Example #1
 public void Build_CqT(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int inscol)
     if (variables.IsActive())
         storage.PasteTranspMatrix(Cq.matrix, variables.GetOffset(), inscol);
Example #2
 public void Build_Cq(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow)
     if (variables.IsActive())
         storage.PasteMatrix(Cq.matrix, insrow, variables.GetOffset());
Example #3
 /// Build the mass matrix (for these variables) scaled by c_a, storing
 /// it in 'storage' sparse matrix, at given column/row offset.
 /// Note, most iterative solvers don't need to know mass matrix explicitly.
 /// Optimized: doesn't fill unneeded elements except mass and 3x3 inertia.
 public override void Build_M(ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow, int inscol, double c_a)
     storage.SetElement(insrow + 0, inscol + 0, c_a * mass);
     storage.SetElement(insrow + 1, inscol + 1, c_a * mass);
     storage.SetElement(insrow + 2, inscol + 2, c_a * mass);
     // ChMatrix33<double> scaledJ = (ChMatrix33<double>)(inertia.nm.matrix * c_a);
     // storage.PasteMatrix(scaledJ, insrow + 3, inscol + 3);
Example #4
 public ChSparseMatrix(ChSparseMatrix other)
     m_num_rows = other.m_num_rows;
     m_num_cols = other.m_num_cols;
     m_nnz      = other.m_nnz;
     m_type     = other.m_type;
     m_lock     = other.m_lock;
     m_update_sparsity_pattern = other.m_update_sparsity_pattern;
Example #5
 /// Build the mass matrix (for these variables) scaled by c_a, storing
 /// it in 'storage' sparse matrix, at given column/row offset.
 /// Note, most iterative solvers don't need to know mass matrix explicitly.
 public override void Build_M(ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow, int inscol, double c_a)
     for (int row = 0; row < Mmass.matrix.GetRows(); ++row)
         for (int col = 0; col < Mmass.matrix.GetColumns(); ++col)
             storage.SetElement(insrow + row, inscol + col, c_a * Mmass.matrix.GetElement(row, col));
Example #6
 public override void Build_CqT(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int inscol)
     if (variables_a.IsActive())
         storage.PasteTranspMatrix(Cq_a.matrix, variables_a.GetOffset(), inscol);
     if (variables_b.IsActive())
         storage.PasteTranspMatrix(Cq_b.matrix, variables_b.GetOffset(), inscol);
Example #7
 /// Puts the two jacobian parts into the 'insrow' row of a sparse matrix,
 /// where both portions of the jacobian are shifted in order to match the
 /// offset of the corresponding ChVariable.The same is done
 /// on the 'insrow' column, so that the sparse matrix is kept symmetric.
 public override void Build_Cq(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow)
     if (variables_a.IsActive())
         storage.PasteMatrix(Cq_a.matrix, insrow, variables_a.GetOffset());
     if (variables_b.IsActive())
         storage.PasteMatrix(Cq_b.matrix, insrow, variables_b.GetOffset());
Example #8
        /// Writes the K matrix associated to these variables into
        /// a global 'storage' matrix, at the offsets of variables.
        /// Most solvers do not need this: the sparse 'storage' matrix is used for testing, for
        /// direct solvers, for dumping full matrix to Matlab for checks, etc.
        public override void Build_K(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, bool add)
            // if (K == null)
            //    return;

            int kio = 0;

            for (int iv = 0; iv < this.GetNvars(); iv++)
                int io  = this.GetVariableN(iv).GetOffset();
                int ina = this.GetVariableN(iv).Get_ndof();

                if (this.GetVariableN(iv).IsActive())
                    int kjo = 0;
                    for (int jv = 0; jv < this.GetNvars(); jv++)
                        int jo = this.GetVariableN(jv).GetOffset();
                        int jn = this.GetVariableN(jv).Get_ndof();

                        if (this.GetVariableN(jv).IsActive())
                            if (add)
                                storage.PasteSumClippedMatrix(K.matrix, kio, kjo, ina, jn, io, jo);
                                storage.PasteClippedMatrix(K.matrix, kio, kjo, ina, jn, io, jo);

                        kjo += jn;

                kio += ina;
Example #9

        /// The following function may be used to create the Jacobian and the
        /// mass matrix of the variational problem in matrix form, by assembling all
        /// the jacobians of all the constraints/contacts, all the mass matrices, all vectors,
        /// as they are _currently_ stored in the sparse data of all ChConstraint and ChVariables
        /// contained in this ChSystemDescriptor.
        /// This can be useful for debugging, data dumping, and similar purposes (most solvers avoid
        /// using these matrices, for performance), for example you will load these matrices in Matlab.
        /// Optionally, tangential (u,v) contact jacobians may be skipped, or only bilaterals can be considered
        /// The matrices and vectors are automatically resized if needed.
        public virtual void ConvertToMatrixForm(
            ChSparseMatrix Cq,             //< fill this system jacobian matrix, if not null
            ChSparseMatrix H,              //< fill this system H (mass+stiffness+damp) matrix, if not null
            ChSparseMatrix E,              //< fill this system 'compliance' matrix , if not null
            ChMatrix Fvector,              //< fill this vector as the known term 'f', if not null
            ChMatrix Bvector,              //< fill this vector as the known term 'b', if not null
            ChMatrix Frict,                //< fill as a vector with friction coefficients (=-1 for
            /// tangent comp.; =-2 for bilaterals), if not null
            bool only_bilaterals  = false, //< skip unilateral constraints
            bool skip_contacts_uv = false  //< skip the tangential reaction constraints
            List <ChConstraint> mconstraints = this.GetConstraintsList();
            List <ChVariables>  mvariables   = this.GetVariablesList();

            // Count bilateral and other constraints.. (if wanted, bilaterals only)

            int mn_c = 0;

            for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)
                /* if (mconstraints[ic].IsActive())
                 *   if (!((mconstraints[ic].GetMode() == CONSTRAINT_FRIC) && only_bilaterals))
                 *       if (!(((ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionTall)(mconstraints[ic])) && skip_contacts_uv))
                 *       {
                 *           mn_c++;
                 *       }*/

            // Count active variables, by scanning through all variable blocks,
            // and set offsets

            n_q = this.CountActiveVariables();

            // Reset and resize (if needed) auxiliary vectors

            if (Cq != null)
                Cq.Reset(mn_c, n_q);
            if (H != null)
                H.Reset(n_q, n_q);
            if (E != null)
                E.Reset(mn_c, mn_c);
            // if (Fvector != null)
            Fvector.Reset(n_q, 1);
            // if (Bvector != null)
            Bvector.Reset(mn_c, 1);
            // if (Frict != null)
            Frict.Reset(mn_c, 1);

            // Fills H submasses and 'f' vector,
            // by looping on variables
            int s_q = 0;

            for (int iv = 0; iv < mvariables.Count; iv++)
                if (mvariables[iv].IsActive())
                    if (H != null)
                        mvariables[iv].Build_M(H, s_q, s_q, this.c_a);  // .. fills  H  (often H=M , the mass)
                    // if (Fvector != null)
                    Fvector.PasteMatrix(vvariables[iv].Get_fb().matrix, s_q, 0);      // .. fills  'f'
                    s_q += mvariables[iv].Get_ndof();

            // If some stiffness / hessian matrix has been added to H ,
            // also add it to the sparse H
            int s_k = 0;

            if (H != null)
                for (int ik = 0; ik < this.vstiffness.Count; ik++)
                    this.vstiffness[ik].Build_K(ref H, true);

            // Fills Cq jacobian, E 'compliance' matrix , the 'b' vector and friction coeff.vector,
            // by looping on constraints
            int s_c = 0;

            for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)
                if (mconstraints[ic].IsActive())
                    /* if (!((mconstraints[ic].GetMode() == CONSTRAINT_FRIC) && only_bilaterals))
                     *   if (!(((ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionTall)mconstraints[ic]) && skip_contacts_uv))
                     *   {
                     *       if (Cq != null)
                     *           mconstraints[ic].Build_Cq(ref Cq, s_c);  // .. fills Cq
                     *       if (E != null)
                     *           E.SetElement(s_c, s_c, -mconstraints[ic].Get_cfm_i());  // .. fills E ( = - cfm )
                     *       if (Bvector != null)
                     *           (Bvector)(s_c) = mconstraints[ic].Get_b_i();  // .. fills 'b'
                     *       if (Frict != null)                                          // .. fills vector of friction coefficients
                     *       {
                     *           (Frict)(s_c) = -2;  // mark with -2 flag for bilaterals (default)
                     *           ChConstraintTwoTuplesContactNall mcon = new ChConstraintTwoTuplesContactNall();
                     *           if (mcon == (ChConstraintTwoTuplesContactNall)mconstraints[ic])
                     *               (Frict)(s_c) =
                     *                   mcon.GetFrictionCoefficient();  // friction coeff only in row of normal component
                     *           if (mcon = ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionTall) (mconstraints[ic]))
                     *               (Frict)(s_c) = -1;  // mark with -1 flag for rows of tangential components*/

Example #10
 /// Writes (and adds) the K matrix associated to these variables into
 /// a global 'storage' matrix, at the offsets of variables.
 /// Most solvers do not need this: the sparse 'storage' matrix is used for testing, for
 /// direct solvers, for dumping full matrix to Matlab for checks, etc.
 public abstract void Build_K(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, bool add = true);
Example #11
 /// Same as Build_Cq, but puts the _transposed_ jacobian row as a column.
 public abstract void Build_CqT(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int inscol);
Example #12
 /// Puts the jacobian portions into the 'insrow' row of a sparse matrix,
 /// where each portion of jacobian is shifted in order to match the
 /// offset of the corresponding ChVariable.
 public abstract void Build_Cq(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow);
Example #13
 /// Build the mass submatrix (for these variables) multiplied by c_a, storing
 /// it in 'storage' sparse matrix, at given column/row offset.
 /// Most iterative solvers don't need to know this matrix explicitly.
 /// *** This function MUST BE OVERRIDDEN by specialized
 /// inherited classes
 public abstract void Build_M(ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow, int inscol, double c_a);
Example #14
 public override void Build_CqT(ref ChSparseMatrix storage, int inscol)
     tuple_a.Build_CqT(ref storage, inscol);
     tuple_b.Build_CqT(ref storage, inscol);
Example #15
 /// Build the mass matrix (for these variables) scaled by c_a, storing
 /// it in 'storage' sparse matrix, at given column/row offset.
 /// Note, most iterative solvers don't need to know mass matrix explicitly.
 /// Optimized: doesn't fill unneeded elements except mass.
 public override void Build_M(ChSparseMatrix storage, int insrow, int inscol, double c_a)
     storage.SetElement(insrow + 0, inscol + 0, c_a * m_inertia);