Example #1
        public int Is2InRow(int location, PlayerType playerType)
            //def is2inRow(self, matrixCopy, location): //if playing the current location gives the comp a 2 in a row (NOT NECESSARILY TWO NEXT TO EACHOTHER), it
            if (ValidMove(location))
                var tilesCopy = new List <PlayerType>(_tiles);
                tilesCopy[location] = playerType;
                foreach (var win in PossibleWins.GetPossibleWins())
                    if (win.Contains(location))
                        int sum        = 0;
                        int space2play = -1;
                        foreach (var space in win)
                            if (_tiles[space] == 0)
                                space2play = space;

                            sum += (int)_tiles[space];
                        //sum is equal to 2 bc in the Python version, computer tiles are each 1 (change this so comp can be +1 or -1)
                        if (sum == 2 && space2play != -1)
Example #2
        // ranking of moves are from 1-9 (8 being the best, 1 being the worst possible move)
        //use priority queue instead of tuple
        public int PlayTurn(Board board)
            // There seems to be a bit of a debate to whether starting with a blank tile or corner tile on the opening move it optimal.
            // I'm gonna start the computer off with a corner on the first move.
            if (board.GetNumBlankTiles() == 9)
                List <int> corners = new List <int>()
                    0, 2, 6, 8
                Random r = new Random();
                return(corners[r.Next(corners.Count())]); // get random corner from list

            //def compMove(self):
            Tuple <int, int> bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(9, 0); //this best move must be overwritten (best location of move, ranking of move in terms of best strategy)
            List <int>       forks        = new List <int>();

            for (int location = 0; location < board.GetBoard().Count(); ++location) //loop through matrix and check if any spot would result in one of these
                if (board.ValidMove(location))                                      //if spot is available
                    if (board.TryWin(location, Type))                               //play space if it will result in win (3 in a row)
                        bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 9);
                    else if (board.TryWin_Block(location, _opponentType)) //play space if you have to block opponent's win
                        if (bestLocation.Item2 < 8)
                            bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 8);
                    else if (board.TryFork(location, Type)) //must be after at least 3 total game moves
                        if (bestLocation.Item2 < 7)
                            bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 7);
                    if (board.TryFork(location, _opponentType)) //if there is only one fork to block, return true
                        if (bestLocation.Item2 < 6)
                            bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 6);
                    else if (board.TryCenter(location))
                        if (bestLocation.Item2 < 5)
                            bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 5);
                    if (location != 5)                           //location isnt the center piece
                        if (board.TryCorner_Opp(location, Type)) //if opposite corner is taken by opponent, go there
                            if (bestLocation.Item2 < 4)
                                bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 4);
                        else if (board.TryCorner(location)) //location must be empty corner
                            if (bestLocation.Item2 < 3)
                                bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 3);
                        else if (board.TrySide(location)) //location must be an open middle side space MAYBE THIS SHOULD JUST BE ELSE
                            if (bestLocation.Item2 < 2)
                                bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 2);

                    if (bestLocation.Item1 < 1)
                        bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(location, 1);
            if (bestLocation.Item2 == 6)
                if (forks.Count() == 1) //if there is only one fork, simply block it (so that tryFork will become false)
                    foreach (var win in PossibleWins.GetPossibleWins())
                        if (win.Contains(forks[0]))
                            foreach (var space in win) //try to play each space and see if one changes tryFork to false
                                if (board.ValidMove(space))
                                    var tilesCopy = new Board(board);
                                    tilesCopy.SetTile(space, Type);
                                    if (!tilesCopy.TryFork(bestLocation.Item1, _opponentType))
                                        bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(space, 7);
                //this works better than instructions on Wikipedia because not only does it create a 2 in a row that forces the oppoent to defend,
                //but it also block the max amount of human forks
                else if (forks.Count() > 1)                                                            //if there is one or more fork, block a fork that gives comp 2 in a row that forces the opponent to block, but doesnt
                    SortedDictionary <int, int> numForksRemaining = new SortedDictionary <int, int>(); //stores dictionary where key is a location that gives comp two in a row and value is the number of forks blocked
                    for (int location = 0; location < board.GetBoard().Count(); ++location)
                        var tilesCopy = new List <PlayerType>(board.GetBoard());
                        var TwoInRow  = board.Is2InRow(location, Type);
                        if (TwoInRow != -1)
                            numForksRemaining[location] = 0;
                            numForksRemaining[location] = board.CountHumForks(forks, _opponentType);
                    bestLocation = new Tuple <int, int>(numForksRemaining[0], 7);

            if (bestLocation.Item2 > 0 && bestLocation.Item2 < 10)
