealth;

            case ("2"):
                ConsoleCyan("'I Knew you would see it my way. We really, really, really care for you here and would be lost without you!'\n\n You never leave this company, never retiring as you work under them for the rest of your days.");
                player.Health = 0;
