/// <summary>
 /// Convenience constructor that support passing in an existing Transaction for an open Connection; whereby
 /// the Sql DB Schema Loader will be resolved internally using the SqlBulkHelpersSchemaLoaderCache manager.
 /// NOTE: With this overload the resolve ISqlBulkHelpersDBSchemaLoader will be resolved for this unique Connection,
 ///         as an internally managed cached resource for performance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlConnection"></param>
 /// <param name="sqlTransaction"></param>
 /// <param name="timeoutSeconds"></param>
 protected BaseSqlBulkHelper(SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = null, int timeoutSeconds = DefaultBulkOperationTimeoutSeconds)
     //For safety since a Connection was passed in then we generally should immediately initialize the Schema Loader,
     //      because this connection or transaction may no longer be valid later.
     this.SqlDbSchemaLoader           = SqlBulkHelpersSchemaLoaderCache.GetSchemaLoader(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, true);
     this.BulkOperationTimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor that support passing in an SqlConnection Provider which will enable deferred (lazy) initialization of the
 /// Sql DB Schema Loader and Schema Definitions internally. the Sql DB Schema Loader will be resolved internally using
 /// the SqlBulkHelpersSchemaLoaderCache manager for performance.
 /// NOTE: With this overload the resolve ISqlBulkHelpersDBSchemaLoader will be resolved for this unique Connection,
 ///         as an internally managed cached resource for performance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlBulkHelpersConnectionProvider"></param>
 /// <param name="timeoutSeconds"></param>
 protected BaseSqlBulkHelper(ISqlBulkHelpersConnectionProvider sqlBulkHelpersConnectionProvider, int timeoutSeconds = DefaultBulkOperationTimeoutSeconds)
     this.SqlDbSchemaLoader           = SqlBulkHelpersSchemaLoaderCache.GetSchemaLoader(sqlBulkHelpersConnectionProvider);
     this.BulkOperationTimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;