Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Should handle all requests to launch a lab, produces a releative URL or error message 
        /// and a status code which are returned in the IntTag. This does not make use of the 'Context'.
        /// This should only be called after the original request has been authorized since the
        /// user is assummed to have been authenticated and authorized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opCoupon">An initial operationCoupon</param>
        /// <param name="clientID"></param>
        /// <param name="labServerID"></param>
        /// <param name="groupID">specified by SCO, may not be the users group</param>
        /// <param name="userID"></param>
        /// <returns>A negative value for errrors or a bitmapped value indicating what should be done with the result.tag</returns>
        public IntTag ProcessLaunchClientRequest(Coupon opCoupon, int clientID, int labServerID,
            int groupID, int userID, int userTZ //, string authorityUrl, long duration, int autoStart
            int effectiveGroupID = -1;
            int userGroupID = -1;
            string groupName = null;
            string effectiveGroupName = null;
            string userName = null;
            DateTime startExecution =DateTime.MinValue;
            long duration = -1L;

            ProcessAgentInfo labServer = null;
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(clientID);
            iLabParser parser = new iLabParser();
            IntTag result = new IntTag(-1, "Access Denied");

            if (client == null)
               result.tag = "LabClient was not found";
               return result;
            userName = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserName(userID);
                result.tag = "User was not found";
                return result;
            // Check if user is a member of the specified group
            List<int> allGroups = new List<int>(AdministrativeAPI.ListGroupIDsForUserRecursively(userID));
                result.tag = "User does not have access to the specified group";
                return result;
            int qualID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
            int[] clientGroups = AuthorizationAPI.FindGrants(-1, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, qualID);
            // Find the users actual group and run as that group

            List<int> userGroups = new List<int>(AdministrativeAPI.ListGroupIDsForUser(userID));
            if (userGroups.Count == 1)
                groupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(userGroups[0]);
            else if (userGroups.Count > 1)

            //TODO This does not seem to be working
            effectiveGroupID = AuthorizationAPI.GetEffectiveGroupID(groupID, clientID,
               Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType);
            if (effectiveGroupID == groupID)
                effectiveGroupName = groupName;
            else if (effectiveGroupID > 0)
                effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(effectiveGroupID);

            ProcessAgentInfo[] paInfos = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServersForClient(clientID);
            if (paInfos != null && paInfos.Length > 0)
                labServer = paInfos[0];

            if (client.needsScheduling)
                  Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = null;
                        if (opCoupon != null)
                            // First check for an Allow Execution Ticket
                            allowExperimentExecutionTicket = RetrieveTicket(
                                opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION);
                        if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket == null)
                            // Try for a reservation
                            int ussId = FindProcessAgentIdForClient(client.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                            if (ussId > 0)
                                ProcessAgent uss = GetProcessAgent(ussId);
                                // check for current reservation

                                //create a collection & redeemTicket
                                string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    DateTime.UtcNow, userName, userID,
                                    groupName, client.clientGuid);

                                 Coupon redeemCoupon = CreateCoupon();

                                AddTicket(redeemCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid,
                                    ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload);

                                UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader();
                                op.coupon = redeemCoupon;
                                ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op;
                                Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid,
                                    userName, labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid);
                                if (reservation != null)

                                    // create the allowExecution Ticket
                                    DateTime start = reservation.Start;
                                    duration = reservation.Duration;
                                    string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload(
                                        start, duration, effectiveGroupName,client.clientGuid);
                                    DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                    DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                                    allowExperimentExecutionTicket = AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION,
                                            ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload);
                        if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket != null)
                            XmlDocument payload = new XmlDocument();
                            startExecution = DateUtil.ParseUtc(payload.GetElementsByTagName("startExecution")[0].InnerText);
                            duration = Int64.Parse(payload.GetElementsByTagName("duration")[0].InnerText);
                        else{ // No current scheduled reservations
                            result.id = -8;
                            result.tag = "Go to USS";
                            return result;

            else // Not Scheduled

                if (labServer != null)
                    if (client.IsReentrant)
                        long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(userID,
                                       effectiveGroupID, labServer.agentId,client.clientID);
                        foreach (long id in ids)
                            InternalDataDB.CloseExperiment(id, StorageStatus.CLOSED_USER);
                    TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
                    // 1. Create Coupon for ExperimentCollection
                    Coupon expCoupon = CreateCoupon();

                    iLabProperties properties = new iLabProperties();
                    properties.Add("sb", ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent);
                    properties.Add("ls", labServer);
                    properties.Add("op", expCoupon);

                    DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    duration = 7L * 24L * 60L * 60L; // default is one week
                     RecipeExecutor executor = null;
                    string redirectURL = null;

                    //Create a redeemSession ticket for the experiment
                    //payload includes username and current group name & client id.
                    string sessionPayload = factory.createRedeemSessionPayload(userID, groupID,
                               clientID, userName, groupName);
                    // SB is the redeemer, ticket type : session_identifcation, no expiration time, payload,SB as sponsor ID, redeemer(SB) coupon
                    AddTicket(expCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid,
                                  ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, duration, sessionPayload);

                   // AdministrativeAPI.ModifyUserSession(Convert.ToInt64(Session["SessionID"]), groupID, clientID, Session.SessionID);

                    if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT)
                        // execute the "interactive experiment execution recipe
                        executor = RecipeExecutor.Instance();

                        // loaderScript not parsed in Recipe
                        redirectURL = executor.ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(expCoupon, labServer, client,
                         start, duration, userTZ, userID,
                         effectiveGroupID, effectiveGroupName);
                        //Do not add the returnURL

                        // Parse & check that the default auth tokens are added
                        result.tag = parser.Parse(redirectURL, properties, true);
                        result.id = LabClient.INTERACTIVE_BIT | LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT;

                    else if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET)
                          // execute the "interactive experiment execution recipe
                        executor = RecipeExecutor.Instance();

                        // loaderScript not parsed in Recipe
                        redirectURL = executor.ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(expCoupon, labServer, client,
                         start, duration, userTZ, userID,
                         effectiveGroupID, effectiveGroupName);
                        // Applets do not use default query string parameters, parameters must be in the loader script
                        result.tag = parser.Parse(redirectURL, properties);
                        result.id = LabClient.INTERACTIVE_BIT | LabClient.APPLET_BIT;

                        //string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '"
                        //    + "applet.aspx" + @"'</script>";
                        //Page.RegisterStartupScript("ReloadFrame", jScript);

                    // Support for Batch 6.1 Lab Clients
                    else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT)
                        // use the Loader script for Batch experiments, for now check for default properties
                        result.tag = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties,true);
                        result.id = LabClient.BATCH_BIT | LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT;
                    // use the Loader script for Batch experiments
                    else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET)
                        // Do not append defaults
                        result.tag = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties);
                        result.id = LabClient.BATCH_BIT | LabClient.APPLET_BIT;
                } // labserver != null
                    buf.Append(" LabServer = null");


            return result;
        protected int removeSchedulingInfo(int clientId, int serverId, int ussId, int lssId, ref StringBuilder message)
            int status = 1;
            int result = 1;
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end = DateTime.MaxValue;
            ProcessAgent ls = ticketing.GetProcessAgent(serverId);
            ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId);
            ProcessAgentInfo uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussId);
            if (ls == null)
                message.AppendLine("LabServer is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (lss == null)
                message.AppendLine("LSS is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (uss == null)
                message.AppendLine("USS is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (status < 1)
                return status;
            TicketLoadFactory tlf = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
            string payload = tlf.createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
            Coupon coupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 300L, payload);
            ticketing.AddTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 300L, payload);

            LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy();
            AgentAuthHeader agentHeader = new AgentAuthHeader();
            agentHeader.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
            agentHeader.coupon = lss.identOut;
            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = agentHeader;
            OperationAuthHeader opHeader = new OperationAuthHeader();
            opHeader.coupon = coupon;
            lssProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = opHeader;
            lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl;
            int count = lssProxy.RemoveReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, "", uss.agentGuid, ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, start, end);
            result = lssProxy.RemoveExperimentInfo(ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid);
            if (result > 0)
                status = Math.Min(status, result);

            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
            AgentAuthHeader header = new AgentAuthHeader();
            header.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
            header.coupon = uss.identOut;
            ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = header;
            OperationAuthHeader op2Header = new OperationAuthHeader();
            op2Header.coupon = coupon;
            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op2Header;
            ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
            int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, "", ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, start, end,
                "The USS is being removed from this lab client!");
            result = ussProxy.RemoveExperimentInfo(ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, lss.agentGuid);
            if (result > 0)
                status = Math.Min(status, result);
            return status;
        protected int dissociateUSS(int ussID, ref StringBuilder message)
            ProcessAgentInfo lss = null;
            ProcessAgentInfo uss = null;
            int status = 1;
            int result = 1;
            int labServerID = Convert.ToInt32(hdnLabServerID.Value);
                if (labClientID <= 0)
                    message.AppendLine("Please save the Lab Client information before attempting to dissociate it from a resource<br/>");
                    status = 0;
                if (labServerID <= 0)
                    message.AppendLine("The labserver is currently not set.<br/>");
                    status = 0;

                if (ussID <= 0)
                    message.AppendLine("Please select a desired USS to be dissociated from the client.<br/>");
                    status = 0;
                if (status < 1)
                    return status;

                // Check if USS & LSS are assigned
                int uss_Id = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, labClientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                if (ussID != uss_Id)
                    message.AppendLine("The uss_Id and currently assigned resource do not match!<br/>");
                    return -1;
                int ussMapId = ResourceMapManager.FindMapID(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, labClientID,
                    ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                int lssId = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, Convert.ToInt32(hdnLabServerID.Value), ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                if (ussID > 0 || lssId > 0)
                    //remove ExperimentInfo
                    result = removeSchedulingInfo(labClientID, labServerID, ussID, lssId, ref message);
                    status = Math.Min(status, result);

                //LabClient lc = new LabClient();
                //lc = labClients[ddlLabClient.SelectedIndex - 1];
                UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                btnRegisterUSS.Text = "Register";
                btnRegisterUSS.Visible = true;
                hdnUssID.Value = zero;

                message.AppendLine("User-side Scheduling Server \"" + ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text + "\" succesfully "
                    + "dissociated from client \"" + ddlLabClient.SelectedItem.Text + "\".");

                ddlAssociatedUSS.Visible = true;
                ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedIndex = 0;
                txtAssociatedUSS.Visible = false;
                status = 1;
            return status;
    /// <summary>
    /// Method that does the actual make reservation for the user. 
    /// makes the basis of the parameters from the message and the application database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="userName"> the user who is scheduling for the lab; must be registered with the service broker</param>
    /// <param name="groupName">the group name authorized to do a lab</param>
    /// <param name="labServerGuid">lab server which holds the lab that does the actual scheduling</param>
    /// <param name="clientGuid">Guid of the lab being registered for</param>
    /// <param name="start">Start time of a particular period scheduled for</param>
    /// <param name="end">End time of a particular period being scheduled for</param>
    /// <returns>returns a message string that the application bases on for to give the feedback to the user</returns>
    public static string MakeReservation(string userName, string groupName, string labServerGuid,
        string clientGuid, DateTime start, DateTime end)
        string lsGuid = null;
            int status = -1;
            string message = null;
            if (ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent != null && ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid != null)
                ProcessAgentDB paDb = new ProcessAgentDB();
                ProcessAgentInfo domainServer = paDb.GetProcessAgentInfo(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid);

                InteractiveSBProxy isbProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy();
                isbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                isbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                isbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = domainServer.identOut;
                isbProxy.Url = domainServer.ServiceUrl;

                string[] types = new string[] { TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION };

                Coupon opCoupon = isbProxy.RequestAuthorization(types, 600, 			userName, groupName,  labServerGuid, clientGuid);
                if (opCoupon != null)
                    TicketIssuerProxy ticketProxy = new TicketIssuerProxy();
                    ticketProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                    ticketProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                    ticketProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = domainServer.identOut;
                    ticketProxy.Url = domainServer.ServiceUrl;
                    //the method call below is one which does not returns a null value
                    //in otherwards the ticket value is not created.
                    Ticket ticketSMS = ticketProxy.RedeemTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid);
                    if (ticketSMS != null)
                        if (ticketSMS.payload != null || ticketSMS.payload.Length > 0)
                            XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(ticketSMS.payload);
                            string ussURL = xdoc.Query("ScheduleSessionPayload/ussURL");
                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue.coupon = opCoupon;
                            ussProxy.Url = ussURL;

                            TimePeriod[] times = ussProxy.RetrieveAvailableTimePeriods(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid, groupName, labServerGuid,
                                clientGuid, start, end);
                            // Logic to check for final time
                            DateTime resStart = start;
                            DateTime resEnd = end;

                            message = ussProxy.AddReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid, userName, groupName, labServerGuid, clientGuid, resStart, resEnd);
                    message = "coupon is null";
                message = "This service is not part of a domain, please contact the administrator!";

            return message;
        protected int registerUSS(int ussID, ref StringBuilder message)
            int status = 1;
            ProcessAgentInfo uss = null;
                if (labClientID <= 0)
                    message.AppendLine("Please save the Lab Client information before attempting to associate it with a resource.");
                    status = 0;

                if (ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    message.AppendLine("Please select a desired USS to be associated with the client.");
                    status = 0;
                if (status < 1)
                    return status;

                if (ussID > 0)
                    uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussID);
                    if (uss != null)
                        if (uss.retired)
                            message.AppendLine("The specified USS is retired.<br/>");
                            return 0;

                        TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();

                        //this should be in a loop
                        int[] labServerIDs = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServerIDsForClient(labClientID);
                        if (labServerIDs != null && labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < labServerIDs.Length; i++)

                                if (labServerIDs[i] > 0)
                                    ProcessAgentInfo labServer = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(labServerIDs[i]);
                                    if (labServer.retired)
                                        message.AppendLine("The lab server: " + labServer.agentName + " is retired!<br/>");
                                    int lssId = ticketing.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(labServerIDs[i], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);

                                    if (lssId > 0)

                                        ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId);
                                        if (lss != null)
                                            if (lss.retired)
                                                message.AppendLine("The LSS: " + lss.agentName + " is retired!<br/>");
                                                return 0;
                                            LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy();
                                            lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl;
                                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = lss.identOut;
                                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;

                                            // Is this in the domain or cross-domain
                                            //if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid))
                                           // {
                                                lssProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, labClient.clientGuid, labClient.clientName, labClient.version, labClient.contactEmail);

                                            // check for existing REVOKE_RESERVATION tickets
                                            bool needUssRevoke = true;
                                            bool needLssRevoke = true;
                                            Coupon ussRevokeCoupon = null;
                                            Coupon lssRevokeCoupon = null;
                                            Ticket ussRevoke = null;
                                            Ticket lssRevoke = null;
                                            Ticket[] ussRevokeTickets = ticketing.RetrieveIssuedTickets(-1L,
                                                    TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid);
                                            if (ussRevokeTickets != null && ussRevokeTickets.Length > 0)
                                                ussRevoke = ussRevokeTickets[0];
                                                needUssRevoke = false;

                                            Ticket[] lssRevokeTickets = ticketing.RetrieveIssuedTickets(-1L,
                                                    TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid);
                                            if (lssRevokeTickets != null && lssRevokeTickets.Length > 0)
                                                lssRevoke = lssRevokeTickets[0];
                                                needLssRevoke = false;

                                            if (ussRevoke == null && lssRevoke == null)
                                                ussRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateCoupon();
                                                lssRevokeCoupon = ussRevokeCoupon;
                                            if (needUssRevoke)
                                                string ussRevokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload("LSS");
                                                if (ussRevokeCoupon == null)
                                                    ussRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION,
                                                        uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, ussRevokePayload);
                                                    ticketing.AddTicket(ussRevokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION,
                                                        uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, ussRevokePayload);

                                                // Is this in the domain or cross-domain
                                                if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid))
                                                { // this domain
                                                    //Add USS on LSS
                                                    int ussAdded = lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.agentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, ussRevokeCoupon);
                                                    status = 1;
                                                    // cross-domain
                                                    // send consumerInfo to remote SB
                                                    int remoteSbId = ticketing.GetProcessAgentID(lss.domainGuid);
                                                    message.AppendLine(RegistrationSupport.RegisterClientUSS(remoteSbId, null, lss.agentId, null, labServer.agentId,
                                                        ussRevokeCoupon, uss.agentId, null, labClient.clientID));
                                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                            ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                            ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                                            ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = uss.identOut;
                                            ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                                            if (needLssRevoke)
                                                //ADD LSS on USS
                                                string ussPayload = factory.createAdministerUSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));
                                                string lssRevokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload("USS");
                                                if (lssRevokeCoupon == null)
                                                    lssRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid, -1L, lssRevokePayload);
                                                    ticketing.AddTicket(lssRevokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid, -1L, lssRevokePayload);

                                                int lssAdded = ussProxy.AddLSSInfo(lss.agentGuid, lss.agentName, lss.webServiceUrl, lssRevokeCoupon);
                                            //Add Experiment Information on USS
                                            int expInfoAdded = ussProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName,
                                                labClient.clientGuid, labClient.clientName, labClient.version, labClient.contactEmail, lss.agentGuid);

                                            //Ceate resource Map
                                            ResourceMappingKey key = new ResourceMappingKey(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, labClientID);
                                            List<ResourceMappingValue> valuesList = new List<ResourceMappingValue>();
                                            valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER));
                                            valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, ussID));
                                            valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.TICKET_TYPE,
                                            // Add the mapping to the database & cache
                                            ResourceMapping newMapping = ticketing.AddResourceMapping(key, valuesList.ToArray());

                                            // add mapping to qualifier list
                                            int qualifierType = Qualifier.resourceMappingQualifierTypeID;
                                            string name = ticketing.ResourceMappingToString(newMapping);
                                            int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newMapping.MappingID, qualifierType, name, Qualifier.ROOT);

                                            // Group Credentials MOVED TO THE MANAGE LAB GROUPS PAGE
                                            message.AppendLine("The specified LSS was not found!<br/>");
                                            return 0;
                                        message.AppendLine("You must assign a LSS to the lab server before you may assign a USS!<br/>");
                                        return 0;
                            message.AppendLine("You must assign a Lab Server before assigning a USS!<br/>");
                            return 0;
                        btnRegisterUSS.Visible = true;
                        btnRegisterUSS.Text = "Dissociate";
                        ddlAssociatedUSS.Visible = false;
                        txtAssociatedUSS.Visible = true;
                        txtAssociatedUSS.Text = ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text;
                        hdnUssID.Value = ussID.ToString();

                        message.AppendLine("User-side Scheduling Server \"" + ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text + "\" succesfully "
                            + "associated with client \"" + ddlLabClient.SelectedItem.Text + "\".");
                    message.AppendLine("USS was not found!<br/>");
                    return 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                message.AppendLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
                return -1;
            return status;
        void JunkCode()
            string revoked = "revoke";
            int count = 0;
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int startHours = -1;
            int startMinutes = -1;
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int endHours = -1;
            int endMinutes = -1;

            // input error check
                if (txtStartMin.Text.Length > 0)
                    startMinutes = int.Parse(txtStartMin.Text);
                if (startMinutes >= 60 || startMinutes < 0)
                    string msg = "Please input right form of minute in the start time ";
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage(msg);
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                if (txtEndMin.Text.Length > 0)
                    endMinutes = int.Parse(txtEndMin.Text);
                if (endMinutes > 60 || endMinutes < 0)
                    string msg = "Please input right form of minute in the end time ";
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage(msg);
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;

                if (txtEndDate.Text.Length == 0 || txtEndDate.Text.CompareTo(culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern) == 0)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("You must enter the end date of the time block.");
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                endDate = DateTime.Parse(txtEndDate.Text, culture);
                if (txtStartDate.Text.Length == 0 || txtStartDate.Text.CompareTo(culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern) == 0)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("You must enter the end date of the time block.");
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                startDate = DateTime.Parse(txtStartDate.Text, culture);
                if (endDate < startDate)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.");
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;
                lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage(msg);
                lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;

            startHours = int.Parse(ddlStartHour.SelectedItem.Text);

            endHours = int.Parse(ddlEndHour.SelectedItem.Text);

            DateTime startTime = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day,
                startHours, startMinutes, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            DateTime endTime = new DateTime(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, endDate.Day,
                endHours, endMinutes, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            //Ticket ticketforRevo = ticketRetrieval.RetrieveAndVerify(coupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION);

            // the removed reservations on LSS
            ArrayList removedRes = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList ussGuids = new ArrayList();

            if (startTime > endTime)
                string msg = "the start time should be earlier than the end time";
                lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage(msg);
                lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                //the reservations going to be removed
                int[] resIDs = dbManager.ListReservationInfoIDsByLabServer(Session["lsGuid"].ToString(), startTime, endTime);
                if (resIDs != null && resIDs.Length > 0)
                    count = dbManager.RevokeReservations(resIDs, txtMessage.Text);
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage("For the time period "
                        + DateUtil.ToUserTime(startTime, culture, userTZ) + " to "
                    + DateUtil.ToUserTime(endTime, culture, userTZ) + ", " + count + " out of " + resIDs.Length + " reservations have been revoked successfully.");
                    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("The related reservations have not been revoked successfully." + ex.Message);
                lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                // rollback
                foreach (ReservationInfo resInfo in removedRes)
                    dbManager.AddReservationInfo(resInfo.startTime, resInfo.endTime,
                        resInfo.credentialSetId, resInfo.experimentInfoId, resInfo.resourceId, resInfo.ussId, resInfo.statusCode);



                foreach (string uGuid in ussGuids)
                    int uInfoID = dbManager.ListUSSInfoID(uGuid);
                    USSInfo[] ussArray = dbManager.GetUSSInfos(new int[] { uInfoID });
                    if (ussArray.Length > 0)
                        Coupon revokeCoupon = dbManager.GetCoupon(ussArray[0].revokeCouponId, ussArray[0].domainGuid);

                        UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                        ussProxy.Url = ussArray[0].ussUrl;

                        //assign the coupon from ticket to the soap header;
                        OperationAuthHeader opHeader = new OperationAuthHeader();
                        opHeader.coupon = revokeCoupon;
                        ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = opHeader;

                        //if (ussProxy.RevokeReservation(Session["lsGuid"].ToString(), startTime, endTime))
                        //    lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage(" The related reservations have been revoked successfully !");
                        //    lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblErrorMessage.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("The related reservation have not been revoked successfully." + ex.Message);
                lblErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                // rollback
                foreach (ReservationInfo resInfo in removedRes)
                    dbManager.AddReservationInfo(resInfo.startTime, resInfo.endTime, resInfo.credentialSetId, resInfo.experimentInfoId, resInfo.resourceId, resInfo.ussId, resInfo.statusCode);

Example #7
        public static int RevokeReservation(ReservationInfo ri)
            int count = 0;
            LssCredentialSet[] sets = DBManager.GetCredentialSets(new int[] { ri.credentialSetId });
            LssExperimentInfo[] exps = DBManager.GetExperimentInfos(new int[] { ri.experimentInfoId });
            if (sets != null && sets.Length > 0 && exps != null && exps.Length > 0)

                USSInfo uss = DBManager.GetUSSInfo(sets[0].ussGuid);
                if (uss != null)
                    ProcessAgentDB paDB = new ProcessAgentDB();
                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                    OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
                    header.coupon = paDB.GetCoupon(uss.couponId, uss.domainGuid);
                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                    ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;

                    int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(sets[0].serviceBrokerGuid, sets[0].groupName,
                        exps[0].labServerGuid, exps[0].labClientGuid, ri.Start, ri.End, "The reservation time assigned to this reservation is being removed");
                    if (num > 0)
                        LSSSchedulingAPI.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { ri.reservationInfoId });
                        count += num;

            return count;
Example #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int groupID = 0;
            string groupName = null;
            lc = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]) })[0];

            if (Session["GroupID"] != null && Session["GroupID"].ToString().Length > 0)
                groupID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]);
            if (Session["GroupName"] != null && Session["GroupName"].ToString().Length > 0)
                groupName = Session["GroupName"].ToString();

                lblGroupNameTitle.Text = groupName;
                lblBackToLabs.Text = groupName;

                if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientCount"]) == 1)
                    lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "Messages for " + groupName;
                    lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "Messages for " + lc.clientName;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                auto = Request.QueryString["auto"];
                if (auto!= null && auto.Length > 0)
                    if (auto.ToLower().Contains("t"))
                        autoLaunch = true;
                if (lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT)
                    // retrieve parameters from URL
                    couponId = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
                    passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
                    issuerGuid = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];

                    if (lc.needsScheduling)
                        Coupon opCoupon = null;
                        if (couponId != null && passkey != null && issuerGuid != null)
                            opCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGuid, Int64.Parse(couponId), passkey);

                            // First check for an Allow Execution Ticket
                            Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.RetrieveTicket(
                                opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION);
                            if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket == null)
                                // Try for a reservation

                                int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(lc.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                                if (ussId > 0)
                                    ProcessAgent uss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(ussId);
                                    ProcessAgent ls = issuer.GetProcessAgent(lc.labServerIDs[0]);

                                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                    OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader();
                                    op.coupon = opCoupon;
                                    ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op;
                                    Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, Session["UserName"].ToString(), ls.agentGuid, lc.clientGuid);

                                    if (reservation != null)
                                        // Find efective group
                                        string effectiveGroupName = null;
                                        int effectiveGroupID = AuthorizationAPI.GetEffectiveGroupID(groupID, lc.clientID,
                                            Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType);
                                        if (effectiveGroupID == groupID)
                                            if (Session["groupName"] != null)
                                                effectiveGroupName = Session["groupName"].ToString();
                                                effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(groupID);
                                                Session["groupName"] = effectiveGroupName;
                                        else if (effectiveGroupID > 0)
                                            effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(effectiveGroupID);
                                        // create the allowExecution Ticket
                                        DateTime start = reservation.Start;
                                        long duration = reservation.Duration;
                                        string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload(
                                            start, duration, effectiveGroupName);
                                        DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                        DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                        long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                                        allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION,
                                                ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload);
                            if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket != null)
                                XmlDocument payload = new XmlDocument();
                                startExecution = DateUtil.ParseUtc(payload.GetElementsByTagName("startExecution")[0].InnerText);
                                duration = Int64.Parse(payload.GetElementsByTagName("duration")[0].InnerText);

                                Session["StartExecution"] = DateUtil.ToUtcString(startExecution);
                                Session["Duration"] = duration;

                                //groupId = payload.GetElementsByTagName("groupID")[0].InnerText;

                                // Display reenter button if experiment is reentrant & a current experiment exists
                                if (lc.IsReentrant)

                                    long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]),
                                        Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]), lc.labServerIDs[0], lc.clientID);
                                    if (ids.Length > 0)
                                        btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch New Experiment";
                                        btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                        pReenter.Visible = true;
                                        btnReenter.Visible = true;
                                        btnReenter.CommandArgument = ids[0].ToString();

                                        pReenter.Visible = false;
                                        btnReenter.Visible = false;
                                        btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch Lab";
                                        if (autoLaunch)
                                            btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                    if (autoLaunch)
                                        btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                btnLaunchLab.Visible = false;
                        if (autoLaunch)
                            btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                else if (lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT)
                    if (autoLaunch)
                        btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;

            btnSchedule.Visible = lc.needsScheduling;
            //Session["LoaderScript"] = lc.loaderScript;
            lblClientName.Text = lc.clientName;
            lblVersion.Text = lc.version;
            lblLongDescription.Text = lc.clientLongDescription;
            lblNotes.Text = lc.notes;
            string emailCmd = "mailto:" + lc.contactEmail;
            lblEmail.Text = "<a href=" + emailCmd + ">" + lc.contactEmail + "</a>";

            btnLaunchLab.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.btnLaunchLab_Click);
            btnLaunchLab.CommandArgument = lc.clientID.ToString();

            int count = 0;

            if (lc.clientInfos != null)
                foreach (ClientInfo ci in lc.clientInfos)
                    if (ci.infoURLName.CompareTo("Documentation") != 0)
                        System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button b = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button();
                        b.Visible = true;
                        b.CssClass = "button";
                        b.Text = ci.infoURLName;
                        b.CommandArgument = ci.infoURL;
                        b.CommandName = ci.infoURLName;
                        b.ToolTip = ci.description;
                        b.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.HelpButton_Click);
                        repClientInfos.Controls.AddAt(count, b);
                        repClientInfos.Controls.AddAt(count + 1, new LiteralControl("&nbsp;&nbsp;"));
                        count += 2;

            List<SystemMessage> messagesList = new List<SystemMessage>();
            SystemMessage[] groupMessages = null;
            if (Session["ClientCount"] != null && Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientCount"]) == 1)
                groupMessages = wrapper.GetSystemMessagesWrapper(SystemMessage.GROUP, Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]), 0, 0);
                if (groupMessages != null)

            foreach (int labServerID in lc.labServerIDs)
                SystemMessage[] labMessages = wrapper.GetSystemMessagesWrapper(SystemMessage.LAB, 0, 0, labServerID);
                if (labMessages != null)

            if (messagesList != null && messagesList.Count > 0)
                repSystemMessage.DataSource = messagesList;


                lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text += "</h3><p>No Messages at this time</p><h3>";

        protected int revokeReservations(int resourceId, int expId, int credId, DateTime start, DateTime end, ref StringBuilder message)
            int status = 0;
            int count = 0;
            Dictionary<int, List<ReservationData>> reservations = new Dictionary<int, List<ReservationData>>();
            ReservationData[] data = dbManager.RetrieveReservationData(resourceId, expId, credId, start, end);
            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)

                // get  list for each USS
                foreach (ReservationData rd in data)
                    if (!reservations.ContainsKey(rd.ussId))
                        List<ReservationData> lst = new List<ReservationData>();
                        reservations.Add(rd.ussId, lst);
                foreach (int uid in reservations.Keys)
                    if (uid > 0)
                        USSInfo uss = dbManager.GetUSSInfo(uid);
                        if (uss != null)
                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                            OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
                            header.coupon = dbManager.GetCoupon(uss.revokeCouponId, uss.domainGuid);
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                            ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;
                            foreach (ReservationData res in reservations[uid])

                                int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(res.sbGuid, res.groupName,
                                    res.labServerGuid, res.clientGuid, res.Start, res.End, txtMessage.Text);
                                //if (num > 0)
                                    dbManager.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { res.reservationID });
                                    count += 1;
                                status = 1;
                        foreach (ReservationData res in reservations[uid])
                            dbManager.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { res.reservationID });
                            status = 1;
                            count += 1;
                message.AppendLine( count.ToString() + " reservations were revoked!");
            catch(Exception e){
                status = -1;
                return status;
            return count;
Example #10
        protected void launchLab(int userID, int groupID, int clientID)
            // Currently there is not a good solution for checking for an AllowExperiment ticket, will check the USS for reservation
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("~/myClient.aspx?auto=t");

            string userName = null;
            Coupon opCoupon = null;
            Ticket allowTicket = null;
            int effectiveGroupID = 0;
            if (Session["UserName"] != null && Session["UserName"].ToString().Length > 0)
                userName = Session["UserName"].ToString();
                userName = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserName(userID);

              LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(clientID);
              if (client.clientID > 0) // It's a structure need to test for valid value
                    DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    long duration = 36000L; // default is ten hours
                    ProcessAgentInfo labServer = null;

                    if (client.labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                        labServer = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(client.labServerIDs[0]);
                        throw new Exception("The lab server is not specified for lab client " + client.clientName + " version: " + client.version);
                    // Find efective group
                    string effectiveGroupName = null;
                    effectiveGroupID = AuthorizationAPI.GetEffectiveGroupID(groupID, clientID,
                        Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType);
                    if (effectiveGroupID == groupID)
                        if (Session["groupName"] != null)
                            effectiveGroupName = Session["groupName"].ToString();
                            effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(groupID);
                            Session["groupName"] = effectiveGroupName;
                    else if (effectiveGroupID > 0)
                        effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(effectiveGroupID);

                    //Check for Scheduling:
                    if (client.needsScheduling)
                        int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(client.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                        if (ussId > 0)
                            ProcessAgent uss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(ussId);

                            int lssId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(client.labServerIDs[0], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                            ProcessAgent lss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(lssId);

                            // check for current reservation

                            //create a collection & redeemTicket
                            string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow);
                            opCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload);

                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                            OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader();
                            op.coupon = opCoupon;
                            ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op;
                            Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, userName, labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid);

                            if (reservation != null)
                                // create the allowExecution Ticket
                                start = reservation.Start;
                                duration = reservation.Duration;
                                string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload(
                                    start, duration, effectiveGroupName);
                                DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                                allowTicket = issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION,
                                        ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload);
                                // Append op coupon to url
                                buf.Append("&coupon_id=" + opCoupon.couponId);
                                buf.Append("&passkey=" + opCoupon.passkey);
                                buf.Append("&issuer_guid=" + opCoupon.issuerGuid);

                            //    string schedulingUrl = RecipeExecutor.Instance().ExecuteExerimentSchedulingRecipe(uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, userName, groupName,
                            //        labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid, client.clientName, client.version,
                            //        Convert.ToInt64(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["scheduleSessionTicketDuration"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));

                            //    schedulingUrl += "&sb_url=" + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + "/myClient.aspx";
                            //    Response.Redirect(schedulingUrl, true);
                            // USS Not Found
                    } // End needsScheduling
                  //Response.Redirect(Global.FormatRegularURL(Request, "myClient.aspx"), true);
                  Response.Redirect(buf.ToString(), true);
                  } // End if valid client
                throw new Exception("The specified lab client could not be found");
Example #11
        protected void launchLabXX(int userID, int groupID, int clientID)
            // Currently there is not a good solution for checking for an AllowExperiment ticket, will check the USS for reservation
            Coupon allowExecutionCoupon = null;
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Message: clientID = " + clientID);
            LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(clientID);
            string userName = null;
            Coupon opCoupon = null;
            Ticket allowTicket = null;

            if (Session["UserID"] != null)
                if (userID == Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]))
                    userName = Session["UserName"].ToString();
                    userName = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserName(userID);
                    Session["UserID"] = userID;
                    Session["UserName"] = userName;
                string groupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(groupID);
                if (client.clientID > 0) // It's a structure need to test for valid value
                    // create the RecipeExecutor

                    string redirectURL = null;
                    DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    long duration = 36000L; // default is ten hours
                    ProcessAgentInfo labServer = null;

                    if (client.labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                        labServer = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(client.labServerIDs[0]);
                        throw new Exception("The lab server is not specified for lab client " + client.clientName + " version: " + client.version);

                    //Check for Scheduling:
                    if (client.needsScheduling)
                        int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(client.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                        if (ussId > 0)
                            ProcessAgent uss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(ussId);

                            //// Find efective group
                            //string effectiveGroupName = null;
                            //int effectiveGroupID = AuthorizationAPI.GetEffectiveGroupID(groupID, clientID,
                            //    Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType);
                            //if (effectiveGroupID == groupID)
                            //    if(Session["groupName"] != null){
                            //        effectiveGroupName = Session["groupName"].ToString();
                            //    }
                            //    else{
                            //        effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(groupID);
                            //        Session["groupName"] = effectiveGroupName;
                            //    }
                            //else if (effectiveGroupID > 0)
                            //   effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(effectiveGroupID );

                            int lssId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(client.labServerIDs[0], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                            ProcessAgent lss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(lssId);

                            // check for current reservation
                            string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow);
                            opCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload);
                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                            OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader();
                            op.coupon = opCoupon;
                            ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op;
                            Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, userName, labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid);
                            if (reservation != null)
                                start = reservation.Start;
                                duration = reservation.Duration;
                                string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload(
                                    start, duration, groupName);
                                DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                                allowTicket = issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION,
                                        ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload);

                                string schedulingUrl = RecipeExecutor.Instance().ExecuteExerimentSchedulingRecipe(uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, userName, groupName,
                                    labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid, client.clientName, client.version,
                                    Convert.ToInt64(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["scheduleSessionTicketDuration"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));

                                schedulingUrl += "&sb_url=" + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + "/myClient.aspx";
                                Response.Redirect(schedulingUrl, true);

                    if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT)
                        if (client.IsReentrant) // check for an existing active experiment
                            long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(userID, groupID, client.labServerIDs[0], client.clientID);
                            if (ids.Length > 0)
                                long[] coupIDs = InternalDataDB.RetrieveExperimentCouponIDs(ids[0]);
                                Coupon coupon = issuer.GetIssuedCoupon(coupIDs[0]);
                                // construct the redirect query
                                StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(client.loaderScript.Trim());
                                if (url.ToString().IndexOf("?") == -1)
                                url.Append("coupon_id=" + coupon.couponId + "&passkey=" + coupon.passkey
                                    + "&issuer_guid=" + issuer.GetIssuerGuid());

                                // Add the return url to the redirect
                                url.Append(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl +"/myClient.aspx");

                                // Now open the lab within the current Window/frame
                                Response.Redirect(url.ToString(), true);

                        //Check for Scheduling:
                        if (client.needsScheduling)
                            //The scheduling Ticket should exist and been parsed into the session
                            if (allowTicket == null)
                                throw new Exception(" Unable to confirm a reservation for this client.");

                        // execute the "experiment execution recipe
                        redirectURL = RecipeExecutor.Instance().ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(labServer, client,
                        start, duration, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]), userID,
                        groupID, (string)Session["GroupName"]);

                        // Add the return url to the redirect
                        redirectURL += "&sb_url=" + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl +"/myClient.aspx";

                        // Now open the lab within the current Window/frame
                        Response.Redirect(redirectURL, true);

                    else if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET)
                        // Note: Currently not supporting Interactive applets
                        // use the Loader script for Batch experiments
                        // This assumes that the client will request the experiment creation

                        Session["LoaderScript"] = client.loaderScript;

                        string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '"
                            + "applet.aspx" + @"'</script>";
                        Page.RegisterStartupScript("ReloadFrame", jScript);

                    // Support for Batch 6.1 Lab Clients
                    else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT)
                        Session["ClientID"] = client.clientID;
                        AdministrativeAPI.SetSessionClient(Convert.ToInt64(Session["SessionID"]), client.clientID);
                        // use the Loader script for Batch experiments

                        //use ticketing & redirect to url in loader script

                        // [GeneralTicketing] retrieve static process agent corresponding to the first
                        // association lab server */

                        // New comments: The HTML Client is not a static process agent, so we don't search for that at the moment.
                        // Presumably when the interactive SB is merged with the batched, this should check for a static process agent.
                        // - CV, 7/22/05


                        //payload includes username and effective group name & client id.
                        //ideally this should be encoded in xml  - CV, 7/27/2005
                        TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
                        string uName = (string)Session["UserName"];
                        string gName = (string)Session["GroupName"];

                        string sessionPayload = factory.createRedeemSessionPayload(userID,
                           groupID, clientID, uName, gName);
                        // SB is the redeemer, ticket type : session_identifcation, no expiration time, payload,SB as sponsor ID, redeemer(SB) coupon
                        Coupon coupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid,
                             ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, -1, sessionPayload);

                        string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'> window.open ('" + client.loaderScript + "?couponID=" + coupon.couponId + "&passkey=" + coupon.passkey + "')</script>";
                        Page.RegisterStartupScript("HTML Client", jScript);
                // use the Loader script for Batch experiments
                else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET)
                    Session["ClientID"] = client.clientID;
                    AdministrativeAPI.SetSessionClient(Convert.ToInt64(Session["SessionID"]), client.clientID);
                    Session["LoaderScript"] = client.loaderScript;

                    string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '"
                        + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + @"/applet.aspx" + @"'</script>";
                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ReloadFrame", jScript);

                message.Append(" LabServer = null");
            //lblDebug.Text = message.ToString();
        /* TO DO */
        public int RevokeReservation(ReservationInfo ri, string message)
            int count = 0;
            LssCredentialSet[] sets = GetCredentialSets(new int[] { ri.credentialSetId });
            LssExperimentInfo[] exps = GetExperimentInfos(new int[] { ri.experimentInfoId });
            if (sets != null && sets.Length > 0 && exps != null && exps.Length > 0)

                USSInfo uss = GetUSSInfo(ri.ussId);
                if (uss != null)

                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                    OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
                    header.coupon = GetCoupon(uss.revokeCouponId, uss.domainGuid);
                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                    ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;

                    int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(sets[0].serviceBrokerGuid, sets[0].groupName,
                        exps[0].labServerGuid, exps[0].labClientGuid, ri.Start, ri.End, message);
                    if (num > 0)
                        RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { ri.reservationInfoId });
                        count += num;

            return count;
Example #13
        // Error recovery must be added to this method
        protected void btnSaveChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int id = int.Parse(ddlLabClient.SelectedValue);
            if (id > 0)
                LabClient[] clients = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[] { id });
                if (clients.Length > 0 && clients[0].clientID > 0)
                    theClient = clients[0];
            // objects used in try block may be required for recovery if  errors
            bool noError = true;
            ProcessAgentInfo labServer = null;
            ProcessAgentInfo uss = null;
            ProcessAgentInfo lss = null;
            long rmUss = 0;

            lblResponse.Visible = false;
            lblResponse.Text = "";
                if (ddlUserGroup.SelectedIndex <= 0)
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Please select a user group from the corresponding drop-down list.");
                int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserGroup.SelectedValue);
                if (groupID <= 0)
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("The user group is invalid.");
                //Get the user Group Name to be displayed in the repeater
                Group[] userGroup = wrapper.GetGroupsWrapper(new int[] { groupID });
                string userGroupName = userGroup[0].GroupName;

                if (theClient.labServerIDs != null && theClient.labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                    labServer = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(theClient.labServerIDs[0]);
                if (labServer == null)
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Lab Client should first be associated with a Lab Server");

                if (theClient.needsScheduling)
                    if (ddlAdminGroup.SelectedIndex <= 0 || ddlUserGroup.SelectedIndex <= 0)
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Please select a user and management group from the corresponding drop-down lists.");
                    int manageID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAdminGroup.SelectedValue);
                    if (manageID <= 0)
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("The management group is invalid.");

                    int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(theClient.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                    if (ussId <= 0)
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Lab Client should first be associated with a USS");
                    int lssId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(theClient.labServerIDs[0], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                    if (lssId <= 0)
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Lab Server should first be associated with an LSS");


                        uss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussId);
                        if (uss.retired)
                            throw new Exception("The USS is retired");
                        lss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId);
                        if (lss.retired)
                            throw new Exception("The LSS is retired");

                        //Object keyObj = groupID;
                        //string keyType = ResourceMappingTypes.GROUP;
                        ResourceMappingKey key = new ResourceMappingKey(ResourceMappingTypes.GROUP, groupID);
                        ResourceMappingValue[] values = new ResourceMappingValue[3];
                        values[0] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, theClient.clientID);
                        values[1] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.TICKET_TYPE,
                        values[2] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.GROUP,manageID);

                        //values[0] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                        //values[1] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, ussId);

                        ResourceMapping newMapping = issuer.AddResourceMapping(key, values);
                        rmUss = newMapping.MappingID;

                        // add mapping to qualifier list
                        int qualifierType = Qualifier.resourceMappingQualifierTypeID;
                        string name = issuer.ResourceMappingToString(newMapping);
                        int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newMapping.MappingID, qualifierType, name, Qualifier.ROOT);

                        //Give the Manager Group a Grant "MANAGE_USS_GROUP" on the created resource mapping
                        string function = Function.manageUSSGroup;
                        int grantID = wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(manageID, function, qualifierID);

                        //Get the management Group Name to be displayed in the repeater
                        Group[] adminGroup = wrapper.GetGroupsWrapper(new int[] { manageID });
                        string adminGroupName = adminGroup[0].GroupName;

                        //Create the Map between user and management group
                        GroupManagerUserMap groupMap = new GroupManagerUserMap(adminGroupName, userGroupName, grantID, newMapping.MappingID);

                        TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
                        //long duration = 60;
                        // Get this SB's domain Guid
                        string domainGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                        string sbName = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.agentName;

                        //Add Credential set on the USS

                        //string ussPayload = factory.createAdministerUSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userTZ"]));
                        //Coupon ussCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.ADMINISTER_USS, uss.agentGuid,
                        //    issuer.GetIssuerGuid(), duration, ussPayload);
                        UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                        ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                        ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                        ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = uss.identOut;
                        ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = domainGuid;

                        ussProxy.AddCredentialSet(domainGuid, sbName, userGroupName);

                        // Check for existing RevokeReservation ticket redeemer = USS, sponsor = LSS
                        Coupon[] revokeCoupons = issuer.RetrieveIssuedTicketCoupon(
                            TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid);
                        Coupon revokeCoupon = null;
                        if (revokeCoupons != null && revokeCoupons.Length > 0)
                            revokeCoupon = revokeCoupons[0];
                            // Create RevokeReservation ticket
                            revokeCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION,
                                 uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, factory.createRevokeReservationPayload());

                        //Add Credential set on the LSS

                        // check if this domain
                        if (ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid.Equals(lss.domainGuid))
                            LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy();
                            lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl;
                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = lss.identOut;
                            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = domainGuid;
                            // Add the USS to the LSS, this may be called multiple times with duplicate data
                            lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.AgentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, revokeCoupon);
                            int credentialSetAdded = lssProxy.AddCredentialSet(domainGuid,
                                sbName, userGroupName, uss.agentGuid);
                        { // Cross-Domain Registration needed
                            ProcessAgentInfo remoteSB = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(lss.domainGuid);
                                throw new Exception("The remote service broker is retired");
                            ResourceDescriptorFactory resourceFactory = ResourceDescriptorFactory.Instance();
                            string ussDescriptor = resourceFactory.CreateProcessAgentDescriptor(ussId);
                            string lssDescriptor = resourceFactory.CreateProcessAgentDescriptor(lssId);
                            string groupDescriptor = resourceFactory.CreateGroupCredentialDescriptor(domainGuid, sbName, userGroupName, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid);

                            ServiceDescription[] info = new ServiceDescription[3];
                            info[0] = new ServiceDescription(null, revokeCoupon, ussDescriptor);
                            info[1] = new ServiceDescription(null, null, lssDescriptor);
                            info[2] = new ServiceDescription(null, null, groupDescriptor);

                            ProcessAgentProxy sbProxy = new ProcessAgentProxy();
                            sbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                            sbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = domainGuid;
                            sbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = remoteSB.identOut;
                            sbProxy.Url = remoteSB.webServiceUrl;
                            sbProxy.Register(Utilities.MakeGuid(), info);

                /*Update Lab Client grants*/

                //Get qualifier for labclient
                int lcQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(theClient.clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
                //Get all "uselabclient" grants for this labclient
                int[] lcGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, lcQualifierID);
                Grant[] lcGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lcGrantIDs);
                //Get list of agents that can use labclient
                ArrayList lcAgents = new ArrayList();
                foreach (Grant g in lcGrants)

                //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
                if (!lcAgents.Contains(groupID))
                    //add lab client grant
                    wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, lcQualifierID);

                /*Update Lab Servers grant*/

                //Update grants for each of the associated lab servers
                foreach (int lsID in theClient.labServerIDs)
                    //Get qualifier for labserver
                    int lsQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(lsID, Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);
                    //Get all "uselabserver" grants for this labserver
                    int[] lsGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1, Function.useLabServerFunctionType, lsQualifierID);
                    Grant[] lsGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lsGrantIDs);
                    //Get list of agents that can use labserver
                    ArrayList lsAgents = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (Grant g in lsGrants)

                    //int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserGroup.SelectedValue);

                    //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
                    if (!lsAgents.Contains(groupID))
                        //add lab server grant
                        wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabServerFunctionType, lsQualifierID);

                //Refresh the repeater

                lblResponse.Visible = true;
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage("Lab client (& corresponding lab servers) successfully updated. ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Cannot update Lab Client. " + ex.GetBaseException());
Example #14
        protected void btnRegisterUSS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblResponse.Visible = false;
            lblResponse.Text = "";

            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                if (ddlLabClient.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please save the Lab Client information before attempting to dissociate it from a resource");

                if (ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please select a desired USS to be associated with the client.");

                LabClient lc = new LabClient();
                lc = labClients[ddlLabClient.SelectedIndex - 1];

                Object keyObj = int.Parse(ddlLabClient.SelectedValue);
                string keyType = ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT;

                ArrayList valuesList = new ArrayList();
                Object valueObj = null;

                ResourceMappingValue value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);

                int ussId = int.Parse(ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedValue);

                if (ussId > 0)
                    value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, ussId);

                    value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.TICKET_TYPE,

                    ResourceMappingKey key = new ResourceMappingKey(keyType, keyObj);
                    ResourceMappingValue[] values = (ResourceMappingValue[])valuesList.ToArray((new ResourceMappingValue()).GetType());

                    // Add the mapping to the database & cache
                    ResourceMapping newMapping = ticketing.AddResourceMapping(key, values);

                    // add mapping to qualifier list
                    int qualifierType = Qualifier.resourceMappingQualifierTypeID;
                    string name = ticketing.ResourceMappingToString(newMapping);
                    int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newMapping.MappingID, qualifierType, name, Qualifier.ROOT);

                    // Moved to ManageLabGroups
                    //Give the Manager Group a Grant "MANAGE_USS_GROUP" on the created resource mapping
                    //int agentID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAdminGroup.SelectedValue);
                    //string function = Function.manageUSSGroup;
                    //int grantID = wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(agentID, function, qualifierID);

                    Session["ClientUssMappingID"] = newMapping.MappingID;

                    btnRegisterUSS.Visible = false;
                    btnDissociateUSS.Visible = true;
                    ddlAssociatedUSS.Enabled = false;

                    message.AppendLine("User-side Scheduling Server \"" + ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text + "\" succesfully "
                        + "associated with client \"" + ddlLabClient.SelectedItem.Text + "\".");

                    //wrapper.ModifyLabClientWrapper(lc.clientID, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.clientShortDescription,
                    //    lc.clientLongDescription, lc.notes, lc.loaderScript, lc.clientType,
                    //    lc.labServerIDs, lc.contactEmail, lc.contactFirstName, lc.contactLastName,
                    //    lc.needsScheduling, lc.needsESS, lc.IsReentrant, lc.clientInfos);

                    TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
                    ProcessAgentInfo uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussId);
                    if (uss.retired)
                        throw new Exception("The specified USS is retired");
                    //this should be in a loop
                    for(int i = 0;i<lc.labServerIDs.Length;i++){

                        if (lc.labServerIDs[i] > 0)
                            ProcessAgentInfo labServer = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lc.labServerIDs[i]);
                            if (labServer.retired)
                                throw new Exception("The lab server is retired");
                            int lssId = ticketing.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(lc.labServerIDs[i], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);

                            if (lssId > 0)

                                ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId);
                                if (lss.retired)
                                    throw new Exception("The LSS is retired");
                                // The REVOKE_RESERVATION ticket
                                string revokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload();
                                Coupon ussCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid,
                                    lss.agentGuid, -1L, revokePayload);

                                // Is this in the domain or cross-domain
                                if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid))
                                    // this domain
                                    //Add USS on LSS

                                    //string lssPayload = factory.createAdministerLSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));
                                    //long duration = 60; //seconds for the LSS to redeem the ticket of this coupon and Add LSS Info
                                    //ticketing.AddTicket(lssCoupon, TicketTypes.ADMINISTER_LSS, lss.agentGuid,
                                    //    ticketing.ServiceGuid(), duration, lssPayload);

                                    LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy();
                                    lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl;
                                    lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                                    lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = lss.identOut;
                                    lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                                    int ussAdded = lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.agentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, ussCoupon);
                                    lssProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, lc.clientGuid, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.contactEmail);
                                    // cross-domain
                                    // send consumerInfo to remote SB
                                    int remoteSbId = ticketing.GetProcessAgentID(lss.domainGuid);
                                    message.AppendLine(RegistrationSupport.RegisterClientUSS(remoteSbId, null, lss.agentId, null, labServer.agentId,
                                        ussCoupon, uss.agentId, null, lc.clientID));

                                //ADD LSS on USS
                                string ussPayload = factory.createAdministerUSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));

                                UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                                ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = uss.identOut;
                                ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                                int lssAdded = ussProxy.AddLSSInfo(lss.agentGuid, lss.agentName, lss.webServiceUrl);

                                //Add Experiment Information on USS
                                int expInfoAdded = ussProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName,
                                    lc.clientGuid, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.contactEmail, lss.agentGuid);

                                // Group Credentials MOVED TO THE MANAGE LAB GROUPS PAGE
            lblResponse.Visible = true;
            lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage(message.ToString());
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int groupID = 0;
            int authID = -1;
            Coupon opCoupon = null;
            string groupName = null;
            lblResponse.Visible = false;

            userTZ = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]);
            culture = DateUtil.ParseCulture(Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]);
            lc = null;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // retrieve parameters from URL
                couponId = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
                passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
                issuerGuid = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];
                if (couponId != null && passkey != null && issuerGuid != null)
                    opCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGuid, Int64.Parse(couponId), passkey);
                    Ticket authExperimentTicket = issuer.RetrieveTicket(opCoupon,
                        TicketTypes.CREATE_EXPERIMENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid);
                    if (authExperimentTicket != null)
                        XmlQueryDoc authDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(authExperimentTicket.payload);
                        string auth = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/authID");
                        if (auth != null && auth.Length > 0)
                            authID = Int32.Parse(auth);

                        string grpName = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/groupName");
                        if (grpName != null && groupName.Length > 0)
                            Session["GroupName"] = grpName;
                            int grpID = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupID(grpName);
                            if (grpID > 0)
                                Session["GroupID"] = groupID;
                        string userName = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/userName");
                        if (userName != null && userName.Length > 0)
                            Session["UserName"] = userName;
                            int userID = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserID(userName,authID);
                            if (userID > 0)
                                Session["UserID"] = userID;
                        string clientGuid = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/clientGuid");
                        if (clientGuid != null && clientGuid.Length > 0)
                            Session["ClientGuid"] = clientGuid;
                            int clientID = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid);
                            if (clientID > 0)
                                Session["ClientID"] = clientID;
                pReenter.Visible = false;
                btnReenter.Visible = false;
                auto = Request.QueryString["auto"];
                if (auto != null && auto.Length > 0)
                    if (auto.ToLower().Contains("t"))
                        autoLaunch = true;
            if (Session["ClientID"] != null && Session["ClientID"].ToString().Length > 0)
                lc = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]) })[0];
            if (Session["GroupID"] != null && Session["GroupID"].ToString().Length > 0)
                groupID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]);
            if (groupID > 0 && lc != null)
                setEffectiveGroup(groupID, lc.clientID);
            if (Session["GroupName"] != null && Session["GroupName"].ToString().Length > 0)
                groupName = Session["GroupName"].ToString();
                lblGroupNameTitle.Text = groupName;

            if (lc != null)
                labServer = getLabServer(lc.clientID, effectiveGroupID);
                clientInfos = AdministrativeAPI.ListClientInfos(lc.clientID);
                if (lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT)
                    if (lc.needsScheduling)
                        Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = null;
                        if (opCoupon != null)
                            // First check for an Allow Execution Ticket
                            allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.RetrieveTicket(
                                opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION);
                        if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket == null)
                            // Try for a reservation
                            int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(lc.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                            if (ussId > 0)
                                ProcessAgent uss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(ussId);
                                // check for current reservation

                                //create a collection & redeemTicket
                                string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    DateTime.UtcNow, Session["UserName"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]),
                                    groupName, lc.clientGuid);
                                if (opCoupon == null)
                                    opCoupon = issuer.CreateCoupon();

                                issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid,
                                    ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload);

                                UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader();
                                op.coupon = opCoupon;
                                ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op;
                                Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid,
                                    Session["UserName"].ToString(), labServer.agentGuid, lc.clientGuid);
                                if (reservation != null)
                                    // Find efective group
                                    setEffectiveGroup(groupID, lc.clientID);

                                    // create the allowExecution Ticket
                                    DateTime start = reservation.Start;
                                    long duration = reservation.Duration;
                                    string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload(
                                        start, duration, effectiveGroupName,lc.clientGuid);
                                    DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                    DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                                    allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION,
                                            ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload);
                        if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket != null)
                            XmlDocument payload = new XmlDocument();
                            startExecution = DateUtil.ParseUtc(payload.GetElementsByTagName("startExecution")[0].InnerText);
                            duration = Int64.Parse(payload.GetElementsByTagName("duration")[0].InnerText);

                            Session["StartExecution"] = DateUtil.ToUtcString(startExecution);
                            Session["Duration"] = duration;

                            // Display reenter button if experiment is reentrant & a current experiment exists
                            if (lc.IsReentrant)

                                long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]),
                                    effectiveGroupID, labServer.agentId, lc.clientID);
                                if (ids.Length > 0)
                                    btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch New Experiment";
                                   btnLaunchLab.OnClientClick = "javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to start a new experiment?\\n If you proceed the currently running experimnent will be closed.');";
                                    btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                    pLaunch.Visible = true;
                                    pReenter.Visible = true;
                                    btnReenter.Visible = true;
                                    btnReenter.CommandArgument = ids[0].ToString();

                                    //pReenter.Visible = false;
                                    //btnReenter.Visible = false;
                                    btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch Lab";
                                    if (autoLaunch)
                                        pLaunch.Visible = true;
                                        btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                pLaunch.Visible = true;
                                btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                                btnLaunchLab.OnClientClick = "";
                                if (autoLaunch)
                            pLaunch.Visible = false;
                            btnLaunchLab.Visible = false;
                        pLaunch.Visible = true;
                        btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                        if (autoLaunch)
                else if (lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT)
                    pLaunch.Visible = true;
                    btnLaunchLab.Visible = true;
                    if (autoLaunch)

                btnSchedule.Visible = lc.needsScheduling;
                lblClientName.Text = lc.clientName;
                lblVersion.Text = lc.version;
                lblLongDescription.Text = lc.clientLongDescription;
                if (lc.notes != null && lc.notes.Length > 0)
                    pNotes.Visible = true;
                    lblNotes.Text = lc.notes;
                    pNotes.Visible = false;
                    lblNotes.Text = null;
                if (lc.contactEmail != null && lc.contactEmail.Length > 0)
                    pEmail.Visible = true;
                    string emailCmd = "mailto:" + lc.contactEmail;
                    lblEmail.Text = "<a href=" + emailCmd + ">" + lc.contactEmail + "</a>";
                    pEmail.Visible = false;
                    lblEmail.Text = null;
                if (lc.documentationURL != null && lc.documentationURL.Length > 0)
                    pDocURL.Visible = true;
                    lblDocURL.Text = "<a href=" + lc.documentationURL + ">" + lc.documentationURL + "</a>";
                    pDocURL.Visible = false;
                    lblDocURL.Text = null;

                btnLaunchLab.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.btnLaunchLab_Click);
                btnLaunchLab.CommandArgument = lc.clientID.ToString();

                int count = 0;

                if (clientInfos != null && clientInfos.Length > 0)
                    //repClientInfos.DataSource = clientInfos;
                    foreach (ClientInfo ci in clientInfos)
                        System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button b = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button();
                        b.Visible = true;
                        b.CssClass = "button";
                        b.Text = ci.infoURLName;
                        b.CommandArgument = ci.infoURL;
                        b.CommandName = ci.infoURLName;
                        b.ToolTip = ci.description;
                        b.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.HelpButton_Click);
                        repClientInfos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("&nbsp;&nbsp;"));
                // No LabClient
                btnSchedule.Visible = false;
                pLaunch.Visible = false;
                btnLaunchLab.Visible = false;
                string msg = "There are no labs assigned to group: " + Session["GroupName"].ToString() + "!";
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage(msg);
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
            // System_Messages block

            SystemMessage[] groupMessages = null;
            SystemMessage[] serverMessages = null;
            groupMessages = AdministrativeAPI.SelectSystemMessagesForGroup(Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]));
            if (lc != null && labServer != null && labServer.agentId > 0)
                serverMessages = wrapper.GetSystemMessagesWrapper(SystemMessage.LAB, 0, 0, labServer.agentId);
            if ((groupMessages == null || groupMessages.Length == 0) && (serverMessages == null || serverMessages.Length == 0))

                lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "No Messages at this time!";
                lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = true;
                lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = false;
                if (groupMessages != null && groupMessages.Length > 0)
                    lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "Group Messages:";
                    lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = true;
                    repGroupMessage.DataSource = groupMessages;
                    lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = false;

                if (serverMessages != null && serverMessages.Length > 0)
                    lblServerSystemMessage.Text = "Client/Server Messages:";
                    lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = true;
                    repServerMessage.DataSource = serverMessages;
                    lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = false;
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Save Button.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="sender"></param>
        ///// <param name="e"></param>
        //protected void btnSaveChanges_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        //Get the labClient ID from the dropdown
        //        int lcID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLabClient.SelectedValue);
        //        //Get lab client information
        //        LabClient[] clients = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[]{lcID});
        //        /*Update Lab Client grants*/
        //        //Get qualifier for labclient
        //        int lcQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(lcID,Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
        //        //Get all "uselabclient" grants for this labclient
        //        int[] lcGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1,Function.useLabClientFunctionType,lcQualifierID);
        //        Grant[] lcGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lcGrantIDs);
        //        //Get list of agents that can use labclient
        //        ArrayList lcAgents = new ArrayList();
        //        foreach (Grant g in lcGrants)
        //            lcAgents.Add(g.agentID);
        //        foreach (ListItem li in lbxAssociated.Items)
        //        {
        //            int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(li.Value);
        //            //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
        //            if (!lcAgents.Contains(groupID))
        //                //add lab client grant
        //                wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, lcQualifierID);
        //            else
        //                //otherwise just remove it from the set of agents that we need to keep track of
        //                lcAgents.Remove(groupID);
        //        }
        //        //Need to delete the grant for remaining agents (since they've been removed by user!)
        //        ArrayList grantsToBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
        //        foreach (Grant g in lcGrants)
        //            if (lcAgents.Contains(g.agentID))
        //                grantsToBeRemoved.Add(g.grantID);
        //        /*Update Lab Servers grant*/
        //        //Update grants for each of the associated lab servers
        //        foreach (int lsID in clients[0].labServerIDs)
        //        {
        //            //Get qualifier for labserver
        //            int lsQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(lsID,Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);
        //            //Get all "uselabserver" grants for this labserver
        //            int[] lsGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1,Function.useLabServerFunctionType,lsQualifierID);
        //            Grant[] lsGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lsGrantIDs);
        //            //Get list of agents that can use labserver
        //            ArrayList lsAgents = new ArrayList();
        //            foreach (Grant g in lsGrants)
        //                lsAgents.Add(g.agentID);
        //            foreach (ListItem li in lbxAssociated.Items)
        //            {
        //                int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(li.Value);
        //                //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
        //                if (!lsAgents.Contains(groupID))
        //                    //add lab server grant
        //                    wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabServerFunctionType, lsQualifierID);
        //                else
        //                    //otherwise just remove it from the set of agents that we need to keep track of
        //                    lsAgents.Remove(groupID);
        //            }
        //            //Need to delete the grant for remaining agents (since they've been removed by user!)
        //            foreach (Grant g in lsGrants)
        //                if (lsAgents.Contains(g.agentID))
        //                    grantsToBeRemoved.Add(g.grantID);
        //        }
        //        //Delete All Grants that neeed to be removed
        //        wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(Utilities.ArrayListToIntArray(grantsToBeRemoved));
        //        LoadListBoxes();
        //        lblResponse.Visible = true;
        //        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage("Lab client (& corresponding lab servers) successfully updated. ");
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        lblResponse.Visible = true;
        //        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Cannot update Lab Client. " + ex.GetBaseException());
        //    }
        //} // Save Button
        protected void repAdminUserGroups_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            //adminGroupUserList = GetGroupManagerUserMaps();
            int labServerID = 0;
                if (e.CommandName.Equals("Remove"))
                    GroupManagerUserMap gm = GroupManagerUserMap.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
                    int userGroupID = wrapper.GetGroupIDWrapper(gm.UserGroupName);
                    string clientFunction = Function.useLabClientFunctionType;
                    string labFunction = Function.useLabServerFunctionType;

                    if (theClient.clientID > 0)
                        if (theClient.needsScheduling)
                            ProcessAgentInfo[] labServers = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServersForClient(theClient.clientID);
                            if (labServers != null && labServers.Length > 0 && labServers[0].agentId > 0)
                                int lssID = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, labServers[0].agentId, ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                                ProcessAgentInfo lss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssID);
                                int ussID = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, theClient.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                                if (ussID > 0)
                                    ProcessAgentInfo uss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussID);

                                    string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
                                    Coupon revokeCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, payload);
                                    string payload2 = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
                                    issuer.AddTicket(revokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.AgentGuid, uss.agentGuid, 600, payload2);
                                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
                                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue.coupon = revokeCoupon;
                                    ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                    int status = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, gm.UserGroupName, labServers[0].AgentGuid,
                                        theClient.clientGuid, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.MaxValue,"Your group no longer has permission to use the experiment!");
                        //If there is a USS Manager Group
                        if(gm.GrantID > 0 && gm.ResourceMappingID >0){
                            wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { gm.GrantID });
                            //delete Resource Mapping [User Group] <-> [USS]
                        } // End is a USS Manager Group

                        //delete the Grant [User Group] -> USE LAB CLIENT -> lab client
                        int clientQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(theClient.clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
                        if (clientQualifierID > 0)
                            int [] clientGrants = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(userGroupID, clientFunction, clientQualifierID);
                            if((clientGrants != null) && (clientGrants.Length >0) && (clientGrants[0] > 0)){
                                wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { clientGrants[0] });
                            int[] labServerIDs = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServerIDsForClient(theClient.clientID);
                            if ((labServerIDs != null) && (labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                                && (labServerIDs[0] > 0))
                                labServerID = labServerIDs[0];
                                int remainingClients = AdministrativeAPI.CountServerClients(userGroupID, labServerID);
                                if (remainingClients == 0)
                                    //delete the Grant [User Group] -> USE LAB SERVER -> lab Server
                                    int labQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(labServerID, Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);
                                    if (labQualifierID > 0)
                                        int [] labGrants = (wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(userGroupID, labFunction, labQualifierID));
                                        if((labGrants != null) && (labGrants.Length >0) && (labGrants[0] > 0))

                                            wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { labGrants[0] });
            catch (Exception exc)
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Cannot Remove User Group. " + exc.GetBaseException());