public void HandleEncryptionRequest(MinecraftClient client, IPacket packet) {
            var er = (CbEncryptionRequest)packet;
            var sharedKey = new byte[16];

            var random = RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); // -- Generate a random shared key.

            if (er.ServerId == "" && client.VerifyNames) {
                // -- Verify with
                // -- At this point, the server requires a hash containing the server id,
                // -- shared key, and original public key. So we make this, and then pass to

                var hashList = new List<byte>();

                var hashData = hashList.ToArray();
                var hash = JavaHexDigest(hashData);

                var verify = new MinecraftNetInteraction();

                if (!verify.VerifyName(client.ClientName, client.AccessToken, client.SelectedProfile, hash)) {
                    client.RaiseLoginFailure(this, "Failed to verify name with Minecraft session server.");
            } else
                client.RaiseInfo(this, "Name verification disabled, skipping authentication.");

            // -- AsnKeyParser is a part of the cryptography.dll, which is simply a compiled version
            // -- of SMProxy's Cryptography.cs, with the server side parts stripped out.
            // -- You pass it the key data and ask it to parse, and it will 
            // -- Extract the server's public key, then parse that into RSA for us.

            var keyParser = new AsnKeyParser(er.PublicKey);
            var dekey = keyParser.ParseRSAPublicKey();

            // -- Now we create an encrypter, and encrypt the token sent to us by the server
            // -- as well as our newly made shared key (Which can then only be decrypted with the server's private key)
            // -- and we send it to the server.

            var cryptoService = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); // -- RSA Encryption class
            cryptoService.ImportParameters(dekey); // -- Import the Server's public key to use as the RSA encryption key.

            var encryptedSecret = cryptoService.Encrypt(sharedKey, false); // -- Encrypt the Secret key and verification token.
            var encryptedVerify = cryptoService.Encrypt(er.VerifyToken, false);

            client.Nh.WSock.InitEncryption(sharedKey); // -- Give the shared secret key to the socket

            var response = new SbEncryptionResponse
                SharedLength = (short) encryptedSecret.Length,
                SharedSecret = encryptedSecret,
                VerifyLength = (short) encryptedVerify.Length,
                VerifyToken = encryptedVerify
            }; // -- Respond to the server


            client.Nh.WSock.EncEnabled = true;
            client.Nh.RaiseSocketInfo(this, "Encryption Enabled.");