/// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a Zero or More Path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override BaseMultiset Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context)
            List<List<INode>> paths = new List<List<INode>>();
            BaseMultiset initialInput = context.InputMultiset;
            int step = 0, prevCount = 0, skipCount = 0;

            String subjVar = this.PathStart.VariableName;
            String objVar = this.PathEnd.VariableName;
            bool bothTerms = (subjVar == null && objVar == null);
            bool reverse = false;

            if (subjVar == null || (subjVar != null && context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(subjVar)) || (objVar != null && !context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(objVar)))
                //Work Forwards from the Starting Term or Bound Variable
                //OR if there is no Ending Term or Bound Variable work forwards regardless
                if (subjVar == null)
                else if (context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(subjVar))
                    paths.AddRange((from s in context.InputMultiset.Sets
                                    where s[subjVar] != null
                                    select s[subjVar]).Distinct().Select(n => n.AsEnumerable().ToList()));
            else if (objVar == null || (objVar != null && context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(objVar)))
                //Work Backwards from Ending Term or Bound Variable
                if (objVar == null)
                    paths.AddRange((from s in context.InputMultiset.Sets
                                    where s[objVar] != null
                                    select s[objVar]).Distinct().Select(n => n.AsEnumerable().ToList()));
                reverse = true;

            if (paths.Count == 0)
                this.GetPathStarts(context, paths, reverse);

            //Traverse the Paths
                prevCount = paths.Count;
                foreach (List<INode> path in paths.Skip(skipCount).ToList())
                    foreach (INode nextStep in this.EvaluateStep(context, path, reverse))
                        List<INode> newPath = new List<INode>(path);

                //Update Counts
                //skipCount is used to indicate the paths which we will ignore for the purposes of
                //trying to further extend since we've already done them once
                if (paths.Count == 0) break;
                skipCount = prevCount;

                //Can short circuit evaluation here if both are terms and any path is acceptable
                if (bothTerms)
                    bool exit = false;
                    foreach (List<INode> path in paths)
                        if (reverse)
                            if (this.PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[0]) && this.PathStart.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                                exit = true;
                            if (this.PathStart.Accepts(context, path[0]) && this.PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                                exit = true;
                    if (exit) break;
            } while (paths.Count > prevCount || (step == 1 && paths.Count == prevCount));

            if (paths.Count == 0)
                //If all path starts lead nowhere then we get the Null Multiset as a result
                context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                context.OutputMultiset = new Multiset();

                //Evaluate the Paths to check that are acceptable
                foreach (List<INode> path in paths)
                    if (reverse)
                        if (this.PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[0]) && this.PathStart.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                            Set s = new Set();
                            if (!bothTerms)
                                if (subjVar != null) s.Add(subjVar, path[path.Count - 1]);
                                if (objVar != null) s.Add(objVar, path[0]);

                            //If both are terms can short circuit evaluation here
                            //It is sufficient just to determine that there is one path possible
                            if (bothTerms) break;
                        if (this.PathStart.Accepts(context, path[0]) && this.PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                            Set s = new Set();
                            if (!bothTerms)
                                if (subjVar != null) s.Add(subjVar, path[0]);
                                if (objVar != null) s.Add(objVar, path[path.Count - 1]);

                            //If both are terms can short circuit evaluation here
                            //It is sufficient just to determine that there is one path possible
                            if (bothTerms) break;

                //Now add the zero length paths into
                IEnumerable<INode> nodes;
                if (subjVar != null)
                    if (objVar != null)
                        nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                 where s[subjVar] != null
                                 select s[subjVar]).Concat(from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                                           where s[objVar] != null
                                                           select s[objVar]).Distinct();
                        nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                 where s[subjVar] != null
                                 select s[subjVar]).Distinct();
                else if (objVar != null)
                    nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                             where s[objVar] != null
                             select s[objVar]).Distinct();
                    nodes = Enumerable.Empty<INode>();

                if (bothTerms)
                    //If both were terms transform to an Identity/Null Multiset as appropriate
                    if (context.OutputMultiset.IsEmpty)
                        context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                        context.OutputMultiset = new IdentityMultiset();

                //Then union in the zero length paths
                ZeroLengthPath zeroPath = new ZeroLengthPath(this.PathStart, this.PathEnd, this.Path);
                BaseMultiset currResults = context.OutputMultiset;
                context.OutputMultiset = new Multiset();
                BaseMultiset results = context.Evaluate(zeroPath);//zeroPath.Evaluate(context);
                context.OutputMultiset = currResults;
                foreach (Set s in results.Sets)
                    if (!context.OutputMultiset.Sets.Contains(s))
                        context.OutputMultiset.Add(new Set(s));

            context.InputMultiset = initialInput;
            return context.OutputMultiset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a Path into its Algebra Form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Path Transformation Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ISparqlAlgebra ToAlgebra(PathTransformContext context)
            PathTransformContext lhsContext = new PathTransformContext(context);
            PathTransformContext rhsContext = new PathTransformContext(context);
            ISparqlAlgebra lhs = new ZeroLengthPath(lhsContext.Subject, lhsContext.Object, this._path);
            ISparqlAlgebra rhs = this._path.ToAlgebra(context);

            return new Union(lhs, rhs);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a Zero or More Path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override BaseMultiset Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context)
            List <List <INode> > paths = new List <List <INode> >();
            BaseMultiset         initialInput = context.InputMultiset;
            int step = 0, prevCount = 0, skipCount = 0;

            String subjVar = PathStart.VariableName;
            String objVar = PathEnd.VariableName;
            bool   bothTerms = (subjVar == null && objVar == null);
            bool   reverse = false;

            if (subjVar == null || (context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(subjVar)))
                // Work Forwards from the Starting Term or Bound Variable
                // OR if there is no Ending Term or Bound Variable work forwards regardless
                if (subjVar == null)
                else if (context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(subjVar))
                    paths.AddRange((from s in context.InputMultiset.Sets
                                    where s[subjVar] != null
                                    select s[subjVar]).Distinct().Select(n => n.AsEnumerable().ToList()));
            else if (objVar == null || (context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(objVar)))
                // Work Backwards from Ending Term or Bound Variable
                if (objVar == null)
                    paths.AddRange((from s in context.InputMultiset.Sets
                                    where s[objVar] != null
                                    select s[objVar]).Distinct().Select(n => n.AsEnumerable().ToList()));
                reverse = true;

            if (paths.Count == 0)
                GetPathStarts(context, paths, reverse);

            // Traverse the Paths
                prevCount = paths.Count;
                foreach (List <INode> path in paths.Skip(skipCount).ToList())
                    foreach (INode nextStep in EvaluateStep(context, path, reverse))
                        List <INode> newPath = new List <INode>(path);

                // Update Counts
                // skipCount is used to indicate the paths which we will ignore for the purposes of
                // trying to further extend since we've already done them once
                if (paths.Count == 0)
                skipCount = prevCount;

                // Can short circuit evaluation here if both are terms and any path is acceptable
                if (bothTerms)
                    bool exit = false;
                    foreach (List <INode> path in paths)
                        if (reverse)
                            if (PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[0]) && PathStart.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                                exit = true;
                            if (PathStart.Accepts(context, path[0]) && PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                                exit = true;
                    if (exit)
            } while (paths.Count > prevCount || (step == 1 && paths.Count == prevCount));

            if (paths.Count == 0)
                // If all path starts lead nowhere then we get the Null Multiset as a result
                context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                context.OutputMultiset = new Multiset();

                // Evaluate the Paths to check that are acceptable
                HashSet <ISet> returnedPaths = new HashSet <ISet>();
                foreach (List <INode> path in paths)
                    if (reverse)
                        if (PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[0]) && PathStart.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                            Set s = new Set();
                            if (!bothTerms)
                                if (subjVar != null)
                                    s.Add(subjVar, path[path.Count - 1]);
                                if (objVar != null)
                                    s.Add(objVar, path[0]);
                            // Make sure to check for uniqueness
                            if (returnedPaths.Contains(s))

                            // If both are terms can short circuit evaluation here
                            // It is sufficient just to determine that there is one path possible
                            if (bothTerms)
                        if (PathStart.Accepts(context, path[0]) && PathEnd.Accepts(context, path[path.Count - 1]))
                            Set s = new Set();
                            if (!bothTerms)
                                if (subjVar != null)
                                    s.Add(subjVar, path[0]);
                                if (objVar != null)
                                    s.Add(objVar, path[path.Count - 1]);
                            // Make sure to check for uniqueness
                            if (returnedPaths.Contains(s))

                            // If both are terms can short circuit evaluation here
                            // It is sufficient just to determine that there is one path possible
                            if (bothTerms)

                // Now add the zero length paths into
                IEnumerable <INode> nodes;
                if (subjVar != null)
                    if (objVar != null)
                        nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                 where s[subjVar] != null
                                 select s[subjVar]).Concat(from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                                           where s[objVar] != null
                                                           select s[objVar]).Distinct();
                        nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                                 where s[subjVar] != null
                                 select s[subjVar]).Distinct();
                else if (objVar != null)
                    nodes = (from s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets
                             where s[objVar] != null
                             select s[objVar]).Distinct();
                    nodes = Enumerable.Empty <INode>();

                if (bothTerms)
                    // If both were terms transform to an Identity/Null Multiset as appropriate
                    if (context.OutputMultiset.IsEmpty)
                        context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                        context.OutputMultiset = new IdentityMultiset();

                // Then union in the zero length paths
                context.InputMultiset = initialInput;
                ZeroLengthPath zeroPath    = new ZeroLengthPath(PathStart, PathEnd, Path);
                BaseMultiset   currResults = context.OutputMultiset;
                context.OutputMultiset = new Multiset();
                BaseMultiset results = context.Evaluate(zeroPath);//zeroPath.Evaluate(context);
                context.OutputMultiset = currResults;
                foreach (ISet s in results.Sets)
                    if (!context.OutputMultiset.Sets.Contains(s))

            context.InputMultiset = initialInput;