StoichiometryMath clone() { IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.StoichiometryMath_clone(swigCPtr); StoichiometryMath ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new StoichiometryMath(cPtr, true); return(ret); }
StoichiometryMath createStoichiometryMath() { global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.SpeciesReference_createStoichiometryMath(swigCPtr); StoichiometryMath ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new StoichiometryMath(cPtr, false); return(ret); }
public void setUp() { D = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); if (D == null); { } }
StoichiometryMath(StoichiometryMath orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_StoichiometryMath__SWIG_2(StoichiometryMath.getCPtr(orig)), true) { if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(StoichiometryMath obj) { HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); if (obj != null) { ptr = obj.swigCPtr; obj.swigCMemOwn = false; } return(ptr); }
public void test_StoichiometryMath_createWithNS() { XMLNamespaces xmlns = new XMLNamespaces(); xmlns.add( "", "testsbml"); SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new SBMLNamespaces(2,1); sbmlns.addNamespaces(xmlns); StoichiometryMath object1 = new StoichiometryMath(sbmlns); assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_STOICHIOMETRY_MATH ); assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" ); assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null ); assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null ); assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 ); assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null ); assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 ); object1 = null; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(StoichiometryMath obj) { return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
/** * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this StoichiometryMath. * * @param orig the object to copy. */ public StoichiometryMath(StoichiometryMath orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_StoichiometryMath__SWIG_2(StoichiometryMath.getCPtr(orig)), true) { if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public void test_internal_consistency_check_99905_stoichmath() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); long errors; StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); Model m = d.createModel(); d.setLevelAndVersion(2,2,false); Species s = m.createSpecies(); s.setId("s"); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId("c"); s.setCompartment("c"); Reaction r = m.createReaction(); r.setId("r"); SpeciesReference sr = r.createProduct(); sr.setSpecies("s"); sm.setSBOTerm(5); sr.setStoichiometryMath(sm); errors = d.checkInternalConsistency(); assertTrue( errors == 0 ); d = null; }
public void test_StoichiometryMath() { StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); assertEquals( true, sm.hasRequiredAttributes() ); sm = null; }
public void test_SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath6() { StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,1); int i = sr.setStoichiometryMath(sm); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH ); assertEquals( false, sr.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); sm = null; }
public void test_SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath5() { SpeciesReference sr1 = new SpeciesReference(1,2); StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); ASTNode math = new ASTNode(libsbml.AST_TIMES); ASTNode a = new ASTNode(); ASTNode b = new ASTNode(); a.setName( "a"); b.setName( "b"); math.addChild(a); math.addChild(b); sm.setMath(math); int i = sr1.setStoichiometryMath(sm); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE ); assertEquals( false, sr1.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); sm = null; sr1 = null; }
public void test_SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath4() { StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); ASTNode math = null; sm.setMath(math); int i = sr.setStoichiometryMath(sm); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertEquals( true, sr.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); assertTrue( sr.getStoichiometry() == 1 ); i = sr.unsetStoichiometryMath(); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertEquals( false, sr.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); sm = null; }
public void test_SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath2() { StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); ASTNode math = new ASTNode(libsbml.AST_TIMES); ASTNode a = new ASTNode(); a.setName( "a"); math.addChild(a); sm.setMath(math); int i = sr.setStoichiometryMath(sm); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertEquals( true, sr.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); sm = null; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(StoichiometryMath obj) { HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); if (obj != null) { ptr = obj.swigCPtr; obj.swigCMemOwn = false; } return ptr; }
public void test_StoichiometryMath_parent_add() { StoichiometryMath m = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); SpeciesReference sr = new SpeciesReference(2,4); sr.setStoichiometryMath(m); m = null; assertTrue( sr == sr.getStoichiometryMath().getParentSBMLObject() ); sr = null; }
public void test_SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath() { ASTNode math = libsbml.parseFormula("k3 / k2"); StoichiometryMath stoich = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); stoich.setMath(math); StoichiometryMath math1; string formula; SR.setStoichiometryMath(stoich); math1 = SR.getStoichiometryMath(); assertTrue( math1 != null ); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math1.getMath()); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "k3 / k2" == formula )); assertEquals( true, SR.isSetStoichiometryMath() ); }
public void test_StoichiometryMath_constructor() { SBase s; try { s = new StoichiometryMath(2,1); s = new StoichiometryMath(2,2); s = new StoichiometryMath(2,3); s = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); s = new StoichiometryMath(SN21); s = new StoichiometryMath(SN22); s = new StoichiometryMath(SN23); s = new StoichiometryMath(SN24); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { s = null; } assertTrue(s != null); string msg = ""; try { s = new StoichiometryMath(1,1); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new StoichiometryMath(1,2); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new StoichiometryMath(SN11); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new StoichiometryMath(SN12); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); try { s = new StoichiometryMath(99,99); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); }
/** * Sets the 'stoichiometryMath' subelement of this SpeciesReference. * * The Abstract Syntax Tree in @p math is copied. * * In SBML Level 2, product and reactant stoichiometries can be specified * using <em>either</em> 'stoichiometry' or 'stoichiometryMath' in a * SpeciesReference object. The former is to be used when a * stoichiometry is simply a scalar number, while the latter is for * occasions when it needs to be a rational number or it needs to * reference other mathematical expressions. The 'stoichiometry' * attribute is of type @c double and should contain values greater than * zero (@c 0). The 'stoichiometryMath' element is implemented as an * element containing a MathML expression. These two are mutually * exclusive; only one of 'stoichiometry' or 'stoichiometryMath' should * be defined in a given SpeciesReference instance. When neither the * attribute nor the element is present, the value of 'stoichiometry' in * the SpeciesReference instance defaults to @c 1. For maximum * interoperability between different software tools, the 'stoichiometry' * attribute should be used in preference to 'stoichiometryMath' when a * species' stoichiometry is a simple scalar number (integer or * decimal). * * In SBML Level 3, there is no StoichiometryMath, and SpeciesReference * objects have only the 'stoichiometry' attribute. * * @param math the StoichiometryMath expression that is to be copied as the * content of the 'stoichiometryMath' subelement. * * @note In SBML Level 2, the 'stoichiometry' attribute of this * SpeciesReference object will be unset (isSetStoichiometry() will * return @c false although getStoichiometry() will return @c 1.0) if the * given math is not null because the 'stoichiometry' attribute and the * stoichiometryMath' subelement are mutually exclusive. * * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the * function. The possible values * returned by this function are: * @li @link libsbmlcs#LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS@endlink * @li @link libsbmlcs#LIBSBML_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE LIBSBML_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE@endlink * @li @link libsbmlcs#LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH@endlink * @li @link libsbmlcs#LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH@endlink */ public int setStoichiometryMath(StoichiometryMath math) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath(swigCPtr, StoichiometryMath.getCPtr(math)); return ret; }
public void test_StoichiometryMath() { StoichiometryMath sm = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); assertEquals( false, (sm.hasRequiredElements()) ); sm.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("ar")); assertEquals( true, sm.hasRequiredElements() ); sm = null; }
public void tearDown() { D = null; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(StoichiometryMath obj) { return((obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }
int setStoichiometryMath(StoichiometryMath math) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SpeciesReference_setStoichiometryMath(swigCPtr, StoichiometryMath.getCPtr(math)); return(ret); }
public void test_StoichiometryMath_ancestor_add() { StoichiometryMath m = new StoichiometryMath(2,4); SpeciesReference sr = new SpeciesReference(2,4); sr.setStoichiometryMath(m); m = null; StoichiometryMath obj = sr.getStoichiometryMath(); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE) == sr ); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null ); sr = null; }