static void CreateDocumentPaperSizes(C1WordDocument word)
            // landscape for first page
            bool landscape = true;

            word.Landscape = landscape;

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Rect rc        = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);

            word.AddParagraph(Strings.PaperSizesFirstPage, titleFont);
            var paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;

            paragraph.BottomBorderColor = Colors.Purple;
            paragraph.BottomBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Dotted;
            paragraph.BottomBorderWidth = 3.0f;

            // view warning
            Font warningFont = new Font("Arial", 14);

            word.AddParagraph(Strings.PaperSizesWarning, warningFont, Colors.Blue);

            // create constant font and StringFormat objects
            Font         font = new Font("Tahoma", 18);
            StringFormat sf   = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sf.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            word.AddParagraph(string.Empty, font, Colors.Black);

            // create one page with each paper size
            foreach (PaperKind pk in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PaperKind)))
                // skip custom page size
                if (pk == PaperKind.Custom)

                // add new page for every page after the first one

                // set paper kind and orientation
                var section = new RtfSection(pk);
                landscape      = !landscape;
                word.Landscape = landscape;

                // add some content on the page
                string text = string.Format(Strings.StringFormatTwoArg, pk, word.Landscape);
                paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;
                paragraph.SetRectBorder(RtfBorderStyle.DashSmall, Colors.Aqua, 2.0f);
Example #2
        static void CreateDocumentQuotes(C1WordDocument word)
            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);
            var  height = rcPage.Top;

            // initialize fonts
            Font hdrFont   = new Font("Arial", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font titleFont = new Font("Arial", 20, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font txtFont   = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, RtfFontStyle.Italic);

            // add title paragraph
            word.AddParagraph(Strings.QuotesAuthors, titleFont, Colors.DeepPink, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);
            height += 2 * word.MeasureString(Strings.QuotesAuthors, titleFont, rcPage.Width).Height;

            // build document
            foreach (string s in GetQuotes())
                // quote
                var authorQuote = s.Split('\t');
                var author      = authorQuote[0];
                var text        = authorQuote[1];

                // if it won't fit this page, do a page break
                var h  = word.MeasureString(author, hdrFont, rcPage.Width).Height;
                var sf = new StringFormat();
                sf.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                h           += word.MeasureString(text, txtFont, rcPage.Width, sf).Height;
                h           += 20;
                if (height + h > rcPage.Bottom)
                    height = rcPage.Top;
                height += h;

                // render header (author)
                word.AddParagraph(author, hdrFont, Colors.Black, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                var paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;
                paragraph.TopBorderColor = Colors.Black;
                paragraph.TopBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Single;
                paragraph.TopBorderWidth = 1f;

                // render body text (quote)
                word.AddParagraph(text, txtFont, Colors.DarkSlateGray, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                paragraph            = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;
                paragraph.LeftIndent = 40.0f;
        async Task CreateDocumentImages(C1WordDocument word)
            // add first image paragraph
            Font font = new Font("Segoe UI Light", 16, RtfFontStyle.Italic);

            word.AddParagraph(Strings.ImageFirstParagraph, font, Colors.DarkGray, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Left);
            var paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;

            paragraph.BottomBorderColor = Colors.Gray;
            paragraph.BottomBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Single;
            paragraph.BottomBorderWidth = 1f;

            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);
            InMemoryRandomAccessStream ras = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();

#if !true
            // load image into C1 bitmap
            var wb   = new C1.Xaml.Bitmap.C1Bitmap();
            var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///WordSamplesLib/Assets/pic.jpg"));

            await wb.LoadAsync(file);
            // load image into writeable bitmap
            WriteableBitmap wb   = new WriteableBitmap(880, 660);
            var             file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///WordSamplesLib/Assets/pic.jpg"));

            wb.SetSource(await file.OpenReadAsync());
            // add image without scaling by center
            word.AddPicture(wb, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);

            // add first image paragraph
            font = new Font("Segoe UI Light", 12, RtfFontStyle.Regular);
            word.AddParagraph(Strings.ImageSecondParagraph, font, Colors.DeepSkyBlue, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Left);
            paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;
            paragraph.BottomBorderColor = Colors.BlueViolet;
            paragraph.BottomBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Dotted;
            paragraph.BottomBorderWidth = 2f;

            // add image with scaling by right
            word.AddPicture(wb, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Right);
            var picture = (RtfPicture)word.Current;
            picture.Height = 33;
            picture.Width  = 44;
        static void CreateDocumentTextFlow(C1WordDocument word)
            // load long string from resource file
            string text = Strings.ResourceNotFound;

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(typeof(BasicTextPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WordSamples.Resources.flow.txt")))
                text = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // content rectangle
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);

            // create two columns for the text
            var columnWidth = (float)(rcPage.Width - 30) / 2;

            word.MainSection.Columns.Add(new RtfColumn(columnWidth));
            word.MainSection.Columns.Add(new RtfColumn(columnWidth));

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font bodyFont  = new Font("Tahoma", 11);

            word.AddParagraph(Strings.MsWordFormats, titleFont, Colors.DarkOliveGreen, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);

            // first paragraph about C1Word object model
            var paragraph = word.GetParagraph(string.Empty, bodyFont);
            var hyperlink = new RtfHyperlink(Strings.WordSamplesWordLink, Colors.Blue, RtfUnderlineStyle.Single);

            hyperlink.Add(new RtfString(Strings.WordSamplesWordTitle));

            // render string spanning columns and pages
            foreach (var part in text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None))
                word.AddParagraph(part, bodyFont, Colors.Black, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Justify);
        static void CreateDocumentTOC(C1WordDocument doc)
            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(doc);
            var  height = rcPage.Top;

            // initialize fonts
            Font titleFont  = new Font("Tahoma", 20, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font headerFont = new Font("Arial", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font bodyFont   = new Font("Times New Roman", 11);

            // add title
            doc.AddParagraph(Strings.TableOfContentsDocumentTitle, titleFont, Colors.DeepPink, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);

            // create context of the document
            var pageIndex = 2;
            var data      = new List <List <string> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                // iniialization data
                var list = new List <string>();

                // create it header (as a link target and outline entry)
                string header = string.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, BuildRandomTitle());
                var    h      = 2 * doc.MeasureString(header, headerFont, rcPage.Width).Height;

                // create some text
                for (int j = 0; j < 3 + _rnd.Next(20); j++)
                    // some paragraph
                    string text = BuildRandomParagraph();
                    var    sf   = new StringFormat();
                    sf.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                    h           += doc.MeasureString(text, bodyFont, rcPage.Width, sf).Height;
                    h           += 6;

                    // test next page
                    if (height + h > rcPage.Bottom)
                        height = rcPage.Top;
                    height += h;
                    h       = 0;

                    // page index for header
                    if (j == 0)

                    // page index for paragraph

                // last line
                height += 20;

            // render Table of Contents
            RtfTable table = new RtfTable(data.Count, 2);

            for (int row = 0; row < data.Count; row++)
                // get bookmark info
                var list   = data[row];
                var page   = list[0];
                var header = list[1];

                // add cells
                table.Rows[row].Cells[0].Content.Add(new RtfString(header));
                //var hlink = new RtfHyperlink(string.Format("hdr{0}", 1 + row));
                //hlink.Content.Add(new RtfString(page));
                table.Rows[row].Cells[1].Content.Add(new RtfString(page));

                // set attributes
                table.Rows[row].Cells[0].Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft;
                table.Rows[row].Cells[1].Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                table.Rows[row].BottomBorderWidth  = 1;
                table.Rows[row].BottomBorderStyle  = RtfBorderStyle.Dotted;

            // next page
            pageIndex = 1;

            // render contents
            foreach (var list in data)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i += 2)
                    int page = int.Parse(list[i]);
                    if (page != pageIndex)
                        pageIndex = page;
                    var text = list[i + 1];
                    if (i == 0)
                        // header
                        //doc.AddBookmark(string.Format("hdr{0}", 1 + data.IndexOf(list)));
                        doc.AddParagraph(text, headerFont, Colors.DarkGray, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);
                        var paragraph = (RtfParagraph)doc.Current;
                        paragraph.TopBorderColor = Colors.DarkGray;
                        paragraph.TopBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Single;
                        paragraph.TopBorderWidth = 1f;
                        doc.AddParagraph(string.Empty, bodyFont, Colors.Black);
                        // context
                        doc.AddParagraph(text, bodyFont, Colors.Black, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Justify);
                doc.AddParagraph(string.Empty, bodyFont, Colors.Black);