Example #1
        private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName)
            Type providerType = this.GetType();
            MethodInfo[] methods = providerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            EventAttribute defaultEventAttribute = new EventAttribute(0);
            int eventId = 1;        // The number given to an event that does not have a explicitly given ID. 
            m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length];
            ManifestBuilder manifest = new ManifestBuilder(Name, Guid, providerDllName); 
            // Collect task, opcode, keyword and channel information
            FieldInfo[] staticFields = providerType.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
            if (staticFields.Length > 0)
                foreach (FieldInfo staticField in staticFields)
                    Type staticFieldType = staticField.FieldType;
                    if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventOpcode)) 
                        manifest.AddOpcode(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); 
                    else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventTask))
                        manifest.AddTask(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); 
                    else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventKeywords))
                        manifest.AddKeyword(staticField.Name, (ulong)(long)staticField.GetRawConstantValue());
                    else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventChannel))
                        manifest.AddChannel(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); 
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                MethodInfo method = methods[i];
                ParameterInfo[] args = method.GetParameters();

                // Get the EventDescriptorInternal (from the Custom attributes) 
                EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, typeof(EventAttribute), false);
                // Methods that don't return void can't be events. 
                if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                    if (eventAttribute != null && DoDebugChecks())
                        throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + method.Name + " which does not return 'void'");
                if (method.IsVirtual || method.IsStatic)
                if (eventAttribute == null)
                    // If we explictly mark the method as not being an event, then honor that.
                    if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null) 
                    defaultEventAttribute.EventId = eventId; 
                    defaultEventAttribute.Opcode = EventOpcode.Info;
                    defaultEventAttribute.Task = EventTask.None; 
                    eventAttribute = defaultEventAttribute;
                else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal."); 
                if (eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info && eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None) 
                    eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode)(10 + eventAttribute.EventId);
                manifest.StartEvent(method.Name, eventAttribute);
                for (int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < args.Length; fieldIdx++)
                    manifest.AddEventParameter(args[fieldIdx].ParameterType, args[fieldIdx].Name);

                if (DoDebugChecks()) 
                    DebugCheckEvent(method, eventAttribute); 
            m_eventsByName = null;

            return manifest.CreateManifest(); 
Example #2
        private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName)
            Type type = base.GetType();

            MethodInfo[]   methods   = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            EventAttribute attribute = new EventAttribute(0);
            int            num       = 1;

            this.m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length];
            ManifestBuilder builder = new ManifestBuilder(this.Name, this.Guid, providerDllName);

            FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            if (fields.Length > 0)
                foreach (FieldInfo info in fields)
                    Type fieldType = info.FieldType;
                    if (fieldType == typeof(EventOpcode))
                        builder.AddOpcode(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(EventTask))
                        builder.AddTask(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(EventKeywords))
                        builder.AddKeyword(info.Name, (ulong)((long)info.GetRawConstantValue()));
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(EventChannel))
                        builder.AddChannel(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue());
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                MethodInfo      element        = methods[i];
                ParameterInfo[] parameters     = element.GetParameters();
                EventAttribute  eventAttribute = (EventAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(EventAttribute), false);
                if (element.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                    if ((eventAttribute != null) && this.DoDebugChecks())
                        throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + element.Name + " which does not return 'void'");
                    if (!element.IsVirtual && !element.IsStatic)
                        if (eventAttribute == null)
                            if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null)
                                goto Label_0297;
                            attribute.EventId = num;
                            attribute.Opcode  = EventOpcode.Info;
                            attribute.Task    = EventTask.None;
                            eventAttribute    = attribute;
                        else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal.");
                        if ((eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info) && (eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None))
                            eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode)(10 + eventAttribute.EventId);
                        builder.StartEvent(element.Name, eventAttribute);
                        for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                            builder.AddEventParameter(parameters[j].ParameterType, parameters[j].Name);
                        if (this.DoDebugChecks())
                            this.DebugCheckEvent(element, eventAttribute);
                    Label_0297 :;
            this.m_eventsByName = null;
 private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName)
     Type type = base.GetType();
     MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
     EventAttribute attribute = new EventAttribute(0);
     int num = 1;
     this.m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length];
     ManifestBuilder builder = new ManifestBuilder(this.Name, this.Guid, providerDllName);
     FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
     if (fields.Length > 0)
         foreach (FieldInfo info in fields)
             Type fieldType = info.FieldType;
             if (fieldType == typeof(EventOpcode))
                 builder.AddOpcode(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue());
             else if (fieldType == typeof(EventTask))
                 builder.AddTask(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue());
             else if (fieldType == typeof(EventKeywords))
                 builder.AddKeyword(info.Name, (ulong) ((long) info.GetRawConstantValue()));
             else if (fieldType == typeof(EventChannel))
                 builder.AddChannel(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue());
     for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
         MethodInfo element = methods[i];
         ParameterInfo[] parameters = element.GetParameters();
         EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(EventAttribute), false);
         if (element.ReturnType != typeof(void))
             if ((eventAttribute != null) && this.DoDebugChecks())
                 throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + element.Name + " which does not return 'void'");
             if (!element.IsVirtual && !element.IsStatic)
                 if (eventAttribute == null)
                     if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null)
                         goto Label_0297;
                     attribute.EventId = num;
                     attribute.Opcode = EventOpcode.Info;
                     attribute.Task = EventTask.None;
                     eventAttribute = attribute;
                 else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0)
                     throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal.");
                 if ((eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info) && (eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None))
                     eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode) (10 + eventAttribute.EventId);
                 builder.StartEvent(element.Name, eventAttribute);
                 for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                     builder.AddEventParameter(parameters[j].ParameterType, parameters[j].Name);
                 if (this.DoDebugChecks())
                     this.DebugCheckEvent(element, eventAttribute);
     this.m_eventsByName = null;
     return builder.CreateManifest();