Exemple #1
        public override void Decode(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
            BEncodedValue val;

            using (RawReader reader = new RawReader(new MemoryStream(buffer, offset, length, false), false))
                BEncodedDictionary d = BEncodedDictionary.Decode <BEncodedDictionary>(reader);
                int totalSize        = 0;

                if (d.TryGetValue(MessageTypeKey, out val))
                    messageType = (eMessageType)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;
                if (d.TryGetValue(PieceKey, out val))
                    piece = (int)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;
                if (d.TryGetValue(TotalSizeKey, out val))
                    totalSize = (int)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;
                    metadata  = new byte[Math.Min(totalSize - piece * BlockSize, BlockSize)];
                    reader.Read(metadata, 0, metadata.Length);
Exemple #2
        public override void Decode(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
            BEncodedValue      val;
            BEncodedDictionary d = BEncodedDictionary.Decode <BEncodedDictionary>(buffer, offset, length, false);

            if (d.TryGetValue(MaxRequestKey, out val))
                maxRequests = (int)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;
            if (d.TryGetValue(VersionKey, out val))
                version = ((BEncodedString)val).Text;
            if (d.TryGetValue(PortKey, out val))
                LocalPort = (int)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;


            if (d.TryGetValue(MetadataSizeKey, out val))
                metadataSize = (int)((BEncodedNumber)val).Number;
Exemple #3
 protected string GetString(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
     if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out BEncodedValue value))
        public static bool TryDecodeMessage(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, out DhtMessage message, out string error)
            message = null;
            error   = null;

            if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(MessageTypeKey, out BEncodedValue messageType))
                message = null;
                error   = "The BEncodedDictionary did not contain the 'q' key, so the message type could not be identified";

            if (messageType.Equals(QueryMessage.QueryType))
                message = queryDecoders[(BEncodedString)dictionary[QueryNameKey]](dictionary);
            else if (messageType.Equals(ErrorMessage.ErrorType))
                message = new ErrorMessage(dictionary);
                QueryMessage   query;
                BEncodedString key = (BEncodedString)dictionary[TransactionIdKey];
                if (messages.TryGetValue(key, out query))
                        message = query.CreateResponse(dictionary);
                        error = "Response dictionary was invalid";
                    error = "Response had bad transaction ID";

            // If the transaction ID is null, or invalid, we should bail out
            if (message != null && message.TransactionId == null)
                error = "Response had a null transation ID";

            // If the node ID is null, or invalid, we should bail out
            if (message != null && message.Id == null)
                error = "Response had a null node ID";

            return(error == null && message != null);
        protected long GetLong(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
            BEncodedValue value;

            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The value for key {0} was not a BEncodedNumber", key));
        protected string GetString(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
            BEncodedValue value;

            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
Exemple #7
        public void Decode(BEncodedValue value)
            BEncodedDictionary val = value as BEncodedDictionary;

            if (val != null)
                //if do not find key do not throw exception just continue with default value ;)
                BEncodedValue result;
                //For number maybe best is to do ((int)((BEncodedNumber)result).Number) but keep using convert and ToString()
                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("SavePath"), out result))
                    SavePath = result.ToString();

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("GlobalMaxConnections"), out result))
                    GlobalMaxConnections = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("GlobalMaxHalfOpenConnections"), out result))
                    GlobalMaxHalfOpenConnections = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("GlobalMaxDownloadSpeed"), out result))
                    GlobalMaxDownloadSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("GlobalMaxUploadSpeed"), out result))
                    GlobalMaxUploadSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("ListenPort"), out result))
                    ListenPort = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("UsePnP"), out result))
                    UsePnP = Convert.ToBoolean(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("TorrentsPath"), out result))
                    TorrentsPath = result.ToString();
        protected BEncodedDictionary GetDictionary(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
//            // Required? Probably.
//            if (dictionary == InfoDict)
//                CheckCanEditSecure ();

            BEncodedValue value;

            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
Exemple #9
        public void Decode(BEncodedValue value)
            BEncodedDictionary val = value as BEncodedDictionary;

            if (val != null)
                //if do not find key do not throw exception just continue with default value ;)
                BEncodedValue result;
                //For number maybe best is to do ((int)((BEncodedNumber)result).Number) but keep using convert and ToString()

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("MaxDownloadSpeed"), out result))
                    MaxDownloadSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("MaxUploadSpeed"), out result))
                    MaxUploadSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("MaxConnections"), out result))
                    MaxConnections = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("UploadSlots"), out result))
                    UploadSlots = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue(new BEncodedString("SavePath"), out result))
                    savePath = result.ToString();
        void Initialise(BEncodedDictionary metadata)
            Metadata = metadata;

            BEncodedValue value;

            if (!Metadata.TryGetValue(AnnounceListKey, out value))
                value = new BEncodedList();
                Metadata.Add(AnnounceListKey, value);
            Announces = new RawTrackerTiers((BEncodedList)value);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Encoding))
                Encoding = "UTF-8";

            if (InfoDict == null)
                InfoDict = new BEncodedDictionary();
        public void Decode(BEncodedValue value)
            BEncodedDictionary val = value as BEncodedDictionary;

            if (val != null)
                //if do not find key do not throw exception just continue with default value ;)
                BEncodedValue result;

                //For number maybe best is to do ((int)((BEncodedNumber)result).Number) but keep using convert and ToString()

                if (val.TryGetValue("Width", out result))
                    width = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("height", out result))
                    height = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("splitterDistance", out result))
                    splitterDistance = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("VScrollValue", out result))
                    VScrollValue = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("HScrollValue", out result))
                    HScrollValue = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("ShowToolbar", out result))
                    ShowToolbar = Convert.ToBoolean(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("ShowDetail", out result))
                    ShowDetail = Convert.ToBoolean(result.ToString());

                if (val.TryGetValue("ShowStatusbar", out result))
                    ShowStatusbar = Convert.ToBoolean(result.ToString());

                int i = 0;
                while (val.TryGetValue("TorrentViewColumnWidth" + i.ToString(), out result))

                i = 0;
                while (val.TryGetValue("PeerViewColumnWidth" + i.ToString(), out result))

                i = 0;
                while (val.TryGetValue("PieceViewColumnWidth" + i.ToString(), out result))

                if (val.TryGetValue("CustomButtonPath", out result))
                    CustomButtonPath = result.ToString();
Exemple #12
        private void ShowTorrentInformation()
                BEncodedValue  value;
                BEncodedString str;
                bool           b;


                txtInfo.AppendText("种子文件: " + currentTorrentFilename + Environment.NewLine);

                b = torrent.TryGetValue("created by", out value);
                if (b)
                    str = value as BEncodedString;
                    if (str != null)
                        txtInfo.AppendText("创建程序: " + str.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);

                b = torrent.TryGetValue("creation date", out value);
                if (b)
                    str = value as BEncodedString;
                    if (str != null)
                        string creationDateString = str.ToString();
                            long longDate;
                            longDate = Convert.ToInt64(creationDateString);
                            DateTime creationDate = DateTime.FromBinary(longDate);
                            txtInfo.AppendText("创建日期: " + creationDate.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        catch (Exception)
                            txtInfo.AppendText("创建日期: (无效)" + Environment.NewLine);

                b = torrent.TryGetValue("encoding", out value);
                if (b)
                    str = value as BEncodedString;
                    if (str != null)
                        txtInfo.AppendText("编码: " + str.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);

                // 如果不存在,那肯定不是种子文件
                value = torrent["info"];
                BEncodedDictionary dict        = (BEncodedDictionary)value;
                BEncodedString     torrentName = (BEncodedString)dict["name"];
                txtInfo.AppendText("种子名称: " + torrentName.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                BEncodedNumber pieceLength = (BEncodedNumber)dict["piece length"];
                txtInfo.AppendText("分块大小: ");
                string postfix;
                double val = 0;
                var    num = pieceLength.Number;
                if (num < 1024)
                    postfix = " B";
                    val     = num;
                else if (num < 1024 * 1024)
                    postfix = " KB";
                    val     = num / (double)1024;
                else if (num < 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
                    postfix = " MB";
                    val     = num / (double)(1024 * 1024);
                    postfix = " GB";
                    val     = num / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                val = Math.Round(val, 2);
                txtInfo.AppendText(val.ToString() + postfix + Environment.NewLine);
                BEncodedString pieces = (BEncodedString)dict["pieces"];
                txtInfo.AppendText("分块数量: " + (pieces.TextBytes.Length / 20).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
            catch (Exception)
                isHandlingTorrent = false;
        static T Deserialize <T> (BEncodedDictionary dict)
            where T : new()
            T   builder = new T();
            var props   = builder.GetType().GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in props)
                if (!dict.TryGetValue(property.Name, out BEncodedValue? value))

                if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    property.SetValue(builder, bool.Parse(value.ToString() !));
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                    property.SetValue(builder, ((BEncodedString)value).Text);
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(FastResumeMode))
                    property.SetValue(builder, Enum.Parse(typeof(FastResumeMode), ((BEncodedString)value).Text));
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                    property.SetValue(builder, TimeSpan.FromTicks(((BEncodedNumber)value).Number));
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                    property.SetValue(builder, (int)((BEncodedNumber)value).Number);
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(IPAddress))
                    property.SetValue(builder, IPAddress.Parse(((BEncodedString)value).Text));
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(IPEndPoint))
                    var        list     = (BEncodedList)value;
                    IPEndPoint?endPoint = null;
                    if (list.Count == 2)
                        var ipAddress = (BEncodedString)list.Single(t => t is BEncodedString);
                        var port      = (BEncodedNumber)list.Single(t => t is BEncodedNumber);
                        endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress.Text), (int)port.Number);
                    property.SetValue(builder, endPoint);
                else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(IList <EncryptionType>))
                    var list = (IList <EncryptionType>)property.GetValue(builder) !;
                    foreach (BEncodedString encryptionType in (BEncodedList)value)
                        list.Add((EncryptionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EncryptionType), encryptionType.Text));
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"{property.Name} => type: ${property.PropertyType}");
        protected BEncodedDictionary GetDictionary(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
//            // Required? Probably.
//            if (dictionary == InfoDict)
//                CheckCanEditSecure ();

            BEncodedValue value;
            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
                return (BEncodedDictionary) value;
            return null;
 protected long GetLong(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
     BEncodedValue value;
     if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
         return ((BEncodedNumber) value).Number;
     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The value for key {0} was not a BEncodedNumber", key));
 protected string GetString(BEncodedDictionary dictionary, BEncodedString key)
     BEncodedValue value;
     if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
         return value.ToString();
     return "";
        private void Initialise(BEncodedDictionary metadata)
            Metadata = metadata;

            BEncodedValue value;
            if (!Metadata.TryGetValue(AnnounceListKey, out value))
                value = new BEncodedList();
                Metadata.Add(AnnounceListKey, value);
            Announces = new RawTrackerTiers((BEncodedList) value);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Encoding))
                Encoding = "UTF-8";

            if (InfoDict == null)
                InfoDict = new BEncodedDictionary();