Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Liquidizes the child properties of an object for displaying debug information about fields available for lava templates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">an object.</param>
        /// <param name="levelsDeep">The levels deep.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="entityHistory">The entity history.</param>
        /// <param name="parentElement">The parent element.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static object LiquidizeChildren( this object myObject, int levelsDeep = 0, RockContext rockContext = null, Dictionary<int, List<int>> entityHistory = null, string parentElement = "" )
            // Add protection for stack-overflow if property attributes are not set correctly resulting in child/parent objects being evaluated in loop
            if ( levelsDeep > 6)
                return string.Empty;

            // If the object is liquidable, get the object return by its ToLiquid() method.
            if ( myObject is DotLiquid.ILiquidizable )
                myObject = ( (DotLiquid.ILiquidizable)myObject ).ToLiquid();

            // If the object is null, return an empty string
            if ( myObject == null )
                return string.Empty;

            // If the object is a string, return its value converted to HTML and truncated
            if ( myObject is string )
                return myObject.ToString().Truncate( 50 ).EncodeHtml();

            // If the object is a guid, return its string representation
            if ( myObject is Guid )
                return myObject.ToString();

            // Get the object's type ( checking for a proxy object )
            Type entityType = myObject.GetType();
            if ( entityType.IsDynamicProxyType() )
                entityType = entityType.BaseType;

            // If this is an IEntity, check to see if it's already been liquidized in prev heirarchy. If so, just return string indicating "--See Previous Entry--"
            if ( myObject is IEntity )
                var entity = myObject as IEntity;
                var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Read( entityType, false, rockContext );
                if ( entity != null && entityTypeCache != null )
                    if ( entityHistory == null )
                        entityHistory = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
                    entityHistory.AddOrIgnore( entityTypeCache.Id, new List<int>() );
                    if ( entityHistory[entityTypeCache.Id].Contains( entity.Id ) )
                        return "--See Previous Entry--";
                        entityHistory[entityTypeCache.Id].Add( entity.Id );

            // If the object is a Liquid Drop object, return a list of all of the object's properties
            if ( myObject is Drop )
                var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                foreach ( var propInfo in entityType.GetProperties(
                          BindingFlags.Public |
                          BindingFlags.Instance |
                          BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly ) )
                    if ( propInfo != null )
                            result.Add( propInfo.Name, propInfo.GetValue( myObject, null ).LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory ) );
                        catch ( Exception ex )
                            result.Add( propInfo.Name, ex.ToString() );

                return result;

            // If the object has the [LiquidType] attribute, enumerate the allowed properties and return a list of those properties
            if ( entityType.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( LiquidTypeAttribute ), false ).Any() )
                var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                var attr = (LiquidTypeAttribute)entityType.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( LiquidTypeAttribute ), false ).First();
                foreach ( string propName in attr.AllowedMembers )
                    var propInfo = entityType.GetProperty( propName );
                        if ( propInfo != null )
                                result.Add( propInfo.Name, propInfo.GetValue( myObject, null ).LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory, parentElement + "." + propName ) );
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                result.Add( propInfo.Name, ex.ToString() );

                return result;

            // If the object is a Rock Liquidizable object, call the object's AvailableKeys method to determine the properties available.
            if ( myObject is Lava.ILiquidizable )
                var liquidObject = (Lava.ILiquidizable)myObject;

                var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                foreach ( var key in liquidObject.AvailableKeys )
                    // Ignore the person property of the person's primary alias (prevent unnecessary recursion)
                    if ( key == "Person" && parentElement.Contains( ".PrimaryAlias" ) )
                        result.AddOrIgnore( key, string.Empty );
                            object propValue = liquidObject[key];
                            if ( propValue != null )
                                result.Add( key, propValue.LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory, parentElement + "." + key ) );
                                result.AddOrIgnore( key, string.Empty );
                        catch ( Exception ex )
                            result.AddOrIgnore( key, ex.ToString() );

                // Add the attributes if this object has attributes
                if ( liquidObject is Rock.Attribute.IHasAttributes )
                    var objWithAttrs = (Rock.Attribute.IHasAttributes)liquidObject;
                    if ( objWithAttrs.Attributes == null )
                        rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();
                        objWithAttrs.LoadAttributes( rockContext );

                    var objAttrs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    foreach ( var objAttr in objWithAttrs.Attributes )
                        var attributeCache = objAttr.Value;
                        string value = attributeCache.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, objWithAttrs.GetAttributeValue( attributeCache.Key ), attributeCache.QualifierValues, false );
                        objAttrs.Add( attributeCache.Key, value.Truncate( 50 ).EncodeHtml() );

                    if ( objAttrs.Any() )
                        result.Add( string.Format( "Attributes <p class='attributes'>Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using <code>{{{{ {0} | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}}}</code>.</p>", parentElement ), objAttrs );

                return result;

            if ( myObject is IDictionary<string, object> )
                var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                foreach ( var keyValue in ( (IDictionary<string, object>)myObject ) )
                        result.Add( keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value.LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory, keyValue.Key ) );
                    catch ( Exception ex )
                        result.Add( keyValue.Key, ex.ToString() );

                return result;

            if ( myObject is Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject )
                var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                var jObject = myObject as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject;

                foreach ( var keyValue in jObject )
                        result.Add( keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value.LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory, keyValue.Key ) );
                    catch ( Exception ex )
                        result.Add( keyValue.Key, ex.ToString() );

                return result;

            if ( myObject is Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue )
                var jValue = ( myObject as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue );
                if ( jValue != null && jValue.Value != null )
                    return jValue.Value.ToString();
                    return string.Empty;

            if ( myObject is IEnumerable )
                var result = new List<object>();

                // Only show first two items in an enumerable list
                int iEnumCount = 1;
                foreach ( var value in ( (IEnumerable)myObject ) )
                    if ( iEnumCount > 2 )
                        result.Add( "..." );
                        result.Add( value.LiquidizeChildren( levelsDeep, rockContext, entityHistory, parentElement ) );
                    catch { }


                return result;

            return myObject.ToStringSafe();
Example #2
        private Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> GetPersonData()
            var personData = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>();

            if ( this.PersonIdField != null )
                // The ToList() is potentially needed for Linq cases.
                var keysSelected = SelectedKeys.ToList();
                string dataKeyColumn = this.DataKeyNames.FirstOrDefault();

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( dataKeyColumn ) && this.DataSource is DataTable || this.DataSource is DataView )
                    DataTable data = null;

                    if ( this.DataSource is DataTable )
                        data = (DataTable)this.DataSource;
                    else if ( this.DataSource is DataView )
                        data = ( (DataView)this.DataSource ).Table;

                    foreach ( DataRow row in data.Rows )
                        if ( !keysSelected.Any() || keysSelected.Contains( row[dataKeyColumn] ) )
                            int? personId = null;
                            var mergeValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            for ( int i = 0; i < data.Columns.Count; i++ )
                                if ( data.Columns[i].ColumnName == this.PersonIdField )
                                    personId = row[i] as int?;

                                if ( CommunicateMergeFields.Contains( data.Columns[i].ColumnName ) )
                                    mergeValues.Add( data.Columns[i].ColumnName, row[i].ToString() );

                            // Add the personId if none are selected or if it's one of the selected items.
                            if ( personId.HasValue )
                                personData.AddOrIgnore( personId.Value, mergeValues );
                    // get access to the List<> and its properties
                    IList data = (IList)this.DataSource;
                    if ( data != null )
                        Type oType = data.GetType().GetProperty( "Item" ).PropertyType;

                        PropertyInfo personIdProp = oType.GetProperty( this.PersonIdField );
                        PropertyInfo idProp = oType.GetProperty( dataKeyColumn );

                        foreach ( var item in data )
                            if ( personIdProp == null )
                                personIdProp = item.GetType().GetProperty( this.PersonIdField );
                            if ( idProp == null )
                                idProp = item.GetType().GetProperty( dataKeyColumn );

                            if ( personIdProp != null && idProp != null )
                                int personId = (int)personIdProp.GetValue( item, null );
                                int id = (int)idProp.GetValue( item, null );

                                // Add the personId if none are selected or if it's one of the selected items.
                                if ( !keysSelected.Any() || keysSelected.Contains( id ) )
                                    var mergeValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                                    foreach ( string mergeField in CommunicateMergeFields )
                                        object obj = item.GetPropertyValue( mergeField );
                                        if ( obj != null )
                                            mergeValues.Add( mergeField.Replace( '.', '_' ), obj.ToString() );

                                    personData.AddOrIgnore( personId, mergeValues );

            return personData;