/// <summary>
        /// Runs the trigger sequence. After a specified delay, it will invoke
        /// the abstract 'OnTrigger' method.
        /// </summary>
        protected void RunTriggerSequence()
            var seq = StratusActions.Sequence(this.gameObject.Actions());

            StratusActions.Delay(seq, this.delay);
            StratusActions.Call(seq, this.OnTrigger);
            StratusActions.Call(seq, () => onTriggered(this));
Example #2
        // Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows/hides this window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="show"></param>
        /// <param name="onFinished"></param>
        public void Transition(bool show, System.Action onFinished = null)
            if (debug)
                StratusDebug.Log(show, this);

            if (!show)

            canvas.blocksRaycasts = show;
            canvas.interactable   = show;
            pollingInput          = show;

            currentSeq = StratusActions.Sequence(this);

            // Fade the canvas
            StratusActions.Property(currentSeq, () => canvas.alpha, show ? 1f : 0f, transitionSpeed, Ease.Linear);
            StratusActions.Call(currentSeq, () => { visible = false; });

            // Optionally, select the default button
            if (defaultSelected)
                //Trace.Script($"Selecting {defaultSelected.name}", this);
                if (show)
                    StratusActions.Call(currentSeq, () => eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(defaultSelected.gameObject));

            // Optionally, reset the state of all other selectables
            if (controlSelectables)
                foreach (var selectable in selectables)
                    if (selectable == defaultSelected)


            // Now invoke any callbacks
            if (onFinished != null)
                StratusActions.Call(currentSeq, () => { onFinished(); });