IsInstanceOfType() public method

Determines whether the specified object is an instance of the current T:System.Type.
public IsInstanceOfType ( object o ) : bool
o object The object to compare with the current type.
return bool
 /// <summary>Replaces or adds an extension of the given type
 /// to the list.
 /// This method looks for the first element on the list of the
 /// given type and replaces it with the new value. If there are
 /// no element of this type yet, a new element is added at the
 /// end of the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extensionElements">list of IExtensionElement</param>
 /// <param name="type">type of the element to be added, removed
 /// or replaced</param>
 /// <param name="newValue">new value for this element, null to
 /// remove it</param>
 public static void SetExtension(IList<IExtensionElementFactory> extensionElements,
                                 Type type,
                                 IExtensionElementFactory newValue)
     int count = extensionElements.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         object element = extensionElements[i];
         if (type.IsInstanceOfType(element))
             if (newValue == null)
                 extensionElements[i] = newValue;
     if (newValue != null)
Example #2
        bool IRemotingTypeInfo.CanCastTo(System.Type targetType, object o)
            //      Console.WriteLine ("CanCastTo: " + targetType);

            // if this is a local servant, check it directly
            if (_realObject != null)

            // check if the thing was created with a valid type
            if (targetType.IsInstanceOfType(o))

            // otherwise, perform the remote query if necessary
            string icename = IceUtil.TypeToIceName(targetType);

            if (_typeIds == null)
                Ice.Object iob = o as Ice.Object;
                _typeIds = iob.ice_ids();

Example #3
        public static object Annotation(object annotations, Type type)
            Guard.NotNull(() => type, type);

            if (annotations != null)
                var annotationsArray = annotations as object[];
                if (annotationsArray == null)
                    if (type.IsInstanceOfType(annotations))
                        return annotations;
                    for (int i = 0; i < annotationsArray.Length; i++)
                        var value = annotationsArray[i];
                        if (value == null)

                        if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                            return value;

            return null;
Example #4
        public static object ReadFile_(string file, Type expectedType, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            bool clearLoadedPrjList = AlreadyLoadedPackages == null;
            if (clearLoadedPrjList)
                AlreadyLoadedPackages = new List<string> ();

            if (AlreadyLoadedPackages.Contains (file))
                return null;
            AlreadyLoadedPackages.Add (file);

            DubProject defaultPackage;
                using (var s = File.OpenText (file))
                using (var r = new JsonTextReader (s))
                    defaultPackage = ReadPackageInformation(file, r, monitor);
            }catch(Exception ex){
                if (clearLoadedPrjList)
                    AlreadyLoadedPackages = null;
                monitor.ReportError ("Couldn't load dub package \"" + file + "\"", ex);
                return null;

            if (expectedType.IsInstanceOfType (defaultPackage)) {
                LoadDubProjectReferences (defaultPackage, monitor);

                if (clearLoadedPrjList)
                    AlreadyLoadedPackages = null;

                return defaultPackage;

            var sln = new DubSolution();

            if (!expectedType.IsInstanceOfType (sln)) {
                if (clearLoadedPrjList)
                    AlreadyLoadedPackages = null;
                return null;

            sln.RootFolder.AddItem(defaultPackage, false);
            sln.StartupItem = defaultPackage;

            // Introduce solution configurations
            foreach (var cfg in defaultPackage.Configurations)
                sln.AddConfiguration(cfg.Name, false).Platform = cfg.Platform;

            LoadDubProjectReferences (defaultPackage, monitor, sln);


            if (clearLoadedPrjList) {
                AlreadyLoadedPackages = null;

                // Clear 'dub list' outputs
                DubReferencesCollection.DubListOutputs.Clear ();

            return sln;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the first parent node of the node <code>node</code> that implements the given type <code>type.</code>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node from where the search begins.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type to search for.</param>
        /// <returns>The first parental node that implements the type <code>type.</code>
        /// </returns>
        public static object GetRootNodeImplementing(IDocumentNode node, System.Type type)
            object root = node.ParentObject;

            while (root != null && root is IDocumentNode && !type.IsInstanceOfType(root))
                root = ((IDocumentNode)root).ParentObject;

            return(type.IsInstanceOfType(root) ? root : null);
Example #6
 /// Get the value from a target
 public T Get <T>(object target)
     if (Type.IsInstanceOfType(target))
         if (_finfo != null)
         if (_pinfo != null)
             return((T)_pinfo.GetValue(target, null));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the first parent node of the node <code>node</code> that implements the given type <code>type.</code>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node from where the search begins.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type to search for.</param>
        /// <returns>The first parental node that implements the type <code>type.</code>
        /// </returns>
        public static IDocumentLeafNode GetRootNodeImplementing(IDocumentLeafNode node, System.Type type)
            if (null == node)

            node = node.ParentObject;
            while (node != null && !type.IsInstanceOfType(node))
                node = node.ParentObject;

            return(type.IsInstanceOfType(node) ? node : null);
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the extension object declared by this node
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="expectedType">
		/// Expected object type. An exception will be thrown if the object is not an instance of the specified type.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The extension object
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The extension object is cached and the same instance will be returned at every call.
		/// </remarks>
		public object GetInstance (Type expectedType)
			object ob = GetInstance ();
			if (!expectedType.IsInstanceOfType (ob))
				throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Expected subclass of type '{0}'. Found '{1}'.", expectedType, ob.GetType ()));
			return ob;
Example #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override object ConvertImpl(object sourceValue, Type targetType)
            if (sourceValue == null || targetType.IsInstanceOfType(sourceValue))
                return sourceValue;

            throw new InvalidOperationException("The null converter does not support conversions.");
 internal static StateFileBase DeserializeCache(string stateFile, TaskLoggingHelper log, Type requiredReturnType)
     StateFileBase o = null;
         if (((stateFile == null) || (stateFile.Length <= 0)) || !File.Exists(stateFile))
             return o;
         using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(stateFile, FileMode.Open))
             object obj2 = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(stream);
             o = obj2 as StateFileBase;
             if ((o == null) && (obj2 != null))
                 log.LogMessageFromResources("General.CouldNotReadStateFileMessage", new object[] { stateFile, log.FormatResourceString("General.IncompatibleStateFileType", new object[0]) });
             if ((o != null) && !requiredReturnType.IsInstanceOfType(o))
                 log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("General.CouldNotReadStateFile", new object[] { stateFile, log.FormatResourceString("General.IncompatibleStateFileType", new object[0]) });
                 o = null;
     catch (Exception exception)
         log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("General.CouldNotReadStateFile", new object[] { stateFile, exception.Message });
     return o;
Example #11
            private void ValidateObjectParamater(
                SerializedProperty arguments,
                PersistentListenerMode mode)
                SerializedProperty propertyRelative1 = arguments.FindPropertyRelative("m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName");
                SerializedProperty propertyRelative2 = arguments.FindPropertyRelative("m_ObjectArgument");

                UnityEngine.Object objectReferenceValue = propertyRelative2.objectReferenceValue;
                if (mode != PersistentListenerMode.Object)
                    propertyRelative1.stringValue          = typeof(UnityEngine.Object).AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    propertyRelative2.objectReferenceValue = (UnityEngine.Object)null;
                    if (objectReferenceValue == (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                    System.Type type = System.Type.GetType(propertyRelative1.stringValue, false);
                    if (typeof(UnityEngine.Object).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsInstanceOfType((object)objectReferenceValue))
                    propertyRelative2.objectReferenceValue = (UnityEngine.Object)null;
        object ChangeType(object value, Type targetType)
            if (targetType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                return value;

            if (targetType == typeof(string))
                    return value.ToString();
                catch { }
            if (value != DBNull.Value)
                    return System.Convert.ChangeType(value, targetType);
                catch { }
            if (targetType != typeof(object))
                    return Activator.CreateInstance(targetType);
                catch { }

            return null;
 public XElement SerializeRoot(object obj, Type rootType, XName name, XSerializerNamespaceCollection namespaces, SerializationScope globalScope)
     Debug.Assert(namespaces != null);
     var root = SerializeXElement(obj, rootType, name, globalScope);
     foreach (var ns in namespaces)
         root.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + ns.Prefix, ns.Uri);
     var nsCounter = 0;
     foreach (var descendant in root.Descendants())
         var actualTypeName = descendant.Annotation<XName>();
         if (actualTypeName != null)
             if (actualTypeName.Namespace == descendant.GetDefaultNamespace())
                 descendant.SetAttributeValue(SerializationHelper.Xsi + "type", actualTypeName.LocalName);
                 var prefix = descendant.GetPrefixOfNamespace(actualTypeName.Namespace);
                 if (prefix == null)
                     prefix = "nss" + nsCounter;
                     descendant.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + prefix, actualTypeName.NamespaceName);
                 descendant.SetAttributeValue(SerializationHelper.Xsi + "type", prefix + ":" + actualTypeName.LocalName);
     return root;
Example #14
        // Token: 0x060000B1 RID: 177 RVA: 0x00004584 File Offset: 0x00003584
        public virtual object Clone()
            ReadOnlyCollection readOnlyCollection = (ReadOnlyCollection)base.MemberwiseClone();
            ArrayList          arrayList          = new ArrayList(this.m_array.Length);

            System.Type type = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_array.Length; i++)
                object value = this.m_array.GetValue(i);
                if (type == null)
                    type = value.GetType();
                else if (type != typeof(object))
                    while (!type.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                        type = type.BaseType;
            readOnlyCollection.Array = arrayList.ToArray(type);
Example #15
        public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType)
            if (value == null)
                return null;
            Type valueType = value.GetType();
            bool valueIsJava = valueType.IsSubclassOf(_javaObjectType) || valueType == _javaObjectType;
            bool expectedIsJava = conversionType.IsSubclassOf(_javaObjectType) || conversionType == _javaObjectType;

            if (expectedIsJava)
                if (valueIsJava)
                    return value;
                return value.WrapIntoJava();
            if (valueIsJava)
                object underlyingObject = (value as Object).ToManaged();
                if (underlyingObject != null)
                    value = underlyingObject;

            if (conversionType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                return value;

            return Convert.ChangeType(value, conversionType);
        public int Add(int jobId, object data, Type dataType)
            if (!dataType.IsInstanceOfType(data))
                throw new Exception("Incompatible type against data");

            return AddInternal(jobId, data, dataType, DataEntryType.Direct);
Example #17
 static bool KeepOriginal(object arg, Type targetType)
     return arg == null
         || targetType == typeof(object)
         || targetType.IsInstanceOfType(arg)
         || (targetType.IsEnum && arg.GetType() == typeof(int));
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a deep copy of the collection.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual object Clone()
            ReadOnlyCollection clone = (ReadOnlyCollection)this.MemberwiseClone();

            ArrayList array = new ArrayList(m_array.Length);

            // clone the elements and determine the element type.
            System.Type elementType = null;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < m_array.Length; ii++)
                object element = m_array.GetValue(ii);

                if (elementType == null)
                    elementType = element.GetType();
                else if (elementType != typeof(object))
                    while (!elementType.IsInstanceOfType(element))
                        elementType = elementType.BaseType;


            // convert array list to an array.
            clone.Array = array.ToArray(elementType);

        public static bool ChangeToCompatibleType(string value, Type destinationType, out object result)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                result = null;
                return false;

            if (destinationType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                result = value;
                return true;

                result = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType).ConvertFrom(value);
                return true;
                result = null;
                return false;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to the specified type using either .NET or COM conversion rules.
        /// </summary>
        private static object ChangeType(object source, System.Type type, bool supportsCOM)
            if (source == null || type == null)
            // check for an invalid req type.
            if (type == Opc.Type.ILLEGAL_TYPE)
                throw new ResultIDException(ResultID.Da.E_BADTYPE);

            // check for no conversion.
            if (type.IsInstanceOfType(source))

            // convert the data.
            if (supportsCOM)
                return(ChangeTypeForCOM(source, type));
                return(ChangeType(source, type));
		public virtual object GetService (WorkspaceItem item, Type type)
			if (type.IsInstanceOfType (this))
				return this;
				return GetNext (item).GetService (item, type);
        private static object ConvertType(object value, System.Type type)
            if (value == null)

            if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value))

            type = type.UnwrapIfNullable();

            if (type.IsEnum)
                return(Enum.ToObject(type, value));

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                return(Convert.ChangeType(value, type));

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot convert '{0}' to {1}", value, type));
        public object GetValue(Type targetType)
            var stringValue = _underlyingValue as string;
            if (_underlyingValue == null)
                if (targetType.IsValueType && !(targetType.IsGenericType && targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
                    var valueAsString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue) ? "<null>" : string.Format("\"{0}\"", _underlyingValue);
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot convert {0} to {1} (Column: '{2}', Row: {3})", valueAsString, targetType.Name, Header, Row));
                return null;

            ValueHasBeenUsed = true;
            if (targetType.IsInstanceOfType(_underlyingValue))
                return _underlyingValue;

            if (targetType.IsEnum && _underlyingValue is string)
                return Enum.Parse(targetType, (string)_underlyingValue);

            if (targetType == typeof(DateTime))
                return DateTime.Parse(stringValue);

                return Convert.ChangeType(_underlyingValue, targetType);
            catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                throw new UnassignableExampleException(string.Format(
                    "{0} cannot be assigned to {1} (Column: '{2}', Row: {3})", 
                    _underlyingValue == null ? "<null>" : _underlyingValue.ToString(),
                    targetType.Name, Header, Row), ex, this);
        public IService GetService( Type serviceType )
            IService theService = null;

            if (serviceIndex.ContainsKey(serviceType))
                theService = (IService)serviceIndex[serviceType];
                foreach( IService service in services )
                    // TODO: Does this work on Mono?
                    if( serviceType.IsInstanceOfType( service ) )
                        serviceIndex[serviceType] = service;
                        theService = service;

            if (theService == null)
                log.Error(string.Format("Requested service {0} was not found", serviceType.FullName));
                log.Debug(string.Format("Request for service {0} satisfied by {1}", serviceType.Name, theService.GetType().Name));
            return theService;
Example #25
		public virtual object GetService(Type serviceType)
			if (serviceType.IsInstanceOfType(this))
				return this;
				return null;
Example #26
 public object GetCustomAttribute(object obj, Type type, bool inherit)
     foreach (object att in GetCustomAttributes (obj, type, inherit))
         if (type.IsInstanceOfType (att))
             return att;
     return null;
 public void ShouldResolverIConfigurationProvider(Type type)
         .NotBeNull().And.Match(b => type.IsInstanceOfType(b));
Example #28
        public static bool TryCast(Type contractType, object value, out object result)
            if (value == null)
                result = null;
                return true;
            if (contractType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                result = value;
                return true;

            // We couldn't cast see if a delegate works for us.
            if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(contractType))
                ExportedDelegate exportedDelegate = value as ExportedDelegate;
                if (exportedDelegate != null)
                    result = exportedDelegate.CreateDelegate(contractType);
                    return (result != null);

            result = null;
            return false;
Example #29
 public static object GetObjectAs(Moniker key, Type type) {
     object o = GetObject(key);
     if (type.IsInstanceOfType(o))
         return o;
     return null;
        public void AddExtendedBrowsingHandlers(Hashtable handlers)
            object targetObject = this.TargetObject;

            if (targetObject != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < extendedInterfaces.Length; i++)
                    System.Type type = extendedInterfaces[i];
                    if (type.IsInstanceOfType(targetObject))
                        Com2ExtendedBrowsingHandler handler = (Com2ExtendedBrowsingHandler)handlers[type];
                        if (handler == null)
                            handler        = (Com2ExtendedBrowsingHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(extendedInterfaceHandlerTypes[i]);
                            handlers[type] = handler;
                        if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(handler.Interface))
                            throw new ArgumentException(System.Windows.Forms.SR.GetString("COM2BadHandlerType", new object[] { type.Name, handler.Interface.Name }));
Example #31
        protected internal virtual object GetInheritedValue(RadProperty property)
            if (this.GetBitState(1L) || this.GetBitState(2L))
            int globalIndex = property.GlobalIndex;

            System.Type ownerType = property.OwnerType;
            object      obj       = RadProperty.UnsetValue;

            for (RadObject inheritanceParent = this.InheritanceParent; inheritanceParent != null; inheritanceParent = inheritanceParent.InheritanceParent)
                if (ownerType.IsInstanceOfType((object)inheritanceParent))
                    RadPropertyValue entry = inheritanceParent.propertyValues.GetEntry(property, false);
                    if (entry != null)
                        obj = entry.GetCurrentValue(true);
Example #32
        protected override bool TryConvertClass(System.Type type, IReferenceMap referenceMap, object value, out object result)
            if (value == null || (value as JToken)?.Type == JTokenType.Null)
                result = null;

            if (value is JObject jsonValue && jsonValue.ContainsKey("$jsii.byref"))
                ByRefValue byRefValue = jsonValue.ToObject <ByRefValue>();

                result = referenceMap.GetOrCreateNativeReference(byRefValue);

                if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(result) && result is IConvertible)
                    result = Convert.ChangeType(result, type);

                return(result != null);

            result = null;
Example #33
        public virtual IAdaptable GetAdapter(Type adapter) {
            return adapter.IsInstanceOfType(this) ? this : null; //UnitTestではPoderosaの起動にならないケースもある
            return ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.PoderosaWorld.AdapterManager.GetAdapter(this, adapter);
        public virtual object Clone()
            ReadOnlyCollection onlys = (ReadOnlyCollection)base.MemberwiseClone();
            ArrayList          list  = new ArrayList(this.m_array.Length);

            System.Type baseType = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_array.Length; i++)
                object o = this.m_array.GetValue(i);
                if (baseType == null)
                    baseType = o.GetType();
                else if (baseType != typeof(object))
                    while (!baseType.IsInstanceOfType(o))
                        baseType = baseType.BaseType;
            onlys.Array = list.ToArray(baseType);
		public virtual object GetService (IBuildTarget item, Type type)
			if (type.IsInstanceOfType (this))
				return this;
				return GetNext (item).GetService (item, type);
Example #36
        public virtual void Add(string key, Element value)
            if (!mModifiable)
                throw new CollectionNotModifiableException("This collection is not modifiable.");
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "Element parameter cannot be null reference.");
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key", "Key may not be null.");
            if (key == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Key may not be null string.", "key");
            if (!mBaseType.IsInstanceOfType(value) && !value.GetType().IsSubclassOf(mBaseType))
                throw new ArgumentException("Items added to this collection must be of or inherit from type '" + mBaseType.ToString());

            //Key can be reset by removing and then readding to collection
            Dictionary.Add(key, value);

            //Zordering now done outside the collection
            //Since multiple collections can contain the same reference eg layer
            OnInsert(key, value);
Example #37
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IFieldInterceptor InjectInterceptor(object entity, ISessionImplementor session)
            if (!EnhancedForLazyLoading)
                throw new NotInstrumentedException($"Entity class [{_entityType}] is not enhanced for lazy loading");

            if (!(entity is IFieldInterceptorAccessor fieldInterceptorAccessor))
                return(null);                // Can happen when a saved entity is refreshed within the same session NH2860

            if (!_entityType.IsInstanceOfType(entity))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Passed entity instance [{entity}] is not of expected type [{EntityName}]");

            var fieldInterceptorImpl = new DefaultFieldInterceptor(
                                        ? new HashSet <string>(LazyPropertiesMetadata.LazyPropertyNames)
                                        : null,

            fieldInterceptorAccessor.FieldInterceptor = fieldInterceptorImpl;

        internal static void RenderNullModelMessage(HtmlTextWriter writer, string viewName, string dataSource, Type modelType, object model, Exception exception)
            writer.AddAttribute("style", "border: 1px dashed red; padding: .5em;");

            writer.Write("<p><strong>Hidden Rendering:</strong> {0}</p>", viewName);

            writer.Write("<p>Rendering was hidden because the content data source provided did not have the expected data structure.</p>");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataSource))
                writer.Write("<p>The rendering's data source value, <span style=\"font-family: monospace\">{0}</span>, may point to an invalid Sitecore item or an item of the wrong template type. Use the <em>Set Associated Content</em> button to point the data source to a valid item.</p>", dataSource);

            if (model != null && !modelType.IsInstanceOfType(model))
                writer.Write("<p>The model received was of type <span style=\"font-family: monospace\">{0}</span> which cannot be converted to the expected model type <span style=\"font-family: monospace\">{1}</span></p>", model.GetType().Name, modelType.Name);
            else if (model != null)
                writer.Write("<p>The model for <span style=\"font-family: monospace\">{0}</span> was a <strong>valid</strong> model type. <strong>This means a partial view included on the current rendering had an invalid model type.</strong> Unfortunately, we can't be sure which partial caused the problem.</p>", Path.GetFileName(viewName));

            if (model == null)
                writer.Write("<p>The received model was null, and we cannot render the view with a null model (expected type: <span style=\"font-family: monospace\">{0}</span></p>", modelType.Name);

            if (DebugUtility.IsDynamicDebugEnabled)
                writer.Write("<p><span style=\"font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold;\">{0}</span></p><pre>{1}</pre>", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);

            writer.Write("<p><em>This message is only displayed in preview or edit mode, and will not appear to end users.</em></p>");

            writer.RenderEndTag(); // div
		public object Intercept(object instance, Type typeToIntercept, IInterceptionHandler handler)
			if (instance == null)
				throw (new ArgumentNullException("instance"));

			if (typeToIntercept == null)
				throw (new ArgumentNullException("typeToIntercept"));

			if (handler == null)
				throw (new ArgumentNullException("handler"));

			if (this.CanIntercept(instance) == false)
				throw (new ArgumentException("instance"));

			if (typeToIntercept.IsInstanceOfType(instance) == false)
				throw (new ArgumentException("typeToIntercept"));

			var proxy = new TransparentProxy(this, instance, typeToIntercept, handler);

			return (proxy.GetTransparentProxy());
 public object DeserializeRoot(XElement e, object existingObject, Type rootType, SerializationScope globalScope)
     var obj = DeserializeXElement(e, existingObject, rootType, globalScope);
     if (!rootType.IsInstanceOfType(obj))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid root element : " + e.Name);
     return obj;
Example #41
 static ByteString EncodeObject (object value, Type type, MemoryStream buffer, CodedOutputStream stream)
     buffer.SetLength (0);
     if (value != null && !type.IsInstanceOfType (value))
         throw new ArgumentException ("Value of type " + value.GetType () + " cannot be encoded to type " + type);
     if (value == null && !type.IsSubclassOf (typeof(RemoteObject)) && !IsACollectionType (type))
         throw new ArgumentException ("null cannot be encoded to type " + type);
     if (value == null)
         stream.WriteUInt64 (0);
     else if (value is Enum)
         stream.WriteInt32 ((int)value);
     else {
         switch (Type.GetTypeCode (type)) {
         case TypeCode.Int32:
             stream.WriteInt32 ((int)value);
         case TypeCode.Int64:
             stream.WriteInt64 ((long)value);
         case TypeCode.UInt32:
             stream.WriteUInt32 ((uint)value);
         case TypeCode.UInt64:
             stream.WriteUInt64 ((ulong)value);
         case TypeCode.Single:
             stream.WriteFloat ((float)value);
         case TypeCode.Double:
             stream.WriteDouble ((double)value);
         case TypeCode.Boolean:
             stream.WriteBool ((bool)value);
         case TypeCode.String:
             stream.WriteString ((string)value);
             if (type.Equals (typeof(byte[])))
                 stream.WriteBytes (ByteString.CopyFrom ((byte[])value));
             else if (IsAClassType (type))
                 stream.WriteUInt64 (((RemoteObject)value).id);
             else if (IsAMessageType (type))
                 ((IMessage)value).WriteTo (buffer);
             else if (IsAListType (type))
                 WriteList (value, type, buffer);
             else if (IsADictionaryType (type))
                 WriteDictionary (value, type, buffer);
             else if (IsASetType (type))
                 WriteSet (value, type, buffer);
             else if (IsATupleType (type))
                 WriteTuple (value, type, buffer);
                 throw new ArgumentException (type + " is not a serializable type");
     stream.Flush ();
     return ByteString.CopyFrom (buffer.GetBuffer (), 0, (int)buffer.Length);
Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert the specified value to destinationType.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="destinationType"></param>
 /// <param name="paramName">Name used for reporting</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static object BuildObjectValue(object value, Type destinationType, string paramName)
     if ((value != null) && !destinationType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
         Type elementType = destinationType;
         bool isNullableType = false;
         if (destinationType.IsGenericType && (destinationType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
             elementType = destinationType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
             isNullableType = true;
         else if (destinationType.IsByRef)
             elementType = destinationType.GetElementType();
         value = ConvertType(value, elementType);
         if (isNullableType)
             Type type = value.GetType();
             if (elementType != type)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Can't convert type from {0} to Nullable<{1}>",
     return value;
Example #43
 // Token: 0x060002A7 RID: 679 RVA: 0x00007617 File Offset: 0x00006617
 protected virtual void ValidateValue(object element, System.Type type)
     if (element != null && !type.IsInstanceOfType(element))
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("A {1} with type '{0}' cannot be added to the dictionary.", element.GetType(), "value"));
Example #44
    /// <summary>
    /// 遞迴尋找符合條件的控制項。
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Parent">父控制項。</param>
    /// <param name="Type">欲尋找的控制項型別。</param>
    /// <param name="PropertyName">比對的屬性名稱。</param>
    /// <param name="PropertyValue">比對的屬性值。</param>
    public static object FindControlEx(System.Web.UI.Control Parent, System.Type Type, string PropertyName, object PropertyValue)
        //System.Web.UI.Control oControl = default(System.Web.UI.Control);
        object oFindControl = null;
        object oValue       = null;

        foreach (Control oControl in Parent.Controls)
            if (Type.IsInstanceOfType(oControl))
                oValue = GetPropertyValue(oControl, PropertyName);
                if (oValue.Equals(PropertyValue))
                if (oControl.Controls.Count > 0)
                    oFindControl = FindControlEx(oControl, Type, PropertyName, PropertyValue);
                    if (oFindControl != null)
Example #45
        private static object ConvertSimpleType(CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) {
            if (value == null || destinationType.IsInstanceOfType(value)) {
                return value;

            // if this is a user-input value but the user didn't type anything, return no value
            string valueAsString = value as string;
            if (valueAsString != null && valueAsString.Trim().Length == 0) {
                return null;

            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType);
            bool canConvertFrom = converter.CanConvertFrom(value.GetType());
            if (!canConvertFrom) {
                converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value.GetType());
            if (!(canConvertFrom || converter.CanConvertTo(destinationType))) {
                string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MvcResources.ValueProviderResult_NoConverterExists,
                    value.GetType().FullName, destinationType.FullName);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            try {
                object convertedValue = (canConvertFrom) ?
                     converter.ConvertFrom(null /* context */, culture, value) :
                     converter.ConvertTo(null /* context */, culture, value, destinationType);
                return convertedValue;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MvcResources.ValueProviderResult_ConversionThrew,
                    value.GetType().FullName, destinationType.FullName);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message, ex);
 public static void Type(Value val, System.Type requiredType, string desc = null)
     if (!requiredType.IsInstanceOfType(val))
         throw new TypeException(string.Format("got a {0} where a {1} was required{2}",
                                               val.GetType(), requiredType, desc == null ? null : " (" + desc + ")"));
Example #47
        private IEnumerable <InvalidValue> GetInvalidValues(object entity, HashSet <object> circularityState, ICollection <object> activeTags)
            if (entity == null || circularityState.Contains(entity))
                return(EmptyInvalidValueArray);                //Avoid circularity

            if (!entityType.IsInstanceOfType(entity))
                throw new ArgumentException("not an instance of: " + entity.GetType());
                (EntityInvalidValues(entity, activeTags)
                 .Concat(MembersInvalidValues(entity, null, activeTags))
                 .Concat(GetChildrenInvalidValues(entity, circularityState, activeTags)));
 private static void checkCorrectType(ICollection coll, Type t)
     foreach (object o in coll)
         if (!t.IsInstanceOfType(o))
             throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast object to type: " + t.FullName);
Example #49
 protected override void OnValueChanging(ValueChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.NewValue != null && !_attributeType.IsInstanceOfType(e.NewValue))
         throw new ArgumentException($"Value {e.NewValue} is not of expected type {_attributeType.Name}.");
Example #50
 // -- Many thanks to Bea Stollnitz, on whose blog I found the original C# version of below in a drag-drop helper class...
 public static FrameworkElement FindVisualAncestor(System.Type ancestorType, System.Windows.Media.Visual visual)
     while ((visual != null && !ancestorType.IsInstanceOfType(visual)))
         visual = (System.Windows.Media.Visual)System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual);
Example #51
		public static FrameworkElement FindAncestor(Type ancestorType, Visual visual)
			while (visual != null && !ancestorType.IsInstanceOfType(visual))
				visual = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual);
			return visual as FrameworkElement;
Example #52
        public Instruction Ancestor(System.Type type)
            Instruction ins = m_parent;

            while (ins != null && !(type.IsInstanceOfType(ins)))
                ins = ins.Parent;
            return(ins);            // may be null!
Example #53

        #region Implementation - System.Collections.IList<ItemBase>
        void IList <T> .Insert(int index, T item)
            // Validate
            if (_readOnly || _fixedSize)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            if (_itemType != null && !_itemType.IsInstanceOfType(item))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (!(item is IItem))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // Insert
            this.BaseInsert(index, (T)item);
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws an exception if the value is not valid for the dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void ValidateValue(object element, System.Type type)
     if (element != null)
         if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(element))
             throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(INVALID_TYPE, element.GetType(), "value"));
        internal static object QueryStateObject(System.Type t, int controlID)
            object o = GUIStateObjects.s_StateCache[controlID];

            if (t.IsInstanceOfType(o))
Example #56
        //Adds an TableItem to the list
        public virtual int Add(TableItem value)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("TableItem parameter cannot be null reference.", "value");
            if (!mBaseType.IsInstanceOfType(value) && !value.GetType().IsSubclassOf(mBaseType))
                throw new ArgumentException("Items added to this collection must be of or inherit from type '" + mBaseType.ToString());

            int index = List.Add(value);

            if (!mSuspendEvents && InsertItem != null)
                InsertItem(this, new TableItemsEventArgs((TableItem)value));

 public bool IsInstance(object obj)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HibernateException("could not get handle to entity-name as interface : " + e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws an exception if the element is not valid for the collection.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void ValidateElement(object element)
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(INVALID_VALUE, element));

            if (!_elementType.IsInstanceOfType(element))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(INVALID_TYPE, element.GetType()));
Example #59
        public static Component AddIfMissing(this GameObject targetObject, System.Type interfaceType, System.Type concreteType)
            foreach (Component c in targetObject.GetComponents <Component>())
                if (interfaceType.IsInstanceOfType(c))

            return(targetObject.AddComponent(concreteType) as Component);
Example #60
        public static bool InterfaceFilterCallback(System.Type type, object criteria)
            foreach (System.Type interfaceName in (System.Type[])criteria)
                if (type.IsInstanceOfType(interfaceName))
