DecryptDownloadUrl() public static method

Decrypts the signature in the VideoInfo.DownloadUrl property and sets it to the decrypted URL. Use this method, if you have decryptSignature in the method set to false.
/// There was an error while deciphering the signature. ///
public static DecryptDownloadUrl ( VideoInfo videoInfo ) : void
videoInfo VideoInfo The video info which's downlaod URL should be decrypted.
return void
 public static IEnumerable <VideoInfo> GetDownloadUrls(string videoUrl, bool decryptSignature = true)
     if (videoUrl == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("videoUrl");
     if (!DownloadUrlResolver.TryNormalizeYoutubeUrl(videoUrl, out videoUrl))
         throw new ArgumentException("URL is not a valid youtube URL!");
         JObject json                       = DownloadUrlResolver.LoadJson(videoUrl);
         string  videoTitle                 = DownloadUrlResolver.GetVideoTitle(json);
         IEnumerable <VideoInfo> list       = (IEnumerable <VideoInfo>)Enumerable.ToList <VideoInfo>(DownloadUrlResolver.GetVideoInfos(DownloadUrlResolver.ExtractDownloadUrls(json), videoTitle));
         string html5PlayerVersion          = DownloadUrlResolver.GetHtml5PlayerVersion(json);
         IEnumerator <VideoInfo> enumerator = list.GetEnumerator();
             while (((IEnumerator)enumerator).MoveNext())
                 VideoInfo current = enumerator.Current;
                 current.HtmlPlayerVersion = html5PlayerVersion;
                 if (decryptSignature && current.RequiresDecryption)
             if (enumerator != null)
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex is WebException || ex is VideoNotAvailableException)
             DownloadUrlResolver.ThrowYoutubeParseException(ex, videoUrl);
        public static async Task <Uri> GetVideoUriAsync(string videoId)
            var videoUrl = "" + videoId;

            var videoInfos = await GetDownloadUrls(videoUrl, false);

            // TODO - parameterize video resolution
            VideoInfo video = videoInfos
                              .First(info => info.VideoType == VideoType.Mp4 && info.Resolution == 360);

            // If the video has an encrypted signature, decipher it
            if (video.RequiresDecryption)
                await DownloadUrlResolver.DecryptDownloadUrl(video);

            return(new Uri(video.DownloadUrl));