Example #1
        public MapTile(TilePosition TilePosition)
            this.TilePosition = TilePosition;
            // We create the tile
            Landscape = GlobalVars.GameEngine.Scene.CreateLandscape("Land" + TilePosition.TileX + ";" + TilePosition.TileZ);
            Landscape.GenerateTerrain(null, CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_HIGH, TileSize, TileSize, TilePosition.TileX * 256 * TileSize, 0, TilePosition.TileZ * 256 * TileSize);
            //Landscape.CreateEmptyTerrain(CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_LOW, TileSize, TileSize, TilePosition.TileX * 256 * TileSize, 0, TilePosition.TileZ * 256 * TileSize);
            //Landscape.CreateEmptyTerrain(CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_LOW, TileSize, TileSize, TilePosition.TileX * 256 + (TileSize - 1) * 256, 0, TilePosition.TileZ * 256 + (TileSize - 1) * 256);

            //Latest :
            //Landscape.EnableLOD(true, 100, CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_ULTRA_LOW, 0, true);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("  Create landscape X:" + TilePosition.TileX * TileSize * 256 + "; Y:0; Z:" + TilePosition.TileZ * TileSize * 256 + "!");
Example #2
 public int TileDistanceTo(TilePosition Position)
     return (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Position.TileX - this.TileX, 2) + Math.Pow(Position.TileZ - this.TileZ, 2));
Example #3
 public WorldPosition(TilePosition Position)
     : base(Position)
     this.TileX = Position.TileX;
     this.TileZ = Position.TileZ;
Example #4
 public TilePosition(TilePosition Position)
     this.TileX = Position.TileX;
     this.TileZ = Position.TileZ;
Example #5
 //Second way of loading height
 private void LoadTileHeightmap(TilePosition Tilepos)
     int tilei = Tilepos.TileX - WorldPos.TileX + RenderedTilesDistance;
     int tilej = Tilepos.TileX - WorldPos.TileX + RenderedTilesDistance;
     if ((tilei >= 0) && (tilei <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance) && (tilej >= 0) && (tilej <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance))
         //If the tile is still used
         MapTiles[tilei][tilej].Landscape.SetHeight(1, 1, 50);
Example #6
        //Force : force the reload of all the tiles
        //Check if there are tiles to load and load them
        public bool CheckLoadTiles(bool force = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Start loadtiles (" + WorldPos.TileX + "," + WorldPos.TileZ + ")");
            if (force || ((PlayerPos.TileX != WorldPos.TileX) || (PlayerPos.TileZ != WorldPos.TileZ)))
                //The player moved too much
                LoadingMapTiles = true;
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest;

                int TilesMoveX = PlayerPos.TileX - WorldPos.TileX;
                int TilesMoveZ = PlayerPos.TileZ - WorldPos.TileZ;

                TimeSpan CheckLandscapeBegin = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                //We create the new MapTile which will contain the new terrains
                MapTile[][] MapTiles_New = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1][];// = MapTiles = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1, 2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1];
                LinkedList<MapTile> TilesList_New = new LinkedList<MapTile>();

                //We check all the new tiles to see if we have to create a new one or copy an old one
                for (short i = 0; i < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); i++)
                    MapTiles_New[i] = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1];
                    for (short j = 0; j < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); j++)
                        int oldIndexX = i + TilesMoveX; //Correspondance to the old MapTiles
                        int oldIndexZ = j + TilesMoveZ; //Correspondance to the old MapTiles
                        if (!force && (((oldIndexX >= 0) && (oldIndexX <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance)) && ((oldIndexZ >= 0) && (oldIndexZ <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance))))
                            //The old index is valid, we just move the tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j] = MapTiles[oldIndexX][oldIndexZ];
                            //New landscape, we create it
                            TimeSpan NewLandscapeBegin = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                            MapTiles_New[i][j] = new MapTile(new TilePosition(PlayerPos.TileX + i - RenderedTilesDistance, PlayerPos.TileZ + j - RenderedTilesDistance));
                            TimeSpan NewLandscapeEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("New tile i:" + i + "(" + (PlayerPos.TileX + i - RenderedTilesDistance) + ");j:" + j + "(" + (PlayerPos.TileZ + j - RenderedTilesDistance) + ") - " + (NewLandscapeEnd - NewLandscapeBegin).TotalMilliseconds + " ms.");

                        if ((i - RenderedTilesDistance == 0) && (j - RenderedTilesDistance == 0))
                            //Player's tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("LandTexture"), -1);
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTextureScale(3, 3, -1);
                            //Another tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("LandTexture2"), -1);
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTextureScale(3, 3, -1);

                        TilePosition Position = new TilePosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileX, j - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileZ);

                        TilesHeightmapToLoad.Enqueue(Position, Position.TileDistanceTo(PlayerPos));

                        //LoadTileHeightmap(new TilePosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance, j - RenderedTilesDistance));

                        WorldPosition SplatPosition = new WorldPosition(Position);
                        MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.AddSplattingTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"), 1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
                        MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.ExpandSplattingTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingAlphaTexture"), GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"), 0, 0, 4, 4);
                        //AddSplattingToTile(SplatPosition, GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"));

                TimeSpan CheckLandscapeEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                //We replace the old tiles with the new ones
                MapTiles = MapTiles_New;
                TilesList = TilesList_New;
                TimeSpan CopyMapTilesEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                WorldPos.TileX = PlayerPos.TileX;
                WorldPos.TileZ = PlayerPos.TileZ;

                //DEBUG : add a mesh to each tile
                /*for (short i = 0; i < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); i++)
                    for (short j = 0; j < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); j++)
                        if (!MapTiles[i][j].MeshesLoaded) //DEBUG
                            MapTiles[i][j].MeshesLoaded = true; //DEBUG

                            //Debug : we add a mesh
                            TVMesh newmesh = new TVMesh();
                            newmesh = GlobalVars.GameEngine.Scene.CreateMeshBuilder();
                            newmesh.SetScale(50, 50, 50);
                            AddMeshToTile(new WorldPosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileX, i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileZ, 0, 0, 0), newmesh);

                LoadingMapTiles = false;
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Finished load new MapTiles (" + WorldPos.TileX + "," + WorldPos.TileZ + ") - " + (CheckLandscapeEnd - CheckLandscapeBegin).TotalMilliseconds + " ms|" + (CopyMapTilesEnd - CheckLandscapeEnd).TotalMilliseconds + " ms");
                return true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Nothing loaded");
            return false;
Example #7
 public WorldPosition(TilePosition Position)
     : base(Position)
     this.TileX = Position.TileX;
     this.TileZ = Position.TileZ;
Example #8
 public int TileDistanceTo(TilePosition Position)
     return((int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Position.TileX - this.TileX, 2) + Math.Pow(Position.TileZ - this.TileZ, 2)));
Example #9
 public TilePosition(TilePosition Position)
     this.TileX = Position.TileX;
     this.TileZ = Position.TileZ;
Example #10
        //Check if there are tiles to load and load them
        public bool CheckLoadTiles(bool force = false) //Force : force the reload of all the tiles
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Start loadtiles (" + WorldPos.TileX + "," + WorldPos.TileZ + ")");
            if (force || ((PlayerPos.TileX != WorldPos.TileX) || (PlayerPos.TileZ != WorldPos.TileZ)))
                //The player moved too much
                LoadingMapTiles = true;
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest;

                int TilesMoveX = PlayerPos.TileX - WorldPos.TileX;
                int TilesMoveZ = PlayerPos.TileZ - WorldPos.TileZ;

                TimeSpan CheckLandscapeBegin = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                //We create the new MapTile which will contain the new terrains
                MapTile[][]          MapTiles_New  = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1][];// = MapTiles = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1, 2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1];
                LinkedList <MapTile> TilesList_New = new LinkedList <MapTile>();

                //We check all the new tiles to see if we have to create a new one or copy an old one
                for (short i = 0; i < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); i++)
                    MapTiles_New[i] = new MapTile[2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1];
                    for (short j = 0; j < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); j++)
                        int oldIndexX = i + TilesMoveX; //Correspondance to the old MapTiles
                        int oldIndexZ = j + TilesMoveZ; //Correspondance to the old MapTiles
                        if (!force && (((oldIndexX >= 0) && (oldIndexX <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance)) && ((oldIndexZ >= 0) && (oldIndexZ <= 2 * RenderedTilesDistance))))
                            //The old index is valid, we just move the tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j] = MapTiles[oldIndexX][oldIndexZ];
                            //New landscape, we create it
                            TimeSpan NewLandscapeBegin = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                            MapTiles_New[i][j] = new MapTile(new TilePosition(PlayerPos.TileX + i - RenderedTilesDistance, PlayerPos.TileZ + j - RenderedTilesDistance));
                            TimeSpan NewLandscapeEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("New tile i:" + i + "(" + (PlayerPos.TileX + i - RenderedTilesDistance) + ");j:" + j + "(" + (PlayerPos.TileZ + j - RenderedTilesDistance) + ") - " + (NewLandscapeEnd - NewLandscapeBegin).TotalMilliseconds + " ms.");

                        if ((i - RenderedTilesDistance == 0) && (j - RenderedTilesDistance == 0))
                            //Player's tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("LandTexture"), -1);
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTextureScale(3, 3, -1);
                            //Another tile
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("LandTexture2"), -1);
                            MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetTextureScale(3, 3, -1);

                        TilePosition Position = new TilePosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileX, j - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileZ);

                        TilesHeightmapToLoad.Enqueue(Position, Position.TileDistanceTo(PlayerPos));

                        //LoadTileHeightmap(new TilePosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance, j - RenderedTilesDistance));

                        WorldPosition SplatPosition = new WorldPosition(Position);

                        /*MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.AddSplattingTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"), 1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
                         * MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.ExpandSplattingTexture(GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingAlphaTexture"), GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"), 0, 0, 4, 4);
                         * MapTiles_New[i][j].Landscape.SetSplattingEnable(true);*/
                        //AddSplattingToTile(SplatPosition, GlobalVars.GameEngine.Globals.GetTex("SplattingTexture"));

                TimeSpan CheckLandscapeEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                //We replace the old tiles with the new ones
                MapTiles  = MapTiles_New;
                TilesList = TilesList_New;
                TimeSpan CopyMapTilesEnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                WorldPos.TileX = PlayerPos.TileX;
                WorldPos.TileZ = PlayerPos.TileZ;

                //DEBUG : add a mesh to each tile

                /*for (short i = 0; i < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); i++)
                 * {
                 *  for (short j = 0; j < (2 * RenderedTilesDistance + 1); j++)
                 *  {
                 *      if (!MapTiles[i][j].MeshesLoaded) //DEBUG
                 *      {
                 *          MapTiles[i][j].MeshesLoaded = true; //DEBUG
                 *          //Debug : we add a mesh
                 *          TVMesh newmesh = new TVMesh();
                 *          newmesh = GlobalVars.GameEngine.Scene.CreateMeshBuilder();
                 *          newmesh.CreateTeapot();
                 *          newmesh.SetScale(50, 50, 50);
                 *          newmesh.SetCullMode(CONST_TV_CULLING.TV_BACK_CULL);
                 *          AddMeshToTile(new WorldPosition(i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileX, i - RenderedTilesDistance + PlayerPos.TileZ, 0, 0, 0), newmesh);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                LoadingMapTiles = false;
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Finished load new MapTiles (" + WorldPos.TileX + "," + WorldPos.TileZ + ") - " + (CheckLandscapeEnd - CheckLandscapeBegin).TotalMilliseconds + " ms|" + (CopyMapTilesEnd - CheckLandscapeEnd).TotalMilliseconds + " ms");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Nothing loaded");