/// <summary>
 /// Make a new cluster object representing an Azure HDInsight cluster, reading the details
 /// from a subscription stored in the Powershell defaults.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clusterName">The name of the HDInsight cluster</param>
 public DryadLinqAzureCluster(string clusterName)
     // start fetching details about the subscriptions, available clusters, etc.
     _azureSubscriptions = new AzureSubscriptions();
     _cluster            = _azureSubscriptions.GetClusterAsync(clusterName);
     _dfsClient          = _cluster.ContinueWith(c => new AzureDfsClient(c.Result.StorageAccount, c.Result.StorageKey, "staging"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a new cluster object representing an Azure HDInsight cluster, specifying the details
 /// manually.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clusterName">The name of the HDInsight cluster</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccount">The storage account to use for staging job resources</param>
 /// <param name="storageContainer">The storage account container to use for staging job resources</param>
 /// <param name="storageKey">The storage account key, which will be looked up in the subscription if null</param>
 public DryadLinqAzureCluster(string clusterName, string storageAccount, string storageContainer, string storageKey = null)
     // start fetching details about the subscriptions, available clusters, etc.
     _azureSubscriptions = new AzureSubscriptions();
     if (storageKey != null)
         _azureSubscriptions.AddAccount(storageAccount, storageKey);
     _cluster = _azureSubscriptions.GetClusterAsync(clusterName)
                .ContinueWith(t => { t.Result.SetStorageAccount(storageAccount, storageKey); return(t.Result); });
     _dfsClient = _cluster.ContinueWith(c => new AzureDfsClient(c.Result.StorageAccount, c.Result.StorageKey, storageContainer));
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a new cluster object representing an Azure HDInsight cluster, specifying the details
 /// manually
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clusterName">The name of the HDInsight cluster</param>
 /// <param name="subscriptionId">The ID of the subscription to fetch cluster details from</param>
 /// <param name="certificate">The certificate associated with the subscription</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccount">The storage account to use for staging job resources</param>
 /// <param name="storageContainer">The storage account container to use for staging job resources</param>
 /// <param name="storageKey">The storage account key, which will be looked up in the subscription if null</param>
 public DryadLinqAzureCluster(string clusterName, string subscriptionId, X509Certificate2 certificate,
                              string storageAccount, string storageContainer, string storageKey = null)
     // start fetching details about the subscriptions, available clusters, etc.
     _azureSubscriptions = new AzureSubscriptions();
     if (storageKey != null)
         _azureSubscriptions.AddAccount(storageAccount, storageKey);
     _azureSubscriptions.AddCluster(clusterName, storageAccount, storageKey, subscriptionId, certificate);
     _cluster   = _azureSubscriptions.GetClusterAsync(clusterName);
     _dfsClient = _cluster.ContinueWith(
         c => new AzureDfsClient(c.Result.StorageAccount, c.Result.StorageKey, storageContainer));
Exemple #4
        public Config(string clusterName, string container, string logPath)
            cluster = clusterName;

            AzureSubscriptions  azs         = new AzureSubscriptions();
            Task <AzureCluster> clusterTask = azs.GetClusterAsync(clusterName);


            accountName   = clusterTask.Result.StorageAccount;
            storageKey    = clusterTask.Result.StorageKey;
            containerName = container;
            testLogPath   = logPath;
Exemple #5
        static int Run(string[] args)

            args = Flags.Parse(args);

            if (ShowHelp.BooleanValue || args.Length == 0)

            if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Naiad program {0} does not exist.", args[0]);

            AzureSubscriptions subscriptionManagement = new AzureSubscriptions();

            if (AzureSubscriptionId.IsSet && AzureCertificateThumbprint.IsSet)
                subscriptionManagement.AddSubscription(AzureSubscriptionId.StringValue, AzureCertificateThumbprint.StringValue);

            string clusterName = null;

            if (AzureClusterName.IsSet)
                clusterName = AzureClusterName.StringValue;

                if (AzureStorageAccountName.IsSet && AzureStorageAccountKey.IsSet)
                    subscriptionManagement.SetClusterAccountAsync(clusterName, AzureStorageAccountName.StringValue, AzureStorageAccountKey.StringValue).Wait();
                IEnumerable <AzureCluster> clusters = subscriptionManagement.GetClusters();
                if (clusters.Count() == 1)
                    clusterName = clusters.Single().Name;
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Cluster name must be specified unless there is a single configured cluster in default and supplied subscriptions");

            AzureCluster cluster;

                cluster = subscriptionManagement.GetClusterAsync(clusterName).Result;
            catch (Exception)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Failed to find cluster " + clusterName + " in default or supplied subscriptions");
            if (cluster == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Failed to find cluster {0} in default or supplied subscriptions", clusterName);

            string containerName = "staging";

            if (AzureStorageContainerName.IsSet)
                containerName = AzureStorageContainerName.StringValue;

            // The args are augmented with an additional setting containing the Azure connection string.
            args = args.Concat(new string[] { "--addsetting", "Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Cluster.Azure.DefaultConnectionString", string.Format("\"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}\"", cluster.StorageAccount.Split('.').First(), cluster.StorageKey) }).ToArray();

            Console.Error.WriteLine("Submitting job with args: {0}", string.Join(" ", args));

            AzureDfsClient      azureDfs   = new AzureDfsClient(cluster.StorageAccount, cluster.StorageKey, containerName);
            AzureYarnClient     azureYarn  = new AzureYarnClient(subscriptionManagement, azureDfs, ConfigHelpers.GetPPMHome(null), clusterName);
            AzureYarnSubmission submission = new AzureYarnSubmission(azureDfs, azureYarn, NumHosts, args);
