protected override string GetCatalog()
            string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": ";
            ProgressText += result + "Extracting from web service...";
            var stopWatch = new StopWatch(true);
            var products = new List<ProductRecord>();

            //Note: the following attempts at getting custom results did not return category ids
            //			only the generic request was able to get the ids
            //			downside is that the generic request does not get all fields, so we have to make a second request per item to get missing fields
            //string query = "EDI_Name=Generic\\Products&SELECT_Columns=p.HideProduct,p.IsChildOfProductCode,p.ProductCode,p.ProductID,p.ProductName,p.ProductPopularity,p.StockStatus,p.ProductUrl,p.PhotoUrl,pe.Hide_When_OutOfStock,pe.ProductCategory,pe.ProductManufacturer,pe.PhotoURL_Small,pe.ProductPrice,pe.SalePrice,pe.UPC_code,pe.Google_Gender";
            //string query = "EDI_Name=Generic\\Products&SELECT_Columns=*";
            string query = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result += ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    result += Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message;
                return result;
            int numItems = (m_catalogXml == null)? 0 : m_catalogXml.Count();
            if (numItems == 0)
                result += "There are no products in the catalog.";
                return result;

            ProgressText += string.Format("completed ({0}){1}Parsing Product Catalog ({2} rows)...",
                                                                        stopWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine, numItems);
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;

            //any extra fields not in the standard export will need to be requested from the API for each product
            string extraFields = "p.Photos_Cloned_From,p.IsChildOfProductCode";  //special cases needed to find images and remove children
            List<string> extraFieldList = GetRuleFields();
            if (extraFieldList.Count > 0)
                //use the first product to find standard attributes and remove them from the list
                extraFieldList = extraFieldList.Where(x => (m_catalogXml.First().Descendants().Where(
                                                        y => y.Name.LocalName.Equals(x, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                                                        ).DefaultIfEmpty(null).Single() == null)).ToList<string>();
                if (extraFieldList.Count > 0)
                    extraFields += ",pe." + extraFieldList.Aggregate((w, j) => string.Format("{0},pe.{1}", w, j));
                //Note:	Currently assuming that all fields are in pe table --true so far
                //An option would be to compile local lists of fields in each Volusion table and check against the lists
                //but then we may have to adjust for different version of Volusion

            //create new replacement list in case child items are found
            m_replacementList = new List<ReplacementRecord>();
            int rows = 0;
            foreach (var product in m_catalogXml)
                var p = new ProductRecord
                    ProductId = Client.GetValue(product, "ProductCode"),
                                        Name =  Client.GetValue(product, "ProductName"),
                                        Att2Id = string.Empty,
                                        Price =  Client.GetValue(product, "ProductPrice"),
                                        SalePrice =  Client.GetValue(product, "SalePrice"),
                                        Filter = string.Empty
            #if DEBUG
                string[] testProducts = { "calerachard10-w", "varnerfoxglovechard10-w", "mountedenchardwolff08-w", "viticciobere2008-w" };
                bool testFlag = false;
                if (testProducts.Contains(p.ProductId))
                    testFlag = true;
                if (m_secondAttEnabled)
                    p.Att2Id = Client.GetValue(product, "ProductManufacturer");
                p.Link = string.Format("{0}/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode={1}", "http://" + m_storeShortUrl, p.ProductId); //pdp link is never https
                p.Rating =  Client.GetValue(product, "ProductPopularity");
                p.StandardCode = Client.GetValue(product, "UPC_code");
                if (p.StandardCode.Length < 1)
                    p.StandardCode = p.ProductId;

                var categories = product.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.Equals("Categories", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
            if(categories != null)
            p.Att1Id = categories.Descendants("Category").Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, cat) => current + string.Format("{0},", cat.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.Equals("CategoryID")).Select(x => x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty("").Single())).TrimEnd(',');
                    p.Att1Id = Client.GetValue(product, "CategoryIDs");

                //If extra fields not in the current export are required, call api to get the missing fields
                if (extraFields.Length > 0)
                        query = string.Format("API_Name=Generic\\Products&SELECT_Columns={0}&WHERE_Column=p.ProductCode&WHERE_Value={1}",
                                                                        extraFields, p.ProductId);
                        XDocument extraXml = QueryVolusionApi(query);
                        if ((extraXml != null) && (extraXml.Root != null))
                            IEnumerable<XElement> ix = extraXml.Root.Elements("Products");
                            if (ix != null)
                                //remove any repetitive fields such as the product code
                                product.Add(ix.Descendants().Where(x => Client.GetValue(product, x.Name.ToString()).Length < 1));
                    { }

                //check to make sure this isn't a child
                string parentID = Client.GetValue(product, "IsChildOfProductCode");
                if ((parentID.Length > 0) && !parentID.Equals(p.ProductId)) //child so add to replacements
                    m_replacementList.Add(new ReplacementRecord { OldId = p.ProductId, NewId = parentID });

                //get the image link
                p.ImageLink = string.Empty;
                string imageID = Client.GetValue(product,"Photos_Cloned_From");
            #if DEBUG
                if (imageID.Length > 0) // cloned image found!
                    p.ImageLink = string.Empty; //just something to put a breakpoint on
                if (imageID.Length < 1) //not using cloned image
                    //try to pull image from dtabase fields (these appear to never have the image)
                    imageID = p.ProductId;
                    p.ImageLink = Client.GetValue(product, "PhotoURL_Small");
                    if (p.ImageLink.Length < 1)
                        p.ImageLink = Client.GetValue(product, "PhotoURL");
                if (p.ImageLink.Length < 1) //build the image link from the imageID
                    //replace illegal characters
                    string encodedID = imageID.Replace("/", "-fslash-").Replace(" ", "%20");
                    p.ImageLink = string.Format("{0}{1}-1.jpg", m_photoBaseUrl, encodedID);

                //check category conditions, exclusions, and filters
                ApplyRules(ref p, product);

                ProgressText = string.Format("{0}{1} rows completed ({2})", tempDisplay, ++rows, stopWatch.Lap());
            ProgressText = string.Format("{0}Completed ({1}){2}Uploading to server...",
                                                                        tempDisplay, stopWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);

            result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, products);
            ProgressText = string.Format("{0}({1})", result, stopWatch.Stop());
            return result;
        protected override string GetCatalog()
            string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": ";
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;
            ProgressText += result + "Exporting catalog...";
            StopWatch exportWatch = new StopWatch(true);

            Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient Mclient = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient();
            string MsessionId = "";

            //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------
            //errors caught by calling function

            MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);

            //Set product attributes to fetch
            catalogProductRequestAttributes prodAttributes = new catalogProductRequestAttributes();
            string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date", "parent_item_id" };
            prodAttributes.attributes = attributes;

            //loop through all products to build the list
            var products = new List<ProductRecord>();
            catalogProductEntity[] plist;
            Mclient.catalogProductList(out plist, MsessionId, null, "");
            int maxCid = 0;
            foreach (catalogProductEntity product in plist)
                var p = new ProductRecord
                    ProductId = product.product_id,
                    Name =,
                p.Att1Id = "";
                bool first = true;
                foreach (string cid in product.category_ids)
                    if (first) first = false;
                    else p.Att1Id += ",";
                    p.Att1Id += cid;
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(cid);
                    if (id > maxCid) maxCid = id;

                p.Att2Id = "";
                catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, p.ProductId, "", prodAttributes, "id");
                p.Price = pinfo.price; ;
                if ((pinfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null))
                    DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_from_date);
                    DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_to_date);
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                        p.Price = pinfo.special_price;
                p.Filter = "";
                p.Link = pinfo.url_key;
                p.ImageLink = "";
                catalogProductImageEntity[] pimageinfo = null;
                    pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaList(MsessionId, pinfo.sku, "default", null);
                catch { }
                if ((pimageinfo != null) && (pimageinfo.Length > 0))
                    p.ImageLink = pimageinfo[0].url;
                    p.ImageLink = string.Format(m_thumbnailFormat, pinfo.sku);
                p.StandardCode = pinfo.sku;


            ProgressText = tempDisplay + string.Format("Completed ({0}){1}Uploading to server...",
                                                                                                    exportWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);
            var sb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + ProductRecord.Header());
            foreach (var product in products)
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.ProductId));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Name));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Att1Id));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Att2Id));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Price));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.SalePrice));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Rating));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Filter));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.Link));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\t", product.ImageLink));
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0}\r\n", product.StandardCode));
            result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, sb);

            //get cat info
            result += "\n" + Att1Filename + ": ";
            ProgressText = tempDisplay + result + "Exporting category names...";
            catalogCategoryInfo cinfo;
            StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + AttributeRecord.Header());
            for (int cid = 1; cid <= maxCid; cid++)
                    cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, cid, "", null);
                    csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + + "\r\n");
                    csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cid.ToString() + "\r\n");
            result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, Att1Filename, csb);
            ProgressText = tempDisplay + result;

            return result;
        protected override string GetCatalog()
            string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": ";
            ProgressText += result + "Rows to export...";
            var pdWatch = new StopWatch(true);

            //Query 3dCart for the data
            //Note: Can't query for it all at once (times out on server)

            //See how many rows there are
            int targetRows = 0;
            string sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products";
            IEnumerable<XElement> queryResults = Get3dCartQuery(sqlQuery);
            if (queryResults == null)
                result +=  "(no data)";
                ProgressText = result;
                return result;

            var child = queryResults.First<XElement>();
            var rowsXml = child.Element("Expr1000") ?? child.Element("field0");
            if (rowsXml != null)
                targetRows = Convert.ToInt32(rowsXml.Value);

            queryResults = null;
            ProgressText += targetRows.ToString();
            ProgressText += " (" + pdWatch.Lap() + ")";
            string tempDisplay1 = ProgressText + "\nProduct/Category pairs...";
            pdWatch.Start(); //restart to time cat export

            //Get all product/category pairs
            ProgressText += "\nRetrieving Product/Category pairs...";
            string tempDisplay2 = ProgressText;

            //need to step through category list in chunks since there may be a very large number
            IEnumerable<XElement> catResults = null;
            int catRows = 0;
            string catID = "0";
            while (true)
                string categorySql = "SELECT TOP 5000 pc.catalogid, pc.categoryid\n"
                                    + "FROM product_category AS pc\n"
                                    + "WHERE pc.catalogid > " + catID + "\n"
                                    + "ORDER BY pc.catalogid";
                queryResults = Get3dCartQuery(categorySql);
                if (queryResults == null)
                    break; //no more data

                int tempCount = queryResults.Count();
                if (tempCount > 0)
                    catResults = catResults == null ? queryResults : catResults.Concat(queryResults);

                    //get the last cat ID from this query so next query can start there
                    XElement x = queryResults.ElementAt(tempCount - 1);
                    catID = Client.GetValue(x, "catalogid");

                    //update count
                    catRows = catResults.Count();
                    ProgressText = tempDisplay2 + catRows.ToString();
                    ProgressText += " (" + pdWatch.TotalTime + ")";
                if (tempCount < 5000)
                    break; //all rows found

            ProgressText = tempDisplay1 + catRows.ToString();
            ProgressText += " (" + pdWatch.TotalTime + ")";
            tempDisplay1 = ProgressText + "\nRows Exported...";
            ProgressText += "\nExporting...";
            pdWatch.Start(); //restart to time row export
            var products = new List<ProductRecord>();

            int exportedRows = 0;
            int categorizedRows = 0;
            int lastId = 0;
            int errors = 0;
            bool hasResults = false;
            char[] illegalChars = { '\r', '\n'}; //list any illegal characters for the product name here

            //compile the list of fields that need to be extracted for each item in the catalog
            var fields = new List<string>()
                                        { "catalogid",
            if (m_secondAttEnabled)
            List<string> extraFields = GetRuleFields();
            if (extraFields.Count > 0)
                fields = fields.Union(extraFields).Distinct().ToList();

            //Loop through catalog grabbing 5000 items at a time from 3dCart
            string sqlQueryStart = "SELECT TOP 5000 p." + fields.Aggregate((w, j) => string.Format("{0}, p.{1}", w, j));
            sqlQueryStart += "\nFROM products AS p\n";
            while (true)
                sqlQuery = sqlQueryStart
                                    + "WHERE p.catalogid > " + lastId.ToString() + "\n"
                                    + "ORDER BY p.catalogid";
                queryResults = Get3dCartQuery(sqlQuery);
                if (queryResults == null)
                    break; //no more data

                exportedRows += queryResults.Count();
                ProgressText = tempDisplay1 + exportedRows.ToString();
                tempDisplay2 = ProgressText;
                ProgressText += " (" + pdWatch.TotalTime + ")";
                string productID = "";
                foreach (XElement product in queryResults)
                    productID = Client.GetValue(product, "catalogid");
                    string name = RemoveIllegalChars(Client.GetValue(product, "name"), illegalChars);
                        var p = new ProductRecord
                                                                Name = name,
                                                                ProductId = productID,
                                                                Link = "product.asp?itemid=" + productID,
                                                                ImageLink = string.Empty,
                                                                Att1Id = string.Empty,
                                                                Att2Id = string.Empty,
                                                                Price = Client.GetValue(product, "price"),
                                                                SalePrice = string.Empty,
                                                                Filter = string.Empty,
                                                                Rating = Client.GetValue(product, "review_average"),
                                                                StandardCode = Client.GetValue(product, "eproduct_serial"),

                        //create image link
                        string thumb = Client.GetValue(product, m_imageField);
                        if (thumb.Length > 0)
                            int doublehash = thumb.IndexOf("//");
                            if (doublehash >= 0) //thumb contains full url
                                p.ImageLink = thumb.Substring(doublehash); //drop http protocol if present
                            else //thumb contains asset location
                                p.ImageLink = "thumbnail.asp?file=";
                                if (!thumb.StartsWith("/")) p.ImageLink += "/";
                                p.ImageLink += thumb;
                        else //no thumbnail found so try using product id
                            p.ImageLink = "thumbnail.asp?file=/assets/images/" + p.ProductId + ".jpg";

                        //need to query product_category table for each product to get it's list of categories
                        //Note: these are all retrieved in advance in an XElement so we don't call 3dCart 30K times for this
                        if (catResults != null)
                            List<string> catList = catResults.Where(x => Client.GetValue(x, "catalogid").Equals(productID)).Select(y => Client.GetValue(y, "categoryid")).ToList();
                            p.Att1Id += catList.Aggregate((w, j) => string.Format("{0},{1}", w, j));

                        if (m_secondAttEnabled)
                            p.Att2Id = Client.GetValue(product, m_secondAttField);

                        bool onsale = Client.GetValue(product, "onsale").Equals("1");
                        if (onsale)
                            p.SalePrice = Client.GetValue(product, "saleprice");

                        //call base class to check category conditions, exclusions, and filters
                        ApplyRules(ref p, product);

                    catch { errors++; }
                    ProgressText = string.Format("{0} {1} completed, {2} errors ({3})", tempDisplay2, categorizedRows, errors, pdWatch.Lap());

                lastId = Convert.ToInt32(productID);
                hasResults = true;
                if (categorizedRows == targetRows)
                    break; //read all products
            if (products.Count < 1)
                return result + "(no data)";

            var pCount = string.Format("({0} items) ", products.Count);
            ProgressText = string.Format("{0}{1}completed ({2}){3}Uploading to server...", tempDisplay2, pCount, pdWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);
            result += pCount + m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, products);
            return result;
        protected override string GetCatalog()
            string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": ";
            ProgressText += result + "Extracting...";
            var stopWatch = new StopWatch(true);
            var products = new List<ProductRecord>();

            IEnumerable<XElement> items = Catalog.Elements("Product_Add");
            int numItems = (items == null) ? 0 : items.Count();
            if (numItems == 0)
                result += " (no data)";
                ProgressText = result;
                return result;
            IEnumerable<XElement> customFields = Catalog.Elements("Product_CustomField");
            IEnumerable<XElement> catAssignments = Catalog.Elements("CategoryProduct_Assign");

            result += string.Format("({0} items) ", numItems);
            ProgressText += result + string.Format("Extracting...completed ({0}){1}Parsing Product Catalog...",
                                                                            stopWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;

            int rows = 0, errors = 0;
            foreach (var product in items)
                    var p = new ProductRecord
                        ProductId = Client.GetValue(product, "Code"),
                        Name = Client.GetValue(product, "Name"),
                        Att1Id = string.Empty,
                        Att2Id = string.Empty,
                        Price = Client.GetValue(product, "Price"),
                        SalePrice = string.Empty,
                        Filter = string.Empty,
                        ImageLink = Client.GetValue(product, "ThumbnailImage"),
                    if (p.ImageLink.Length < 1)
                        p.ImageLink = Client.GetValue(product, "FullSizeImage");

                    p.Link = string.Format("{0}/product/{1}.html", "http://" + m_storeShortUrl, p.ProductId); //pdp link is never https
                    p.Rating = string.Empty;

                    //parse custom fields
                    IEnumerable<XElement> cfSubset = customFields.Where(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "product").Equals(p.ProductId));
                    p.StandardCode = cfSubset.Where(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "field").Equals("UPC")).Select(x => x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(string.Empty).Single();
                    if (p.StandardCode.Length < 1)
                        p.StandardCode = p.ProductId;
                    p.Att2Id = cfSubset.Where(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "field").Equals("brand")).Select(x => x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(string.Empty).Single();

                    //get category list
                    var categories = catAssignments.Where(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "product_code").Equals(p.ProductId)).Select(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "category_code"));
                    if (categories != null)
                        //  bool first = true;
                        //  foreach (string id in categories)
                        //  {
                        //    if (first) first = false;
                        //    else p.Attr1 += ",";
                        //    p.Attr1 += id;
                        //  }
                        //  p.Attr1 = categories.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, cat) => current + string.Format("{0},", cat.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.Equals("CategoryID")).Select(x => x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty("").Single())).TrimEnd(',');
                        p.Att1Id = categories.Aggregate((w, j) => string.Format("{0},{1}", w, j));

                    //check category conditions, exclusions and filters
                    ApplyRules(ref p, product);

                    //This is now handled in ApplyRules
                    ////Need to take care of exclusions here since we have access to all the product attributes
                    ////if (Client.GetValue(product, "Active").Equals("No"))
                    ////  m_catConditions.AddExcludedItem(p.ProductId);
                    //if (m_exclusions != null)
                    //  foreach (var c in m_exclusions)
                    //  {
                    //    string value = Client.GetValue(product, c.FieldName);
                    //    if (value.Length < 1) //not found so check custom fields
                    //      value = cfSubset.Where(x => Client.GetAttribute(x, "field").Equals(c.FieldName)).Select(x => x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(string.Empty).Single();
                    //    if (value.Length > 0)
                    //      if (c.Compare(value))
                    //      {
                    //        m_catConditions.AddExcludedItem(p.ProductId);
                    //        break;
                    //      }
                    //  }

                catch { errors++; }
                ProgressText = string.Format("{0}{1} products, {2} errors ({3})", tempDisplay, ++rows, errors, stopWatch.Lap());
            ProgressText =  string.Format("{0}Completed ({1}){2}Uploading to server...",
                                                                        tempDisplay, stopWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);

            result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, products);
            return result;
        protected void ApplyRules(ref ProductRecord p, XElement product)
            //first check for excluded categories
            if (m_catConditions.AnyExcluded(p.Att1Id))
            else //then check all other exclusion rules
                if (m_exclusions != null)
                    if (m_exclusions.Any(c => c.Compare(Client.GetValue(product, c.FieldName))))
                        m_catConditions.AddExcludedItem(p.ProductId); //add to cat excluded items so it will be prepolulated for GetExclusions

            //remove ignored categories
            p.Att1Id = m_catConditions.RemoveIgnored(p.Att1Id);

            //apply filters
            if (m_filtersEnabled)
                if (m_catConditions.AnyUniversal(p.Att1Id))
                    p.Filter = m_universalFilterName;

                string filters = m_catConditions.AnyFiltered(p.Att1Id);
                if (filters.Length > 0)
                    if (p.Filter.Length > 0) p.Filter += ",";
                    p.Filter += filters;
                if (m_filters != null)
                    //bool firstItem = p.Filter.Length < 1;
                    //foreach (Condition c in m_filters.Where(c => c.Compare(Client.GetValue(product, c.FieldName))))
                    //  if (firstItem) firstItem = false;
                    //  else p.Filter += ",";
                    //  p.Filter += c.Name;
                    p.Filter += m_filters.Where(
                                                                            c => c.Compare(Client.GetValue(product, c.FieldName))
                                                                                                c => c.Name
                                                                                                ).Aggregate((w, j) => string.Format("{0},{1}", w, j));
                if (p.Filter.Length < 1) //if no matches then assume universal
                    p.Filter = m_universalFilterName;

            //check for full catalog replacement
            if (m_replacements != null && m_replacements[0].Type.Equals(ReplacementCondition.RepType.Catalog))
                var oldId = Client.GetValue(product, m_replacements[0].OldName);
                var newId = Client.GetValue(product, m_replacements[0].NewName);
                if (!m_repRecords.Any(r => r.OldId.Equals(oldId))) //can only have one replacement for each item
                    m_repRecords.Add(new ReplacementRecord { OldId = oldId, NewId = newId });

            //check for manual recs
            if (m_manualCrossSell.Enabled)
                m_manualCrossSell.AddRecords(p.ProductId, product);
            if (m_manualUpSell.Enabled)
                m_manualUpSell.AddRecords(p.ProductId, product);
        protected override string GetCatalog()
            var stopWatch = new StopWatch(true);
              var products = new List<ProductRecord>();

            //get product count
            var countXml = CallCartApi("products/count", "products");
            var countVal = countXml.Elements("count").First().Value;
            int pRows = Convert.ToInt16(countVal);

            //setup progress display
              var result = string.Format("{0}{1}: ({2} items) ", Environment.NewLine, CatalogFilename, countVal);
              ProgressText += result + "Extracting...";
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;

            //first get all the images because there can be many images for each product so record pages are not aligned
            countXml = CallCartApi("products/images/count", "images");
            countVal = countXml.Elements("count").First().Value;
            int iRows = Convert.ToInt16(countVal);
            int pages = (int)Math.Ceiling( (decimal)iRows / (decimal)250 ); //can only get 250 products at a time
            var imagesXml = new List<XElement>(); //this will hold all images for entire catalog
            for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++)
                string paging = string.Format("?page={0}&limit=250", page);
                var pageXml = CallCartApi("products/images" + paging, "images");
                if (pageXml == null)
                ProgressText = string.Format("{1}{0}{2} Images ({3})", Environment.NewLine, tempDisplay, imagesXml.Count, stopWatch.Lap());
            tempDisplay = ProgressText;
            #if DEBUG
                if (imagesXml.Count() != iRows)
                    var errMsg = string.Format("Error reading BigCommerce images\nReported count = {0}, actual count = {1}",
                                                                                    iRows, imagesXml.Count());
                    m_log.WriteEntry(errMsg, EventLogEntryType.Information, m_alias);

            //Next get all the custom fields so we don't have to make a separate call for each product
            countXml = CallCartApi("products/customfields/count", "customfields");
            countVal = countXml.Elements("count").First().Value;
            iRows = Convert.ToInt16(countVal);
            pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)iRows / (decimal)250); //can only get 250 products at a time
            var customFieldXml = new List<XElement>(); //this will hold all images for entire catalog
            for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++)
                string paging = string.Format("?page={0}&limit=250", page);
                var pageXml = CallCartApi("products/customfields" + paging, "customfields");
                if (pageXml == null)
                ProgressText = string.Format("{1}{0}{2} Custom Fields ({3})", Environment.NewLine, tempDisplay, customFieldXml.Count, stopWatch.Lap());
            tempDisplay = ProgressText;

            //Next get all the Categories so we can construct the tree
            countXml = CallCartApi("categories/count", "categories");
            countVal = countXml.Elements("count").First().Value;
            iRows = Convert.ToInt16(countVal);
            pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)iRows / (decimal)250); //can only get 250 products at a time
            var categoryXml = new List<XElement>(); //this will hold all images for entire catalog
            for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++)
                string paging = string.Format("?page={0}&limit=250", page);
                var pageXml = CallCartApi("categories" + paging, "categories");
                if (pageXml == null)
                ProgressText = string.Format("{1}{0}{2} Categories ({3})", Environment.NewLine, tempDisplay, categoryXml.Count, stopWatch.Lap());
            ProgressText += Environment.NewLine;
            tempDisplay = ProgressText;

            //now get each page of products
            pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)pRows / (decimal)250); //can only get 250 products at a time
            IEnumerable<XElement> productsXml = null; //this will only hold a single page of products
            int errors = 0; pRows = 0;
            for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++)
                string paging = string.Format("?page={0}&limit=250", page);
                productsXml = CallCartApi("products" + paging, "products");
                if (productsXml == null)
                    errors++; //not necessarily an error

                var productElements = productsXml.Elements("product");
                foreach (var product in productElements)
                        var p = new ProductRecord
                                                                Name = Client.GetValue(product, "name"),
                                                                ProductId = Client.GetValue(product, "id"),
                                                                Att2Id = Client.GetValue(product, "brand_id"),
                                                                Price = Client.GetValue(product, "price"),
                                                                SalePrice = Client.GetValue(product, "sale_price"),
                                                                Filter = string.Empty,
                                                                Rating = Client.GetValue(product, "rating_total"),
                                                                StandardCode = Client.GetValue(product, "upc"),
                                                                Link = Client.GetValue(product, "custom_url"),
                                                                ImageLink = string.Empty

                        p.ImageLink = GetProductImage(imagesXml, p.ProductId);
                        p.Att1Id = GetProductCategories(product.Element("categories"));
                        if (p.StandardCode == null)
                            p.StandardCode = string.Empty;

            #if DEBUG
                        if (p.ProductId.Equals("11348") || p.ProductId.Equals("11012"))
                            var test = CallCartApi(string.Format("products/{0}/customfields", p.ProductId), "customfields");
                            var s = "break here";
                        var customFields = GetProductCustomFields(customFieldXml, p.ProductId);
                        if (customFields.Any())

                        //check category conditions, exclusions, and filters
                        ApplyRules(ref p, product);

                    catch { errors++; }
                    ProgressText = string.Format("{0}{1} items completed, {2} errors ({3})", tempDisplay, ++pRows, errors, stopWatch.Lap());
            if (products.Count < 1)
                return result + "(no data)";

            var pCount = string.Format("({0} items) ", products.Count);
              ProgressText = string.Format("{0}{1} items completed ({2}){3}Uploading to server...", tempDisplay, pCount, stopWatch.Lap(), Environment.NewLine);
            result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, products);
              return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind catalog data to CatalogItem(s)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Content"></param>
        internal List<ProductRecord> SetCatalogData(Stream Content)
            List<ProductRecord> products = new List<ProductRecord>();
            StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(Content);
            string sContent = rdr.ReadToEnd();
             * ? sContent
            "[[\"ProductID (Yes) \", \"Name (Yes) \", \"CategoryIDs (Yes) \", \"BrandID (No) \", \"Price (Yes) \", \"SalePrice (No) \", \"Link (Yes) \", \"ImageLink (Yes) \", \"StandardCode (No)\", \"ActiveFlag (Yes)\", \"StockLevel (No)\"],
             * [\"product1\", \"product1\", \"\", \"\", \"5.00\", \"\", \"http:\\/\\/\\/mm5\\/merchant.mvc\\u003fStore_code\\u003d4tell\\u0026amp\\u003bScreen\\u003dPROD\\u0026amp\\u003bProduct_Code\\u003dproduct1\", \"\", \"product1\", \"0\", \"\"], [\"product2\", \"product2\", \"test4,test5\", \"\", \"110.00\", \"\", \"http:\\/\\/\\/mm5\\/merchant.mvc\\u003fStore_code\\u003d4tell\\u0026amp\\u003bScreen\\u003dPROD\\u0026amp\\u003bProduct_Code\\u003dproduct2\", \"\", \"product2\", \"1\", \"\"], [\"product3\", \"product3\", \"\", \"\", \"1.22\", \"\", \"http:\\/\\/\\/mm5\\/merchant.mvc\\u003fStore_code\\u003d4tell\\u0026amp\\u003bScreen\\u003dPROD\\u0026amp\\u003bProduct_Code\\u003dproduct3\", \"\", \"product3\", \"1\", \"\"], [\"product4\", \"product4\", \"test1\", \"\", \"55.19\", \"\", \"http:\\/\
            \/\\/mm5\\/merchant.mvc\\u003fStore_code\\u003d4tell\\u0026amp\\u003bScreen\\u003dPROD\\u0026amp\\u003bProduct_Code\\u003dproduct4\", \"\", \"product4\", \"1\", \"\"]]
            string[] rows = sContent.Trim().Split(']');
            string thisRow = String.Empty;

            foreach (string row in rows)
                if (row.Length > 0)
                    thisRow = row;
                    thisRow = thisRow.Replace("[", String.Empty);
                    thisRow = thisRow.Replace("]", String.Empty);
                    ProductRecord pr = new ProductRecord();
                    if (! row.StartsWith("[[") == true && ! row.EndsWith("]]") == true)
                        // normal row
                        string[] cols = thisRow.Split(',');

                        // \"ProductID\",
                        pr.ProductId = cols[1].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"Name\",
                        pr.Name = cols[2].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"CategoryIDs\",
                        pr.CategoryIDs = cols[3].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"BrandID\",
                        pr.BrandID = cols[4].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"Price\",
                        pr.Price = cols[5].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"SalePrice\",
                        pr.SalePrice = cols[6].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"Link\",
                        pr.Link = cols[7].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"ImageLink\",
                        pr.ImageLink = cols[8].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"StandardCode \",
                        pr.StandardCode = cols[9].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"ActiveFlag\",
                        pr.ActiveFlag = cols[10].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        // \"StockLevel\"],
                        pr.StockLevel = cols[11].Replace("\\", String.Empty).Replace("/", String.Empty).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();



            return products;