public EntityHeadController(IAnimationManager animator, EntityAgent entity, Shape entityShape)
            this.entity      = entity;
            this.animManager = animator;

            HeadElement = entityShape.GetElementByName("head");
            NeckElement = entityShape.GetElementByName("neck");

            HeadGlobalMatrix         = Mat4f.Create();
            HeadGlobalMatrixInverted = Mat4f.Create();
            HeadLocalMatrix          = Mat4f.Create();

            // Head
            List <ShapeElement> elems = HeadElement.GetParentPath();

            for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++)
                ShapeElement elem           = elems[i];
                float[]      localTransform = elem.GetLocalTransformMatrix();
                Mat4f.Mul(HeadGlobalMatrix, HeadGlobalMatrix, localTransform);

            Mat4f.Mul(HeadGlobalMatrix, HeadGlobalMatrix, HeadElement.GetLocalTransformMatrix());
            Mat4f.Invert(HeadGlobalMatrixInverted, HeadGlobalMatrix);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the transform and inverses it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frameModelTransform"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float[] ApplyInverseTransform(float[] frameModelTransform)
            List <ShapeElement> elems = Element.GetParentPath();

            float[] modelTransform = Mat4f.Create();

            for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++)
                ShapeElement elem           = elems[i];
                float[]      localTransform = elem.GetLocalTransformMatrix();
                Mat4f.Mul(modelTransform, modelTransform, localTransform);

            Mat4f.Mul(modelTransform, modelTransform, Element.GetLocalTransformMatrix());

            float[] inverseTransformMatrix = Mat4f.Invert(Mat4f.Create(), modelTransform);

            return(Mat4f.Mul(frameModelTransform, frameModelTransform, inverseTransformMatrix));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all joints and loads them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requireJointsForElements"></param>
        public void ResolveAndLoadJoints(params string[] requireJointsForElements)
            if (Animations == null)

            Dictionary <string, ShapeElement> elementsByName = new Dictionary <string, ShapeElement>();

            CollectElements(Elements, elementsByName);

            ShapeElement[] allElements = elementsByName.Values.ToArray();

            int jointCount = 0;

            HashSet <string> AnimatedElements = new HashSet <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Animations.Length; i++)
                Animation anim = Animations[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < anim.KeyFrames.Length; j++)
                    AnimationKeyFrame kf = anim.KeyFrames[j];

                    kf.Resolve(anim, allElements);

            foreach (ShapeElement elem in elementsByName.Values)
                elem.JointId = 0;

            int maxDepth = 0;

            foreach (string code in AnimatedElements)
                ShapeElement elem;
                elementsByName.TryGetValue(code, out elem);
                if (elem == null)
                AnimationJoint joint = new AnimationJoint()
                    JointId = ++jointCount, Element = elem
                JointsById[joint.JointId] = joint;

                maxDepth = Math.Max(maxDepth, elem.GetParentPath().Count);

            // Currently used to require a joint for the head for head control, but not really used because
            // the player head also happens to be using in animations so it has a joint anyway
            foreach (string elemName in requireJointsForElements)
                if (!AnimatedElements.Contains(elemName))
                    ShapeElement elem = GetElementByName(elemName);
                    if (elem == null)

                    AnimationJoint joint = new AnimationJoint()
                        JointId = ++jointCount, Element = elem
                    JointsById[joint.JointId] = joint;
                    maxDepth = Math.Max(maxDepth, elem.GetParentPath().Count);

            // Iteratively and recursively assigns the lowest depth to highest depth joints to all elements
            // prevents that we overwrite a child joint id with a parent joint id
            for (int depth = 0; depth <= maxDepth; depth++)
                foreach (AnimationJoint joint in JointsById.Values)
                    if (joint.Element.GetParentPath().Count != depth)
