Example #1
        // update all object members on a row in table based on primary key
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ce75e72e-fb16-4f4e-a2e6-dbd079dfa206
        public void Update(CrudeAddressContract contract)
            var data = new CrudeAddressData();

            ContractToData(contract, data);
Example #2
        // update all object members on a row in table based on primary key, on a transaction
        // the transaction and or connection state is not changed in any way other than what SqlClient does to it.
        // it is the callers responsibility to commit or rollback the transaction
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/b798ad6b-f4b8-466a-9086-6588a814fcf3
        public void Update(CrudeAddressContract contract, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction)
            var data = new CrudeAddressData();

            ContractToData(contract, data);
            data.Update(connection, transaction);
Example #3
        // insert all object members as a new row in table
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/75aad010-e6aa-4f19-a6e5-597456aa20d8
        public void Insert(CrudeAddressContract contract)
            var data = new CrudeAddressData();

            ContractToData(contract, data);
Example #4
        // fetch all rows from table into new List of Contracts, filtered by any column
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ce01ef4a-5cd0-4e51-b211-9c0a15b791a0
        public List <CrudeAddressContract> FetchWithFilter(System.Guid addressId, string addressTypeRcd, string addressOne, string addressTwo, string addressThree, string city, string street, string state, string district, string province, string zipCode, string poBox, string comment, System.Guid userId, System.DateTime dateTime)
            var list = new List <CrudeAddressContract>();
            List <CrudeAddressData> dataList = CrudeAddressData.FetchWithFilter(
                addressId: addressId,
                addressTypeRcd: addressTypeRcd,
                addressOne: addressOne,
                addressTwo: addressTwo,
                addressThree: addressThree,
                city: city,
                street: street,
                state: state,
                district: district,
                province: province,
                zipCode: zipCode,
                poBox: poBox,
                comment: comment,
                userId: userId,
                dateTime: dateTime

            foreach (CrudeAddressData data in dataList)
                var crudeAddressContract = new CrudeAddressContract();
                DataToContract(data, crudeAddressContract);

Example #5
        // fetch by Primary key into current object
        // links:
        //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/bbab4791-c9e7-49bf-90d5-fca19b1fedaa
        // parameters:
        //  addressId: primary key of table address
        public CrudeAddressContract FetchByAddressId(System.Guid addressId)
            var dataAccessLayer = new CrudeAddressData();
            var contract        = new CrudeAddressContract();

            DataToContract(dataAccessLayer, contract);

Example #6
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects to a List of SOAP Contracts
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/7467f97d-14e5-4ccf-9282-ef8df4f63088
        public static List <CrudeAddressContract> DataListToContractList(List <CrudeAddressData> dataList)
            var contractList = new List <CrudeAddressContract>();

            foreach (CrudeAddressData data in dataList)
                var contract = new CrudeAddressContract();
                DataToContract(data, contract);

Example #7
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects to a List of SOAP Contracts,
        //  with a limit on number of returned rows and order by columns, starting at a specific row
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/3fe9f1b3-97b6-4f58-a0f2-adfcbd973bfc
        public List <CrudeAddressContract> FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(int limit, int offset)
            var list = new List <CrudeAddressContract>();
            List <CrudeAddressData> dataList = CrudeAddressData.FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(limit, offset);

            foreach (CrudeAddressData crudeAddress in dataList)
                var contract = new CrudeAddressContract();
                DataToContract(crudeAddress, contract);

Example #8
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects in CrudeAddressData to a List of SOAP Contracts
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/9204c68e-93b8-4c77-af3c-3181985ff75f
        public List <CrudeAddressContract> FetchAll()
            var list = new List <CrudeAddressContract>();
            List <CrudeAddressData> dataList = CrudeAddressData.FetchAll();

            foreach (CrudeAddressData crudeAddress in dataList)
                var contract = new CrudeAddressContract();
                DataToContract(crudeAddress, contract);

Example #9
 // copy all columns from a serialized data object to a SOAP Contract
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/7553d6dd-da65-4a72-84c8-81f2f99ef4f5
 public static void DataToContract(CrudeAddressData data, CrudeAddressContract contract)
     contract.AddressId      = data.AddressId;
     contract.AddressTypeRcd = data.AddressTypeRcd;
     contract.AddressOne     = data.AddressOne;
     contract.AddressTwo     = data.AddressTwo;
     contract.AddressThree   = data.AddressThree;
     contract.City           = data.City;
     contract.Street         = data.Street;
     contract.State          = data.State;
     contract.District       = data.District;
     contract.Province       = data.Province;
     contract.ZipCode        = data.ZipCode;
     contract.PoBox          = data.PoBox;
     contract.Comment        = data.Comment;
     contract.UserId         = data.UserId;
     contract.DateTime       = data.DateTime;
Example #10
 // copy all columns from a SOAP Contract to a serialized data object
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/10700d38-2227-4021-be12-2f4f206f5dd9
 public static void ContractToData(CrudeAddressContract contract, CrudeAddressData data)
     data.AddressId      = contract.AddressId;
     data.AddressTypeRcd = contract.AddressTypeRcd;
     data.AddressOne     = contract.AddressOne;
     data.AddressTwo     = contract.AddressTwo;
     data.AddressThree   = contract.AddressThree;
     data.City           = contract.City;
     data.Street         = contract.Street;
     data.State          = contract.State;
     data.District       = contract.District;
     data.Province       = contract.Province;
     data.ZipCode        = contract.ZipCode;
     data.PoBox          = contract.PoBox;
     data.Comment        = contract.Comment;
     data.UserId         = contract.UserId;
     data.DateTime       = contract.DateTime;