public void Delete(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key)
			using (var context = CreateContext())
				const string cmd = "delete dbo.ProfileStorage where dbo.ProfileStorage.ProfileId = {0} AND dbo.ProfileStorage.ValueKey = {1}";
				context.ExecuteCommand(cmd, profileId.Value, key.Value);
		public void Delete(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, params StorageName[] storageNames)
			using (var context = CreateContext())
				var inClausePlaceholders = string.Join(",", storageNames.Select((x, i) => "{{{0}}}".Fmt(i + 2)));
				var parameters = new object[] { profileId.Value, key.Value }.Concat(storageNames.Select(x => x.Value));

				var cmd = "delete dbo.ProfileStorage where dbo.ProfileStorage.ProfileId = {0} AND dbo.ProfileStorage.ValueKey = {1} AND dbo.ProfileStorage.Name IN (" + inClausePlaceholders + ")";
				context.ExecuteCommand(cmd, parameters.ToArray());
		public IEnumerable<ProfileStorage> FindBy(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key)
			using (var context = CreateContext())
				int id = profileId.Value;
				string valueKey = key.Value;

				return (from profileStorage in context.ProfileStorages
								where profileStorage.ProfileId == id && profileStorage.ValueKey == valueKey
								select profileStorage).ToArray();
		public bool Contains(StorageName storageName, ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, object item)
			return FindBy(storageName, profileId, key, item) != null;
		public ProfileStorage FindBy(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, object item)
				var itemsToSearch = FindBy(profileId, key);
				return itemsToSearch.Where(profileStorage => profileStorage.GetValue().Equals(item)).FirstOrDefault();
		public ProfileStorage FindBy(StorageName storageName, ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, object item)
			return FindBy(profileId, key).Where(x => x.GetValue() == item && storageName.Value == x.Name).FirstOrDefault();
		public IEnumerable<ProfileStorage> FindBy(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, params StorageName[] storageNames)
			using (var context = CreateContext())
				int id = profileId.Value;
				string valueKey = key.Value;
				var starageNameValues = storageNames.Select(s => s.Value);

				return (from profileStorage in context.ProfileStorages
						where profileStorage.ProfileId == id && profileStorage.ValueKey == valueKey && starageNameValues.Contains(profileStorage.Name)
								select profileStorage).ToArray();
		public IEnumerable<ProfileStorage> FindBy(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, params StorageName[] storageNames)
			return FindBy(profileId).Where(x => x.ValueKey == key.Value && storageNames.Select(s => GetLowerOrNull(s.Value)).Contains(GetLowerOrNull(x.Name)));
		public IEnumerable<ProfileStorage> FindBy(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key)
			return FindBy(profileId).Where(x => x.ValueKey == key.Value);
		public void Delete(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key, params StorageName[] storageNames)
			_profileStorage.RemoveAll(x => storageNames.Select(s => s.Value).Contains(x.Name) && x.ProfileId == profileId.Value && x.ValueKey == key.Value);
		public void Delete(ProfileId profileId, TypeNameWithoutVersion key)
			_profileStorage.RemoveAll(x => x.ProfileId == profileId.Value && x.ValueKey == key.Value);
 public bool Equals(TypeNameWithoutVersion other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
     return Equals(other.Value, Value);