Exemple #1
        public static void CheckBoss(BaseCreature bc, ref int budget)
            for (var i = 0; i < Entries.Count; i++)
                BossEntry entry = Entries[i];

                Type first = null;

                for (var index = 0; index < entry.List.Count; index++)
                    var t = entry.List[index];

                    if (t == bc.GetType() || bc.GetType().IsSubclassOf(t))
                        first = t;

                if (first != null)
                    budget += entry.Bonus;
Exemple #2
        public static bool ValidateTarget(BaseCreature bc)
            if (bc is BaseRenowned || bc is BaseChampion || bc is Engines.Shadowguard.ShadowguardBoss)

            for (var index = 0; index < _CommandTypes.Length; index++)
                Type t = _CommandTypes[index];

                if (t == bc.GetType())

            for (var index = 0; index < _NoCommandTypes.Length; index++)
                Type t = _NoCommandTypes[index];

                if (t == bc.GetType())

            SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.Silver);

            return(entry != null && entry.Slays(bc));
Exemple #3
        private bool ValidateTarget(BaseCreature bc)
            if (bc is BaseRenowned || bc is BaseChampion || bc is Server.Engines.Shadowguard.ShadowguardBoss)

            foreach (var t in _CommandTypes)
                if (t == bc.GetType())

            foreach (var t in _NoCommandTypes)
                if (t == bc.GetType())

            SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.Silver);

            return(entry != null && entry.Slays(bc));
Exemple #4
 public static void CheckBoss(BaseCreature bc, ref int budget)
     foreach (var entry in Entries)
         if (entry.List.FirstOrDefault(t => t == bc.GetType() || bc.GetType().IsSubclassOf(t)) != null)
             budget += entry.Bonus;
Exemple #5
 public virtual void SetRestricted(BaseCreature pet, bool restrict)
     if (pet != null)
         SetRestricted(pet.GetType(), restrict);
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                BaseCreature male = targeted as BaseCreature;

                if (male == null)
                    from.SendMessage("You must select an animal to breed with!");
                else if (male.Female)
                    from.SendMessage("That is a female!");
                else if (!male.BreedingEnabled)
                    from.SendMessage("That creature is not capable of being bred.");
                else if (male.GetType() != m_Female.GetType())
                    from.SendMessage("Both the male and female must be the same species.");
                else if (!male.Controlled)
                    from.SendMessage("The animal must be tamed before it can be bred.");
                    from.SendMessage("Target where the child should be born.");
                    from.Target = new ChildTarget(m_Female, male);
Exemple #7
        private bool IsHerdable(BaseCreature bc)
            if (bc.IsParagon)

            if (bc.Tamable)

            Map map = bc.Map;

            if (Region.Find(bc.Home, map) is ChampionSpawnRegion region)
                ChampionSpawn spawn = region.ChampionSpawn;

                if (spawn != null && spawn.IsChampionSpawn(bc))
                    Type t = bc.GetType();

                    foreach (Type type in m_ChampTamables)
                        if (type == t)

        public static string GetOriginalName(BaseCreature bc)
            if (bc == null)

            Type t = bc.GetType();

            if (m_NameBuffer.ContainsKey(t))

            BaseCreature c = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as BaseCreature;

            if (c != null)
                AddToBuffer(t, c.Name);

Exemple #9
        public override void ProcessKill(Mobile victim, Mobile damager)
            BaseCreature bc = victim as BaseCreature;

            if (bc == null || bc.Map != Map.TerMur || damager.Map != Map.TerMur)

            Type type = bc.GetType();

            if (!Entries.ContainsKey(type))

            if (damager is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)damager).Controlled || ((BaseCreature)damager).Summoned))
                damager = ((BaseCreature)damager).GetMaster();

            if (damager == null)

            if (bc.GetHighestDamager() == damager)
                AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item1, false);
                AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item2, false);
Exemple #10
        public override void ProcessKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, int index)
            if (victim.Map != Map.TerMur || damager.Map != Map.TerMur)

            Type type = victim.GetType();

            if (damager is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)damager).Controlled || ((BaseCreature)damager).Summoned))
                damager = ((BaseCreature)damager).GetMaster();

            if (damager == null)

            if (index == 0)
                if (Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                    AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item1, false);
                if (Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                    AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item2, false);
Exemple #11
        public static void ProcessKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, bool highestDamager)
            Type type = victim.GetType();

            if (damager is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)damager).Controlled || ((BaseCreature)damager).Summoned))
                damager = ((BaseCreature)damager).GetMaster();

            if (damager == null)

            if (highestDamager)
                if (PointsEntry.Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                    AwardPoints(damager, PointsEntry.Entries[type].TopAttackerPoints, false);
                if (PointsEntry.Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                    AwardPoints(damager, PointsEntry.Entries[type].RightsPoints, false);
Exemple #12
            public bool QuestTargets(BaseCreature creature, Mobile from)
                if (creature != null)
                    Mobile getmaster = creature.GetMaster();

                    if (getmaster != null)
                        if (getmaster is PlayerMobile)

                    if (from is PlayerMobile && (m_Creature.GetType() == typeof(Rabbit) || m_Creature.GetType() == typeof(JackRabbit)) && ((creature is WanderingHealer) || (creature is EvilWanderingHealer)))

        public StabledGump(Mobile from, Mobile targeted, List <Mobile> list) : base(50, 50)
            m_From     = from;
            m_Targeted = targeted;
            m_List     = list;


            AddBackground(0, 0, 500, 50 + (list.Count * 20), 9250);
            AddAlphaRegion(5, 5, 495, 40 + (list.Count * 20));

            AddHtml(15, 15, 275, 20, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>Select a pet to retrieve from the stables:</BASEFONT>", false, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                BaseCreature pet = list[i] as BaseCreature;

                if (pet == null || pet.Deleted)
                string fullPetType = pet.GetType().ToString();
                string petType     = fullPetType.Substring(15);   //remove the Server.Mobile. from Type string
                AddButton(15, 39 + (i * 20), 10006, 10006, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(32, 35 + (i * 20), 218, 18, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#C0C0EE>{0}</BASEFONT>", pet.Name), false, false);
                AddHtml(251, 35 + (i * 20), 218, 18, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#C0C0EE>{0}</BASEFONT>", petType), false, false);
            private bool IsHerdable(BaseCreature bc)
                if (bc.IsParagon)

                if (bc.Tamable)

                var map = bc.Map;

                if (Region.Find(bc.Home, map) is ChampionSpawnRegion region)
                    var spawn = region.Spawn;

                    if (spawn?.IsChampionSpawn(bc) == true)
                        var t = bc.GetType();

                        foreach (var type in m_ChampTamables)
                            if (type == t)

Exemple #15
 public override void OnKill(BaseCreature creature, Container corpse)
     if (System is TimeForLegendsQuest && creature.GetType() == ((TimeForLegendsQuest)System).ToSlay)
Exemple #16
        public static void HandleKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, bool highestDamager)
            if (victim == null || damager == null || damager.Map != Map.TerMur)

                ProcessKill(victim, damager, highestDamager);
Exemple #17
            public bool QuestTargets(BaseCreature creature, Mobile from)
                if (creature != null && from is PlayerMobile && (m_Creature.GetType() == typeof(Rabbit) || m_Creature.GetType() == typeof(JackRabbit)) && ((creature is WanderingHealer) || (creature is EvilWanderingHealer)))

Exemple #18
        public static void HandleKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, bool highestDamager)
            if (victim == null || damager == null || damager.Map != Map.TerMur)

            if (PointsEntry.Entries.ContainsKey(victim.GetType()))
                ProcessKill(victim, damager, highestDamager);
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o is Item)
                    from.SendMessage("That cannot be shrunken.");

                else if (o is PlayerMobile)
                    from.SendMessage("That cannot be shrunken.");

                else if (o is BaseEscortable)
                    from.SendMessage("You can't shrink me.");

                /*else if ( o is RoninsBaseCreature && ( (RoninsBaseCreature)o).Pregnant == true )
                 *  from.SendMessage( 53, "Warning! Shrinking a pet while pregnant could cause a server crash." );
                 * else if ( o is RoninsBaseCreature && ( (RoninsBaseCreature)o).IsMating == true )
                 *  from.SendMessage( 53, "Warning! Shrinking a pet while mating could cause a server crash." );*/

                else if (o is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature c    = (BaseCreature)o;
                    Type         type = c.GetType();
                    ShrinkItem   si   = new ShrinkItem();
                    si.MobType  = type;
                    si.Pet      = c;
                    si.PetOwner = from;

                    if (c is BaseMount)
                        BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)c;
                        si.MountID = mount.ItemID;

                    c.Controlled    = true;
                    c.ControlMaster = null;

                    c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                    c.IsStabled = true;
                    from.SendMessage("You cannot shrink that, MOBILES ONLY");
Exemple #20
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
                if (targ is BaseCreature)
                    bool summoned = false;
                    m_Creature = (BaseCreature)targ;

                    Type[] m_Summoned = new Type[]

                    if (m_Creature.Controled && m_Creature.ControlMaster == m_Player)
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_Summoned.Length; i++)
                            if (m_Summoned[i] == m_Creature.GetType())
                                summoned = true;

                        if (summoned)
                            m_Player.SendMessage("You send the creature back to the netherworld!");
                            m_Player.Emote("*You see {0} send the {1} back to the netherworld*", m_Player.Name, m_Creature.Name);
                            m_Player.SendMessage("That is not a creature from the netherworld.");
                        m_Player.SendMessage("You don't have power over that creature.");
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You can only dismiss summoned creatures.");
Exemple #21
        private bool ValidateTarget(BaseCreature bc)
            foreach (var t in _CommandTypes)
                if (t == bc.GetType())

            SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.Silver);

            return(entry != null && entry.Slays(bc));
Exemple #22
        public virtual void DonatePet(PlayerMobile player, BaseCreature pet)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Donations.Count; i++)
                if (m_Donations[i].Type == pet.GetType() || MoonglowDonationBox.HasGroup(pet.GetType(), m_Donations[i].Type))
                    Donate(player, m_Donations[i], 1);

            player.SendLocalizedMessage(1073113); // This Collection is not accepting that type of creature.
Exemple #23
        private static bool IsDropKeyMobile(BaseCreature bc)
            for (var index = 0; index < m_Mobile.Length; index++)
                var t = m_Mobile[index];

                if (t == bc.GetType())

Exemple #24
        private static bool IsSnake(BaseCreature bc)
            Type type = bc.GetType();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_SnakeTypes.Length; i++)
                if (type == m_SnakeTypes[i])

        public static string GetFormattedBreedString(BaseCreature pet)
            string breed     = pet.GetType().Name;
            int    capsBreak = breed.IndexOfAny("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray(), 1);

            if (capsBreak > -1)
                return(breed.Substring(0, capsBreak) + " " + breed.Substring(capsBreak));
        public virtual void DonatePet(PlayerMobile player, BaseCreature pet)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Donations.Count; i++)
                if (this.m_Donations[i].Type == pet.GetType())
                    this.Donate(player, this.m_Donations[i], 1);

            player.SendLocalizedMessage(1073113); // This Collection is not accepting that type of creature.
Exemple #27
        public static void CacheName(MobileCreatedEventArgs e)
            if (NameCache.ContainsKey(e.Mobile.GetType()))

            BaseCreature bc = e.Mobile as BaseCreature;

            if (bc != null && !bc.Blessed && !bc.IsInvulnerable && (bc.Owners == null || bc.Owners.Count == 0))
Exemple #28
        static bool IsAuthorizedAccount(IAccount account, BaseCreature Subject)
            if (account == null)

            if (IsAuthorizedStaff(account))

            if (PseudoSeerStone.Instance == null)

            Type creaturetype = Subject.GetType();
            //Console.WriteLine("Creature: " + creaturetype.ToString());
            string perms = PseudoSeerStone.Instance.GetPermissionsFor(account);

            //Console.WriteLine("perms: " + perms);
            if (perms == null)
            string[] permittedTypeStrings = perms.Split();
            string[] typesegments         = (creaturetype.ToString()).Split('.'); // string is something like Server.Mobiles.Orc
            if (typesegments.Length == 0)
            //Console.WriteLine("permittedTypeStrings: " + permittedTypeStrings);
            foreach (string permittedTypeString in permittedTypeStrings)
                //Console.WriteLine(permittedTypeString.ToLower() + "=" + typesegments[typesegments.Length - 1] + "?");
                //Console.WriteLine("" + permittedTypeString.ToLower() == typesegments[typesegments.Length - 1].ToLower());
                if (permittedTypeString.ToLower() == typesegments[typesegments.Length - 1].ToLower() || permittedTypeString == "all")
            //PossessPermissions reqPerms;
            //if (PermissionDictionary.TryGetValue(creaturetype, out reqPerms))
            //    return (perms & reqPerms) != 0;
            // return false;
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new MobileStatuette object - for internal use only
        /// </summary>
        private MobileStatuette(BaseCreature creature)
            m_Creature = creature;
            ItemID     = ShrinkTable.Lookup(m_Creature);
            Hue        = m_Creature.Hue;

            m_Creature.ControlTarget = null;
            m_Creature.ControlOrder  = OrderType.Stay;
            m_Creature.SummonMaster = null;
            m_Creature.IsStabled    = true;

            // Set the type of the creature as the name for this item
            Name = Xanthos.Utilities.Misc.GetFriendlyClassName(creature.GetType().Name);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new MobileStatuette object - for internal use only
        /// </summary>
        private MobileStatuette(BaseCreature creature)
            m_Creature = creature;
            ItemID     = ShrinkTable.Lookup(m_Creature);
            Hue        = m_Creature.Hue;

            m_Creature.ControlTarget = null;
            m_Creature.ControlOrder  = OrderType.Stay;
            m_Creature.SummonMaster = null;
            m_Creature.IsStabled    = true;

            // Set the type of the creature as the name for this item
            Name = InsertSpaces(creature.GetType().Name);
Exemple #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new MobileStatuette object - for internal use only
		/// </summary>
		private MobileStatuette( BaseCreature creature )
			m_Creature = creature;
			ItemID = ShrinkTable.Lookup( m_Creature );
			Hue = m_Creature.Hue;

			m_Creature.ControlTarget = null;
			m_Creature.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;
			m_Creature.SetControlMaster( null );
			m_Creature.SummonMaster = null;
			m_Creature.IsStabled = true;

			// Set the type of the creature as the name for this item
			Name = InsertSpaces( creature.GetType().Name );
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new MobileStatuette object - for internal use only
		/// </summary>
		private MobileStatuette( BaseCreature creature )
			m_Creature = creature;
			ItemID = ShrinkTable.Lookup( m_Creature );
			Hue = m_Creature.Hue;

			m_Creature.ControlTarget = null;
			m_Creature.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;
			m_Creature.SetControlMaster( null );
			m_Creature.SummonMaster = null;
			m_Creature.IsStabled = true;

			// Set the type of the creature as the name for this item
			Name = Xanthos.Utilities.Misc.GetFriendlyClassName( creature.GetType().Name );
        public PetBrokerEntry(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            m_Pet       = reader.ReadMobile() as BaseCreature;
            m_SalePrice = reader.ReadInt();
            m_TypeName  = reader.ReadString();

            if (m_Pet != null)
                AddToBuffer(m_Pet.GetType(), m_TypeName);

                m_Pet.IsStabled = true;

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), new TimerCallback(Internalize));
Exemple #34
        public static void ProcessKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, bool highestDamager)
            Type type = victim.GetType();

            if (damager is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)damager).Controlled || ((BaseCreature)damager).Summoned))
                damager = ((BaseCreature)damager).GetMaster();

            if (damager == null)

                    AwardPoints(damager, PointsEntry.Entries[type].TopAttackerPoints, false);
                    AwardPoints(damager, PointsEntry.Entries[type].RightsPoints, false);
        public static void OnDeath(BaseCreature bc, Container corpse)
            if (corpse == null || corpse.Map == Map.Internal || corpse.Map == null)

            Type type = bc.GetType();

            foreach(KeyValuePair<Type, List<DropEntry>> kvp in m_Table)
                if (type == kvp.Key || type.IsSubclassOf(kvp.Key))
                    Region r = Region.Find(corpse.Location, corpse.Map);
                    Map map = corpse.Map;

                    if (r != null)
                        foreach (DropEntry entry in kvp.Value)
                            if (entry.Region == null || entry.Region == r.Name || entry.Region == map.ToString())
                                for (int i = 0; i < entry.Amount; i++)
                                    if (Utility.Random(100) < entry.Probability)
                                        Item item = RunicReforging.GenerateRandomItem(bc.LastKiller, bc);

                                        if (item != null)
Exemple #36
		public override void ProcessKill(BaseCreature victim, Mobile damager, int index)
			if(victim.Map != Map.TerMur || damager.Map != Map.TerMur)
			Type type = victim.GetType();

            if (damager is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)damager).Controlled || ((BaseCreature)damager).Summoned))
                damager = ((BaseCreature)damager).GetMaster();

            if (damager == null)

			if(index == 0)
					AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item1, false);
					AwardPoints(damager, Entries[type].Item2, false);
		public static void CheckLevel( Mobile defender, BaseCreature attacker, int count )
			bool nolevel = false;
			Type typ = attacker.GetType();
			string nam = attacker.Name;

			foreach ( string check in FSATS.NoLevelCreatures )
  				if ( check == nam )
    					nolevel = true;

			if ( nolevel != false )

			int expgainmin, expgainmax;

			if ( attacker is BaseBioCreature || attacker is BioCreature || attacker is BioMount )
			else if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				if ( attacker.Controlled == true && attacker.ControlMaster != null && attacker.Summoned == false )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					expgainmin = bc.HitsMax * 25;
					expgainmax = bc.HitsMax * 50;

					int xpgain = Utility.RandomMinMax( expgainmin, expgainmax );
					if ( count > 1 )
						xpgain = xpgain / count;

					if ( attacker.Level <= attacker.MaxLevel - 1 )
						attacker.Exp += xpgain;
						attacker.ControlMaster.SendMessage( "Your pet has gained {0} experience points.", xpgain );
					int nextLevel = attacker.NextLevel * attacker.Level;

					if ( attacker.Exp >= nextLevel && attacker.Level <= attacker.MaxLevel - 1 )
						DoLevelBonus( attacker );

						Mobile cm = attacker.ControlMaster;
						attacker.Level += 1;
						attacker.Exp = 0;
						attacker.FixedParticles( 0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist );
						attacker.PlaySound( 503 );
						cm.SendMessage( 38, "Your pets level has increased to {0}.", attacker.Level );

						int gain = Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 50 );

						attacker.AbilityPoints += gain;

						if ( attacker.ControlMaster != null )
							attacker.ControlMaster.SendMessage( 38, "Your pet {0} has gained some ability points.", gain );

						if ( attacker.Level == 9 )
							attacker.AllowMating = true;
							cm.SendMessage( 1161, "Your pet is now at the level to mate." );
						if ( attacker.Evolves == true )
							if ( attacker.UsesForm1 == true && attacker.F0 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form1;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound1;
								attacker.F1 = true;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm1 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm2 == true && attacker.F1 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form2;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound2;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = true;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm2 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm3 == true && attacker.F2 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form3;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound3;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = true;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm3 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm4 == true && attacker.F3 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form4;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound4;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = true;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm4 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm5 == true && attacker.F4 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form5;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound5;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = true;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm5 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm6 == true && attacker.F5 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form6;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound6;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = true;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm6 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm7 == true && attacker.F6 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form7;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound7;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = true;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm7 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm8 == true && attacker.F7 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form8;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound8;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = true;
								attacker.F9 = false;
								attacker.UsesForm8 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
							else if ( attacker.UsesForm9 == true && attacker.F8 == true )
								DoEvoCheck( attacker );

								attacker.BodyValue = attacker.Form9;
								attacker.BaseSoundID = attacker.Sound9;
								attacker.F1 = false;
								attacker.F2 = false;
								attacker.F3 = false;
								attacker.F4 = false;
								attacker.F5 = false;
								attacker.F6 = false;
								attacker.F7 = false;
								attacker.F8 = false;
								attacker.F9 = true;
								attacker.UsesForm9 = false;
								cm.SendMessage( 64, "Your pet has evoloved." );
        private static bool IsSnake( BaseCreature bc )
            Type type = bc.GetType();

            for ( int i = 0; i < m_SnakeTypes.Length; i++ )
                if ( type == m_SnakeTypes[i] )
                    return true;

            return false;
		public virtual void DonatePet( PlayerMobile player, BaseCreature pet )
			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Donations.Count; i ++ )
				if ( m_Donations[ i ].Type == pet.GetType() )
					Donate( player, m_Donations[ i ], 1 );
			player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1073113 ); // This Collection is not accepting that type of creature.
Exemple #40
		public static bool IsPackAnimal( BaseCreature pet )
			if ( null == pet || pet.Deleted )
				return false;

			Type breed = pet.GetType();

			foreach ( Type packBreed in ShrinkConfig.PackAnimals )
				if ( packBreed == breed )
					return true;
			return false;
Exemple #41
            public TransferItem( BaseCreature creature )
                : base(ShrinkTable.Lookup( creature ))
                m_Creature = creature;

                Movable = false;

                if( !Core.AOS )
                    Name = creature.Name;
                else if( this.ItemID == ShrinkTable.DefaultItemID ||  creature.GetType().IsDefined( typeof( FriendlyNameAttribute ), false ) )
                    Name = FriendlyNameAttribute.GetFriendlyNameFor( creature.GetType() ).ToString();

                //(As Per OSI)No name.  Normally, set by the ItemID of the Shrink Item unless we either explicitly set it with an Attribute, or, no lookup found
		public BaseCreature BreedWith(BaseCreature male)
			if (!BreedingEnabled)
				return null;
			if (!Female || male.Female)
				return null; // must call BreedWith on the female, and lezzies can't make babies!
			if (male.GetType() != this.GetType())
				return null; // cannot cross-breed
			if (!CheckBreedWith(male))
				return null; // some other check failed

			BaseCreature child = null;
				child = (BaseCreature)GetType().GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(Type.EmptyTypes);

				PropertyInfo[] props = GetType().GetProperties();
				System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter doubleconv = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(double));

				for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
					// note: props[i].GetCustomAttributes() does not traverse inheritance tree!
					GeneAttribute attr = (GeneAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(props[i], typeof(GeneAttribute), true);
					if (attr == null)

					double high = Convert.ToDouble(props[i].GetValue(this, null));
					double low = Convert.ToDouble(props[i].GetValue(male, null));
					if (high < low)
						double t = high;
						high = low;
						low = t;

                    double lowrange = low - attr.LowFactor * (attr.BreedMax - attr.BreedMin);
                    double highrange = high + attr.HighFactor * (attr.BreedMax - attr.BreedMin);

                    if (props[i].PropertyType == typeof(int) &&
                        attr.MinVariance == GeneAttribute.DefaultMinVariance)
                        if (attr.LowFactor * (attr.BreedMax - attr.BreedMin) < 1)
                            lowrange = low - 1;
                        if (attr.HighFactor * (attr.BreedMax - attr.BreedMin) < 1)
                            highrange = high + 1;
                    else if (highrange - lowrange < attr.MinVariance)
                        lowrange -= attr.MinVariance / 2;
                        highrange += attr.MinVariance / 2;
                    if (lowrange > highrange) // shouldn't ever happen, sanity check
                        Exception ex = new Exception(String.Format("Sanity Check: Child range for {0} was inverted.\r\nLowFactor: {1}\r\nHighFactor: {2}\r\nMinVariance: {3}", attr.GetType().FullName, attr.LowFactor, attr.HighFactor, attr.MinVariance));
                        lowrange = low;
                        highrange = high;

                    double childval = Utility.RandomDouble() * (highrange - lowrange) + lowrange;

					if (childval < attr.BreedMin)
						childval = attr.BreedMin;
					if (childval > attr.BreedMax)
						childval = attr.BreedMax;

					props[i].SetValue(child, doubleconv.ConvertTo(childval, props[i].PropertyType), null);

			catch (Exception e)
				if (child != null)
				return null;

			return child;
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks the blood amount in the creature.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bc"></param>
            /// <returns>Returns -1 if not enough blood.</returns>
            private int CheckBloodAmount(BaseCreature bc, out string errorMsg)
                // Default msg
                errorMsg = "There's not enough blood in that corpse.";

                if (bc == null)
                    return -1;

                if (bc.HitsMax < CreatureMinHits)
                    return -1;

                foreach (Type type in CreaturesWithoutBlood)
                    if (bc.GetType() == type)
                        errorMsg = "You cant seem to find any blood in that corpse.";
                        return -1;

                int returnValue = 1;
                if (bc.HitsMax > BloodAmountScale)
                    returnValue = (int)(bc.HitsMax / BloodAmountScale);

                if (returnValue > MaxBloodPerCreature)
                    return MaxBloodPerCreature;
                    return returnValue;
Exemple #44
        public static void CheckSummonLimits( BaseCreature creature )
            ArrayList creatures = new ArrayList();

            int limit = 6; // 6 creatures
            int range = 5; // per 5x5 area

            var eable = creature.GetMobilesInRange( range );

            foreach ( Mobile mobile in eable )
                if ( mobile != null && mobile.GetType() == creature.GetType() )
                    creatures.Add( mobile );

            int amount = 0;

            if ( creatures.Count > limit )
                amount = creatures.Count - limit;

            while ( amount > 0 )
                for ( int i = 0; i < creatures.Count; i++ )
                    Mobile m = creatures[i] as Mobile;

                    if ( m != null && ( (BaseCreature) m ).Summoned )
                        if ( Utility.RandomBool() && amount > 0 )
		public override void OnKill( BaseCreature creature, Container corpse )
			IngredientInfo info = IngredientInfo.Get( this.Ingredient );

			for ( int i = 0; i < info.Creatures.Length; i++ )
				Type type = info.Creatures[i];

				if ( creature.GetType() == type )
					System.From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1055043, "#" + info.Name ); // You gather a ~1_INGREDIENT_NAME~ from the corpse.


		public static bool Check( TalismanSlayerName name, BaseCreature creature )
			Type[] types = GetSlayer( name );
			if ( types == null || creature == null )
				return false;
			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; i ++ )
				Type type = types[ i ];
				if ( type == creature.GetType() )
					return true;
			return false;
Exemple #47
		public PetBrokerEntry(GenericReader reader)
			int version = reader.ReadInt();
			m_Pet = reader.ReadMobile() as BaseCreature;
			m_SalePrice = reader.ReadInt();
			m_TypeName = reader.ReadString();

            if (m_Pet != null)
                AddToBuffer(m_Pet.GetType(), m_TypeName);

                m_Pet.IsStabled = true;

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), new TimerCallback(Internalize));
Exemple #48
 public static bool ShareType( BaseCreature one, BaseCreature two )
     return ( one.GetType().ToString() == two.GetType().ToString() && !one.GetType().ToString().ToLower().Contains("generic") );
 public override void OnKill( BaseCreature creature, Container corpse )
     if ( creature != null && m_MonsterType != null && creature.GetType() == m_MonsterType.Monster && creature.Region is CursedCaveRegion )
Exemple #50
		public static string GetOriginalName(BaseCreature bc)
			if(bc == null)
				return null;
			Type t = bc.GetType();
				return m_NameBuffer[t];
			BaseCreature c = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as BaseCreature;

			if(c != null)
				AddToBuffer(t, c.Name);
				return c.Name;
			return t.Name;
Exemple #51
		public AnimalLoreGump(BaseCreature c, Mobile user, int page)
			: base(250, 50)
			m_User = user;
			m_Target = c;
			m_Page = page;
			if (m_Page < 0)
				m_Page = 0;
			if (m_Page >= NumTotalPages)
				m_Page = NumTotalPages - 1;


			AddImage(100, 100, 2080);
			AddImage(118, 137, 2081);
			AddImage(118, 207, 2081);
			AddImage(118, 277, 2081);
			AddImage(118, 347, 2083);

			AddHtml(147, 108, 210, 18, String.Format("<center><i>{0}</i></center>", c.Name), false, false);

			AddButton(240, 77, 2093, 2093, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

			AddImage(140, 138, 2091);
			AddImage(140, 335, 2091);

			switch (m_Page)
				case 0:
					#region Attributes
					AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 1049593, 200, false, false); // Attributes

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, 1049578, LabelColor, false, false); // Hits
					AddHtml(280, 168, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Hits, c.HitsMax), false, false);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 186, 160, 18, 1049579, LabelColor, false, false); // Stamina
					AddHtml(280, 186, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Stam, c.StamMax), false, false);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, 1049580, LabelColor, false, false); // Mana
					AddHtml(280, 204, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Mana, c.ManaMax), false, false);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 222, 160, 18, 1028335, LabelColor, false, false); // Strength
					AddHtml(320, 222, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Str), false, false);
					AddStatLock(355, 222, c.StrLock, ButtonID.StrLock);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, 3000113, LabelColor, false, false); // Dexterity
					AddHtml(320, 240, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Dex), false, false);
					AddStatLock(355, 240, c.DexLock, ButtonID.DexLock);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 258, 160, 18, 3000112, LabelColor, false, false); // Intelligence
					AddHtml(320, 258, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Int), false, false);
					AddStatLock(355, 258, c.IntLock, ButtonID.IntLock);

					AddImage(128, 278, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 276, 160, 18, 3001016, 200, false, false); // Miscellaneous

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 294, 160, 18, 1049581, LabelColor, false, false); // Armor Rating
					AddHtml(320, 294, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.VirtualArmor), false, false);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 312, 160, 18, 3000120, LabelColor, false, false); // Gender
					AddHtml(280, 312, 75, 18, String.Format("<div align=right>{0}</div>", c.Female ? "Female" : "Male"), false, false);

				case 1:
					#region Skills
					AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 3001030, 200, false, false); // Combat Ratings

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, 1044103, LabelColor, false, false); // Wrestling
					AddHtml(320, 168, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Wrestling), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 168, c, SkillName.Wrestling, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Wrestling);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 186, 160, 18, 1044087, LabelColor, false, false); // Tactics
					AddHtml(320, 186, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Tactics), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 186, c, SkillName.Tactics, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Tactics);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, 1044086, LabelColor, false, false); // Magic Resistance
					AddHtml(320, 204, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.MagicResist), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 204, c, SkillName.MagicResist, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.MagicResist);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 222, 160, 18, 1044061, LabelColor, false, false); // Anatomy
					AddHtml(320, 222, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Anatomy), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 222, c, SkillName.Anatomy, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Anatomy);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, 1044090, LabelColor, false, false); // Poisoning
					AddHtml(320, 240, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Poisoning), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 240, c, SkillName.Poisoning, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Poisoning);

					AddImage(128, 260, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 258, 160, 18, 3001032, 200, false, false); // Lore & Knowledge

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 276, 160, 18, 1044085, LabelColor, false, false); // Magery
					AddHtml(320, 276, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Magery), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 276, c, SkillName.Magery, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Magery);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 294, 160, 18, 1044076, LabelColor, false, false); // Evaluating Intelligence
					AddHtml(320, 294, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.EvalInt), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 294, c, SkillName.EvalInt, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.EvalInt);

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 312, 160, 18, 1044106, LabelColor, false, false); // Meditation
					AddHtml(320, 312, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Meditation), false, false);
					AddSkillLock(355, 312, c, SkillName.Meditation, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Meditation);

				case 2:
					#region Misc
					AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 1049563, 200, false, false); // Preferred Foods

					int foodPref = 3000340;

					if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.FruitsAndVegies) != 0)
						foodPref = 1049565; // Fruits and Vegetables
					else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.GrainsAndHay) != 0)
						foodPref = 1049566; // Grains and Hay
					else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Fish) != 0)
						foodPref = 1049568; // Fish
					else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Meat) != 0)
						foodPref = 1049564; // Meat

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, foodPref, LabelColor, false, false);

					AddImage(128, 188, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 186, 160, 18, 1049569, 200, false, false); // Pack Instincts

					int packInstinct = 3000340;

					if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Canine) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049570; // Canine
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Ostard) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049571; // Ostard
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Feline) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049572; // Feline
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Arachnid) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049573; // Arachnid
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Daemon) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049574; // Daemon
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bear) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049575; // Bear
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Equine) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049576; // Equine
					else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bull) != 0)
						packInstinct = 1049577; // Bull

					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, packInstinct, LabelColor, false, false);

					AddImage(128, 224, 2086);
					AddHtmlLocalized(147, 222, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false); // Loyalty Rating

					// loyalty redo
					int loyaltyval = (int)c.Loyalty / 10;
					if (loyaltyval < 0)
						loyaltyval = 0;
					if (loyaltyval > 11)
						loyaltyval = 11;
					AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.None) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + loyaltyval, LabelColor, false, false);

				default: // rest of the pages are filled with genes - be sure to adjust "pg" calc in here when adding pages
                    int nextpage = 3;

                    // idea for later - flesh out custom pages more, a string[] is hackish

                    //List<string[]> custompages = c.GetAnimalLorePages();
                    //if (custompages != null && page >= nextpage && page < (nextpage + custompages.Count))
                    //    foreach (string[] s in custompages)
                    //    {
                    //        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    //        {
                    //            AddHtml(153, 168 + 18 * i, 150, 18, s[i], false, false);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    nextpage += custompages.Count;

					#region Genetics
                    if (page >= nextpage)
                        List<PropertyInfo> genes = new List<PropertyInfo>();

                        foreach (PropertyInfo pi in c.GetType().GetProperties())
                            GeneAttribute attr = (GeneAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pi, typeof(GeneAttribute), true);
                            if (attr == null)
                            if (m_User.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Counselor && !Server.Misc.TestCenter.Enabled)
                                if (attr.Visibility == GeneVisibility.Invisible)
                                if (attr.Visibility == GeneVisibility.Tame && m_User != c.ControlMaster)


                        int pg = m_Page - nextpage;

                        AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
                        AddHtml(147, 150, 160, 18, "Genetics", false, false);

                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            if (pg * 9 + i >= genes.Count)

                            GeneAttribute attr = (GeneAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(genes[pg * 9 + i], typeof(GeneAttribute), true);
                            AddHtml(153, 168 + 18 * i, 120, 18, attr.Name, false, false);
                            AddHtml(240, 168 + 18 * i, 115, 18, String.Format("<div align=right>{0:G3}</div>", c.DescribeGene(genes[pg * 9 + i], attr)), false, false);

			if (m_Page < NumTotalPages - 1)
				AddButton(340, 358, 5601, 5605, (int)ButtonID.NextPage, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			if (m_Page > 0)
				AddButton(317, 358, 5603, 5607, (int)ButtonID.PrevPage, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);