Example #1
 void BoardHolderInit()
     Transform board_holder = holders[(int)(holderID.BOARD)];
     if (board_holder == null)
         board_holder = new GameObject(holderNames[(int)(holderID.BOARD)]).transform;
         board_holder.localScale += new Vector3(1.0f / SQUARESIZE_PER_UNIT - 1.0f,
             1.0f / SQUARESIZE_PER_UNIT - 1.0f,
         board_holder.Translate(new Vector3(
             (-rows / 2.0f + 0.5f) * SQUARESIZE_PER_UNIT,
             (-columns / 2.0f + 0.5f) * SQUARESIZE_PER_UNIT,
         holders[(int)(holderID.BOARD)] = board_holder;
     for (int i = (int)holderID.START; i <= (int)holderID.END; i++)
         // do not add new board holder into the board holder
         if (i == (int)holderID.BOARD)
         if (holders[i] == null)
             holders[i] = new GameObject(holderNames[i]).transform;
Example #2
        void generateMapAndPlayer(Hashtable mapInfo, PlayerSpawnDir spawnDir)
            // get map information from the hash table
            string mapString = (string)mapInfo["map"];
            rows = (int)mapInfo["row"];
            columns = (int)mapInfo["column"];
            currentStageHash = (string)mapInfo["hash"];

            int HPStatus, APStatus;
            if (player != null)
                HPStatus = player.m_HP;
                APStatus = player.m_AP;
                HPStatus = (int)mapInfo["hp"];
                APStatus = (int)mapInfo["ap"];

            string[] arrayMap = mapString.Split(',');

            // get item information from the hash table
            int[] itemCounts = new int[(int)(itemID.END + 1)];
            int[] itemValues = new int[(int)(itemID.END + 1)];
            for (int i = 0; i <= (int)(itemID.END); i++)
                if (mapInfo.ContainsKey(i.ToString()))
                    Hashtable itemTable = (Hashtable)mapInfo[i.ToString()];
                    itemCounts[i] = (int)itemTable["items"];
                    itemValues[i] = (int)itemTable["value"];
                    itemCounts[i] = 0;

            // find the gates
            int northGate = -111, southGate = -111, eastGate = -111, westGate = -111;
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                if (arrayMap[i] == "N")
                    northGate = i;
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                if (arrayMap[columns*(rows-1) + i] == "S")
                    southGate = i;
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                if (arrayMap[columns - 1 + columns * (rows - 1 - i)] == "E")
                    eastGate = i;
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                if (arrayMap[columns * (rows - 1 - i)] == "W")
                    westGate = i;

            // floor generation
            for (int x = -2; x < columns + 2; x++)
                for (int y = -3; y < rows + 3; y++)
                    int tileIndex = 0;
                    if (x<=0 || y<=0 || x>=columns-1 || y>=rows-1)
                        tileIndex = 9;
                    else if (x == 1)
                        if (y == 1) tileIndex = 6;
                        else if (y == rows - 2) tileIndex = 0;
                        else tileIndex = 3;
                    else if (x == columns - 2)
                        if (y == 1) tileIndex = 8;
                        else if (y == rows - 2) tileIndex = 2;
                        else tileIndex = 5;
                        if (y == 1) tileIndex = 7;
                        else if (y == rows - 2) tileIndex = 1;
                        else tileIndex = 4;

                    instantiateAndAdd(floorTiles[tileIndex], x, y, holders[(int)(holderID.FLOOR)]);

            // cliff generation
            List<Vector3> rockTilePositions = new List<Vector3>();
            List<Vector3> rockPositions = new List<Vector3>();

            // cliff, SW side of the map
            instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[3], -1, -1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
            for (int y = -3; y <= -2; y++)
                for (int x = -2; x <= 0; x++)
                    rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
            for (int y = -1; y <= 0; y++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(-2, y, 0));

            // cliff, SE side of the map
            instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[15], columns, -1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
            for (int y = -3; y <= -2; y++)
                for (int x = columns-1; x<=columns+1; x++)
                    rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
            for (int y = -1; y <= 0; y++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3((columns + 1), y, 0));

            // cliff, NW side of the map
            instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[7], -1, rows + 1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
            for (int x = -2; x <= 0; x++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, rows + 2, 0));
            for (int y = rows-1; y <= rows + 1; y++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(-2, y, 0));

            // cliff, NE side of the map
            instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[11], columns, rows + 1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
            for (int x = columns - 1; x <= columns + 1; x++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, rows + 2, 0));
            for (int y = rows-1; y <= rows + 1; y++)
                rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3((columns + 1), y, 0));

            // cliff, south side
            for (int x = 1; x < columns - 1; x++)
                if (x == southGate - 2)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[2], x, -1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    for (int y = -3; y <= -2; y++)
                        instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[4 + Random.Range(0, 2)], x, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (x == southGate + 2)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[14], x, -1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    for (int y = -3; y <= -2; y++)
                        instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[12 + Random.Range(0, 2)], x, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (Mathf.Abs(x - southGate) >= 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[Random.Range(0, 2)], x, -1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    for (int y = -3; y <= -2; y++)
                        rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0));

            // cliff, north side
            for (int x = 1; x < columns - 1; x++)
                if (x == northGate - 2)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[6], x, rows + 1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[4 + Random.Range(0, 2)], x, rows + 2, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (x == northGate + 2)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[10], x, rows + 1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[12 + Random.Range(0, 2)], x, rows + 2, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (Mathf.Abs(x - northGate) >= 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[8 + Random.Range(0, 2)], x, rows + 1, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(x, rows + 2, 0));

            // cliff, west side
            for (int y = 1; y <= rows - 1; y++)
                if (y == westGate + 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[6], -1, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[8 + Random.Range(0, 2)], -2, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (y == westGate - 1)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[2], -1, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[Random.Range(0, 2)], -2, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (Mathf.Abs(y - (westGate + 1)) >= 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[4 + Random.Range(0, 2)], -1, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(-2, y, 0));

            // cliff, east side
            for (int y = 1; y <= rows - 1; y++)
                if (y == eastGate + 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[10], columns, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[8 + Random.Range(0, 2)], columns + 1, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (y == eastGate - 1)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[14], columns, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[Random.Range(0, 2)], columns + 1, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                else if (Mathf.Abs(y - (eastGate + 1)) >= 3)
                    instantiateAndAdd(cliffTiles[12 + Random.Range(0, 2)], columns, y, holders[(int)(holderID.CLIFF)]);
                    rockTilePositions.Add(new Vector3(columns + 1, y, 0));

            // random generation of rock tiles
            foreach (Vector3 pos in rockTilePositions)
                    rockFloorTiles[Random.Range(0, rockFloorTiles.Length)],

            // box colliders for the borders
            for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                    if (arrayMap[x + (rows - 1 - y) * columns] == "#")
                        Transform border = new GameObject("collider").transform;
                        border.Translate(x, y, 0);
                        border.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Object");

            if (northGate >= 1 && northGate < columns - 1)
                for (int x = northGate-1; x <= northGate+1; x += 2)
                    Transform border = new GameObject("collider").transform;
                    border.Translate(x, rows + 1f, 0);
                    border.localScale += new Vector3(0, 2.0f, 0);
                    border.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Object");

            if (southGate >= 1 && southGate < columns - 1)
                for (int x = southGate - 1; x <= southGate + 1; x += 2)
                    Transform border = new GameObject("collider").transform;
                    border.Translate(x, -2f, 0);
                    border.localScale += new Vector3(0, 2.0f, 0);
                    border.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Object");

            if (eastGate >= 1 && eastGate < rows - 1)
                for (int y = eastGate - 1; y <= eastGate + 1; y += 2)
                    Transform border = new GameObject("collider").transform;
                    border.Translate(columns + 0.5f, y, 0);
                    border.localScale += new Vector3(1.0f, 0, 0);
                    border.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Object");

            if (westGate >= 1 && westGate < rows - 1)
                for (int y = westGate - 1; y <= westGate + 1; y += 2)
                    Transform border = new GameObject("collider").transform;
                    border.Translate(-1.5f, y, 0);
                    border.localScale += new Vector3(1.0f, 0, 0);
                    border.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Object");


            // block generation
            for (int y = rows - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                    if (arrayMap[x + (rows - 1 - y) * columns] == "b")
                        instantiateAndAdd(blockTiles, x, y, 0, holders[(int)(holderID.BLOCK)]);

            // item generation
            for (int y = rows - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                    for (int itemIdx = (int)(itemID.START); itemIdx <= (int)(itemID.END); itemIdx++)
                        if (arrayMap[x + (rows - 1 - y) * columns] == itemIdx.ToString()
                            && itemCounts[itemIdx] > 0)
                            switch ((itemID)itemIdx)
                                case itemID.POTION1:
                                    Potion potion1 = ObjectFactory.createPotion(x, y, itemValues[itemIdx], (int)(itemID.POTION1));
                                case itemID.POTION2:
                                    Potion potion2 = ObjectFactory.createPotion(x, y, itemValues[itemIdx], (int)(itemID.POTION2));
                                case itemID.WEAPON:
                                    Weapon weapon = ObjectFactory.createWeapon(x, y, itemValues[itemIdx], (int)(itemID.WEAPON));

            // player generation
            int playerX = 0;
            int playerY = 0;
            switch (spawnDir)
                case PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_EAST:
                    playerX = columns - 2;
                    playerY = eastGate;
                case PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_NORTH:
                    playerX = northGate;
                    playerY = rows - 2;
                case PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_WEST:
                    playerX = 1;
                    playerY = westGate;
                case PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_SOUTH:
                    playerX = southGate;
                    playerY = 1;
                case PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_NONE:
                    bool playerPlaced = false;
                    bool hasEmptySpace = false;
                    for (int y = rows - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                        for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                            if (arrayMap[x + (rows - 1 - y) * columns] == "u")
                                if (!playerPlaced)
                                    playerPlaced = true;
                                    playerX = x;
                                    playerY = y;
                            else if (arrayMap[x + (rows - 1 - y) * columns] == "f")
                                hasEmptySpace = true;
                    while (!playerPlaced && hasEmptySpace)
                        playerX = Random.Range(1, columns - 1);
                        playerY = Random.Range(1, columns - 1);
                        if (arrayMap[playerX + (rows - 1 - playerY) * columns] == "f")
                            playerPlaced = true;
            if (player == null)
                player = ObjectFactory.createPlayer(playerX, playerY, HPStatus, APStatus);
                player.Initialize(playerX, playerY, HPStatus, APStatus);

            // get peer's ip addresses who are in this area!
            ArrayList listIPs = (ArrayList)mapInfo["ips"];
            foreach (string ip in listIPs)
                if (ip != getMyIP())

            // peer player initialization
            foreach (string ip in peerIPList)
                GameObject peer = new GameObject("peer UDP client");
                UDPClient peerClient = peer.AddComponent<UDPClient>();
                peerClient.InitiateSocket(ip, 12346);

                Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
                data.Add("action", "myinfo");
                data.Add("hash", currentStageHash);
                data.Add("username", SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier);
                data.Add("ip", getMyIP());
                data.Add("xpos", playerX);
                data.Add("ypos", playerY);
        /// <summary>
        /// Start everything up and get it configured.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
                rpmComp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp, true);

                Transform textObjTransform = internalProp.FindModelTransform(transformName);
                Vector3 localScale = internalProp.transform.localScale;

                Transform offsetTransform = new GameObject().transform;
                offsetTransform.gameObject.name = "JSILabel-" + this.internalProp.propID + "-" + this.GetHashCode().ToString();
                offsetTransform.gameObject.layer = textObjTransform.gameObject.layer;
                offsetTransform.SetParent(textObjTransform, false);
                offsetTransform.Translate(transformOffset.x * localScale.x, transformOffset.y * localScale.y, 0.0f);

                textObj = offsetTransform.gameObject.AddComponent<JSITextMesh>();

                font = JUtil.LoadFont(fontName, fontQuality);

                textObj.font = font;
                //textObj.fontSize = fontQuality; // This doesn't work with Unity-embedded fonts
                textObj.fontSize = font.fontSize;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor))
                    if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerCenter.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerLeft.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerRight.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerRight;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleCenter.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleLeft.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleRight.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperCenter.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperLeft.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
                    else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperRight.ToString())
                        textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
                        JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Unrecognized anchor '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", anchor, internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alignment))
                    if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center.ToString())
                        textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Center;
                    else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left.ToString())
                        textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
                    else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right.ToString())
                        textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Right;
                        JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Unrecognized alignment '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", alignment, internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);

                float sizeScalar = 32.0f / (float)font.fontSize;
                textObj.characterSize = fontSize * 0.00005f * sizeScalar;
                textObj.lineSpacing = textObj.lineSpacing * lineSpacing;

                // "Normal" mode
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(switchTransform))
                    // Force oneshot if there's no variables:
                    oneshot |= !labelText.Contains("$&$");
                    string sourceString = labelText.UnMangleConfigText();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceString) && sourceString.Length > 1)
                        // Alow a " character to escape leading whitespace
                        if (sourceString[0] == '"')
                            sourceString = sourceString.Substring(1);
                    labels.Add(new JSILabelSet(sourceString, rpmComp, oneshot));

                    if (!oneshot)
                else // Switchable mode
                    SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, switchTransform, Click);
                    audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, switchSound, switchSoundVolume, false);

                    foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP"))
                        if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName)
                            ConfigNode moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID];
                            ConfigNode[] variableNodes = moduleConfig.GetNodes("VARIABLESET");

                            for (int i = 0; i < variableNodes.Length; i++)
                                    bool lOneshot = false;
                                    if (variableNodes[i].HasValue("oneshot"))
                                        bool.TryParse(variableNodes[i].GetValue("oneshot"), out lOneshot);
                                    if (variableNodes[i].HasValue("labelText"))
                                        string lText = variableNodes[i].GetValue("labelText");
                                        string sourceString = lText.UnMangleConfigText();
                                        lOneshot |= !lText.Contains("$&$");
                                        labels.Add(new JSILabelSet(sourceString, rpmComp, lOneshot));
                                        if (!lOneshot)
                                catch (ArgumentException e)
                                    JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Error in building prop number {1} - {0}", e.Message, internalProp.propID);


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zeroColor))
                    zeroColorValue = JUtil.ParseColor32(zeroColor, part, ref rpmComp);
                    textObj.color = zeroColorValue;

                bool usesMultiColor = false;
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(positiveColor) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(negativeColor) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zeroColor)))
                    usesMultiColor = true;
                    positiveColorValue = JUtil.ParseColor32(positiveColor, part, ref rpmComp);
                    negativeColorValue = JUtil.ParseColor32(negativeColor, part, ref rpmComp);
                    del = (Action<float>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<float>), this, "OnCallback");
                    rpmComp.RegisterVariableCallback(variableName, del);
                    registeredVessel = vessel.id;

                    // Initialize the text color.  Actually, callback registration takes care of that.

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emissive))
                    if (usesMultiColor)
                        emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.active;
                        emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always;
                else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.always.ToString())
                    emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always;
                else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.never.ToString())
                    emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.never;
                else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.active.ToString())
                    emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.active;
                else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.passive.ToString())
                    emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.passive;
                else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.flash.ToString())
                    if (flashRate > 0.0f)
                        emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.flash;
                        fm = JUtil.InstallFlashModule(part, flashRate);
                        if (fm != null)
                            fm.flashSubscribers += FlashToggle;
                        emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.active;
                    JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Unrecognized emissive mode '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", emissive, internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);
                    emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always;

            catch (Exception e)
                JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Start failed in prop {1} ({2}) with exception {0}", e, internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);
                labels.Add(new JSILabelSet("ERR", rpmComp, true));