         * Name: Christopher Westman
         * Date(YYMM): 1801
         * Course:​ Project & Portfolio 1
         * Synopsis:​ This is a code challenge for Development. This challenge contains five sub-challenges.
         *          Every Challenge will be contained within its own class file.
         *          Each challenge solves a unique problem that must be solved. All challenges use the Validate class which
         *          contains several different types of validations. The validations can validate for word counts, single string inputs,
         *          and numbers within a certain range or above -1. This main program file is simplified to only show the calling of
         *          each challenge. To see the challenge code, simply open the class file with the name that mirrors the method call,
         *          for example, ChallengeOne can be found in the SwapInfo class file.

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Challenge 1

            // Challenge 2

            // Challenge 3

            // Challenge 4

            // Challenge 5
Example #2
        // Method for Challenge 5
        public static void ChallengeFive()
            Console.WriteLine("You are now entering Challenge 5!\r\n");
            // Use while loop to allow menu prompt
            while (true)
                // Variable for user entry
                double entry;
                // Prompt user to select from menu
                Console.WriteLine("Which challenge would you like to try again?\r\n" +
                                  "Enter 1 for SwapInfo\r\n" +
                                  "Enter 2 for Backwards\r\n" +
                                  "Enter 3 for AgeConvert\r\n" +
                                  "Enter 4 for TempConvert\r\n" +
                                  "Or enter 0 to quit");
                // Validate and store user entry
                entry = Validate.Menu(Console.ReadLine());

                // Cycle through if statement to start user menu option
                if (entry == 1)
                else if (entry == 2)
                else if (entry == 3)
                else if (entry == 4)
                else if (entry == 0)
                    // Break out of while loop if user doesn't want to run program
                    Console.WriteLine("Exiting now! Thanks for using the program!");