private static int BasicDataToExcel(Excel.Worksheet ws, EventModel model, DataGridView invitedDGV, DataGridView acceptedDGV)

            ws.Name = "Invites";

            ws.Cells[1, 1] = "Event Name :";
            ws.Cells[1, 2] = model.EventName;

            ws.Cells[2, 1] = model.EventDescription;
            ws.get_Range("A2", "M2").Merge();
            ws.get_Range("A2").WrapText               = true;
            ws.get_Range("A2").EntireRow.RowHeight    = Math.Ceiling((double)model.EventDescription.Length / 150) * 22;
            ws.get_Range("A2:M2").VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignTop;
            ws.get_Range("A2:M2").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;

            ws.Cells[3, 1] = "Event Date :";
            ws.Cells[3, 2] = model.EventDate;
            ws.Cells[4, 1] = "Start Time :";
            ws.Cells[4, 2] = model.StartTime.ToString();
            ws.Cells[5, 1] = "End Time :";
            ws.Cells[5, 2] = model.EndTime.ToString();
            ws.Cells[6, 1] = "Venue :";
            ws.Cells[6, 2] = model.EventLocation.Venue.VenueName;

            ws.Cells[7, 1] = "Address :";
            ws.Cells[8, 2] = model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.AddressLine1;

            int i = 1;

            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2] = AddressLogic.ReturnAddressLineIfNotNull(model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.AddressLine2, ref i);
            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2] = AddressLogic.ReturnAddressLineIfNotNull(model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.AddressLine3, ref i);
            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2] = AddressLogic.ReturnAddressLineIfNotNull(model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.AddressLine4, ref i);
            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2] = AddressLogic.ReturnAddressLineIfNotNull(model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.Area, ref i);
            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2] = model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.PostCode;
            ws.Cells[8 + i, 2].NumberFormat = "@";

            int colHeaderRow = 8 + i + 3;

            //Add table headers going cell by cell.

            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 1]            = "Title";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 1].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 2]            = "First Name";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 2].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 3]            = "Last Name";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 3].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 4]            = "Business Name";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 4].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 5]            = "Email Address";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 5].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 6]            = "Address";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 6].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 7]            = "Cell Phone";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 7].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 8]            = "Work Phone";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 8].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 9]            = "No. Invites";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 9].Font.Bold  = true;
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 10]           = "Invite Confirmed?";
            ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 10].Font.Bold = true;

            //Now load Custom QuestionS
            bool CustomQs = (GlobalConfig.Connection.GetCustomQuestionCount(model.Id) > 0);

            if (CustomQs)
                int           Qcol            = 1;
                List <string> CustomQuestions = GlobalConfig.Connection.GetCustomQuestions(model.Id);
                foreach (string customQuestion in CustomQuestions)
                    ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 10 + Qcol]           = customQuestion;
                    ws.Cells[colHeaderRow, 10 + Qcol].Font.Bold = true;

            //These should be text to make sure any leading 0s are kept
            ws.get_Range("G:H").NumberFormat = "@";

            int TotalInvites = 0;
            int j            = colHeaderRow;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow item in acceptedDGV.Rows)
                InviteModel invite = (InviteModel)item.Tag;

                ws.Cells[j, 1] = invite.Client.Title;
                ws.Cells[j, 2] = invite.Client.FirstName;
                ws.Cells[j, 3] = invite.Client.LastName;
                ws.Cells[j, 4] = invite.Client.BusinessName;
                ws.Cells[j, 5] = invite.Client.EmailAddress;

                if (invite.Client.HomeAddress != null)
                    ws.Cells[j, 6] = invite.Client.HomeAddress.FullMultiLineAddress;

                ws.Cells[j, 7] = invite.Client.CellPhone;
                ws.Cells[j, 8] = invite.Client.WorkPhone;
                ws.Cells[j, 9] = invite.PlacesReserved;
                TotalInvites  += invite.PlacesReserved;

                ws.Cells[j, 10] = true;

                if (CustomQs)
                    DataTable dt = GlobalConfig.Connection.GetClientsInvitationAnswers(invite.ClientId, invite.EventId);

                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        if (row[0].ToString().Length > 0)
                            ws.Cells[j, 10 + Convert.ToInt32(row["ColumnNumber"].ToString()) - 2] = row["Response"].ToString();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow item in invitedDGV.Rows)
                InviteModel invite = (InviteModel)item.Tag;

                ws.Cells[j, 1] = invite.Client.Title;
                ws.Cells[j, 2] = invite.Client.FirstName;
                ws.Cells[j, 3] = invite.Client.LastName;
                ws.Cells[j, 4] = invite.Client.BusinessName;
                ws.Cells[j, 5] = invite.Client.EmailAddress;

                if (invite.Client.HomeAddress != null)
                    ws.Cells[j, 6] = invite.Client.HomeAddress.FullMultiLineAddress;

                ws.Cells[j, 7] = invite.Client.CellPhone;
                ws.Cells[j, 8] = invite.Client.WorkPhone;
                ws.Cells[j, 9] = invite.PlacesReserved;
                TotalInvites  += invite.PlacesReserved;

                ws.Cells[j, 10] = false;

            ws.Cells[j + 1, 8]           = "Total Invites";
            ws.Cells[j + 1, 9]           = "=sum(I" + (8 + i + 4) + ":I" + j + ")";
            ws.Cells[j + 1, 9].Font.Bold = true;

            ws.get_Range("I:I").Columns.NumberFormat = "0";
            ws.Cells[j + 1, 10] = "(Max = " + model.MaxNumberOfGuests + ")";

            ws.Cells[j + 2, 8]           = "Confirmed Places";
            ws.Cells[j + 2, 9]           = "=sumif(J" + (8 + i + 4) + ": J" + j + ", TRUE, I" + (8 + i + 4) + ": I" + j + ")";
            ws.Cells[j + 2, 9].Font.Bold = true;

            int inviteSumRow = j + 2;


            ws.Cells[7, 2]          = model.EventLocation.VenueAddress.FullMultiLineAddress;
            ws.Cells[7, 2].WrapText = false;
