Example #1
        private static void CheckBox(Level level, Array2D<int> noBoxMap, Array2D<bool> simpleDeadlockMap, Coordinate2D coord)
            // Check whether we've visited this square before.
            if (noBoxMap[coord] == 0)

            // This square is not a no-box square.
            noBoxMap[coord] = 0;

            // Recursively check for other squares that are not no-box squares.
            foreach (Direction direction in Direction.Directions)
                // Get parallel and perpendicular offsets.
                Coordinate2D parallel = direction;
                Coordinate2D perpendicular = Coordinate2D.Transpose(parallel);

                // Check whether we can move the box to the new position.
                if (level.IsFloor(coord - parallel) && level.IsFloor(coord + parallel))
                    Coordinate2D oldBoxCoord = coord;
                    Coordinate2D newBoxCoord = coord + parallel;

                    // Check for the special case of no influence pushes that lead to deadlocks.
                    bool specialCase = false;
                    while (level.IsWall(oldBoxCoord + perpendicular) &&
                        level.IsWall(oldBoxCoord - perpendicular) &&
                        ((level.IsWall(newBoxCoord + perpendicular) &&
                        level.IsWallOrEmpty(newBoxCoord - perpendicular)) ||
                        (level.IsWallOrEmpty(newBoxCoord + perpendicular) &&
                        level.IsWall(newBoxCoord - perpendicular))))
                        if (level.IsTarget(newBoxCoord))
                        if (!level.IsFloor(newBoxCoord) || simpleDeadlockMap[newBoxCoord])
                            specialCase = true;

                        oldBoxCoord += parallel;
                        newBoxCoord += parallel;

                    // Otherwise recursively check for more squares.
                    if (!specialCase)
                        CheckBox(level, noBoxMap, simpleDeadlockMap, coord + parallel);