/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AuthorizationPage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="returnToUri">The return to URI.</param>
        /// <param name="appInfo">The application information.</param>
        public AuthorizationPage(
            Uri returnToUri,
            ApplicationInfo appInfo)
            this.Title = "secret-co.de: STS - Login";
            this.Head.Add(new Html.Link { Href = "../styles/site.css", Rel = "stylesheet" });

            var content = new Html.Div
                @Class = "content",
                Elements =
                    new Html.H2
                        Elements =
                            new Html.EncodedText("Authorize Application: "),
                            new Html.EncodedText(appInfo.FriendlyName)
                    new Html.P
                        Elements =
                            new Html.EncodedText("Click Authorize to grant the application access to the following information in your account:")
                    new Html.Ul
                        Items =
                            new Html.Li { Elements = { new Html.EncodedText("Basic Info - Name, Email Address.") } }

            var form = new Html.Form
                Method = "POST",
                Action = "./authorize",
                Elements =
                    new Html.Input
                        Type = "hidden",
                        Name = "return_to",
                        Value = returnToUri.ToString(),
                    new Html.Input
                        Type = "hidden",
                        Name = "application_name",
                        Value = appInfo.Name.ToString()
                    new Html.Input
                        Type = "submit",
                        Name = "authorize",
                        Value = "Authorize"
                    new Html.Input
                        Type = "submit",
                        Name = "cancel",
                        Value = "Cancel"

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LoginPage" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="redirectUri">The redirect URI.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">The error message.</param>
        public LoginPage(
            Uri redirectUri,
            string errorMessage)
            this.Title = "secret-co.de: STS - Login";
            this.Head.Add(new Html.Link { Href = "../styles/site.css", Rel = "stylesheet" });

            var content = new Html.Div
                @Class = "content"


                new Html.H2 { Elements = { new Html.EncodedText("Login") } });

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                var errorDiv = new Html.Div()
                    @Class = "error",
                    Elements =
                        new Html.P { Elements = { new Html.EncodedText(errorMessage) } }


            var form = new Html.Form
                Method = "POST",
                Action = "./login"

            var submitCell = new Html.Td
                Colspan = "2"

            if (redirectUri != null)
                var redirectInput = new Html.Input
                    Name = "redirect_uri",
                    Type = "hidden",
                    Value = redirectUri.ToString()


            var submitInput = new Html.Input
                Type = "submit",
                Value = "Login"


            var tbody = new Html.Tbody
                Rows =
                    new Html.Tr
                        Cells =
                            new Html.Td { Elements = { new Html.EncodedText("Email Address:") } },
                            new Html.Td
                                Elements =
                                    new Html.Input { Name = "username", Type = "text" }
                    new Html.Tr
                        Cells =
                            new Html.Td { Elements = { new Html.EncodedText("Password:"******"password", Type = "password" }
                    new Html.Tr
                        Cells =

            form.Elements.Add(new Html.Table { Tbody = tbody });