Example #1
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room    produce         = new Room("Produce Section", @"
            Plenty of Fruit and Veggies, wonder why no on is stockpiling these yet");
            Room    electronics     = new Room("Electronics", "Lots of stuff still here, yet no webcams in sight.");
            Room    frozenFoods     = new Room("Frozen Foods", "Mostly empty shelves though the vegan chocolate hummus is still in stock for some reason");
            EndRoom checkout        = new EndRoom("Checkout", "A stressed minimum wage employee stares out you with a thousand yard stare, he has seen too much these last few weeks", true, "You breeze through the checkout with your new found wealth!");
            EndRoom toiletPaperIsle = new EndRoom("Toiletries", "A hoarde of people are racing through this aisle with their weapons out", false, "You are trampled under foot and your name is lost to history");

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item tp = new Item("Toilet Paper", "A Single Roll of precious paper, it must have fallen from a pack");

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            produce.Exits.Add("east", electronics);
            electronics.Exits.Add("west", produce);
            electronics.Exits.Add("north", frozenFoods);
            electronics.Exits.Add("east", toiletPaperIsle);
            frozenFoods.Exits.Add("south", electronics);

            frozenFoods.AddLockedRoom(tp, "west", checkout);
            checkout.Exits.Add("east", frozenFoods);

            // NOTE put Items in Rooms

            CurrentRoom = produce;
Example #2
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room    bathroom    = new Room("Bathroom", @"It's like a warzone in here the walls are absolutely covered and theres no chance of cleaning this without military grade cleaning equipment");
            Room    kitchen     = new Room("Kitchen", "You see your phone laying on the counter");
            Room    hallway     = new Room("Front Hall", "The front door is right in front of you nows your chance to escape");
            Room    laundryRoom = new Room("Laundry Room", "Fido the family dog looks up at you and due to his heightened sense of smell immediately passes out hopefully hes ok there seems to be a small key on the washing machine");
            EndRoom porch       = new EndRoom("Porch", "The breeze passes across your feces covered body as you inhale fresh air", true, "You can start to try to recover from this incident and move on with your life though it may take years");
            EndRoom diningRoom  = new EndRoom("Dining Room", "The entire family looks up at you including the dog taking in the spectacle that is your crispy outer shell of poo", false, "You immediately die of shame as the family starts to vomit nonstop");

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item phone = new Item("Phone", "the brand new Iphone 34");
            Item key   = new Item("Key", "this key is for the front door in the hallway");

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            bathroom.Exits.Add("east", kitchen);
            kitchen.Exits.Add("west", bathroom);
            kitchen.Exits.Add("north", laundryRoom);
            laundryRoom.Exits.Add("south", kitchen);
            laundryRoom.Exits.Add("north", hallway);
            kitchen.Exits.Add("east", diningRoom);
            hallway.Exits.Add("south", laundryRoom);
            hallway.AddLockedRoom(key, "west", porch);
            porch.Exits.Add("east", hallway);

            // NOTE put Items in Rooms

            CurrentRoom = bathroom;
Example #3
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item torch = new Item("Torch", "You now have a single lit Torch");
            Item key   = new Item("key", "This could come in handy");

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room    entrance     = new Room("Entry room", "An empty room lit by torches. its ominous and scary. You're not sure about the decision to come in here, but the door you came through is gone now. ");
            Room    bloodRoom    = new Room("Blood Room", "Theres blood and bones everywhere.", torch, "Not only is there blood everywhere but there is a dead body in here!");
            Room    snakeRoom    = new Room("Snake Room", "You can hear a sssss sound, but its too dark to see");
            Room    spiderRoom   = new Room("spider Room", "There's lots of spiders in here. You see a skeleton holding a key in the corner. He's covered in spiders. You hate spiders...");
            EndRoom treasureRoom = new EndRoom("Treasure Room", "Before you is a room gleaming with treasures of all types", true, "You have done it! you have conquered the Labyrinth!");
            EndRoom deathtrap    = new EndRoom("Death Trap", "The door slams shut behind you. Spikes protrude from the walls and the room grows smaller", false, "Theres no escape. The Labyrinth has claimed another soul. ");

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            entrance.Exits.Add("east", bloodRoom);
            bloodRoom.Exits.Add("west", entrance);
            bloodRoom.Exits.Add("north", snakeRoom);
            snakeRoom.Exits.Add("west", deathtrap);
            snakeRoom.Exits.Add("south", bloodRoom);
            snakeRoom.Exits.Add("east", spiderRoom);
            spiderRoom.Exits.Add("west", snakeRoom);
            spiderRoom.AddLockedRoom(key, "north", treasureRoom);
            treasureRoom.Exits.Add("south", spiderRoom);

            // NOTE put Items in Rooms

            CurrentRoom = entrance;
Example #4
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room welcome = new Room("Welcome To the GAME", @"
   _____________  __________ __    _____   __   ________  ________   _________    __  _________
  / ___/_  __/ / / / ____/ //_/   /  _/ | / /  /_  __/ / / / ____/  / ____/   |  /  |/  / ____/
  \__ \ / / / / / / /   / ,<      / //  |/ /    / / / /_/ / __/    / / __/ /| | / /|_/ / __/   
 ___/ // / / /_/ / /___/ /| |   _/ // /|  /    / / / __  / /___   / /_/ / ___ |/ /  / / /___   
/____//_/  \____/\____/_/ |_|  /___/_/ |_/    /_/ /_/ /_/_____/   \____/_/  |_/_/  /_/_____/   

            Can you really tell if this is reality? You will probably say yes because you can control your own actions however are you sure those are not dependent on your emotions? aRe YoU ReaLLy In CONtroL? This is a simple game, the best ones are, choose correctly and you will leave this game with your life. I would wish you luck but truthly I alredy know the outcome.");

            Room server = new Room("Server Room", @"
|__| .-------.
|=.| |.-----.|
|--| || KCK ||
|  | |'-----'|

      This room is full of servers with one terminal in the corner. The room is dark but you can see the glow of lights on the servers. On the terminal reads that these servers are supporting thousands of lives.");

            Room lab = new Room("Lab", @" 
    _{        )   )
  ,   ) -~~- ( ,-' )_
 (  `-,_..`., )-- '_,)
( ` _)  (  -~( -_ `,  }
(_-  _  ~_-~~~~`,  ,' )
  `~ -^(    __;-,((()))
        ~~~~ {_ -_(())
               `\  }
                 { }  
      You walk into a lab, their are blood stains along the walls and all over the floor, you smell the putrid smell of decaying human bodys as well. You see a white board that has many differnet equations written on it. After looking around a little more you find this is all research on virtual reality and how far you can push the human brain before the person naturally goes insane. This sends shivers down your spine.");

            Room bedroom = new Room("Bedroom", @"
      ______________________________    . \  | / .
     /                            / \     \ \ / /
    |                            | ==========  - -
     \____________________________\_/     / / \ \
  ______________________________      \  | / | \
 /                            / \     \ \ / /.   .
|                            | ==========  - -
 \____________________________\_/     / / \ \    /
      ______________________________   / |\  | /  .
     /                            / \     \ \ / /
    |                            | ==========  -  - -
     \____________________________\_/     / / \ \
                                        .  / | \  .
      Its someones bedroom, not yours but hey your not sure where you even are. You look around, the room is dirty and unkept. You sart to look through the room and see explosives in a desk, you can take them. The choice is yours.");

            Room killRoom = new Room("Kill Room", @" 

 ....,       ,....
.' ,,, '.   .' ,,, '.
 .`   `.     .`   `.
: ..... :   : ..... :
:`~'-'-`:   :`-'-'~`:
 `.~-`.'     `.~`'.'
   ```   ___   ```
       ( . . )

      .'     '.   
      It smells like blood, the scent of iron drifting around in the room make you sick to your stomach. a figure appears out of what seems like nowhere. He stands there still giving you a look so crazy its indescribable. There is an exit to the West. If I were you I would get out of there...RIGHT NOW!");

            EndRoom secretExit = new EndRoom("Secret Exit", @" 
   _____          __  __ ______    ______      ________ _____  
  / ____|   /\   |  \/  |  ____|  / __ \ \    / /  ____|  __ \ 
 | |  __   /  \  | \  / | |__    | |  | \ \  / /| |__  | |__) |
 | | |_ | / /\ \ | |\/| |  __|   | |  | |\ \/ / |  __| |  _  / 
 | |__| |/ ____ \| |  | | |____  | |__| | \  /  | |____| | \ \ 
  \_____/_/    \_\_|  |_|______|  \____/   \/   |______|_|  \_\
      You werent supposed to find this exit, but you did. You used the wire to fix a door that looked broken.", true, "You Have won the game!");

            EndRoom win = new EndRoom("You won", @" 
   _____          __  __ ______    ______      ________ _____  
  / ____|   /\   |  \/  |  ____|  / __ \ \    / /  ____|  __ \ 
 | |  __   /  \  | \  / | |__    | |  | \ \  / /| |__  | |__) |
 | | |_ | / /\ \ | |\/| |  __|   | |  | |\ \/ / |  __| |  _  / 
 | |__| |/ ____ \| |  | | |____  | |__| | \  /  | |____| | \ \ 
  \_____/_/    \_\_|  |_|______|  \____/   \/   |______|_|  \_\
      Since you used the explosives it blew a whole in the door to the east. You run out and are chased by a crazy man. As soon as you think the coast is clear you feel someone touch you on your shoulder. I toLd YOu, ThIs iS noT YOUr reALIty", true, "You wake up in a place you cant identify, in a different reality.");

            EndRoom trap = new EndRoom("You have been trapped", @"
           ;::::; :;                          
         ;:::::'   :;                         
        ;:::::;     ;.                        
       ,:::::'       ;           OOO\         
       ::::::;       ;          OOOOO\        
       ;:::::;       ;         OOOOOOOO       
      ,;::::::;     ;'         / OOOOOOO      
    ;:::::::::`. ,,,;.        /  / DOOOOOO    
  .';:::::::::::::::::;,     /  /     DOOOO   
 ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /        DOOO  
;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /          DOOO 
:`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /            DOOO
::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /              DOO
`:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/               DOO
 :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::##                OO
 ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::#                OO
 `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::#                O 
  `:::::`::::::::;' /  / `:#                  
   ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#     
      You are trapped in a room its dark, its scary, its silent. You sit there in fear hoping for something to happen but it never does.", false, "One day you finnaly hear something... you are scared youve been in this room so long you have lost track of time, lights suddenly turn on and all you see is this figure. I guess your time is truly lost.");

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item w = new Item("Wire", "You unplug the servers. Your not sure if the lives being supported from the servers are dead or not.");

            Item e = new Item("Bomb", "It goes boom");

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            welcome.Exits.Add("east", server);
            server.Exits.Add("west", welcome);
            server.Exits.Add("north", lab);
            server.Exits.Add("east", trap);
            lab.Exits.Add("south", server);
            lab.Exits.Add("north", bedroom);
            lab.AddLockedRoom(w, "west", secretExit);
            bedroom.Exits.Add("south", lab);
            bedroom.Exits.Add("north", killRoom);
            killRoom.Exits.Add("west", trap);
            killRoom.AddLockedRoom(e, "east", win);
            secretExit.Exits.Add("east", lab);

            // NOTE put Items in Rooms

            CurrentRoom = welcome;
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room    frontYard     = new Room("Front Yard", "You stand in front of a dilapidated old building. A rickety porch lies to your east.");
            Room    northYard     = new Room("North Yard", "Boarded windows and open prairie is all you see.");
            Room    southYard     = new Room("South Yard", "Boarded windows and open prairie is all you see.");
            Room    backYard      = new Room("Back Yard", "An old shed stands alone towards the southeast corner of the yard.");
            Room    porch         = new Room("Porch", "As you walk up the stairs, they creak dangerously. You can count more than one loose nail in this landing.");
            Room    closet        = new Room("A Closet?", "Crack! The floor gives way, leaving you tumbling into a dark room. The rays of sunlight only just let you make out that you're in a closet.");
            Room    mainHallway   = new Room("Hallway", "The dark hallway eerily reflects the glow of your orb. To your north and south lay darkness; the hallway must continue.", "The bright lamps illuminate the hallway clearly, and by your feet you find a hidden door, just big enough to crawl through.", "Though you can just make out the door, the room's too dark and the door mechanism too foreign for you to open it.");
            Room    northHallway  = new Room("Northern Hallway", "A metal door with a small window lies to the west of you, and a wireframe door to your right.");
            Room    southHallway  = new Room("Southern Hallway", "To the west lies an open doorway, and to the east a metal door with a small window.");
            Room    testingRoom   = new Room("Testing Room", "Inside you find sealed rooms behind thick metal doors. Metal scraps and wires litter a solid steel table in the middle of the room, and in one sealed room you find a robot.");
            EndRoom jailCell      = new EndRoom("Jail Cell", "The robot inside looks at you malevolently.", false, "What did you think would happen, freeing a psychotic robot?");
            EndRoom escapeOutside = new EndRoom("Outside, again.", "The air feels good against your face.", true, "You've escaped the house!");
            Room    laboratory    = new Room("Laboratory", "Surrounding the room is a small counter, whereon dozens of test tubes and various machinery are neatly organized.");
            Room    generatorRoom = new Room("Generator", "You've entered a large concrete room. In the corner a large device roughly as tall as you sits, with some exposed wiring. It seems to be dysfunctional. Tacked to the wall behind it lies a chart.");
            Room    elevator      = new Room("Elevator", "A small platform sits at the end of this room, surrounded by a simple metal fencing. Judging by the cables attached to it, it must be an elevator of sorts.");
            Room    foyer         = new Room("Foyer", "It's a foyer!");

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item keys      = new Item("Keys", "Attached to the ring is what must be keys. They each have hooked protrusions attached to the key shaft.", "With a click, the door unlocks.");
            Item bulb      = new Item("Bulb", "It glows bright blue, flickering occasionally. It's warm to the touch.", "Holding the bulb up, you can make out the door handle.");
            Item powerCell = new Item("Power Cell", "It's a large container in the shape of an hourglass. The electricity symbol is printed on it.", "With a whir, the generator comes to life. The previously dark room fills with light from the lamps hanging above you.");

            Point shed  = new Point("Shed", "The old sheds leans a little too far left, but otherwise seems in good shape. The door is deadbolted.");
            Point robot = new Point("Robot", "The robot stands on treads, with a muted red lens mounted to its head. It's locked in the room.");
            Point chart = new Point("Chart", "Next to what appears to be an exposed wire terminal you find a note saying: 'Order of colors: \n Green: first, \n Yellow: second, \n blue: third, \n orange: fourth, \n red: fifth'");

            Event Power = new Event("Power", powerCell);

            Puzzle Wires = new Puzzle("There are three wires: a red one, a yellow one, and a blue one, as well as three terminals to plug them into.", "yellow blue red", "Elevator", "With a bright spark, the machinery comes to life.", "The wires explode in a bright burst of sparks and smoke, giving you a good jolt.", Power);

            Wires.Exits.Add("up", escapeOutside);

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            //Front Yard
            frontYard.Exits.Add("north", northYard);
            frontYard.Exits.Add("east", porch);
            frontYard.Exits.Add("south", southYard);
            //South Yard
            southYard.Exits.Add("west", frontYard);
            southYard.Exits.Add("east", backYard);
            //North Yard
            northYard.Exits.Add("east", backYard);
            northYard.Exits.Add("west", frontYard);
            //Back Yard
            backYard.Exits.Add("north", northYard);
            backYard.Exits.Add("south", southYard);

            porch.Exits.Add("east", closet);
            porch.Exits.Add("west", frontYard);
            closet.AddLockedRoom(bulb, "east", mainHallway);

            //Main Hallway
            mainHallway.Exits.Add("north", northHallway);
            mainHallway.Exits.Add("south", southHallway);
            mainHallway.Exits.Add("west", closet);
            mainHallway.AddEvent(Power, "east", foyer);

            //North Hallway
            northHallway.Exits.Add("south", mainHallway);
            northHallway.Exits.Add("east", generatorRoom);
            northHallway.AddEvent(Power, "west", laboratory);
            //South Hallway
            southHallway.Exits.Add("north", mainHallway);
            southHallway.Exits.Add("west", testingRoom);
            southHallway.Exits.Add("east", elevator);

            //Testing Room
            testingRoom.Exits.Add("east", southHallway);
            testingRoom.AddLockedRoom(keys, "north", jailCell);

            laboratory.Exits.Add("east", northHallway);

            //Generator Room
            generatorRoom.Exits.Add("west", northHallway);

            foyer.Exits.Add("west", mainHallway);


            generatorRoom.Actions.Add(powerCell, Power);
            elevator.Exits.Add("west", southHallway);

            northYard.AddLockedRoom(bulb, "south", southYard);
            CurrentRoom = frontYard;
Example #6
        ///<summary>Initalizes data and establishes relationships</summary>
        public Game()
            // We retain access to the objects due to the linked list

            // NOTE Create all rooms
            Room    lobby      = new Room("Lobby", "This is the main entrance to the Mini-Mart grocery store");
            Room    toiletries = new Room("Toiletries", "In this dept. you will find items used for washing and taking care of one's body, such as soap, shampoo, and toothpaste.");
            Room    travel     = new Room("Travel", "In this dept, you can see a travel agent to help book you next vaction");
            Room    pharmacy   = new Room("Pharmacy", "items use for fighting sickness, headaches, and receive a vaccination");
            Room    foods      = new Room("Foods", "All food items for cooking breakfast lunch and supper");
            Room    checkout   = new Room("Checkout", "Use the self-serve registers or wait in line for help");
            EndRoom outside    = new EndRoom("Outside", "You made it out and have finished your shopping adventure", true, "Now go home and stay inside for 21 days.  Governor's orders");
            EndRoom vaction    = new EndRoom("Vacation to Italy", "You and your spouse will be flown for an all expense trip to Italy", false, "Italy has the most people infected with COVID-19 -- you lose");

            // NOTE Create all Items
            Item tp          = new Item("Toilet Paper", "Make sure to get a lot of this, something about fear that makes you poop more");
            Item hs          = new Item("Hand Sanatizer", "This is a product that is used to remove germs from the skin of the hands.");
            Item eggs        = new Item("Eggs", "Make sure to get a lot of these, something about fear that makes you eat more eggs.");
            Item vaccination = new Item("Vaccination", "Make sure to get a vacciantion.  It may be your only chance for survival");
            Item appt        = new Item("Appointment", "May need to have an appointment in order to get a vaccination");
            Item receipt     = new Item("Receipt", "A receipt will be required to leave ths mini-mart");

            // NOTE Make Room Relationships
            // add to Dictionary<string, IRoom>
            lobby.Exits.Add("east", toiletries);
            lobby.Exits.Add("north", checkout);

            toiletries.Exits.Add("west", lobby);
            toiletries.Exits.Add("north", foods);
            toiletries.Exits.Add("east", travel);

            foods.Exits.Add("south", toiletries);
            foods.Exits.Add("west", checkout);

            travel.Exits.Add("west", toiletries);
            travel.Exits.Add("east", vaction);

            pharmacy.Exits.Add("west", foods);
            pharmacy.Exits.Add("south", travel);

            checkout.Exits.Add("east", foods);
            checkout.Exits.Add("south", lobby);

            //add to Dictionary<IItem, KeyValuePair<string, IRoom>>
            foods.AddLockedRoom(appt, "east", pharmacy);
            travel.AddLockedRoom(appt, "north", pharmacy);
            checkout.AddLockedRoom(receipt, "west", outside);

            // NOTE put Items in a list in Room

            CurrentRoom = lobby;