Example #1
        // GET: /Campaign/
        public ActionResult Index(string campaignName, string promo)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(campaignName))
                return View("NotFound", Request.UrlReferrer != null ? Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery : "");

            var campaign = _campaignService.GetCampaignByAlias(campaignName);

            if (campaign == null)
                return View("NotFound", Request.UrlReferrer != null ? Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery : "");

            var user = _wca.GetContext().CurrentUser;
            var teeyootUserId = -1;

            if (user != null)
                teeyootUserId = user.ContentItem.Get(typeof (TeeyootUserPart)).Id;

            if (!campaign.IsApproved &&
                !Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ApproveCampaigns) &&
                teeyootUserId != campaign.TeeyootUserId)
                return View("NotFound", Request.UrlReferrer != null ? Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery : "");

            //TODO: (auth:keinlekan) Удалить код, если больше не пригодиться. Переход сайта на культуру компании
            //string campaignCulture = campaign.CampaignCulture;
            //if (campaignCulture != cultureUsed)
            //    _cookieCultureService.SetCulture(campaignCulture);

            if ((Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ApproveCampaigns) || teeyootUserId == campaign.TeeyootUserId) &&
                var infoMessage = T("Your campaign have been rejected!");
                _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);
                if ((Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ApproveCampaigns) ||
                     teeyootUserId == campaign.TeeyootUserId) && campaign.IsApproved == false)
                    var infoMessage =
                            "Your campaign is awaiting approval. This should take less than 1 hour during office hours.");
                    _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);

            var model = new CampaignIndexViewModel {Campaign = campaign};
            model.FBDescription = model.Campaign.Description;
            model.FBDescription = Regex.Replace(model.FBDescription, @"<br>", " ").Trim();
            model.FBDescription = Regex.Replace(model.FBDescription, @"<[^>]+>", "").Trim();
            model.FBDescription = Regex.Replace(model.FBDescription, @"&nbsp;", " ").Trim();
            if (campaign.ProductCountSold >= campaign.ProductMinimumGoal && campaign.IsActive)
                var infoMessage =
                        "Yippee! The minimum order for this campaign is {0}, but we have already sold {1}. The item will definitely go to print once the campaign ends.",
                        campaign.ProductMinimumGoal, campaign.ProductCountSold);
                _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);
            if (campaign.IsApproved && campaign.ProductCountSold < campaign.ProductMinimumGoal &&
                var infoMessage = T(
                        "{0} orders have been made. We need {1} more for this campaign to proceed.",
                        campaign.ProductMinimumGoal - campaign.ProductCountSold));
                _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);
            if (!campaign.IsActive && campaign.IsApproved && !campaign.IsArchived)
                var cntRequests = _campaignService.GetCountOfReservedRequestsOfCampaign(campaign.Id);
                model.CntRequests = 10 - (cntRequests >= 10 ? 10 : cntRequests);
                if (cntRequests >= 10)
                    var infoMessage = T("This campaign is likely to be re-activated soon.");
                    _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);
                    var infoMessage = T(
                        string.Format("Only {0} more requests for the campaign to be re-activated",
                            10 - (cntRequests >= 10 ? 10 : cntRequests)));
                    _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);

            if (promo == null)
                return View(model);

                var promotion = _promotionService.GetPromotionByPromoId(promo);

                var localizationInfo = LocalizationInfoFactory.GetCurrentLocalizationInfo();
                var currency = _countryService.GetCurrency(localizationInfo);

                if (promotion.Status &&
                    promotion.Expiration > DateTime.UtcNow &&
                    promotion.UserId == campaign.TeeyootUserId &&
                    campaign.ProductCountSold >= campaign.ProductMinimumGoal)
                    if (promotion.AmountType == "%")
                        FillViewModelWithPromo(model, promotion);
                        var promotionCurrency = _currencyRepository.Table
                            .First(c => c.Code == promotion.AmountType);

                        if (promotionCurrency == currency)
                            FillViewModelWithPromo(model, promotion);
                            var infoMessage = T(
                                "Oh no! The requested promotion is currently not available for this campaign. But you can still buy at the normal price!");
                            _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);
                    var infoMessage = T(
                        "Oh no! The requested promotion is currently not available for this campaign. But you can still buy at the normal price!");
                    _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);

                return View(model);
            catch (Exception)

                var infoMessage = T(
                    "Oh no! The requested promotion is currently not available for this campaign. But you can still buy at the normal price!");
                _notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, infoMessage);

                return View(model);
Example #2
 private static void FillViewModelWithPromo(CampaignIndexViewModel viewModel, PromotionRecord promotion)
     viewModel.PromoId = promotion.PromoId;
     viewModel.PromoSize = promotion.AmountSize;
     viewModel.PromoType = promotion.AmountType;