GetAttributes() public static method

Gets a collection of attributes for the specified type of component.
public static GetAttributes ( Type componentType ) : AttributeCollection
componentType System.Type
return AttributeCollection
Example #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieves custom attributes.
            /// </summary>
            internal AttributeCollection GetAttributes()
                // Worst case collision scenario:  we don't want the perf hit
                // of taking a lock, so if we collide we will query for
                // attributes twice. Not a big deal.
                if (_attributes == null)
                    // Obtaining attributes follows a very critical order: we must take care that
                    // we merge attributes the right way. Consider this:
                    // [A4]
                    // interface IBase;
                    // [A3]
                    // interface IDerived;
                    // [A2]
                    // class Base : IBase;
                    // [A1]
                    // class Derived : Base, IDerived
                    // Calling GetAttributes on type Derived must merge attributes in the following
                    // order:  A1 - A4. Interfaces always lose to types, and interfaces and types
                    // must be merged in the same order. At the same time, we must be careful
                    // that we don't always go through reflection here, because someone could have
                    // created a custom provider for a type. Because there is only one instance
                    // of ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider created for typeof(object), if our code
                    // is invoked here we can be sure that there is no custom provider for
                    // _type all the way up the base class chain.
                    // We cannot be sure that there is no custom provider for
                    // interfaces that _type implements, however, because they are not derived
                    // from _type. So, for interfaces, we must go through TypeDescriptor
                    // again to get the interfaces attributes.

                    // Get the type's attributes. This does not recurse up the base class chain.
                    // We append base class attributes to this array so when walking we will
                    // walk from Length - 1 to zero.
                    Attribute[] attrArray = ReflectGetAttributes(_type);
                    Type        baseType  = _type.BaseType;

                    while (baseType != null && baseType != typeof(object))
                        Attribute[] baseArray = ReflectGetAttributes(baseType);
                        Attribute[] temp      = new Attribute[attrArray.Length + baseArray.Length];
                        Array.Copy(attrArray, temp, attrArray.Length);
                        Array.Copy(baseArray, 0, temp, attrArray.Length, baseArray.Length);
                        attrArray = temp;
                        baseType  = baseType.BaseType;

                    // Next, walk the type's interfaces. We append these to
                    // the attribute array as well.
                    int    ifaceStartIdx = attrArray.Length;
                    Type[] interfaces    = _type.GetInterfaces();
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < interfaces.Length; idx++)
                        Type iface = interfaces[idx];

                        // Only do this for public interfaces.
                        if ((iface.Attributes & (TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.NestedPublic)) != 0)
                            // No need to pass an instance into GetTypeDescriptor here because, if someone provided a custom
                            // provider based on object, it already would have hit.
                            AttributeCollection ifaceAttrs = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(iface);
                            if (ifaceAttrs.Count > 0)
                                Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrArray.Length + ifaceAttrs.Count];
                                Array.Copy(attrArray, temp, attrArray.Length);
                                ifaceAttrs.CopyTo(temp, attrArray.Length);
                                attrArray = temp;

                    // Finally, put all these attributes in a dictionary and filter out the duplicates.
                    OrderedDictionary attrDictionary = new OrderedDictionary(attrArray.Length);

                    for (int idx = 0; idx < attrArray.Length; idx++)
                        bool addAttr = true;
                        if (idx >= ifaceStartIdx)
                            for (int ifaceSkipIdx = 0; ifaceSkipIdx < s_skipInterfaceAttributeList.Length; ifaceSkipIdx++)
                                if (s_skipInterfaceAttributeList[ifaceSkipIdx].IsInstanceOfType(attrArray[idx]))
                                    addAttr = false;

                        if (addAttr && !attrDictionary.Contains(attrArray[idx].TypeId))
                            attrDictionary[attrArray[idx].TypeId] = attrArray[idx];

                    attrArray = new Attribute[attrDictionary.Count];
                    attrDictionary.Values.CopyTo(attrArray, 0);
                    _attributes = new AttributeCollection(attrArray);

Example #2
 public AttributeCollection GetAttributes() => NativeTypeDesc.GetAttributes(_entityType, true);
Example #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieves the editor for the given base type.
            /// </summary>
            internal object GetEditor(object instance, Type editorBaseType)
                EditorAttribute typeAttr;

                // For instances, the design time object for them may want to redefine the
                // attributes. So, we search the attribute here based on the instance. If found,
                // we then search on the same attribute based on type. If the two don't match, then
                // we cannot cache the value and must re-create every time. It is rare for a designer
                // to override these attributes, so we want to be smart here.
                if (instance != null)
                    typeAttr = GetEditorAttribute(TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(_type), editorBaseType);
                    EditorAttribute instanceAttr = GetEditorAttribute(TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(instance), editorBaseType);
                    if (typeAttr != instanceAttr)
                        Type editorType = GetTypeFromName(instanceAttr.EditorTypeName);
                        if (editorType != null && editorBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(editorType))
                            return(CreateInstance(editorType, _type));

                // If we got here, we return our type-based editor.
                lock (this)
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < _editorCount; idx++)
                        if (_editorTypes[idx] == editorBaseType)

                // Editor is not cached yet. Look in the attributes.
                object editor = null;

                typeAttr = GetEditorAttribute(TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(_type), editorBaseType);
                if (typeAttr != null)
                    Type editorType = GetTypeFromName(typeAttr.EditorTypeName);
                    if (editorType != null && editorBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(editorType))
                        editor = CreateInstance(editorType, _type);

                // Editor is not in the attributes. Search intrinsic tables.
                if (editor == null)
                    Hashtable intrinsicEditors = GetEditorTable(editorBaseType);
                    if (intrinsicEditors != null)
                        editor = SearchIntrinsicTable(intrinsicEditors, _type);

                    // As a quick sanity check, check to see that the editor we got back is of
                    // the correct type.
                    if (editor != null && !editorBaseType.IsInstanceOfType(editor))
                        Debug.Fail($"Editor {editor.GetType().FullName} is not an instance of {editorBaseType.FullName} but it is in that base types table.");
                        editor = null;

                if (editor != null)
                    lock (this)
                        if (_editorTypes == null || _editorTypes.Length == _editorCount)
                            int newLength = (_editorTypes == null ? 4 : _editorTypes.Length * 2);

                            Type[]   newTypes   = new Type[newLength];
                            object[] newEditors = new object[newLength];

                            if (_editorTypes != null)
                                _editorTypes.CopyTo(newTypes, 0);
                                _editors.CopyTo(newEditors, 0);

                            _editorTypes = newTypes;
                            _editors     = newEditors;

                            _editorTypes[_editorCount] = editorBaseType;
                            _editors[_editorCount++]   = editor;
