Example #1
        public virtual ISerializedItem[] GetChildItems(ISerializedReference parent)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(parent, "parent");

            var path      = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(parent);
            var shortPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, parent);

            var fileNames = new List <string>();

            bool longPathExists  = Directory.Exists(path);
            bool shortPathExists = Directory.Exists(shortPath);

            if (!longPathExists && !shortPathExists)
                return(new ISerializedItem[0]);

            if (longPathExists)
                fileNames.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*" + PathUtils.Extension));
            if (shortPathExists)
                fileNames.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(shortPath, "*" + PathUtils.Extension));

Example #2
        protected virtual void UpdateSerializedItem(ISerializedItem serializedItem)
            var typed = serializedItem as SitecoreSerializedItem;

            if (typed == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Serialized item must be a SitecoreSerializedItem", "serializedItem");

            // create any requisite parent folder(s) for the serialized item
            var parentPath = Directory.GetParent(SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(serializedItem));

            if (parentPath != null && !parentPath.Exists)

            // if the file already exists, delete it. Why? Because the FS is case-insensitive, if an item is renamed by case only it won't actually rename
            // on the filesystem. Deleting it first makes sure this occurs.
            if (File.Exists(serializedItem.ProviderId))

            using (var fileStream = File.Open(serializedItem.ProviderId, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream))
Example #3
        protected virtual void DeleteItemRecursive(ISerializedReference reference)
            foreach (var child in reference.GetChildReferences(false))

            // kill the serialized file
            var fileItem = reference.GetItem();

            if (fileItem != null && File.Exists(fileItem.ProviderId))

            // remove any serialized children
            var directory = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(reference);

            if (Directory.Exists(directory))
                Directory.Delete(directory, true);

            // clean up any hashpaths for this item
            var shortDirectory = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, reference);

            if (Directory.Exists(shortDirectory))
                Directory.Delete(shortDirectory, true);

            // clean up empty parent folder(s)
            var parentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(directory);

            if (!parentDirectory.Exists)

                if (parentDirectory.GetFileSystemInfos().Length > 0)

                parentDirectory = parentDirectory.Parent;
            } while (parentDirectory != null && parentDirectory.Exists);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the descendant items of a serialized parent after it has been moved or renamed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldReference">Reference to the original path pre-move/rename</param>
        /// <param name="newItem">The newly renamed or moved parent item</param>
        /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item representing the renamed/moved item. NOTE that the path of this item is incorrect a lot of the time so we ignore it.</param>
        /// <param name="renaming">True for moving renamed children, false for moving moved children. For renames, the children already have correct new paths; for moves we have to recalculate it.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method basically gets all descendants of the source item that was moved/renamed, generates an appropriate new serialized item for it, and _if the new child item is in the predicate_ we
        /// serialize it to its new location. Finally, we delete the old children directory if it existed.
        /// Doing it this way allows handling crazy cases like moving trees of items between included and excluded locations - or even moves or renames causing SOME of the children to be ignored. Wild.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void MoveDescendants(ISerializedReference oldReference, ISerializedItem newItem, ISourceItem sourceItem, bool renaming)
            // remove the extension from the new item's provider ID
            string newItemReferencePath = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(newItem);

            // if the paths were the same, no moving occurs (this can happen when saving templates, which spuriously can report "renamed" when they are not actually any such thing)
            if (oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.Ordinal))

            // this is for renaming an item that differs only by case from the original. Because NTFS is case-insensitive the 'new parent' exists
            // already, but it will use the old name. Not quite what we want. So we need to manually rename the folder.
            if (oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Directory.Exists(oldReference.ProviderId))
                Directory.Move(oldReference.ProviderId, oldReference.ProviderId + "_tempunicorn");
                Directory.Move(oldReference.ProviderId + "_tempunicorn", newItemReferencePath);

            var descendantItems = GetDescendants(sourceItem).Cast <SitecoreSourceItem>();

            // Go through descendant source items and serialize all that are included by the predicate
            foreach (var descendant in descendantItems)
                var syncItem = ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(descendant.InnerItem);

                // the newPhysicalPath will point to the OLD physical path pre-move (but for renames we actually get the new path already).
                // For moves, we re-root the path to point to the new parent item's base path to fix that before we write to disk
                string newItemPath = (renaming) ? descendant.ItemPath : descendant.ItemPath.Replace(oldReference.ItemPath, newItem.ItemPath);

                var newPhysicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, syncItem.DatabaseName, newItemPath);

                var newSerializedItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(syncItem, newPhysicalPath, this);

                if (!_predicate.Includes(newSerializedItem).IsIncluded)
                    continue;                                                                     // if the moved child location is outside the predicate, do not re-serialize

            // remove the old children folder if it exists - as long as the original name was not a case insensitive version of this item
            if (Directory.Exists(oldReference.ProviderId) && !oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Directory.Delete(oldReference.ProviderId, true);
Example #5
        public virtual void MoveSerializedItem(ISourceItem sourceItem, ISourceItem newParentItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(newParentItem, "newParentItem");

            var sitecoreSource = sourceItem as SitecoreSourceItem;
            var sitecoreParent = newParentItem as SitecoreSourceItem;

            if (sitecoreParent == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("newParentItem must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "newParentItem");
            if (sitecoreSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("sourceItem must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "sourceItem");

            var oldRootDirectory = new SitecoreSerializedReference(SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, sourceItem), this);
            var oldRootItemPath  = new SitecoreSerializedReference(SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceItemPath(oldRootDirectory), this);

            var newRootItemPath       = newParentItem.ItemPath + "/" + sourceItem.Name;
            var newRootSerializedPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, newParentItem.DatabaseName, newRootItemPath);

            var syncItem = ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(sitecoreSource.InnerItem);

            // update the path and parent IDs to the new location
            syncItem.ParentID = newParentItem.Id.ToString();
            syncItem.ItemPath = newRootItemPath;

            // if this occurs we're "moving" an item to the same location it started from. Which means we shouldn't do anything.
            if (oldRootDirectory.ItemPath.Equals(syncItem.ItemPath))

            var serializedNewItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(syncItem, newRootSerializedPath, this);

            // write the moved sync item to its new destination

            // move any children to the new destination (and fix their paths)
            MoveDescendants(oldRootDirectory, serializedNewItem, sourceItem, false);

            // remove the serialized item in the old location
Example #6
        public virtual ISerializedReference GetReference(ISourceItem sourceItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItem");

            var physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, sourceItem);

            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, sourceItem);

                if (!File.Exists(physicalPath))

            return(new SitecoreSerializedReference(physicalPath, this));
Example #7
        public virtual ISerializedItem SerializeItem(ISourceItem item)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");

            var sitecoreSourceItem = item as SitecoreSourceItem;

            var sitecoreItem = sitecoreSourceItem != null ? sitecoreSourceItem.InnerItem : Factory.GetDatabase(item.DatabaseName).GetItem(item.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(sitecoreItem, "Item to serialize did not exist!");

            var serializedPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, item);

            var serializedItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(sitecoreItem), serializedPath, this);


Example #8
        public virtual void RenameSerializedItem(ISourceItem renamedItem, string oldName)
            if (renamedItem == null || oldName == null)

            var typed = renamedItem as SitecoreSourceItem;

            if (typed == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Renamed item must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "renamedItem");

            // write the serialized item under its new name
            var updatedItem = SerializeItem(renamedItem);

            // find the children directory path of the previous item name, if it exists, and move them to the new child path
            var oldItemPath = renamedItem.ItemPath.Substring(0, renamedItem.ItemPath.Length - renamedItem.Name.Length) + oldName;

            var oldSerializedChildrenDirectoryPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, renamedItem.DatabaseName, oldItemPath);

            var oldSerializedChildrenReference = new SitecoreSerializedReference(oldSerializedChildrenDirectoryPath, this);

            var shortOldSerializedChildrenPath      = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, oldSerializedChildrenReference);
            var shortOldSerializedChildrenReference = new SitecoreSerializedReference(shortOldSerializedChildrenPath, this);

            if (Directory.Exists(oldSerializedChildrenReference.ProviderId))
                MoveDescendants(oldSerializedChildrenReference, updatedItem, renamedItem, true);

            if (Directory.Exists(shortOldSerializedChildrenPath))
                MoveDescendants(shortOldSerializedChildrenReference, updatedItem, renamedItem, true);

            // delete the original serialized item from pre-rename (unless the names only differ by case, in which case we'd delete the item entirely because NTFS is case insensitive!)
            if (!renamedItem.Name.Equals(oldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // note that we don't have to worry about short paths here because DeleteSerializedItem() knows how to find them
Example #9
        public ISerializedItem GetItemByPath(string database, string path)
            var physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, database, path);

            if (!File.Exists(physicalPath))
                // check for a short-path version
                physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, database, path);

                if (!File.Exists(physicalPath))

            var reference = new SitecoreSerializedReference(physicalPath, this);

Example #10
        public virtual ISerializedItem GetItem(ISerializedReference reference)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(reference, "reference");

            var path = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceItemPath(reference);

            if (File.Exists(path))

            var shortPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, reference);

            if (File.Exists(shortPath))

Example #11
        public virtual ISerializedReference[] GetChildReferences(ISerializedReference parent, bool recursive)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(parent, "parent");

            var longPath  = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(parent);
            var shortPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, parent);

            Func <string, string[]> parseDirectory = path =>
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    return(new string[0]);

                var resultSet = new HashSet <string>();

                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*" + PathUtils.Extension);

                    foreach (var file in files)

                    string[] directories = SerializationPathUtility.GetDirectories(path, this);

                    // add directories that aren't already ref'd indirectly by a file
                    foreach (var directory in directories)
                        if (CommonUtils.IsDirectoryHidden(directory))

                        if (!resultSet.Contains(directory + PathUtils.Extension))

                    string[] resultArray = resultSet.ToArray();

                    // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                    if (resultArray.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < resultArray.Length; i++)
                            if ("templates".Equals(Path.GetFileName(resultArray[i]), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                string text = resultArray[0];
                                resultArray[0] = resultArray[i];
                                resultArray[i] = text;

                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    // it seems like occasionally, even though we use Directory.Exists() to make sure the parent dir exists, that when we actually call Directory.GetFiles()
                    // it throws an error that the directory does not exist during recursive deletes. If the directory does not exist, then we can safely assume no children are present.
                    return(new string[0]);

            var results = Enumerable.Concat(parseDirectory(longPath), parseDirectory(shortPath));

            List <ISerializedReference> referenceResults = results.Select(x => (ISerializedReference) new SitecoreSerializedReference(x, this)).ToList();

            if (recursive)
                var localReferenceResults = referenceResults.ToArray();
                foreach (var child in localReferenceResults)
                    referenceResults.AddRange(GetChildReferences(child, true));
