Example #1
        private static void CheckForAndManageCollision( ref Entity entity, ref Building building )
            if ( entity.AABB.Min.X > building.AABB.Max.X || entity.AABB.Max.X < building.AABB.Min.X ||
               entity.AABB.Min.X > building.AABB.Max.X || entity.AABB.Max.X < building.AABB.Min.X )
            entity.Collision = 0;

              // SAT part 2 here:
              tempAABBVerts[0] = entity.AABB.Min;
              tempAABBVerts[1] = new Vector2( entity.AABB.Min.X, entity.AABB.Max.Y );
              tempAABBVerts[2] = entity.AABB.Max;
              tempAABBVerts[3] = new Vector2( entity.AABB.Max.X, entity.AABB.Min.Y );

              int vertCount = building.Boundary.Length;
              for ( int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i )
            float lower = float.MaxValue;
            float upper = float.MinValue;
            for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
              float proj = ( building.Boundary[i].X - tempAABBVerts[j].X ) * building.Normals[i].X +
                       ( building.Boundary[i].Y - tempAABBVerts[j].Y ) * building.Normals[i].Y;
              if ( proj < lower ) lower = proj;
              if ( proj > upper ) upper = proj;

            if ( upper < 0 || lower > building.SATProjections[i] )
              entity.Collision = 0;

              // resolve collision here:
              Vector2 bToA = Vector2.Zero;
              bToA.X = entity.NextPosition.X - building.Center.X;
              bToA.Y = entity.NextPosition.Z - building.Center.Y;

              // use difference to seperate entities
              Vector2 direction;
              Vector2.Normalize( ref bToA, out direction );

              float resolveMoveSpeed = 2f;

              if ( entity.Collision == 0 || building.Index < entity.Collision )
            entity.Direction.X = resolveMoveSpeed * direction.X;
            entity.Direction.Z = resolveMoveSpeed * direction.Y;
            entity.Collision = 5;
Example #2
        private bool TestBuildingVsAABB( Building building, AABB aabb )
            Vector2 min = Vector2.Clamp( building.AABB.Min, Min, Max );
              Vector2 max = Vector2.Clamp( building.AABB.Max, Min, Max );

              float cellWidth = ( Max.X - Min.X ) / Cols;
              int colMin = (int)( ( min.X - Min.X ) / cellWidth );
              int colMax = (int)( ( max.X - Min.X ) / cellWidth );

              float cellHeight = ( Max.Y - Min.Y ) / Rows;
              int rowMin = (int)( ( min.Y - Min.Y ) / cellHeight );
              int rowMax = (int)( ( max.Y - Min.Y ) / cellHeight );

              // make sure the maxs don't go out of bounds
              if ( colMax == Cols )
            colMax = colMin;
              if ( rowMax == Rows )
            rowMax = rowMin;

              // test polygon's aabb against aabb (effectively aabb version of SAT)
              if ( aabb.Max.X < min.X || aabb.Min.X > max.X ) return false;
              if ( aabb.Max.Y < min.Y || aabb.Min.Y > max.Y ) return false;

              tempAABBVerts[0] = aabb.Min;
              tempAABBVerts[1] = new Vector2( aabb.Min.X, aabb.Max.Y );
              tempAABBVerts[2] = aabb.Max;
              tempAABBVerts[3] = new Vector2( aabb.Max.X, aabb.Min.Y );

              // SAT using building's axes
              for ( int i = 0; i < building.Boundary.Length; ++i )
            float lower = float.MaxValue;
            float upper = float.MinValue;

            for ( int j = 0; j < tempAABBVerts.Length; ++j )
              Vector2 disp = building.Boundary[i] - tempAABBVerts[j];
              float proj = Vector2.Dot( disp, building.Normals[i] );
              if ( proj < lower ) lower = proj;
              if ( proj > upper ) upper = proj;

            if ( upper < 0 || lower > building.SATProjections[i] )
              return false;

              return true;
Example #3
 private bool DetermineIfPathCellIsWalkable( AABB aabb, Building[] buildings )
     for ( int i = 0; i < buildings.Length; ++i )
     if ( TestBuildingVsAABB( buildings[i], aabb ) )
       return false;
       return true;
Example #4
 public void RemoveBuilding( ref Building building )
Example #5
        public void AddBuilding( ref Building building )
            Vector2 min = Vector2.Clamp( building.AABB.Min, Min, Max );
              Vector2 max = Vector2.Clamp( building.AABB.Max, Min, Max );

              float cellWidth = ( Max.X - Min.X ) / Cols;
              int colMin = (int)( ( min.X - Min.X ) / cellWidth );
              int colMax = (int)( ( max.X - Min.X ) / cellWidth );

              float cellHeight = ( Max.Y - Min.Y ) / Rows;
              int rowMin = (int)( ( min.Y - Min.Y ) / cellHeight );
              int rowMax = (int)( ( max.Y - Min.Y ) / cellHeight );

              // make sure the maxs don't go out of bounds
              if ( colMax == Cols )
            colMax = colMin;
              if ( rowMax == Rows )
            rowMax = rowMin;

              for ( int r = rowMin; r <= rowMax; ++r )
            for ( int c = colMin; c <= colMax; ++c )
              int index = Cols * r + c;
              if ( TestBuildingVsAABB( building, new AABB( cells[index].Min, cells[index].Max ) ) )
            cells[index].Buildings.Add( building.Index );
Example #6
        public static void PopulateGrid( Entity[] entities, Building[] buildings )
            for ( int i = 0; i < entities.Length; ++i )
            grid.AddEntity( ref entities[i] );

              for ( int i = 0; i < buildings.Length; ++i )
            grid.AddBuilding( ref buildings[i] );

              grid.InitializePathGrid( 6 );