Example #1
        //Rebinds the adapter of the recyler view to one suitable for navigation
        public static RecyclerView configureRecyclerViewForNavigation(Itinerary itinerary, RecyclerView recyclerView)
            //Creates a new adapter with for the steps, allows the layout in the recycler view to be changed from the one used in route selection
            StepRowAdapter adapter = new StepRowAdapter(itinerary.Legs);

Example #2
        private void updateNavigationUiTripInformationWindows(int currentStep, StepRowAdapter adapter)
            //Gets the iconId, instruction, and distance from the adapter
            int    iconId      = adapter.IconId(currentStep);
            String instruction = adapter.InstructionText(currentStep);
            String distance    = adapter.DistanceText(currentStep);

            //Sets the top bar instruction, distance, and icon to the same values
            FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.turnInstruction).Text  = instruction;
            FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.stepDistanceText).Text = distance;
            FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.navigationUiImage).SetImageResource(iconId);