The BMC file holds color data for the text. A control code specifies the index of a color, and the engine changes the text's color to that one.
        public BMCParser(EndianBinaryReader reader)
            colorList = new List<ByteColorAlpha>();

            short numColors = reader.ReadInt16At(40);

            reader.BaseStream.Position += 44;

            //int numColors = Helpers.Read16(data, 40);

            for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++)
                ByteColorAlpha tempCol = new ByteColorAlpha();

                tempCol.R = reader.ReadByte();
                tempCol.G = reader.ReadByte();
                tempCol.B = reader.ReadByte();
                tempCol.A = reader.ReadByte();

        void colorEditor_saveTheColors(List<ByteColorAlpha> editedColorList)
            for (int i = 0; i <= editedColorList.Count - 1; i++)
                byte[] temp = editedColorList[i].GetBytes();

                ByteColorAlpha copiedColor = new ByteColorAlpha(temp);

                ColorList[i] = copiedColor;