Example #1
        public static System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D SetTilt(
            this System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D matrix, double tilt)
            Vector3D translation = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(matrix.OffsetX, matrix.OffsetY, matrix.OffsetZ);

             * var orientation = matrix.GetOrientation();
             * var spin = matrix.GetSpin();
             * var newMatrix = new Matrix3D();
             * newMatrix = newMatrix.RotateOTS(new Vector3D(orientation, tilt,spin));
             * newMatrix.Translate(translation);
             * return newMatrix;*/

            // backoff translation
            matrix.Translate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(-translation.X, -translation.Y, -translation.Z));
            Vector3D localX = matrix.Transform(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(1, 0, 0));

            // backoff exiting tilt
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(localX, matrix.GetTilt() * -1.0));
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(localX, tilt));
            // add back translation
Example #2
        public static System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D SetOrientation(this System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D matrix, double orientationDegrees)
            Vector3D translation = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(matrix.OffsetX, matrix.OffsetY, matrix.OffsetZ);

            // backoff translation
            matrix.Translate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(-translation.X, -translation.Y, -translation.Z));

            // back off any existing Z rotation
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1), matrix.GetOrientation() * -1.0));
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1), orientationDegrees));
            // add back translation
Example #3
    static void Main(string[] args)
      navigationMatrix = new Matrix3D();
      navigationMatrix.Translate(new Vector3D(0, 100, 110));
      navigationMatrix.Scale(new Vector3D((double)1 / 5, (double)1 / 5, (double)1 / 5));

      displayProfile = new Bin[Bin.RANGEL, Bin.RANGEA, Bin.RANGEB];
      for (int l = 0; l < Bin.RANGEL; l++)
        for (int a = 0; a < Bin.RANGEA; a++)
          for (int b = 0; b < Bin.RANGEB; b++)
            displayProfile[l, a, b] = new Bin(l, a, b);

      PopulateProfile(displayProfile, navigationMatrix);

      String path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + PATH_TO_VIDEO;
      if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))

      //Opens the movie file
      capture = new Capture(path);
      double fps = capture.GetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);

      //Reads frame by frame
      Timer timer = new Timer(1000 / fps);
      timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// LookAtRH
        /// </summary>
        /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb281711(v=vs.85).aspx
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Matrix3D SetViewMatrix(Point3D cameraPosition, Vector3D lookDirection, Vector3D upDirection)
            // Normalize vectors:
            double dotProduct = Vector3D.DotProduct(lookDirection, upDirection);
            // Define vectors, XScale, YScale, and ZScale:
            double denom = Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(dotProduct, 2));
            Vector3D XScale = Vector3D.CrossProduct(lookDirection, upDirection) / denom;
            Vector3D YScale = (upDirection - dotProduct * lookDirection) / denom;
            Vector3D ZScale = lookDirection;

            // Construct M matrix:
            Matrix3D M = new Matrix3D()
                M11 = XScale.X, M12 = YScale.X, M13 = ZScale.X,
                M21 = XScale.Y, M22 = YScale.Y, M23 = ZScale.Y,
                M31 = XScale.Z, M32 = YScale.Z, M33 = ZScale.Z

            // Translate the camera position to the origin:
            Matrix3D translateMatrix = new Matrix3D();
            translateMatrix.Translate(new Vector3D(-cameraPosition.X, -cameraPosition.Y, -cameraPosition.Z));
            // Define reflect matrix about the Z axis:
            Matrix3D reflectMatrix = new Matrix3D();
            reflectMatrix.M33 = -1;

            // Construct the View matrix:
            Matrix3D viewMatrix = translateMatrix * M * reflectMatrix;
            return viewMatrix;
Example #5
        public static System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D SetSpin(
            this System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D matrix, double spin)
            Vector3D translation = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(matrix.OffsetX, matrix.OffsetY, matrix.OffsetZ);

            // backoff translation
            matrix.Translate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(-translation.X, -translation.Y, -translation.Z));

            Vector3D localZ = matrix.Transform(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1));

            // backoff existing spin
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(localZ, matrix.GetSpin() * -1.0));
            matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(localZ, spin));
            // add back translation
Example #6
 static void SetupMatrices()
     mx1 = new Matrix3D();
     mx1.Translate(new Vector3D(0, -2.4, 0));
     mx2 = new Matrix3D();
     mx3 = new Matrix3D();
     mx3.Translate(new Vector3D(0, 2.4, 0));
     mx4 = new Matrix3D();
     mx4.Translate(new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));
Example #7
 public static Matrix3D GetLocalToParent(IDictionary dictionary)
     var matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
     if (dictionary != null)
         var rotations = Helpers.IDictionaryHelper.GetRotationsXYZ(dictionary);
         matrix3D = Helpers.Matrix3DHelper.RotateXYZ(new Matrix3D(), Helpers.IDictionaryHelper.GetRotationsXYZ(dictionary));
     return matrix3D;
Example #8
        private static Transform3D GetTransform3D(IDictionary source, IFactory factory)
            // transform should NOT include Scale
            ITranslation itranslation = null;
            IRotations irotations = null;
            if (factory != null)
                itranslation = factory.Create<ITranslation>(source,null);
                irotations = factory.Create<IRotations>(source,null);
                var matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
                if (irotations != null) matrix3D = IMatrix3DHelper.RotateXYZ(new Matrix3D(), irotations.RotationsXYZ);
                if (itranslation != null) matrix3D.Translate(itranslation.Translation);

                if (!matrix3D.IsIdentity)
                    return new MatrixTransform3D { Matrix = matrix3D };
            return null;
Example #9
        public static IMatrix3D FromIDictionary(IDictionary source, IFactory factory_in)
            IFactory factory = factory_in;
            if (factory == null) factory = Node.Net.Factories.Deprecated.Factory.Default;
            var matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
            var irotations = factory.Create<IRotations>(source,null);
            if (irotations == null) irotations = Node.Net.Factories.Deprecated.Factory.Default.Create<IRotations>(source,null);
            var iscale = factory.Create<IScale>(source,null);
            //if (iscale == null) iscale = Node.Net.Factories.Factory.Default.Create<IScale>(source);
            var itranslation = factory.Create<ITranslation>(source,null);
            if (itranslation == null) itranslation = factory.Create<ITranslation>(source,null);
            if (irotations != null)
                matrix3D = RotateXYZ(new Matrix3D(), irotations.RotationsXYZ);
            if (iscale != null) matrix3D.Scale(iscale.Scale);
            if (itranslation != null) matrix3D.Translate(itranslation.Translation);

            if (!matrix3D.IsIdentity)
                return new ConcreteMatrix3D { Matrix3D = matrix3D };
            return new ConcreteMatrix3D();
Example #10
        public void TestOriginFinder(int sampleSize)
            double error = 0;
            double totalDur = 0;
            Random randomMaker = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            double maxErr = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                Point3D[] standardPoints = new Point3D[]
                    new Point3D(0, 0.5, 1.5), //top
                    new Point3D(0.5, 0.5, 1.5), //right
                    new Point3D(0, 0.5, 2), //front
                    new Point3D(-0.5, 0.25, 1.5) //back

                Point3D[] capturePoints = new Point3D[standardPoints.Length];

                Matrix3D matrix = new Matrix3D();

                //matrix.Translate(new Vector3D(0, 10, 0));

                double size = 1;
                matrix.RotateAt(new Quaternion(new Vector3D((randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * size,
                                                                                                        (randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * size,
                                                                                                        randomMaker.NextDouble() * size),
                                                                                                        (randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * 360),
                                                                             new Point3D(0, 0, 0));

                matrix.Translate(new Vector3D((randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * size,
                                                                            (randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * size,
                                                                            (randomMaker.Next(1) - 1) * randomMaker.NextDouble() * size));

                for (int i = 0; i < standardPoints.Length; i++)
                    capturePoints[i] = matrix.Transform(standardPoints[i]);

                testOrigin = matrix.Transform(new Point3D());
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                Point3D newOrigin = this.BruteForceEstimateOrigin(standardPoints, capturePoints, 5);
                TimeSpan end = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - start;
                int duration = (int)end.TotalSeconds;
                totalDur += duration;
                Vector3D og = new Vector3D(testOrigin.X, testOrigin.Y, testOrigin.Z);
                Vector3D offset = new Vector3D(testOrigin.X - newOrigin.X, testOrigin.Y - newOrigin.Y, testOrigin.Z - newOrigin.Z);
                error += offset.Length;
                if (maxErr < offset.Length)
                    maxErr = offset.Length;
                    Console.WriteLine("Max Error: {1}", j, Math.Round(maxErr, 6));
            double avgErr = error / sampleSize;
            double avgDur = totalDur / sampleSize;
            Console.WriteLine("Average Error: {0}\t Max Error: {1}", avgErr, maxErr);
 internal override void Append(ref Matrix3D matrix)
     matrix.Translate(new Vector3D(_cachedOffsetXValue, _cachedOffsetYValue, _cachedOffsetZValue));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the point cloud by a given value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx">Up to three co-ords</param>
        public void translate(double[] tx)
            if (tx.Length == 3) {
                //turn the transformation vector into and object
                TranslateTransform3D translation = new TranslateTransform3D(tx[0], tx[1], tx[2]);

                //pull out the entire tree
                PARSE.ICP.PointRGB[] pts = this.getAllPoints();

                //create a new kd tree
                KdTree.KDTree newPoints = new KdTree.KDTree(3);

                //iterate over every point and translate + jam in new tree
                foreach(PARSE.ICP.PointRGB point in pts) {

                    //perform the new translation which does appear to work.
                    Matrix3D mtx = new Matrix3D();
                    mtx.Translate(new Vector3D(tx[0], tx[1], tx[2]));

                    //complete translation
                    Point3D newPoint = mtx.Transform(point.point);

                    //check if the x, y and z max and min coords need updating
                    //check min values
                    if (newPoint.X < minx) { minx = newPoint.X; }
                    if (newPoint.Y < miny) { miny = newPoint.Y; }
                    if (newPoint.Z < minz) { minz = newPoint.Z; }

                    //check max values
                    if (newPoint.X > maxx) { maxx = newPoint.X; }
                    if (newPoint.Y > maxy) { maxy = newPoint.Y; }
                    if (newPoint.Z > maxz) { maxz = newPoint.Z; }

                    //jam into the tree
                    double[] key = new double[3] { newPoint.X, newPoint.Y, newPoint.Z };
                    newPoints.insert(key, new PARSE.ICP.PointRGB(newPoint, point.r, point.g, point.b));

                    //perform the old translation method which doesn't appear to work.
                    //point.point.Offset(tx[0], tx[1], tx[2]);
                    //double[] key = new double[3]{point.point.X, point.point.Y, point.point.Z};
                    //newPoints.insert(key, point);

                //replace the old kd tree with the new one
                this.points = newPoints;
            else {
                //probably want to throw an exception here
        public void UpdateOrCreateJoint(Joint joint)
            int segments = 5;
            double jointRadius = 0.07;
            double boneRadius = 0.03;

            int jointId = (int)joint.ID;
            int connectedToJoint = SkeletonMetadata.BoneConnectionMapping[jointId];
            _jointPositions[jointId] = new Vector3D(joint.Position.X, joint.Position.Y, joint.Position.Z);

            // Create new 3d cube for the joint if not yet existing
            GeometryModel3D model;
            if (_joints[jointId] != null)
                model = _joints[jointId];
                model = Model3DFactory.CreateNormalizedSphere(defaultMaterial, segments);
                _joints[jointId] = model;

                if (connectedToJoint >= 0)
                    GeometryModel3D cylinder = Model3DFactory.CreateNormalizedCylinder(defaultMaterial, segments);
                    _bones[jointId] = cylinder;

            // Performance improvement: not using a transformation group, but multiply
            // matrices first and use a single MatrixTransform3D
            var matrix = new Matrix3D();
            matrix.Scale(new Vector3D(jointRadius, jointRadius, jointRadius));
            matrix.Translate(new Vector3D(joint.Position.X, joint.Position.Y, joint.Position.Z));

            // Update position and the material/color (based on current tracking state), color right shoulder blue
            if (joint.ID == JointID.ShoulderRight)
                model.Material = rightShoulderIndicatorMaterial;
                model.Material = _trackingStateMaterials[joint.TrackingState];
            model.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(matrix);

            if (connectedToJoint >= 0)
                GeometryModel3D bone = _bones[jointId];
                Vector3D boneStart = _jointPositions[jointId];
                Vector3D boneEnd = _jointPositions[connectedToJoint];
                Vector3D boneCenter = (boneStart + boneEnd) / 2;
                Vector3D boneVector = boneEnd - boneStart;

                // Again, compute a single transformation matrix and apply it to each bone
                var boneMatrix = new Matrix3D();
                boneMatrix.Scale(new Vector3D(boneRadius, boneRadius, boneVector.Length));
                boneMatrix.Rotate(GetQuaternionFromVectors(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), boneVector));

                bone.Material = _trackingStateMaterials[joint.TrackingState];
                bone.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(boneMatrix); ;
Example #14
        private void UpdateCameraMatrix()
            // right-handed coordinates

            #if false
            // front view
            var eye = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, -CameraDistance);
            var at = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            var up = new Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            var lookAt = WWMatrixUtil.CalculateLookAt(eye, at, up);
            // virtual trackball
            var cameraRot = mVirtualTrackball.RotationMatrix();
            var cameraTranslate = new Matrix3D();
            cameraTranslate.Translate(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, -mCameraDistanceCurrent));
            var cameraMat = cameraTranslate * cameraRot;
            var lookAt = cameraMat;

            var viewProjectionMatrix = WWMatrixUtil.CreatePerspectiveProjectionMatrix(mCameraNear, mCameraDistanceCurrent * 2.0, CameraFovHDegree, 1.0);

            mWorldProjectionMatrix = lookAt * viewProjectionMatrix;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// パーティクルの描画設定をまとめて行います。
        /// </summary>
        public override void RenderParticles(IEnumerable<Particle> particles)

            foreach (var particle in particles)
                if (particle.Brush != null)
                    var opacity = (double)((particle.Color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0;

                    particle.Brush.Opacity = EffectObject.InheritedOpacity * opacity;

                if (particle.Material != null)
                    var em = particle.Material as EmissiveMaterial;
                    if (em != null)
                        em.Color = ToColor(particle.Color);
                        var dm = particle.Material as DiffuseMaterial;
                        if (dm != null)
                            dm.Color = ToColor(particle.Color);

                // 行列変換
                var m = new Matrix3D();

                if (particle.Scale != 1.0)
                    m.Scale(new Vector3D(particle.Scale, particle.Scale, 1.0));

                if (particle.Rotation != 0.0)
                    double rot = MathEx.ToDeg(particle.Rotation);
                    m.Rotate(new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), rot));

                m.Translate(new Vector3D(particle.X, particle.Y, -15.0));

                particle.Model.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(m);
Example #16
 internal override void Append(ref Matrix3D matrix)
     matrix.Translate(new Vector3D(_cachedOffsetXValue, _cachedOffsetYValue, _cachedOffsetZValue));
        private Matrix3D calculateTranslationMatrix(double x, double y, double z)
            Matrix3D matrix = new Matrix3D();
            matrix.Translate(new Vector3D(x, y, z));

            return matrix;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a transform matrix representing the transform of the robot model
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Matrix3D GetTransformMatrix()
            Matrix3D mat = new Matrix3D();
            Vector3D offset = new Vector3D(-OriginX, -OriginY, -OriginZ);
            Vector3D xAxis = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
            Quaternion roll = new Quaternion(xAxis, OriginR * 180 / Math.PI);
            Vector3D yAxis = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
            Quaternion pitch = new Quaternion(yAxis, OriginP * 180 / Math.PI);
            Vector3D zAxis = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
            Quaternion yaw = new Quaternion(zAxis, OriginW * 180 / Math.PI);

            RobotInfo.WriteToLogFile("Transform Matrix Created");
            return mat;
Example #19
		public static MatrixTransform3D Offset(Transform3D transform, double x, double y, double z)
			//Model3DGroup rlt = new Model3DGroup();
			Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D();
			MatrixTransform3D origin = transform as MatrixTransform3D;
			TranslateTransform3D tns = new TranslateTransform3D(x, y, z);
			m.Translate(new Vector3D(x, y, z));
			return new MatrixTransform3D(Matrix3D.Multiply(origin.Matrix, m));
			//Transform3DGroup grp = new Transform3DGroup();
			//grp.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(x, y, z));
			//return grp;
Example #20
        private void MainForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            #region Create source data.

            for (int i = 0; i < pointsCountForFill; ++i) {
                this.sourcePoints[i] = new Point3D(
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)),
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)),
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)));
            for (int i = pointsCountForFill; i < pointsCount; ++i) {
                this.sourcePoints[i] = new Point3D(
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)),
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)),
                    this.rand.Next(Math.Max(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height)));

            #endregion Create source data.

            #region Create target data.

            Matrix3D matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
            matrix3D.Translate(new Vector3D(10, 50, 20));
            matrix3D.RotateAt(new Quaternion(new Vector3D(2, 9, 1), 20), new Point3D(30, 30, 70));
            matrix3D.Translate(new Vector3D(10, 50, 20));
            matrix3D.RotateAt(new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 3, 5), -5), new Point3D(10, 0, 10));

            Console.WriteLine("{0,30}{1,30}{2,30}{3,30}", matrix3D.M11, matrix3D.M21, matrix3D.M31, matrix3D.OffsetX);
            Console.WriteLine("{0,30}{1,30}{2,30}{3,30}", matrix3D.M12, matrix3D.M22, matrix3D.M32, matrix3D.OffsetY);
            Console.WriteLine("{0,30}{1,30}{2,30}{3,30}", matrix3D.M13, matrix3D.M23, matrix3D.M33, matrix3D.OffsetZ);

            for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i) {
                this.targetPoints[i] = matrix3D.Transform(this.sourcePoints[i]);

            Point3D[] sourcePointsToFill = new Point3D[pointsCountForFill];
            Point3D[] targetPointsToFill = new Point3D[pointsCountForFill];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsCountForFill; ++i) {
                sourcePointsToFill[i] = this.sourcePoints[i];
                targetPointsToFill[i] = this.targetPoints[i];
            AffineCoorTransformator ct = new AffineCoorTransformator();
            ct.Fill(sourcePointsToFill, targetPointsToFill);

            double[] matrix = ct.MatrixCopy;
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < AffineCoorTransformator.dim; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < AffineCoorTransformator.dimExt; ++j) {
                    Console.Write("{0,30}", matrix[index]);

            #endregion Create target data.

            double[] error = new double[pointsCount];
            double totalError = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i) {
                this.targetPointsRes[i] = ct.Transform(this.sourcePoints[i]);

                error[i] = (this.targetPointsRes[i] - this.targetPoints[i]).Length;
                Console.WriteLine("Error {0}: {1}.", i, error[i]);
                totalError += error[i];
            double totalErrorMax = pointsCount * eps * Math.Sqrt(AffineCoorTransformator.dim);
            Console.WriteLine("Max: {0}. Current: {1}. Middle: {2}", totalErrorMax, totalError, totalError / pointsCount);

Example #21
 private void ComposeMatrix()
     if (_decomposeDirty)
         _matrix = Matrix3D.Identity;
         _decomposeDirty = false;
Example #22
        private void RedrawRoom()
            DrawModel(mRoom.RoomModel, Matrix3D.Identity, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White));

            Matrix3D listenerMatrix = new Matrix3D();
            DrawModel(mRoom.ListenerModel, listenerMatrix, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray));

            for (int i = 0; i < WWRoom.NUM_OF_SPEAKERS; ++i) {
                var pos = mRoom.SpeakerPos(i);
                var dir = mRoom.SpeakerDir(i);
                Vector3D posV = new Vector3D(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
                Vector3D at = new Vector3D(pos.X +dir.X, pos.Y + dir.Y, pos.Z + dir.Z);
                Vector3D up = new Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

                Matrix3D speakerMatrixInv = WWMatrixUtil.CalculateLookAt(posV, at, up);
                var speakerMatrix = speakerMatrixInv;

                DrawModel(mRoom.SpeakerModel, speakerMatrix, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray));
Example #23
 private Matrix3D SetTransformMatrix(double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, int rotateAroundX)
     Matrix3D resultMatrix = new Matrix3D();
     resultMatrix.Rotate(new Quaternion(new Vector3D(10, 0, 0), -rotateAroundX));
     resultMatrix.Translate(new Vector3D(offsetX, offsetY, -offsetZ));
     return resultMatrix;
Example #24
        protected virtual void NewTransform()
            if (lockCount != 0)

            Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D();
            m.Scale(new Vector3D(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ));
            m.Translate(new Vector3D(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z));
            Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(m);
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate data of transformator by using source and target points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePoints">Source points.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPoints">Target points.</param>
        public void Fill(Point3D[] sourcePoints, Point3D[] targetPoints)
            Debug.Assert(sourcePoints.Length == targetPoints.Length);
            int length = Math.Min(sourcePoints.Length, targetPoints.Length);

            if (length == 0) {

            #region Find base.

            int baseIndex = 1;
            Vector3D[] sourceBbase = new Vector3D[dimExt];
            Vector3D[] targetBbase = new Vector3D[dimExt];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                sourceBbase[0] += (Vector3D)sourcePoints[i];
                targetBbase[0] += (Vector3D)targetPoints[i];
            sourceBbase[0] /= length; targetBbase[0] /= length;

            Vector3D sourceVector = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D targetVector = new Vector3D();
            for (int i = 0; i < length && baseIndex < dimExt; ++i) {
                sourceVector = (Vector3D)sourcePoints[i] - sourceBbase[0];
                targetVector = (Vector3D)targetPoints[i] - targetBbase[0];
                for (int j = 1; j < baseIndex; ++j) {
                    sourceVector -= Vector3D.DotProduct(sourceVector, sourceBbase[j]) * sourceBbase[j];
                    targetVector -= Vector3D.DotProduct(targetVector, targetBbase[j]) * targetBbase[j];
                if (sourceVector.LengthSquared > sqrEps && targetVector.LengthSquared > sqrEps) {
                    sourceBbase[baseIndex] = sourceVector;
                    targetBbase[baseIndex] = targetVector;

            #endregion Find base.

            if (baseIndex == 1) {
                this.matrix[0, dim] = targetBbase[0].X - sourceBbase[0].X;
                this.matrix[1, dim] = targetBbase[0].Y - sourceBbase[0].Y;
                this.matrix[2, dim] = targetBbase[0].Z - sourceBbase[0].Z;

            if (baseIndex == 2) {
                // TODO: (R) Bad code. :-(
                Matrix3D matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
                matrix3D.Translate(targetBbase[0] - sourceBbase[0]);
                matrix3D.Rotate(new Quaternion(Vector3D.CrossProduct(sourceBbase[1], targetBbase[1]), Vector3D.AngleBetween(sourceBbase[1], targetBbase[1])));
                this.MatrixCopy = new double[dim * dimExt]
                    matrix3D.M11, matrix3D.M21, matrix3D.M31, matrix3D.OffsetX,
                    matrix3D.M12, matrix3D.M22, matrix3D.M32, matrix3D.OffsetY,
                    matrix3D.M13, matrix3D.M23, matrix3D.M33, matrix3D.OffsetZ

            if (baseIndex == 3) {
                sourceBbase[3] = Vector3D.CrossProduct(sourceBbase[1], sourceBbase[2]);
                targetBbase[3] = Vector3D.CrossProduct(targetBbase[1], targetBbase[2]);

            int fictiveLength = baseIndex == 3 ? 1 : 0;
            double[,] sourcePointsCopy = new double[length + fictiveLength, dimExt];
            double[,] targetPointsCopy = new double[length + fictiveLength, dimExt];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                sourcePointsCopy[i, 0] = sourcePoints[i].X;
                sourcePointsCopy[i, 1] = sourcePoints[i].Y;
                sourcePointsCopy[i, 2] = sourcePoints[i].Z;
                sourcePointsCopy[i, 3] = 1;
                targetPointsCopy[i, 0] = targetPoints[i].X;
                targetPointsCopy[i, 1] = targetPoints[i].Y;
                targetPointsCopy[i, 2] = targetPoints[i].Z;
                targetPointsCopy[i, 3] = 1;
            if (fictiveLength > 0) {
                sourcePointsCopy[length, 0] = sourceBbase[0].X + sourceBbase[3].X;
                sourcePointsCopy[length, 1] = sourceBbase[0].Y + sourceBbase[3].Y;
                sourcePointsCopy[length, 2] = sourceBbase[0].Z + sourceBbase[3].Z;
                sourcePointsCopy[length, 3] = 1;
                targetPointsCopy[length, 0] = targetBbase[0].X + targetBbase[3].X;
                targetPointsCopy[length, 1] = targetBbase[0].Y + targetBbase[3].Y;
                targetPointsCopy[length, 2] = targetBbase[0].Z + targetBbase[3].Z;
                targetPointsCopy[length, 3] = 1;

            this.Fill(sourcePointsCopy, targetPointsCopy);