Example #1
        public static void SetTranslated(TranslatorItem item)
            if (BaseSettings.TranslationMode)
                string[] k          = item.Key.Split('*');
                string   page       = k[0];
                string   ciName     = k[1];
                var      ci         = new CultureInfo(ciName);
                string   sourceName = k[2];
                string   key        = k[3];
                WriteToResx(sourceName, ci, key, item.Val);

                if (item.Split != "true")
                    CommonResourcesCache.SetText(sourceName, ciName, key, item.Val);

                lock (g_translatedContainer)
                    if (g_translatedContainer.ContainsKey(ci))
                        if (g_translatedContainer[ci].ContainsKey(page))
                            var i = g_translatedContainer[ci][page].SingleOrDefault(c => c.Key == item.Key);
                            if (i != null)
                                i.Val = item.Val;
Example #2
        internal static void AddTranslated(BaseStringsStorage source, string key, string val, bool bSplit, string langId)
            if (BaseSettings.TranslationMode)
                var    ci         = langId == null ? Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture : new CultureInfo(CustomCultureHelper.GetCustomCultureName(langId));
                string page       = getPageForWeb();
                var    n          = source.ResourceName.Split('.');
                string sourceName = n[n.Length - 1];
                if (page != null)
                    lock (g_translatedContainer)
                        if (!g_translatedContainer.ContainsKey(ci))
                            g_translatedContainer.Add(ci, new Dictionary <string, TranslatorContainer>());

                        if (!g_translatedContainer[ci].ContainsKey(page))
                            g_translatedContainer[ci].Add(page, new TranslatorContainer());

                        string k = page + "*" + ci.Name + "*" + sourceName + "*" + key;
                        if (g_translatedContainer[ci][page].Find(c => c.Key == k) == null)
                            string[] langs          = Config.GetSetting("TranslationModeLanguages", "en").Split(',');
                            string   l1             = langs.Length > 0 ? source.GetStringInternal(key, key, langs[0]) : "";
                            var      bIsValueExists = source.IsValueExists;
                            string   l2             = langs.Length > 1 ? source.GetStringInternal(key, key, langs[1]) : "";
                            bIsValueExists = bIsValueExists || source.IsValueExists;
                            g_translatedContainer[ci][page].Add(new TranslatorItem()
                                Key = k, Lang1 = l1, Lang2 = l2, Val = val, Split = bSplit ? "true" : "", IsValueExists = bIsValueExists
                            var item = g_translatedContainer[ci][page].Find(c => c.Key == k);
                            item.Val   = val;
                            item.Split = bSplit ? "true" : "";

                if (!bSplit)
                    CommonResourcesCache.SetText(sourceName, ci.Name, key, val);
            // in the scanning resources usage mode - gather in g_resourcesFormView forms and views where current function was invoked from
            if (BaseSettings.ScanFormsMode)
                var formView = GetFormViewFromStack();

                // remember found form and view
                string file = source.ResourceName.Substring(source.ResourceName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                g_resourcesFormView.Add(new Tuple <string, string, string, string>(key, file, formView.Item1, formView.Item2));
Example #3
        internal static Tuple <string, bool> GetTranslated(BaseStringsStorage source, string key, string stringValue, string langId, string parentViewName, out bool found)
            if (BaseSettings.TranslationMode)
                // During resource reading in Translation mode we first check SplittedResources xml file - if it contains given resource for currently translated view.

                string view = null;
                if (parentViewName == null)
                    var formView = GetFormViewFromStack();
                    view = String.IsNullOrEmpty(formView.Item2) ? formView.Item1 : formView.Item2;
                    view = parentViewName;
                string splitted;
                if ((splitted = ResourceSplitter.Read(view, key, langId, null)) != null)
                    found = true;
                    return(new Tuple <string, bool>(splitted, true));


                var    ci         = langId == null ? Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture : new CultureInfo(CustomCultureHelper.GetCustomCultureName(langId));
                var    n          = source.ResourceName.Split('.');
                string sourceName = n[n.Length - 1];

                if (CommonResourcesCache.ContainsKey(sourceName, ci.Name, key))
                    found = true;
                    source.IsValueExists = true;
                    return(new Tuple <string, bool>(CommonResourcesCache.GetText(sourceName, ci.Name, key), false));

                if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                    return(new Tuple <string, bool>(ReadFormResx(sourceName, langId, key, stringValue, out found), false));
            var res = new Tuple <string, bool>(source.GetStringInternal(key, stringValue, langId), false);

            found = source.IsValueExists;