public AlertScreen(bGame game, bGameState nextWorld, Func<GameTime, SpriteBatch, Matrix, int> renderAlert)
     : base()
 { = game;
     this.renderAlert = renderAlert;
     this.nextWorld = nextWorld;
 public Title(bGame game, bGameState nextWorld = null)
     : base()
 { = game;
     if (nextWorld == null)
         nextWorld = new Ring(game);
     this.nextWorld = nextWorld;
        public PlayerWeapon(bGame game)
   = game;

            hotspots = new Dictionary<string, List<Point>>();

            string weaponName = "mace";

            // Read file
            Queue<string> lines = readFile("Assets/" + weaponName + ".cfg");

            // Begin actual parsing

            // Fetch sheet general info
            int animationsCount, width, height;
            string[] lineValues = lines.Dequeue().Split(new char[]{' '});

            if (lineValues.Length < 3)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't parse sheet general info line");

            animationsCount = int.Parse(lineValues[0]);
            width = int.Parse(lineValues[1]);
            height = int.Parse(lineValues[2]);

            // Create graphic with read parameters
            graphic = new bSpritemap(game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(weaponName), width, height);

            // Fetch and create animations
            for (int i = 0; i < animationsCount; i++)
                Pair<bAnim, List<Point>> parseResult = parseAnimation(lines);
                bAnim anim = parseResult.first;
                if (anim == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could't parse animation " + i + " of " + animationsCount);
                    hotspots[] = parseResult.second;
        public override void render(SpriteBatch sb, bGame game, Color color)
            if (connected)
                base.render(sb, game, color);

            foreach (bMask mask in masks)
                // lazy (x,y) update

                mask.render(sb, game, color);
 public Ring(bGame game)
 { = game;
 public virtual void render(SpriteBatch sb, bGame game, Color color)
     Texture2D rect = bDummyRect.sharedDummyRect(game);
     sb.Draw(rect, this.rect, color);