
    // Call this method when a player has completed his turn and wants to
    // go onto the next player, which may be himself.
    public void playTurn()
        int    rand = Random.Range(0, 2);
        string nextParticipantId = mMatch.Participants[0].id; //string.Empty;

        if (nextParticipantId == mMatch.PendingParticipantId)
            nextParticipantId = mMatch.Participants[1].id;

        // Get the next participant in the game-defined way, possibly round-robin.
        //nextParticipantId = getNextParticipantId();

        // Get the updated state. In this example, we simply use a
        // a pre-defined string. In your game, there may be more complicated state.
        string mTurnData = "1";

        // At this point, you might want to show a waiting dialog so that
        // the current player does not try to submit turn actions twice.
        AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("Loading..", "Sending the tunr data next is " + nextParticipantId);

        // Invoke the next turn. We are converting our data to a byte array.

        System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
        byte[] byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(mTurnData);

        GooglePlayTBM.Instance.TakeTrun(mMatch.Id, byteArray, nextParticipantId);
    public void ShowPreloader()
                #if DEBUG_INFO
        Debug.Log("AndroidManager: attempting to show preloader");

                #if UNITY_ANDROID
        AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("Loading", "Please wait...");
 public void SaveGame()
     AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("\"Game\"", "Saving Game...\n\nPlease, wait!");
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.Log("SaveGame Exception: " + e.Message);
 public void LoadGame()
     AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("\"Game\"", "Loading Game...\n\nPlease, wait!");
     GooglePlaySavedGamesManager.ActionAvailableGameSavesLoaded += ActionAvailableGameSavesLoaded;
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.Log("LoadGame Exception: " + e.Message);
    public static void ShowPreloader()
        if (TimeOutTask != null)

        TimeOutTask = MultiplayerPreloaderTimeoutTask.Create();

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
            AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("", "");

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)

    // Call this method when a player has completed his turn and wants to
    // go onto the next player, which may be himself.
    public void playTurn()
        //Before we play turn, lets update the data based on changes I have made.
        bool   isAllready        = Common.roundInformation.AllReady();
        string nextParticipantId = "";

        if (!isAllready)
            nextParticipantId = Common.roundInformation.GetNextPlayerID(); //TODO SELVITÄ HALUTAANKOplayerID vai ID
            nextParticipantId = Common.roundInformation.gameData.playerIDS[Common.roundInformation.gameData.roundDeciderPID]; //Common.roundInformation.GetNextPlayerID();
        // Get the next participant in the game-defined way, possibly round-robin.
        //nextParticipantId = getNextParticipantId();

        // Get the updated state. In this example, we simply use a
        // a pre-defined string. In your game, there may be more complicated state.
        //string mTurnData = "My turn data sample";

        // At this point, you might want to show a waiting dialog so that
        // the current player does not try to submit turn actions twice.

        // Invoke the next turn. We are converting our data to a byte array.

        //System.Text.UTF8Encoding  encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
        AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("Loading..", "Sending the turn data newxt player " + nextParticipantId + " matchis " + mMatch.Id);
        byte[] byteArray = Common.roundInformation.GetData();

        Invoke("unShowLoadingPopUp", 4f);

        GooglePlayTBM.Instance.TakeTrun(mMatch.Id, byteArray, nextParticipantId);
 private void ShowPreloader()
     Invoke("HidePreloader", 2f);
     AndroidNativeUtility.ShowPreloader("Loading", "Wait 2 seconds please");